Sandy had been waiting for a whole month to spend the weekend with her Dad. He only got to visit twice a month because of her Mom being a bitch and her Dad working two jobs. He was actually her x step Dad now but he was the only Dad she had ever known since she was three. Her Mom Donna had divided him last year saying he was a sex-o-holic whatever that means, sandy had no idea. Donna was a prude, long dresses and high necked blouses that didn’t flatter her body at all. Little interest in men because she didn’t date much before she married Ted and hadn’t since she told him to get out last year.
It had snowed a little in the mountains so this week when Tad called Sandy he suggested they make a day of trying out a new toboggan up near the house he had bought in the mountains. Sandy thought that was a great idea, giving her a chance to be with Ted, see his log cabin and maybe have some fun in the new snow. Donna was glad to get rid ofSandy for a day or two any tine he could. She liked to lay around the house and read a lot, seldom doing anything fun with Sandy except helping her with school work once in a while.
Ted was always fun to be with, finding entertaining things to do all the time. Joking a lot and just being happy doing spontaneous adventure, some time a bit crazy things for excitement. Sandy was very eager to spend some time alone with Ted because she had a lot to talk to him about. Her Mom never listened to her problems and when she did try to talk to her Sandy knew she wasn’t really listening so she just stopped trying. Ted was a good listener, he always sat down with her even if he didn’t know the answers he said honestly what he thought. Or gave Sandy suggestions of where to find out what she needed to know and who could tell her what she was interested in finding out.
Sandy knew this time it was going to be a challenge for Ted becauseshe wanted to talk to him about her growing pains as she rapidly was evolving into womanhood physically as well as emotionally. Sandy got her things ready, Ted was going to pick her up at ten so they would have the whole day to themselves. Her Mom had already told her that if Ted didn’t have to work before Monday she could spend the night at his cabin. As long as she called to tell Donna she wasn’t going to be home until Sunday evening. Sandy was very excited about the possibility of two days with Ted, so many things they could talk about, have an enjoyable Dad and daughter weekend.
Ted arrived at promptly ten and waited for Sandy outside on the deck. He never came in when Donna was there because she was always trying to start an argument with him. Ted didn’t like to fight, he did his best to be nice and avoid any conflicts. Sandy asked him about staying over and Ted said it was fine he had three days off work for the first time in ages. He was very pleased that he could spend it with his special girl Sandy. Sandy told her Mom it was fine to stay over and that Ted would bring her home at eight Sunday evening. So Donna had the entire weekend to do her boring things she liked so much.
Ted and Sandy jumped in his truck and headed for the mountains listening to Sandy’s favorite CD’s in the truck stereo. Ted talked a little about how much he had missed spending time with Sandy recently. Telling her how much she had grown towards being a beautiful young woman. Sandy blushed a little thinking about how she had already outgrown her training bra and the sprouting growth of soft pubic hair that was Nearly covering her mound. The thinking made her remember one of the things she needed to talk to Ted about. Any time she was real close to the boys at school now or thinking about her body her breasts got very tender. Her nipples got pretty hard and her panties often got all sticky wet, something her friends had told her about. Some she studied in biology class but she needed to talk to someone she trusted that could explain the sex things in a less clinical fashion.
Ted was real good at explaining things so it was easy for her to understand. The time for talking would come soon enough when they were relaxing watching movies before bed later tonight. It was almost noon when they arrived at Ted’s cabin, a beautiful place with diamond shaped windows, with a deck that wrapped around three sides high on the hill looking down into the valleys below. Sandy thought it was a cross between Heaven and a fortune in creative ways. Ted had built and designed it alone with his bare hands when Donna divided him. He had told Sandy doing the construction had taken his mind off missing her so much when they were first apart and he wasn’t allowed to see her.
Before when Ted was living with Donna and Sandy they had been very close, so much so at times that Sandy thought it had made her Mom jealous of her and Ted. Sandy was always sitting on his lap cuddling, Ted gave her massages, when sports at school made her muscles ache. he was always the one that rocked her to sleep and cared for her when she was sick, something her Mom was never good at. Ted helped Sandy bring her things in the cabin and showed her to the room he had built Especially for her. Sandy was impressed, beautiful oak furniture with the prettiest canopy bed all cover with pink lace. Satin sheets cover with a soft cotton comforter, Ted said, I made it beautiful for you because you are beautiful Sandy.
