(1) It felt good to have Becky home again in many different ways, with Molly’s constant absence we had become nearly inseparable. Since her return things had changed for the better, time apart made us realize more than ever how much it means being together. Becky was so happy to be home we decided a welcome home party was in order. She called her best friend Heather inviting her to help with the planning, they were so much alike at times it was impossible to tell that they weren’t sisters. The night Heather had stayed over before Becky left for her Aunts, what we all shared still played in my dreams.
Both adored showing affection, even better they both loved more than anything sharing it with me. As soon as they finished talking on the phone Becky informed of their plans. They were in a rush for party time, it was before noon now and they could call all their friends as soon as Heather came over. Making a list of what they wanted to sendme out to purchase their needs and the party would start at promptly six. Becky also informed me that Heather would be helping us clean up after so she would definitely not be going home that late.
I agreed it sounded like a fine plan offering to do all I could to help besides bankrolling the event. Becky turned when Heather tapped on the door going to let her in saying, I bet we have a real good time after the party too. Her words gave me a very warm sensing in my pants having a very good idea what she means. The girls went right to planning who to call, making their list for me to pick up at the store. I loved watching their excitement calling all over town as well as the energy that filled every movement of their bodies with wild spirit.
It didn’t take long to make the needs list, the calls continued as I went off to do the shopping. It was an easy drive so I had everything on the list within a few minutes. On the drive back allI could think about was how purely beautiful the girls were and happy to be together again. It gave me a smile to know that part of the planning while I was out would be for the party after the party. My cock was doing push ups in my shorts just imagined some of the naughty things they were discussing.
As quickly as I arrived the girls had me helping with the decorations, allowing me some close moments for a little for naughty play. A lot of sweet feelings with well placed squeezing just to let them know my mind was working over time. My cock got its share of massaging letting me be very aware the girls were certainly think far beyond the party. I was glad to sit down and relax while the girls finished setting up, it was only a few minutes before their first guests would begin to arrive.
Heather had told me they were expecting about a dozen of their closest friends feeling that more would be to crowded to be fun. I agreed knowing all would be filling my eyes with sweet ripe bodies aching with blooming sexuality. The mental picture made my cock twitch with delight. The party was in full swing within an hour as the little ladies began munching the goods and playing games. Not much for me to except relax watching the incredible young honeys having fun. A game of twister had me nearly creaming my shorts as they assumed contorted positions.
Imagining what creative things cold happen if I had dared to participate in their wrapping twisting pile of sexy young flesh. No doubt if my cock didn’t end up in an unacceptable place my shorts would be soaked. To my good fortune we were a bit short on seating so often one or more of the girls sat close to me on the sofa. The more daring or affectionate eager to take a rest break on my lap. When they did it was very obvious both Becky and Heather got a little jealous.
The one that seemed to be their favorite, Mandy, seemed the most fRequest sliding on my lap. They didn’t seem as jealous of her for some reason, I could see them often whispering to each other giggling. Then Mandy would scoot right over on my lap again watching the rest play. It certainly appeared Mandy had become part of Becky and Heather’s closest friends group. I tried to look disinterested in the lap rooms to avoid stirring to much jealousy, if they didn’t mind Mandy there I certainly didn’t.
Mandy had the sweetest wiggly little bottom that seemed more energetic every time she came over after whispering with Becky and Heather. When she returned to play I patted her bottom, she squirmed with the cute little squeals looking back flirting like crazy. Then Heather had the bright idea of a new game, hide and seek with the lights dimmed really low so it was harder to find each other. That sounds like fun but I made sure to tell them to be careful with no running on the stairs so no one would get hurt.
Becky started counting first while everyone scattered in different directions, Mandy was found first so she came over to sit on my lap waiting for the rest. That was definitely going to take time, the house was large with a lot of good places to hide. I couldn’t believe how fast she was breathing from all the excitement, almost perspiring as her heart raced catching her breath. With the lights low Mandy seemed to cuddle a lot closer leaning back into me relaxing.
