The past 3 months had been hell, Molly was never home from work to create the feeling of family. She had sent Becky to her sisters in the country for what she called a good change of scenery until school opened again. That left me alone almost constantly with my work knowing her true motives were to remove any need for her to part with her work. Home care left for me and Becky tucked away at her sister so she had no reason to came home, filling her life with work.
Becky had been heartbroken knowing how boring country life would be as she comprehensive life without the deep closeness that had grown between us in Molly’s absence. A relationship that had made us much more than father and daughter sealing our bond against social norms. Our secret of forbidden pleasure that would forever be locked within our love for each other.
My heart raced when Becky called saying she would be finally coming home tomorrow and I should pick her up at the bus station promptly at noon. Her voice had filled with a new found maturity as I wondered if she had outgrown her youthful innovation for our intimacy. A rush of sadness came over my emotions knowing that 3 months could have made things much different between us. Only time would answer those questions when we were at last together again.
Molly had ventured to Canada with her work leaving a message she would call frequently until she came home briefly for the holidays leaving the house for Becky and I to share with her friends if she invited them over for parties or games. I made sure to tidy the house up decorating with new curtains and linen being sure all of Becky’s favorite foods and snacks were at her disposal when she arrived.
I was dead tiered from housework by 10 collapse on my bed anxiously thinking of Becky’s return. My face buried in her bra and panties that were my security blanket of sorts still aromatic with the cent of her lavender body powder as I fell into deep sleep. I awoke at 8 with strange feeling in my night pants realizing that the dreams of Becky had given me another wet dream. I toss my clothes in the wash as I stepped in the shower to awaken my senses washing the sticky dream liquid from my groin.
It nearly noon as I headed to the station wanting to be early so she wouldn’t have to wait in case the bus was ahead of schedule. Patiently I sat listening to the stereo as it played her favorite songs knowing well that she would want to hear them on the drive home. As the bus pulled in I jumped from the car anxiously awaiting to see Becky as soon as he stepped off. A few descended the stairs then there in all her beautiful perfection stood Becky more beautiful than ever. We looked intently searching each other eyes saying only hello with a gentle embrace and chef kiss.
I grabbed her bagsplacing them in the trunk of the car opening the door for her to get in. A sight of relief as she sat on the plus seats happy to be away from the dingy bus that had carried her for hours. As we sped towards home the music filled the car as she relaxed peacefully. Occasionally glancing at me as if trying to read my thoughts as my eyes glanced to study her body looking for differences. She looked at least 2 inches taller, her breasts had budded into a full mouthful as they poked out into her tee shirt. Her nipples stretched the material as it formed around them making my mouth water as it had so many times before.
Her beautiful legs nicely tanned as they disappeared beneath her dress just above the knee. Her distant thoughts tortured my mind wondering what she was thinking as we neared the drive to the house. I opened the door for Becky to get out, taking her bags from the trunk watching her walk ahead of me to the door. Her perfect bottom swinging with her hips under the dress teasing my senses, my cock beginning to throb as it hardened in my pants.
When we went inside Becky shut the door being sure it was locked while I carried her bags to her bedroom. When I turned to leave she was standing in the door way waiting, her eyes intently searching mine as I walked up to her. With devout sincerity she asked, did you miss me Daddy? Do you still love me as much as before? I wrapped my arms around her holding her so tight saying, baby I missed you desperately, I love you more than anything in the world.
She replied, I love you too Daddy more than anything, all I thought about was coming home to you. The password in her kiss made my toes curl, the feeling of her delicious body pressing tightly against mine sent waves of heat soaring from my head to my feet as I returned her kiss with every ounce of emotion from my very soul. My worst fears were over, what had been before was destined to befar better than it had ever been. Becky wanted to bath away the travel dust as I volunteered to make dinner, her favorite seafood dishes by candle light. Time had passed quickly as we talked about our time apart that had been spent mostly thinking about each other.
Most of dinner we looked at each other smiling teasing with our eyes occasionally blowing kisses, playfully flirting as we forget the time apart, life returning more to normal. We quickly took care of the dinner dishes Becky complimenting me on preparing her favorites to welcome her home. As I had suspected she suggested we got dressed in something more comfortable then enjoy the hours before bedtime with some romantic movies. I agreed it was a fantastic idea as I headed for a quick shower and fresh lounging clothes. Becky bounding off to her room to choose her night wear for relaxing over a movie.
When I returned to the living room she was still in her room making herself perfect as she always did until the mirror satisfied her eyes. The day bed looked the most comfortable so I sat, turning on the television waiting for her to brighten the room with her presence. I looked up as she came down the stairs so gracefully it was breathtaking. The most beautiful sheer lavender teddy caressed her body matching the ribbons in her hair. She stopped in front of me posing as she modeled her perfection smiling down at me. My voice trembled as I spoke telling her she was the most beautiful lady in the world.
Becky sat down giving me a sweet clinging kiss graciously thanking me for the lovely compliments. The cent of her hair was like a breath of heaven bringing every adoring emotion to its peak. The perfection that had been hers from the beginning had blossomed to Angelic proportions. Becky had become a feast to the eyes, my genitals throbbed knowing what a beautiful feast waited for our bodies. As we watched the romance unfold on the movie screen she cuddled into me gently rubbing her hand over my chest whispering with a purr, I love you. As I kissed her soft hair and caressed it I returned her words, I love you too sweetheart.
