sisters 3 of them

i`m 43 married with 3 kids and for a long time 20/25 yrs put some of my memories behind me and not let them surface. At this time in writing i`m looking at the incest stories between sister and brother more and more and if i`m honest with a lot of sexual feelings.My elder sister who is 6 yrs older than me would come into my room after taking a shower with only a towel wrapped around her,this would then drop to the floor as i played with her fantastic body,her tits were so suckable and my god her very hairy shaft was fantastic. We never had full sex but we had lots of oral every week except one week every month which gave my age did not understand why her head spun round 3 times and told me to fuck off. In the holidays we stopped at nans house because parents were working and i remember going to our house just me and my sister and having loads of fun.To me this was natural and so great,imagine being that young and having sex well nearly having sex even now at my age oral sex gives me the greatest satisfaction.1st time I remember one time in my room when she had just finished her bath and i was in my room i think i was playing darts when she came in with a towel wrapped around her head and one around her body,she let it slip from her body the other she used to dry her hair,she kissed me let me play with her body(fucking christ i`m getting a hard on)sucking her tits then moving my hands down below i was scared it was something i had never done before and showing me what she wanted(she must have played with herself before) and then i was on my hands and knees licking her till she made a noise got up and left,me i was fucking hard till i did myself hand relief,she later left for nurses college at the age of 19 i was 16 and on a weekend i used to go over to her little dorm room where we still played our games,i loved my sister knew nothing else in my life then she told me it had to stop why i dont know even to this day i`m still unaware why we stopped making out(yes i do its incest but christ it`s great),all i know she told me to see other girls and enjoy myself, we stopped but back home my 2nd sister who was 2 yrs older was starting to come home more because her marriage was a sham,still at 16 i was workingng and earning good money and so enjoying myself most weeks on the pub crawls(3 pins i was anybodys) one night i was getting ready to go out it was about 9 in the evening when downstaires there was arguing and slamming of doors, my 2nd sister then came into my room(after knocking because i had put a lock on my door inside because of all the masterbation i was doing lol) she was fucking angle,her husband was shagging someone else for the last 2 months and she had just found out boy she was fucking mad well to cut a long story short she ranted and raved for 10 /15 mins then calmed down,mom & dad were down pub it was saturday night, after she`d finished she blurted out about knowing about my older sister and me and why she had been left out as she had always fancied me Fancied me i was her brother i told her as i denied making out with her sister,she blocked my way out and kissed me full on her lips she was fucking sexy and hot even now i can still taste her lips and sexyness, without stopping i took her t-shirt off so she was standing there with bra and jeans.She knew what i did with my other sister when she tugged her jeans down and knickers Followed all in one movement(i know i was not going out that night)with actual sex i enjoyed my self she was fucking brill my sister was hot and she knew what she was doing christ i was hoping her husband never came back that night,oral,tit fuck and with my chest stuck out without bragging i got anal sex with my sister,her idea i guess this was nothing new with her but to me christ i`m in heaven she said this way she was not cheating on her husband(3 weeks this carried on until she moved back in with him but christ i`m still at my age wanking over anal sex) Right thehead lines say 3 sisters,when i was 20 i moved out of my house i brought and moved back home(debt spent everything i earned)my other sisters were 18 and 16 ust only one will feature.At this time we had a brother who had the small bedroom(mine when i was at home)so i was to sleep in the girls room until i moved out.Anyway with my knowing how to seduce sisters a plan was put into operation.I took her out to the local pub,back home upstaires shes telling me how lucky she`s got a loving brother,within 10 mins i`m in her double bed rubbing her fanny whilst she`s sucking and rubbing her tits fuck me her nipples are fucking fantastic and she makes me lick her arse and fanny 2 times she comes that night next day she don`t speak to me until 10 11 at night i`m up in the room watching telling she comes in asking if we did wrong. Yes i say but i tell her about my 2 other sisters whom i love and adore but love there bodies on offer.I moved out again 2 yrs later to live with my girl but after writingg this storey which honestly is true i`m going to visit my sisters and hopefully get a rematch what do you think readers? the first will be my older sister who is about 46 0r 47 i can`t go wrong really can i


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