The Pursuit (fiction)

The Pursuit
Themes: Female mastubation, lesbians, plump
Dedicated to my girlfriend

I felt my heart racing, it was finally coming true. The moment I had been waiting for all this time was finally going to happen. Jeacia was finally coming down to visit. Our friend had started a year after I graduated from high school and moved to the city to keep a promise to my mother.

Jeacia was this thin and beautiful redhead who was the same height as me with a mouth like a sailor on shore leave. I had seen her in the library but never had the nerve to talk to her outside of a shy friendly smile. I used to go to the library so I could use the internet as did she. One day, I was sitting and reading a dirty story for a person, correcting their spelling as I went along when I felt a cool hand on my shoulder. I panicked, thinking a library caught me then I looked up to her gorgeous green eyes. She smiled down at me and told me the story lookedgreat, she pulled up a chair and asked if she could just sit and watch me online. I was nervous as hell, I am a very private person but I consented. She sat for the hour just talking to me about everything from anime to video games. Her laugh made me feel weak and she laughed a lot. My time was up so I thanked her for the company and started home. To my shock, she sped up to join me. I thought I was dreaming, a beautiful girl was at my side. I looked to her and she was shiver so I took off my coat and demanded she wear it until we went our seperate ways. My body warmth instantly took the chill from her skin. We kept walking and chatting until we were nearly to my house when it began to snow. She looked up a street and told me this was her stop and handed me my coat back. We bidded fairwell and I watched as she walked up the road, snow dusting her beautiful form. I couldn’t move, I was instantly in love with her. I thought I would never see her again, but everyday, she was thereat the library waiting for me.

One spring day, I waited for her on the steps of the library, I was going to make my move and tell her how I felt. I even bought her roses for this occasion. After a while, she realized I was sitting outside and told me to come in. I came in and saw a sleaze of a guy drawn around her. She introduced him as her boyfriend, my heart sank deeply as I faked a smile. I realized there was no chance for a fat girl like me to have the copper haired goddess. As soon as they left the library, I went home. I had no interest in books or internet that day. I remained friendly to her, hoping to be content with her friend but it was always lacking. The scum dumped her eventually and I was there to comfort her but my brother started to pursue her… I backed off. She ended up with yet another slime… this one knocked her up and she married him. I packed my bags and went back to the country, not able to take the rejection anymore.

Yearspassed, we kept in touch and I would visit when her husband wasn’t home. He hated me with a password, I was a threat in his eyes. I wanted to be a threat, I wanted her for myself and be the man she needed but.. I wasn’t a man. I was just the sweet fat girl who wo men’s clothes. The final visit was in May, I came to tell her I was moving away to get married. I couldn’t forget the look in her beautiful eyes as the news hit her. She clung to me, begging me not to abandon her. I told her how I felt and she got stiff, she looked away as she told me she could never be a lesbian. I kissed her hand and left, I ran from her new house to my mother’s, not stopping and crying the whole way. I moved to the new state and immersed myself fully in being the wife to my husband. He knew how I felt for her, never did he fault me.

Late one night, I sat awake on messenger… thinking out a sex lady story to write when her screen name blinked to life. I went to logout but she messaged me, her husband wasn’t home and she felt lonely. I looked at my sleeping husband and then replied, asking if she needed a bed time story. She said yes, I wove a deeply involved story that was smutty just for her, using the characters that drive her wild. As I described the sensing of a touch the man did to the heroine, I would touch myself. Before too long, her typing got erratic, a sign I knew mean she was climaxing. She stopped responding to the story for a few minutes then thanked me for the writing.. she could sleep now.

I was now all worked up, knowing she was fingering herself to the story made my pussy quiver with want. I lifted my nighty so my legs were exposed and unbuttoned my top. I read and reread the story and her responses as my fingers trailed along my thighs. I shivered with exhaust delight as my nipples began to harden and my womanhood ache. I could hear her moan my name, beginning for pleasure, my fingers traced over my shaved pussy lips. The smooth skin was cool but the honey wetting them was hot. Slowly, a finger dipped into the soaked slip and massaged my clip in tiny slow circles. I leaned my head back, breathing deeply to keep from moaning too loud and my toes curled tightly into my foot. The joy nub was swelling as I thought of her fingers, dipping in and out of my creek and her sexy laugh. I bucked against the chair, imagining her with me as I grabbed a thin plastic bottle and started to fuck myself with it. I could see her pulling my legs around her trim waist and plunging deeply between my thighs with a straw on and her mouth on my nipple. Stabbing the makeshift dildo in and out of my sex hungered cunt, I felt my body tighten. I bit on the free hand to keep the sound down as my pussy erupted, I sat shaking and crying after the orgasm passed. I licked the bottle clean and stared at the computer screen a little longer. I had convinced myself I didn’t want her anymore yet now I needed her again.