Her eyes looked up at mine sparkling, a naughty smile warmed her rosy cheeks cuddling into me again. Becky stroked her fingers over my leg gently, intently watching the outline of my cock as it swelled down my pajama leg. She leaned up with a sensitive kiss whispering, your big beautiful cock makes me get so hot Daddy. You make it that way honey, I replied, my fingers brushing over her swelling nipples Letting them roll under my finger tips. Becky ran her fingers over my cock massaging the swollen head beneath my pajamas, my hand finding its way down in the top her teddy pleasure at the feeling of her tender breast against my bare skin.
Her breasts twice the size I had remembered, so subtle and soft, nipples extended to sucking firmness waiting for my mouth to envel them as my tongue caressed around her aureolas. Becky was arousing rapidly from my tendering of her delicate sensitive breasts. Her hands striving to open the front of pajamas for full access to my cock, she gave a sight of relief as her small hand slipped softly around my cock shake pumping gently. Her hot breath flared over the head as she licked around it making it pulse rapidly. As I Sighed in pleasure she slipped the head over her lips closing them tightly around the shake nurse a gentle flow of seed.
My hand drifted down her back massaging over her soft teddy feeling the warm softness of her flesh beneath. Her bottom swaying in anticipation of my hands tender exploration, soft cotton panties slip beneath my hand as it gently massed her bottom cheats, tremendous warmth saturated my hand as Becky swwayed her bottom inviting more. The focus of my attention to the sensings that made my fingers tremble were all that prevented my cock from exploding into Becky’s warm soft mouth as she nursed my hot seed.
As I tugged down gently on her panty wait Becky lifted her bottom moaning over my cock head, oh yes Daddy. Her panties easily slipped off, my eyes drinking in the beauty of her heavenly bottom, it feels so good on my hand rubbing her sweet little bottom. Her nursery, cock head intensified while fingers probed along her love gap absorbing her soft heat knowing how close her pussy was to my finger tips. Becky opened her legs humping gently as my finger probed, teasing her anal opening.
She was burning hot wanting the ultimate penetration but playing was the fruit before the cream. Three months would have made her pussy nearly virgin tight again without delicate preparation her pleasure would be less than perfection. As fingers roamed over her pussy her thrusting quickened, labia engorged with extreme arousal, a constant flow of creamy silk filling her slit. Her love bud poking out waiting to be licked and nursed to the peak of perfection.
Becky nursed eagerly as I rubbed her love bud, quickly shuddering with multiple orgasm. Cum dripping from her pink folds as I worked 2 fingers along her sweet slip, she humped at my fingers stretching her soft folds over them thrusting to another climax filing my hand with her hot cum. It was time for more to pleasure Becky allowing my cock to ease its arousal so we cold share much more before my hot seen filled her womb again.
I moved her from my lap as she nursed the last drop of flow from my cock head, kneeing on the day bed in front of me our lips met sharing the taste of my seed that lingered on her lips, tongues playing. Holding her hips she stood, her hands gliding over my hair as I admired her perfect mound. A soft muff curl adorning her perfection as it brushed over my mouth and I began to tenderly nuzzle ather sweetness. She arched her back offering her pussy for my mouth, tongue darting over her love bud as an orgasm ran down her legs.
My tongue diving between her legs as she rode my face sucking her whole pussy into my sucking mouth. Becky moaned loudly, oh Daddy, as another multiple orgasm rushed over her body. I slipped her teddy off then my shirt, sliding my pajama bottoms to the floor leaving us both the pleasure of flesh against flesh. As she lowered I took her breasts fully into my mouth sucking deeply, nursery firmly on her perky nipples. Becky moaned breathing in gasps as our lips met to share the sweet blend of oral pleasures we had given each other.
Her fingers tightening into my chest hair as she slide down more feeling the head of my cock pressing into her creamy slit. She rocked her pussy against the head gyrating towards penetration stretching but only managing to penetrate the tip of the head into her extremely tight little slit. She kissed my neck, pleading help me Daddy, quickly I found her love bud rubbing it under my finger tip. With the hand that cradle her sweet bottom my fingers teased at her anal orifice, as she reached another orgasm the head of my cock slipped over her pink flesh.
Her engaged pussy lips caresing the smooth shake, Becky was kissing my lips franticly from pleasure whispering, oh fuck Daddy it feels so good, fuck me, fill me with cock. Make my womb hot with your sweet creamy seed until its so full of you. Becky began bouncing slowly on my cock, the head rippling over her soft flesh. She accepted more and more cock with each precise bounce, slowly inch by inch until she had all of me inside.
Her pussy felt so glorious on my big cock, so soft and warm as she slid all the way up then down until her muff rubbed against mine. I could feel her orgasm building to a crescendo as her pussy rippled faster and faster up and down my cockshft. Rubbing her love bud against the shake the head constantly massaging her G spot as she slide down to the hilt. Her mouth opened, her eyes rolled back as her back arched forcing her pussy down as far as it could go. She held down on it tightly as her hips began thrusting at lightening speed her tight pussy clamped milking my cock shake. Becky shouted, oh fuck Daddy I’m cummming! The firey rush of her hot cum over my cock sent my seen flying up the shaft as Becky laid into my chest feeling my cock twitch inside her womb.
A fountain of seed spurted up into her womb, I held her tight as my throbbing cock emptied inside her. A seemingly endless surge of hot seed pulsed into her making her belly swell with fullness. Becky began kissing again as my cock wilted inside her womb whispering, it’s so hot inside, it feels so good to be full of you again. As she nibbled my ear she teased, I hope you can cum again Daddy?……
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