Her Secret Place

A fictional story, consists of a sexual relationship between a teenage boy and a young girl, consensual sex, and some squirmy happiness at the end, aww ^^

I lay awake at night, staring at the ceiling. The sounds of my wife’s gentle breathing keep me happy as I look down to her. It wasn’t anything medical that kept me awake, only a spiritual question. Would we be damned to Hell for what we did in the past? Even if it turned out this way?

Our meeting was not spectacular; boy meets girl, falls for girl, time passes, boy marriage girls. However, the circumstances behind the whole meeting was what caused me to regret something. The beautiful woman laying there beside me is 6 years younger than I am. Surely not a big problem at our current ages – but I met her when she was 11.

My life wouldn’t have turned out this way if my father hadn’t decided to take the job. I was 17, and we lived ina big town on the outskirts of San Antonio. I had friends, I was doing great in school, and there was a girl I was planning on asking out as soon as I could afford a car. As I came home that afternoon, my life just crashed around me. Dad was getting a new job, in a far away town, somewhere in Massachusetts. It would pay much more than he was making now, and we’d meet new and fun people.

I was sore, but there was nothing I could do. I said goodbye to my friends, promised to write them, packed up my stuff, and got in the car, headed for the airport. The trip was dull, both car and plane. The movie was something I’d seen a million times before, and some guy behind me keep leaning forward to ask me if I knew the answers to some of his crossword problems.

We got off the plane in Logan, and got into our car, driving through the city and then into the endless forests between the city and our destination. We pulled up to a driveway outsidea two-story building. The town was tiny, definitely a New England town, the center of town was an old church, and everything was built around it.

So here we were, a tiny little town with nothing. The most exciting thing in town was a blinking sign. The nearest school was twenty miles out of town, so we had to catch a bus, but it was then that I learned just how empty this town was.

Waiting for the bus my first day of school was when I saw her for the first time – little Laura. She was cute, with long brown hair, a dress, and a pink backpack. She had blue eyes, which was oddly disconcerting, and her face had a very mature look to it. Besides that, she looked like your average eleven year old girl.

I grumblingly waited there, hoping that some other teenagers would show up, but as the bus pulled up and I got on, I saw it was just Laura and me on that bus heading out to the school. I was frustrated as we rode, only stoppinga few more times to pick up some other kids. Only eight students were riding the bus, and Laura and I represented the lower and upper ages on that trip.

The school did have lots of students, but they came from all over. I made some friends, but as I found out the closest of them lived about thirty miles away from me, I knew it would just be a school thing. I didn’t have a car, still, and I knew it would be impossible to get together with any of the guys I made friends with. So as school let out, I got on that bus again, which slowly emptied, and then dropped me and the little girl off at the bus stop.

I was somewhat concern for her, a little girl walking alone towards home, I had no clue what would happen if someone weird was going to show up, so I began walking up to her, “Hey.” I said. She turned to me and smiled a bit, before speaking, with a voice and a maturity uncommon to a girl her age.

“Hello, you're new here. You moved in next door to me. My name is Laura, what’s yours?”

Apparently, this girl had been watching us move in. I guess it was a big communication, having a totally new group of people come into the neighborhood. Nodding, I replied, “My name is Matt. And yeah, we moved in just a couple days ago. Since we live next door to each other, maybe we should walk back together?”

It was a simple request, I was only concerned for her safety. She smiled and nodded, “Sure. That would be a good idea.” She scooted up next to me, and we began walking and talking. She grew up in the town, her parents moving there a long while back. She only had friends at school, and found it quite boring around town. The only kids in town were her, a few babies, and myself. Everyone else was much older.

“So, what do you do for fun around here? I doubt your parents would drive you to your friends’ houses every day. There’sReally nothing else I can see around her that’s… well, interesting.”

“I have a secret place I like to go to and just sit around. It’s nice and comfy.” We were approaching our houses. Laura simply turned to me, waved, and walked off. A secret place, huh? I was too old for forts and stuff, but it sounded like I might want to get to know more about this place.

The next morning, Laura was waiting for me at the sidewalk as I walked out of the house. I nodded to her and began to walk. As the two of us walked, we kept on talking, and as we approached the bus stop, I asked her, “So, is this secret place just for you, or can anyone go there?”