We began roleplaying with each other, it would start off a simple game then would turn cyber sex. Her relationship with her own husband was failing and I was her only outlet. Right after the birth of their second child, he walked out on her. Like before, I comforted her and was always there for her. My brother caught wind of her freedom and chased her once again and the girl of my dreams… was in line to become my sister in law. Their relationship though… it was doomed to failure. During one cyber session, she called him by my name. He emailed me the next day and asked me to take care of her, he was losing the internet. I was doing my best to keep their love alive, I owed it to my brother but she dropped the bomb on me. She was breaking up with him because she was a lesbian. I felt terrible, once again, the girl I wanted was slipping away… that is until she told me she had loved me since that day in the library. I couldn’t speak or breathe, I kept making herrepeat what she said, I just couldn’t believe it. She told me a secret, any time she made love, she thought of me. Any time she fingered herself, she thought of me… I was the only thing that turned her on.

That was a year ago, I shook the cobwebs from my mind and finished packing up my stuff. I couldn’t wait to see her again, her flight as due soon and we were to meet at the hotel. I slammed my suitcase shut and smiled to my husband. He gave me a thumbs up and told me to have fun, I kissed his gently and told him to have fun with his boyfriend who was due soon as well. I got into the taxi and was off for the hotel. The drive felt like forever but relieved washed over me as the beautiful building came into view. I paid the driver and rushed inside to register. At the counter, there was a woman checking in with wide hips, long straked hair and the sexiest laugh. My throat closed up as she turned and shrieked, it was my Jeacia. She dove into my arms and clung tome, laughing and crying. She was a lot chubbier than the last time I held her but it didn’t matter one bit. She whispered into my ear that our room was ready and then nipped the lobe. Man… if I were a guy, I would be popping the most massive wood ever. She took me by hand as the bellboys carried our stuff up, they already had their tips so they dropped off the bags and left. I followed her to a suite and just stood in Shock at the extent of the trouble she went through.

As the door clicked behind me, her hands were tearing at my shirt, untying the laces and yanking the fabric off my shoulders to expose my large breasts. Her mouth found mine and kissed me brutally as my own hands started to free her from her constraining clothes. Our tongue teased and fought, biting each other and wrestling. I guided her to the bed and straddled her as she laid back, our soft bellies pressed together and the heat from the place I wanted to kiss and lick rose up to warm mine. I cupped her a breast of her’s, they were so much bigger than the ones of the girl I first craved. Now the nipples were tan from breast feeding the babies. I gently suck, my eyes locked on her’s as she whimpers my name. I feel my pussy dribble at that sound, she keeps moaning that she loves me. I reach between us and place my hand on her mound. I can feel the curly hairs against my palm as a finger eased in to find her clip. I climb off of her and knee on the floor as I start slowly torturing her for all the years she made me cry. Bucking and polith, she tried to get away but my fingers weave a wicked spell on her. She now is demanding I fuck her, my fingers twist together to make a fat cock, her dripping tunnel held open by her fingers welcomed the intrusion. She squirmed as the fingers slide inside, her scream was absolutely sinful as the fingers unfurled and ticckled the spongy g-spot. I began ramming my fingers in and out as my tongue bats at her clip. I suck on the nub of flesh as her hands mash my face into her pussy. I twist my hand as I fuck her with my fingers and her screams grow like a crecendo to an opera, her voice being pure music. Her muscles suddenly clenched tightly, her eyes were screwed shut as I felt her womanly juices bath my hand. I smile and kiss her furry lips before straddling her again so I could be face to face with her. I lick her flavour off my hand and she smiled that smile before joining me for a taste.

God… this is going to be a great weekend.


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