chelsey a friend of mine sitting next to me as i sit at my work benchmark begins to cover with me hey do you have any plans for tonight?… i look at her and said no… why do you ask? she just looks at my body and says she wants to have a little fun tonight. i look her and say what! your a lsebian!!!?. she says yea i thought you know that…before i get into my nights festivals let me get into a flash back and she what i learned in my life as a dominant.
as a young girl i was always wondering what it would be like to be some body’s sex slave you know like a slave to a dom so i was curious and i kinda found out as my life went on i went to this place a good friend of mine had told me about and this place was like a meeting hall for dominants and third slaves so i was aroused enough with all the pictures going throw my head i found a nice dom and i asked her if i could be her slave she said third were a few test’s i had to go throw first and i wentthrow these tasks and so she told me if i joined i would lose control of my body and it would be her property. i thought it would be a good experience so i went along with it. my dom’s name turned out to be claire and she had a historical named leon also known as her brother he was always stopping by checking on all the girls in her house he called us little sluts and we were in the whore house i just went along with my chores same with all the other girls, one night claires messanger kinda slave came to the basement were i was and told me to folo her so i stood up and we were on our marriage way. she told me to get undressed so i did seing as i had no choice in the matter and she began putting these things on me which i later figured out were handcuffs and spreader bars on my ankles i jsut thought it was arousing and i continued down the hall were my dom told me to knee so i knelt, she said… are you ready to be used as a slave girl? all i said was yes mistress, she lead me down the hall and into a bedroom with shadows hanging from the celing she took my handscuffs and locked me to the celing. she then grabbed a whip and lashed me across my chest it stung and i yelled out in pain, all she did was say get use to it! so i took it and got whipped in 4 main area’s my chest across my back on my phanny and in between the legs, she then told me if i had enough my pussy was wet to the feeling and i said no mistress use me More i like it, she picked up a different whip this one was longer and had little balls at the end. she presented me the whip and told me to kiss it so i kissed the handle and she then told me to count the strokes so she lashed me right in between the breasts and i yelled out in pain 1 with a tear in my eye then came more 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9… then the whip came down one more time right on my left ass check and i started to cry with tears running down my belly 10! she called for a girl named kelly and she ran in unlatched me and took me in the bathroom were she took of the remainder of what i was wearing and dunked me in the bath we talked for a few then i hoped out and i went to see claire again she said she had no use for me tonight so kelly took me to an empty bedroom and told me here is i’d sleep that night i got up and went and nocked on my dom’s door she said please enter and so i opened the door very slowly and almost chickened out but she saw me and i stepped in i said mistress may i sleep with you tonight i am very uncomfortable being alone in a dark room not in my own home. she said i was a naughty girl for leaving my room to both her and she told me i was to be punished.
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