“I never had anyone else in there, so I don’t know.” She said, looking back at me as she sat down on the benchmark neary. “I guess I can let someone else in.”

Now, I wasn’t trying to worm myself into this girl’s secret place for anything malicios. Before you start thinking that, remember that we never knew what our futures would end up being. All I wanted was a place I could go to when I just had enough with my parents and needed some privacy.

The bus came, Laura and I sat next to each other, talking and chatting, mostly about random things – school, television shows – and the topic of the secret place never came up. As we made it to school, she waved and walked off to the elementary school area, and I went off to join my friends at the high school.

A few weeks passed that way, I would walk Laura to the bus stop, we’d talk, and I’d walk her back home. Our parents became quick friends, and Laura’s parents always stated that they were appreciated of me keeping Laura company. The times the two of us spent were nothing incredible, just walking to and from school.

Then, a little before her twelfth birthday, Laura grabbed my hand before we parted afterr school and gave me a hug, whispering into my ear. “After you’re done your homework, come out to the woods behind the house, look for a tree with a lot of roots underneath.”

She was going to do it. She was going to show me her secret place. I could not have finished my homework quicker. I hoped over the fence and went into the woods behind out houses. I had only explored a little through there, curious what I could find, but a lot of thorns and some rocks were all that I noticed. I walked a bit into the forest, and soon found the tree she was talking about. Laura wasn’t there, so I sat down on one of the roots and waited.

A couple minutes later, she came out of the trees nearby. Waving, she started to walk off. I followed her some distance into the forest. I heard the sounds of running water, and knew we were approaching a stream of some kind. Laura kept leading, and soon we stopped at a spot in the middle of the woods.

A few big boulders had run against each other, forming a little shelf underneath them. Laura had dug a bit into the ground, making a depression where she’d placed some pillows and a few blankets. It was comfortable, large enough for the two of us, and private. It was deep in the woods, so there was very little chance of anyone stumbling upon it, and a tarp over top of the rocks and the entrance covered them from any weather. I came to that secret place many times. Sometimes to find her there drawing or writing something, sometimes just alone. Soon her private, secret place became ours.

Laura’s twelfth birthday was fast approaching, and one evening, I just had to get out of the house. I went to the secret place and sat down, leaning against the rock wall. Laura pushed open the flap and walked in as well.

She sat down next to me, wearing a simple dress, and with her hair braided behind her. She looked rather cute, I mustadmit. As she sat there, I put my hand over on her shoulder and pulled her close to me.

The Hell bound soul is a confusing thing. Here I was, with a cute, young girl next to me, and the only thing on my mind was our future together. Would we be friends forever, would something happen between us? As I sat there, holding her against me, the two of us completely silent, she squirmed from my grip. At first I was read to apologize, but soon, she was sitting in my lap, facing me. She scooted closer to me and placed her head on my chest.

My arms wrapped around her and held her, rubbing her back softly through the fabric of the dress. The two of us were just enjoying the moment, and I had to go and ruin it by kissing her forehead. That simple little action throw my mind and soul on a one-way trip to Hell.

Laura shifted in my grap, placing her body up against mine. I could feel myself getting hard, solely from her proximity. IHe felt it too, but unlike most girls her age, there was no silly giggling or questions of ‘what is that?’ She just seemed to know, and she blushed a little bit. Apparently knowing what it stood for.

God, I was getting hard to a little girl. How could this happen to me? Was I that pent up for some kind of release that this young thing was making me feel excited? I could hear my unconscious telling me ‘Go for it, lay her back, fuck her like an animal!’ I tried hard to ignore it, but I couldn’t just let this moment pass without anything. I slid my hand down towards her panties, cute little white things, and began to slowly trace a finger over the surface.

The girl squirmed in my lap, cheats still red with a blush as my finger began to make little patterns over those soft panties. I tapped and rubbed slowly, fingers sliding around and over that hidden warmth beneath. Pulling them down, I slide her panties off her body, looking down at her.

It was beautiful, she was so soft looking. Her hairless pussy was there in front of me, a soft line between her legs. I slipped a few fingers down between and spread her lips, easy her back onto a nearby pillow. The pink lips were displayed for me, a touch of wetness upon them as she, too, was getting excited.

