My First Gay Blowjob

It was more then twenty years ago, and I was only 22 at the time, but it was a night I will never forget. I went out after work one Friday night with some friends and we were really pounding the beers and laughing and having a good time.

The bar was just down the street from work so it was easy to get to and it usually had a lot of hot chicks on Friday nights who were wearing skin-tight clothes and looking to get laid. But that night I just was too engaged with my (male and female) friends from work to even try and hit on them. By the time it was closing we had all consumed more then our fair share of alcohol. We left the bar and each of us walked to our cars back at the company.

I got into my car and went to start it, but nothing happened. So I tried again, and again nothing happened. I tried a few more times but the car would not start. By now all of my co-workers had left and I was alone with no ride home — which was more then 10 milesaway. Unfortunately for me I had to walk home.

Even though it was late I decided to take a major road home, which was slightly out of the way. This way if anyone with a car came by I could stick out my thumb and try to hit-a-ride. So I started the long walk home.

As I walked home a few cars now-and-then would approach and I would eagerly stick out my thumb hoping to catch a ride with them, but the cars passed me by. However my luck changed when a little VW slowed down and pulled along side of me. The driver leaned over to the passenger side and asked if I needed a ride. I said “yes I do” and he opened the door so I could hop in. I had no idea just how my luck had changed. I had no idea that less then half-an-hour later I would be in this guy’s house giving him a blowjob — and enjoying it!

I got into the car and he started to drive off as he started a conversation with me. He asked where I was headed and so I told him, and he told me that he did not live far from me. As he talked he kept using his hands and would constantly tap my left tight as one would do if someone was not listening; but I was listening to him so I thought it a little wierd. But I noticed too that I was getting sexually excited by his hand gestures and thought that he might be gay. For the first time in my life I actually thought about sucking on another guys dick!

He continued his conversation and then rested his hand on my thigh, and I got even more excited. I was concerned that I would start to get really hard and then show through my pants — then what would he think? So I just came right out and asked him if he was gay.

He asked, “why?”. It was at that point that some late homosexual desire took over and completely caused me to respond to him the way I did — I said, “because I am curious about that and would like to try it”. WOW! — the cat was out-of-the-bag now!

He suggested we stopped at his place which was less then 2 blocks away, and I quickly agreed with him. Along the way he told me that he was very new to this and only tried it once before with a friend of his. I told him I had never tried it but was more then curious to try it. He pulled into his driveway and we went into the house.

Once inside he turned on some lights and offered me a beer, which I did not need after drinking for the last several hours, but I accepted his offer. He raised his beer in a salute and offered a toast to the night; I clicked his beer bottle with mine and nervously said yes. He stared into my eyes for a minute and then told me that I did not have to go through with this if I was not ready; he offered to take me home if I wanted. Now I really wanted to try this with him.

I stared back into his eyes for a moment, we were silent; images of me sucking his cock began to race through my brain, and I felt completely comfortable with him. I told him there was no need to take me home just yet because there was something I wanted to try before I go. He assured me that if I was uncomfortable with this that I did not have to go through with it.

I put my beer down and walked closer to where he was standing. I was kissing close when he put forth his hands to my face and drew me closer for a kiss; then his lips met mine. His tongue started to press against my lips but I did not open them. So he stopped and asked if everything was OK, I told him yes, everything is fine. But there was something else on my mind. When he asked me what I was thinking about I put my hands at his hips and said “let me show you”.

I unbuttoned his jeans and dropped to my knees. I started to slowly unzipper his pants and then pull them down. He was already getting a little stiff underneath his underwear so I slowly started to remove his underwear. As soon as he was fully exposed I pressed my lips to his navel just above his pubic hair and started kissing his navel with my tongue. It only took a few seconds until my hands were at his balls and I was guiding his cock into my mouth — IT FELT AWESOME!!! It felt so natural for his cock to be in my mouth, and it seemed I already knew how to please it.

I started moving my mouth around in every direction so I could feel the sensing of his cock in my mouth, and he was getting harder with each passing second as I was teasing him. It did not take long before he was completely hard and stiff.

By now I was making love to his cock — it was warm and stiff but the head was so soft and big! I started to concentrate on the head of his cock and it excited me everytime I felt the head of his cock pressing at my lips, just begging to get inside my mouth so I kept teasing this way until he forced himself into my mouth. Then he started humping my face by gliding his cock in and out of my mouth. It felt great and wesoon developed a rhythm where he was humping my face but I was also bobbing up and down his cock. So when he wanted to thrust forward I was ready to go down his long hard shake. He felt so good in my mouth and I had no idea that I would enjoy blowing another guy so much, but I did,

When he put his hands at the sides of my head and started moaning that he was “close” I suddenly realized that he will need to cum real soon, and he probably expects me to let him cum in my mouth! I wasn’t sure if I could handle that but I knew that I absolutely loved the feeling of his hard and hot cock in my mouth and I did not want him to pull out. By now he was close to his orgasm and he asked if he could cum in my mouth!

Slowly I moved my mouth to the head of his cock, using my tongue to tease him as I did, and then pressed the head of his cock to my lips as I looked up at him and said yes. As soon as I opened my mouth to speak his cock stiffened up to a steel hardness and I felt a load of his cum squirt onto my face. By the time the second squirt was hitting my face I was already going down on his hard swollen shake that seemed to be pumping erasically, and I took as much of his hot throbbing cock into my mouth as I could handle. It felt like I had to swallow every second and I swallowed what I could handle but I felt some cum drool from the sides of my mouth — and that got me even hotter!

I could already taste him in my mouth and it was deinitely bitter and salty but I enjoyed it and did not want him to stop! My mouth seemed to melt around his rock hard throbbing cock that was pumping what seemed like ultra-large amounts of cum into my mouth — and I was enjoying it — every drop of it.

By now the taste of his cum was VERY strong in my mouth and he was still cumming! I didn’t care and the taste was actually erotic to me and I wanted more. The more he would cum in my mouth, the more I wanted his cumin my mouth. The fact that his cum was oozing down my face from when he first started to cum was even more of a turn-on to me!!

Fortunately for me he seemed to cum forever, and even when he was finished he kept his cock inside of me so I too could continue to enjoy the moment. When he was finally finished I felt as though I did not get enough so I teased the head of his cock to encourage more cum from him — it worked! It seemed we were both naturals at this. He was great at supplying copyright amounts of cum, and I was great at giving head! I Thought to myself, “not bad for the first time!”

The taste of his cum was still very strong in my mouth and I could not get rid of it. So I had a few swigs of beer and that seemed to help, a little.

Before that night was over I would blow him two more times and each time he would freely cum in my mouth and by then he did not even need to warn me, I just knew when it was going to happen. AndEach time I remember thinking that cum tastes horrible but at the same time I wanted more! I definitely won’t forget the taste of his cum for as long as I live, but it seemed that the most exciting part was feeling his cock throbbing in my mouth as he would cum! It was mind-numbing and teriffic and I hope to try this again one day soon.


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