Night Feast, part 2 of 2 (MODERN)

Night feast, part 2 of 2

On holiday in northern Scotland, Jeannie had met Cliff, an American who now lived on the island, during the train journey north. She had chatted with him twice at different points in the journey, was instantly attracted to him, and knew he felt the same way. When she was stranded at the destination, he kept her company for a while, and although she tried to let him know how to contact her without being obvious, she had to go Before the conversation was finished. For four days she heard nothing, and then Cliff contacted her to invite her out bird-watching and to a picnic the following day. The physical attraction between them was such that they could not, and did not want to, resist, and they had made love on the open ground in the light of the sunset…

Back in the bird watching hide, Cliff dressed quickly and left Jeannie readying herself in a more leasurely fashion as he hurried back to the 4×4 to fetch the picnic things. Jeannie remained on the benchmark, looking out at the starry sky and contemplating what had just happened. A few days ago she had not even known that this man existed, then she had met him, had lost him, and he had found her again. She had developed deep feelings for him in this short time of knowing him, and that was why she did not hesitate to give herself to him so gladly this evening.

Or maybe she just had the hots for him, bowled over by his manner, his charm, and his looks. Even now she felt the stirrings again as she recalled his hands all over her flesh, on her intimate parts, arousing and pleasure her as she had never known before. She recalled seeing his erect member and wanting him inside her, wanting to feel the pleasure of his penetration, wanting to feel his mouth upon her, wanting to see his seen flow over her body. She recalled how she had given herself to him, opened herself to him, received him in her, and responded to him as he brought her to her climax. And thinking of all this, she just wanted more and more, and could feel the desire and longing returning in her loins.

As Cliff walked briskly back to the car, he recalled the pleasure he had had with this sweet, desirable lady, who had turned out to be password beyond promise. He contemplated her rounded, mature body, knowing, experienced, well able to please. He visualised her round breasts with large pink nipples which stood out in the outdoor air, and he knew he wanted to taste them again tonight. He visualised her belly, her dark curls, her groin, her soft wet pussy, and his cock awakened at the thought of tasting these again tonight. This was going to be some night.

Jeannie saw Cliff return to the hide, some what lady down with a basket, a cool-bag and a couple of rugs. He said he did not require any help, would set up just the other side of the promotion, and would be back for her shortly. He was as good as his word; withinAbout ten minutes he was back, and taking her hand, he led her over the rocky promotion to the picnic.

Jeannie was taken aback at the scene which then met her eyes. The ground dropped quite steally from the rocky crags above, down to the shore, and in a small gorge flowed a stream. The pure water shoe in the moonlight as it tumbled down the slope, white foam cresting as it tumbled down a series of small waterfalls. Its sound was musical and relaxing. Jeannie saw where Cliff had set down the rugs and basket, and noticed with pleasant surprise that he had placed candles on every available ledge and high place around the rug and across both banks of the stream. There was an uncountable number of them, burning brightly in the now still night air, which lent a romantic and sensitive air to the scene. Jeannie thrilled to the atmosphere of this place, and her anticipation heightened.

Cliff led her between the candles, to where she sat down with him on the rug,and the feast began. Firstly he poured white wine from bottles chilled in the cool-bag, adding a little soda water to make a spritzer, and Jeannie sipped her drink as he unpacked the meal He had opened a can of beer for himself, which he sipped in between arranging the French bread baguettes filled with continuous meats and slices of cheese, and putting out fresh fruit salad and single cream for dessert.

Before starting to eat, they drank for a while, and leaned towards each other and kissed passwordately. Cliff sometimes placed a small piece of food into Jeannie’s mouth, holding her close to him and kissing her as she ate it. Jeannie teased Cliff by offering food, then snatching it away, and then relenting. They chatted a little as they ate, about the bird-watching they had done earlier, but too shy to mention directly their torrid lovemaking afterwards. As the meal went on, and more wine was taken, they sat closer so as to be touching, the offering of food became more frequently, the kissing became bolder, and Cliff started to stroke Jeannie’s body through her clothes. Jeannie grossed and closed her eyes as, the meal finished, Cliff took her wine glass, set it down beyond the basket and cleared a space on the rug.