What else could I do in this situation? I was already going to Hell for thinking about it, and now, I was touching her. I bent down and slipped my head between her legs, sliding my tongue over that wetness. Slipping it out and then inside to touch and lick around that virgin warmth. She squirmed, shook, and let out little soft noises of pleasure. I lifted my lips up for a moment to kiss the tiny nub of her cliporis, before I shifted a bit more and pulled her dress up off of her body.

She was beautiful, her soft milky white skin was blemish free. Her chest had tiny pink nipples, and down aover that pussy I was so grateful for was an adorable belly button. My lips pressed up against her nipples, kissing each one softly, before I began to suck and lick against them. I was definitely going to Hell.

Laura squirmed under my hands, which I had placed deliciously over her pussy once again, pushing a finger into that warmth, feeling her, touching her. My lips continued to just suck and nibble on each tiny nub on her chest. The girl’s breaths increased in speed as she let out a gasp and a moan. She was having an orgasm, and I knew I had caused it.

I pulled back for a moment, looking at her body there. Sweat had begun to coat her soft skin, her lips were slick and wet, and her innocently brained hair was beginning to get pulled out of that simple hairdo. I knew the only thing I wanted was the only thing she’d be able to give only once. I was going to go to Hell so quickly now, as I pulled off my own clothes.

Now, I’m not so vain to say I was a big strong hunk with a fourteen inch cock and muscles all over my body. No, I was kind of scrapy. I was short, I was skinny, and I was seventeen. My dick was only about eight inches long, and I knew it would still be a tight fit into the girl. I spat on my hand and rubbed over my length, the pre-cum from before already coating the head with a sticky, slipy mess.

I positioned myself between her legs, wordlessly. I kissed her softly on the lips to calm her as I pushed forward into her body. God, it was incredible. So soft, so warm. Her body encompassed my rod like a velvet glove. It was tight, and she was hot, and I knew it was going to hurt as I pushed forward against her unbroken virginity. I kissed her again and spoke gentle, comforting words before I pushed into her and broke her.

I had just stolen the virginity of a twelve year old girl. I had broken her, I had pushed myself into her. As she let out a soft cry of pain, I held her close, letting the aching fade before I began to move again. The slightest grimace or wince of pain would cause me to just stop and wait for a moment, holding her still and rubbing against her, before I would move once more. Soon, the pain had faded, and I began to move inside the girl.

My motions were slow and shallow. She was young still, I was not going to ‘fuck her brains out’ like my subconscious thoughts wanted me to do. I wanted to feel her, I wanted to let her know she was being pleased too. I thrust inside, slow motions gaining in speed and a little bit of strength, never too hard for fear of hurting her.

It felt wonderful, if my soul was to be damned to Hell forever to burn in endless fire, then I was glad I went out this way. Her body and mine met in a rigid chorus of moans and panting breaths. My body sweat, and hers did too. The sounds of our actions reverberated through the forest. TheScents of sex and sweat and lust filled my nose. It was perfect, and I was happy there was no one else there. I was happy to lose myself in her.

As we continued, I felt her squeezing and clenching to my body, her arms holding onto me, her velvet warmth beginning to flutter so softly against my hardened rod deep within her. There was not much I could do at that point except finally cum. I released a torrent of my seed into this little girl’s body. I let out a groan of pleasure as she squirmed and moaned.

We lay there, holding onto each other for a while. I panted softly, realizing the gravity of what I had done, I just held her. I didn’t care about Hell, my immortal soul, or anything, I just wanted to stay there, with this beautiful girl. Our bodies were hot, and wet, the scents of our sex still filled the air. We rested for several minutes, glowing in the thoughts and the actions of what we’d just done.

Afterwards, we quickly hoped in the stream and cleaned off, splashing each other and laughing and carrying on. While we didn’t have sex again after that one time, we did share some warm cuddling and soft, pleasant touches.

Time went on, and I went to college, but every summer, I went back to that special place to see my Laura. She grew up over the next four years, turning into a beautiful young woman. I moved to Boston to start a job, and Laura went to college. Four years later, she came out of there, grown and beautiful.

I proposed after we began dating again for a couple years. She accepted, and seven months later, we were married. It was a beautiful moment, and I was so happy to be with her. Our lives have since been filled with happiness and romance and love, but I can’t help but wonder, in the back of my mind. Did I damn myself to Hell for giving into my temptations? Or was this beautiful, wonderful relationship between a man and his wife Heaven on Earth?


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