When I put my hand over her belly to rest it, she pushed her bottom way back on my lap giving a soft scar laying her hand over mine. A few of the girls were found all sitting on the floor across the room barely visible in the dim light. No doubt unable to see much other than vague outlines of what was in the room. Mandy was very content with her warm little bottom sending heat waves down in my pants as my cock pulsed gently against her bottom.
My body felt a rush of excitement when Mandy pulled my hand down moving it up under her dress between her legs. When I attempted to move it away, she whispered, they said I can, forcing my hand back down. If that was the case who was I to say, no, I certainly had nothing more enjoyable to do at the moment. My fingers brushed gently over her inner legs, incredibly soft with so much heat I could imagine what lay just above my fingers. As soon as my fingers rubbed over her panties a warm wet rush of heat came over my finger tips.
She opened her legs wider giving another soft sight, I played with her slit massaging her pussy lips pressing gently into her panties were the wet spot continued to grow bigger. Mandy whispered, more please, before we have to hide again, I had no problem with that, my cock was about ready to unload in my pants between her legs. Some nice rubes around her bud sliding up and down the outline of her wet slit and Mandy was Beginning to hum at my fingers.
It was easy to slip my fingers under the leg of her panties dipping them along her creamy pink flesh, she was so hot and wet with cream as my bare fingers glorried in her bare softness. I fingered her love bud while the others dipped and teased her creamy groove, Mandy tensed up saying softly, ooowwww, a hot orgasm creaming over my fingers. It was time for her to return to the game jumping off my lap brushing her dress back down. Before she ran over she gave me a wet soft kiss saying, thank you so much for the helping hand.
They decided this was the last round of hiding, it was getting late and we still needed to clean up. Before they went to hide again, Becky and Heather came over asking if it was all right for Mandy to stay over too? I said, I guess, if she wants to and her parents don’t mind? They both looked at each other grinning saying, Daddy she wants to stay real bad and her parents all ready said it was fine. Sounds good to me girls if you want it’s great. We were in agreement when they went to tell Mandy, I had a good idea they had discussed this between the three of them long before they asked me.
Everyone went to hide as Heather began counting, Mandy stopping briefly to give me another soft kiss whispering, thanks again, our pajama party will be so much fun later Daddy. I was surprised at the Daddy word from her but it obviously means she had been accepted by the girls into a close sharing that most likely included me.
(2) The party slowly wound down as many of the girls left having to be home before to late, we did a quick clean up as soon as everyone had gone. Much faster with three eager young ladies then only two as I had anticipated. The girls all wanted to shower as soon as we finished and get into some comfy nights I did the same after they were in their rooms deciding what to wear slipping into my pajamas also. When I got back to the living room they had a few candles burning for light. With a romantic movie on the television, the big futon mattress laid out on the floor in front of the sofa so there was plenty of room for the tree of them.
As I started to sit on the sofa they all said no in unison, we want you to lay here on the futon so we can give you a nice massage while you watch the movie. The thought of that many hands massaging was definitely irresistible as I lay out sinking comfortable into the futon with the girls sitting around me. It was well orchestrated, they decided it was Heather on the top half, Becky in the middle and Mandy was in charge of the lower part. They would exchange areas so I would be sure to get an even massage from head to toe.
Heather soon showed me that her massage also had a lot of kissing that went with it, which she shared with Becky occasionally. Becky’s hands did wonders over my chest and belly with a bit of nipple sucking, her kissing on my belly was totally delightful. Mandy’s was more of an exploring massage especially when she found my cock seeming quite fascinated with her new toy as it swelled bigger each time she massaged it. Becky was very helpful showing her how to unhook my pajama bottoms so my cock could stand up nice and strait bobbing.
The girls were apparently getting as excited about the massage as I was, Heather wanted to massage my mouth with her pussy, Becky was showing Mandy how to Massage my cock with her tongue and mouth and cares my balls with her hand. This was definitely the sweetest massage I ever had gilding my tongue over Heather’s delicious pussy and all over her sweet bottom. Heather was gushing orgasm all over my face when Becky asked her if she had cum yet? Heather rocked on my tongue telling Becky, yes, twice.