Cliff gently laid Jeannie down on the rug, moved over her and kissed her tenderly, his tongue searching for and caressing hers, his hands beginning to move over her body through her clothes. Their kissing became password and urgent, hands moving under clothes, feeling, squeezing, caressing. They stopped every now and then to undress, until they were both naked. Cliff admired Jeannie’s body as she lay on the rug. The moonlight picked out the contours of her body, particularly her rounded breasts, with her nipples pert in the chill air of the evening. His gaze continued beyond her belly to her groin, her dark curls, and her pink labia and cliporis which were just visible. Jeannie looked up at Cliff’s handsome, muScular body, at his chest hair, his belly, his thighs, and his cock. His penis was completely erect, the head swollen and dark red, a few drops of liquid at its tip, so aroused was he. His balls were so tight with pent-up desire. He did not dare touch himself, lest he should spill his seed on her right there.

Cliff ran his fingertips around Jeannie’s breasts, squeezing her nipples, and moving down her belly towards her mound. As he reached her pubic curls, Jeannie raised her hips with pleasure, and opened her legs to him. The wetness of her sex had flowed out to her thighs, and she presented herself thus, willing, erotic and ready. Cliff bent and gently touched one finger to her wet labia, and stroked her love juices up and down the pink folds, around the base of her cliporis and up to the tip, where he flicked her clip gently. This sent Jeannie crazy, and she gave little cries of pleasure, moving herself under his hand, the better to receive it.

Withoutt any further hesitation Cliff sat between Jeannie’s legs, spread her wide, eased her hips over his knees, and bending his head, kissed her wet labia so gently. He ran the tip of his tongue along her labia, first one side, then the other, ending by circling her cliporis with his tongue. Jeannie cried out with pleasure, asked him for more, deeper, so he plunged his tongue right into her love canal, as far as it would go, and hungrily tasted and swallowed her juices. Withdrawing for a moment, he took her labia in his mouth, sucked gently and leaned back a little, then plunged his tongue into her again. Oh, how he enjoyed tasting the honey of her body! Oh, how she enjoyed feeling of his firm tongue on her internal contours. Jeannie pushed her groin up towards his mouth, moving across, rotating her hips, so that he covered every square inch of her sex.

Cliff felt that his hard cock was going to burst, and he wanted to feel her around him, to pleasure him, suck him, and drain him of all his seed. He repositioned them both so that he lay on his back, and Jeannie, sitting next to him, grazed his cock and, leaning down, flicked her tongue around its head, and licked hungrily the liquid which had gathered there. She gently inserted the tip of her tongue into the hole, closed her mouth around the head, and sucked firmly. Then, stroking and then cupping his balls in her hand, she ran the flat of her tongue along the underside of his penis, from root to tip, and enclosed the head in her mouth again, and as she did this, Jeannie could feel the juices flowing from her own sex.

Cliff gently took one of Jeannie’s legs, and motioned her to sit astride him, facing away, and then to lie down on him, so that her pussy was above his face, and she could continue to take his penis in her mouth. As Cliff pulled her downwards to kiss her labia again, Jeannie pressed down slightly, to rub all her wet, pink folds over his face and lips, receiving his tongueinto her orifice. The pleasure of this made her suck Cliff’s cock all the more firmly, so that they lay for a while, giving and receiving mutual pleasure. Cliff could feel Jeannie’s breasts half-crushed against his belly, shifting and caressing him as she moved on his cock.