Sandy ran over to Ted throwing her arms around him, she gave him the biggest tight hug, then realized she was kissing him firmly on the lips instead of the cheese like she had intended to. Ted was kissing her back for a few seconds before he backed away saying, glad you like it honey, not making any reference to the extRemember affectionate kiss they had shared. Ted quickly changed the subject to getting ready for going sliding, insisting that Sandy dress warm so she didn’t get a chill when they were out on the mountain side. Ted left the room so Sandy could change in privacy, Sandy couldn’t stop thinking about the kiss feeling so good. That it felt even better when Ted had been kissing her back like he wanted to very much. Sandy had to change her panties too, apparently the short kiss had made her get wet down there where her pussy was pressing against her panties.
It wasn’t long and Ted and Sandy were pulling the big toboggan up the long step hill behind the cabin. It was very step so they had to stop often to rest, worth the effort because it would be a long fast ride back down in the cold snow loaded with exciting bumps that would take both their breaths away. It took nearly thirty minutes to make the climb pulling the toboggan then they rested for afew minutes admiring the lovely view of the valleys and the cabin far below them. Now they were ready Sandy had the front sitting between Ted’s legs as Ted gave the big push off, slowly the toboggan gained speed going up and down over the bumps. Then faster and faster as the toboggan only hit the tops of the bumps nearly flying at times. Almost to the bottom going at top speed Sandy saw a large rock sticking up in the trail.
She pointed quickly to get Ted’s attention, Ted grabbed the rope on the side of the toboggan and pulled as hard as he could. The toboggan turned missing the rock but the edge caught a snow ridge and the toboggan flipped over several times. Ted and Sandy went flying off rolling and flipping head over heals for a great distance. Sandy had her breath knocked out and was laying face down in the snow trying to see if she had any serious Injuries. Ted slide down beside her groaning a little saying he thought he broke his butt. Sandystarted laughing then stopped quickly when she realized it hurt to much to laugh. Ted said, are you OK sweetie? Sandy said I think so but my ribs are real tenderer and I have a real big ache in my lower back. Ted said, if we can make it to the house we can check it out to be sure it isn’t anything serious.
Next time we go for a slide we wont go so far up or so fast coming down it’s a bit to dangerous. I’m sorry I wasn’t more careful honey, Sandy said, it was fun, if the rock wasn’t there we would have made it all the way real easy. Ted recovered the toboggan and pulled Sandy to the cabin on it so she didn’t need to walk much before he had a chance to be sure she was in good shape. Sandy was limping a little when Ted helped Her in the cabin. He helped her off with her parka and boots then assisted her to her room where he could examine her, then she could take a shower and get changed for dinner that would be coming soon from the ski area caterer he had called earlier in the day.
Sandy sat on the edge of the bed while Ted started looking her over, he took off her socks making sure her toes were all healthy and both her ankles. He told Sandy she better take her ski pants off so he could make sure her legs weren’t bruised any place. Ted didn’t realize that all she had on underneath were her panties until she slipped her ski pants off. Her legs were beautiful, so long and smooth and soft as silk When he touched them looking for any damage that may have occurred when they crashed. He squeezed gently but found no painful areas on her legs, he needed to check her rib cage where she said it was very tender so Ted asked her to take her sweat shirt off.
There was a red area on her upper side, Sandy jumped when he touched it saying it hurt a little and his hands were cold. Ted apologized and blew hot breaths into his hands to warm them up a bit. He caRefully felt each rib to be sure none were broken, it appeared to be more of a milk bruise than anything serious. Ted also noticed how well Sandy’s breasts were filling her bra before he glanced away back to the medicinal check up. The only other place Sandy said she hurt was on her leg up near her hip in the back so Ted suggested she lay on her stomach so he could take a look at the last possible problem area. Sandy was a good patient so Ted could be certain she had no serious injuries.