Becky said, all right, my turn at the top, you can do the middle and help Mandy learn how to do it right. This was pussy heaven beyond a doubt, Becky dove right into kissing saying, Daddy your kisses taste like Heather’s pussy as she giggling. Then she did her best to give my mouth a lot better pussy massage then Heather had as she gyrated her creamy slit on my tongue bobbing her love bud against my lips so I could nibble her little sweet bud. Then Becky made a little squeal gushing her creamy cum on my face as I drank her in deep.
Heather was sucking so perfectly on the head of my cock caresing my balls, telling Mandy how important it was to lick the bottom and the head a lot to make cum ooz out to taste. Then Mandy practiced, obviously a fast learner because she had me nearly squirting in her hot soft mouth all ready. Becky was barring down hard on my tongue rushing out another gush of her cum into my mouth. Time to switch again Becky insisted Knowing how aroused Mandy must be after such a long wait for her turn at the top.
Both Beckyand Heather massaged my cock at the same time, eagerly watching Mandy for her first introduction to my mouth and tongue. She caught on to the kissing real fast saying, it felt very good and she like the strange new taste that the other girls had made in my mouth as her tongue learned how to play with mine. I helped her scoot over my face for her pussy massage, I had too hold her hips tightly. As soon as I licked her from anus to love bud she started wildly humping my mouth moaning as multiple gushes of cum came streaming over my face. Her cum was flowing like a river over my tongue when it slip deep inside her pussy, her hips thrusting at it wildly.
Becky and Heather pulled Mandy away from my face saying, your ready now for some of Daddy’s big cock. Then you can help and watch while we have some of Daddy’s big cock in our pussy’s. I was amazed watching them all exchanging kisses Becky and Heather rubbing Mandy all over, sucking her little breakfastts as they both massed her pussy. They had Mandy posed legs spread wide over my cock head, Heather caresing my balls as she gently held my cock. Becky guiding Mandy down onto the head as she rubbed her pussy lips making them real slippery.
Mandy was biting her lip as they worked the head slowly into her creamy slit, Heather’s hand gently pumping my cock in and out of her soft pink folds of flesh. Mandy had an orgasm on my cock head when Becky played with her love bud, both holding her hips saying, this may hurt a little bit Mandy. They both pushed her down sending my cock quickly driving past her hymen as Mandy screamed, that’s the worst they said as They began sucking her breasts again while the pain quickly subsided. Mandy began humping without assistance rippling her soft pussy up and down my cock until it was full in her womb.
Her tight pussy lips gilding over my shaft as she milked from the head down to my balls,Mandy had started to cum in more multiple gushes of hot juice that ran down my shake. Becky came up to my face kissing with deep password whispering cum Daddy, fill her right to the top, Heather was doing wonderful things to my balls as Mandy drove down hard to the hilt. As my body began to tense Becky said, yes Daddy cum, hot bursts of cum raced up my cock spurting into Mandy as I emptied my groin into her soft womb.
Her Pussy felt melted to my cock as it softened inside her, Mandy moaning with satisfaction, my cock pulsing its last squirts. My cock had softened enough so they helped her off as I slid out half hard. They cleaned the tinge of her virginity from the shake insisting Mandy suck me hard again so they could have some nice hard cock too in their pussy’s. She had learned well within only a few minutes I was ready to fill her hot mouth with cum, Becky said, now you watch and rest while we show you the right way. As soon as Mandy sat back watching, Becky was plunging her tight pussy up and down my cock shake thrusting her hips searching to climax, Heather riding my tongue like it was a rodeo as they kissed and played with each others breasts.
I think they came at the same time Becky squirting her hot juices over my cock down on my belly as Heather rushed her hot cum gush into my mouth. Then my groin quaked, hot cum rushing up my cock shake bursting into Becky as she moaned loudly in orgasm clenching her pussy tightly on my shake, her womb filling with my cum. Becky slide off quickly pumping my cock back to full status, Heather sliding her sweet pussy softly down onto my cock bucking with intense hip thrusts until we both groaned in mutual fire climax…………
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