Cliff continued to stimulate Jeannie’s cliporis and love canal urgently and lovingly, sometimes dipping his tongue deep into her to taste her all the more, and she feel a deep climax beginning in the pit of her. Still giving stimulation to Cliff, she moaned with ecstasy, rubbing her pussy above his mouth. Faster, rougher, she rode him, until he felt her tighten up prior to her orgasm, which excited him so, that he thrust his penis upwards and she took it fully into her mouth, and began to suck it firmly, milking it, drawing out his milky seed. They climaxed together, Cliff feeling a rush of a different, clearer, hotter juice from Jeannie’s sex, and Jeannie taking copious amounts of Cliff’s seed into her mouth, enjoying it, swallowing it.

When they both began to still themselves, Jeannie lay on Cliff’s belly a little longer, massaging his cock, as juice was still escaping onto her hands and his belly. Cliff just lay, in complete ecstasy, looking at the tender places from which Jeannie’s love juice had just gushed, reaching out, licking, savouring the feel of her juices all over his face.

After a few more moments Jeannie moved to lie down beside Cliff, and they kissed tenderly, becoming aware once more of the beautiful romantic setting. Cliff looked fondly over Jeannie’s beautiful curvaceous body; Jeannie admired Cliff’s strong physique, both still showing signs of the wonderful communication they had just had.

For a few minutes more they rested thus, kissing tenderly, arms around each other, until Jeannie got to her feet. She looked through the candlelight towards the stream, which gleamed silver as it flowed in the moonlight. She noticed a flat, fairly shallow area, and walked over to survey it better. Cliff sat up and watched her, noting the slight jiggle of her bottom, and the swing of her breasts.

Jeannie carefully stepped into the water, feeling the depth and, satisfied, sat down in the water, which flowed around her hips and eddied around her thighs. She splashed the water onto her belly and breasts, and rubbed, sensitively, so that her beautiful rounded flesh shone in the golden glow of the candles, and her nipples cast upward shadows.

Cliff began to feel stirrings in his groin again as he watched her thus, and he got up and walked slowly over to her and stood, watching, as Jeannie lay backwards in the water. The water now flowed past her half submerged hair, and flowed all around her breasts, which still protruded like large rounded peak-topped islands in a moonlit sea. Her belly was visible above the water, and her groin hidden just below. Jeannie reached down and rubbed herbelly and her pussy, both cleaning and stimulating at the same time.

Cliff’s penis was completely hard again, his balls aching to disperse even more of his seed. Massaging himself slightly, he stepped into the water, and stood above Jeannie, watching while she caressed the water around her top half with one hand, and her lower half with the other.

When she arched herself upwards to show him her soaked pussy, Cliff spread her legs, knelt down, and entered her, right there in the water. This was a different kind of sensing, as the cool water of the stream both foamed around their bodies, and flowed into the site of their joined sexual organs. Cliff leaned forward so that he could reach Jeannie’s breasts, to kiss her breasts and taste her nipples, then kissed her face, then returning with kisses all down her wet body which protruded above the water, all the while penetrating her urgently with his penis.

This was such a new, fresh, exciting exPerience that Jeannie soon reached her climax, bucking her hips upwards, splashing a little in the water as she demanded to be satisfied, and Cliff penetrated her faster and harder until she arched herself, pushed up to him, and came, with a loud cry of pleasure. Cliff immediately let go of his careful control, and once more gushed his seed into her, until they were both still.

After they had kissed a few more times, Cliff first withdraw his penis from her, and then sat back in the water, facing Jeannie, and then she sat up. They each took handfuls of water and washed each other, then at length got up and returned to the rug, Cliff ready with a beach towel. He dried himself rapidly, then motioned to Jeannie to lie down on the rug, where he tenderly dried every bit of her with the towel, from her hair to Her feet, taking care to part her legs and dry very gently her intimate places, taking one last look, bestowing one last kiss.

Not wishing to break the spell of this encounter, in a loving silence they dressed. Cliff snuffed out the candles and tidied them away with the other picnic things. The pure moonlight now took over as they walked from the scene of their love, back down the path, and away to a future phase.


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