Ted ran his hands over her back thinking of the many times he had given her massages when she was younger. How much he had enjoyed feeling her warm flesh under his hands as he caressed her every muscle with tender loving care. Things had changed a lot now that Sandy was nearly a woman, Ted loved her as much as always but her blossoming body made him feel a lot of new things he never felt before. He ran his fingers over her hip finding the painful spot. That appeared tobe a bruise also but there was a small area of scraped skin back a bit on her bottom cheese that he thought should have some antibiotic ointment on it just to be safe.
He told Sandy that it didn’t look serious but he was going to get the ointment and rub a little on to make it sterol and it would help stop the aching also. Ted went to the medicine cabinet getting the ointment then sat down on the bed beside Sandy. He rubbed the ointment gently over the abrasion with his hand slightly under the edge of her panties where the injury was. Her skin felt so good as he rubbed it in gently, his eyes admiring her well rounded bottom with the womanly curve of her hips. Ted had to stop, he told Sandy she was fine now and he was grateful that she hadn’t been hurt seriously. He left the room so Sandy could dress for dinner saying little more, Ted realized that he had started getting an erection looking at how lovely Sandy had become. He certainly didn’twant her to know that he was only human and very weak where love was concerned.
The catering dropped the food off, mostly a buffet of a little of everything for munching informally. Ted thought it was a nice treatment for Sandy’s first visit with him in such a long time. They ate well and in short order they were full to the top with plenty left for snacking whenever they wanted. Sandy put in a movie so the could sit and relax and maybe find some time to talk heart to heart about her girl problems. She felt it was a Must because her panties got wet again when Ted was rubbing the ointment on her hip earlier.
Sandy sat beside Ted on the day bed as they watched the movie, both were doing a lot of thinking about each other before Sandy asked Ted if she could share some personal problems with him? Ted as always said, sure, honey you know you can always talk to me about anything you need to. Sandy began telling him about how she got excited around boys, it made her breasts get firm and her nipples got very hard popping out. Ted didn’t say anything he just figured for now he should listen only, then Sandy began telling Ted about how her belly go all butterflies, then her pussy got very hot and her panties became all sticky wet from her pussy.
Ted still didn’t know what to say, but he did know he was getting an enormous erection just thinking about what Sandy had told him. Ted held her hand saying, that’s just normal feelings when your body matures honey. It gets even more that way when you love someone very much, like a boy friend that your close to often. When you love someone a lot your body wants you to be loving them Sexually as well as emotionally. Ted was having a hear time with his feelings at the moment, not fully understanding why Sandy was making his so aroused. It got worse quickly when Sandy told him the she got very wet when they kissed earlier, very wet againWhen he rubbed the ointment on her hip.
She wanted to know if that means she wanted to make love with him, because she did love him very much always. Ted was lost for words at that point, not knowing how to explain it without making her feel bad about her feelings for him. Ted was struggling with his feelings too, his desire to be close to Sandy was very strong as a father figure bit at the moment even stronger as a man both physically and emotionally. Sandy asked Ted if he got those funny feelings about loving anyone? He said, yes, he did sometimes and they were very strong. Sandy asked, if he felt that way about her sometimes? Ted squirmed around trying to adjust his erection so it didn’t pinch, then he thoughtfully looked deep in Sandy’s eyes and said, yes honey, I know I shouldn’t but I do.
Then Sandy said, why not, if you love me as much as I love you? Ted said, well I should be more like your Dad than your lover honey. Sandy looked at him very seriously and said, why can’t you be both, we aren’t related really? Ted didn’t have an answer that made sense to him and he knew it wouldn’t make sense to Sandy either. Ted sat contemplating words when Sandy moved closer putting her arms around him. Then she started kissing him very passwordately on the lips, Ted kissed her back with the same password until Sandy was melting in His arms. Then he quickly turned away and started walking towards the kitchen. Sandy started crying and ran to her room throwing herself on the bed trying to understand why he rejected her affection.
Ted felt terrible, he rejected his feelings, denied his desires and hurt Sandy’s at the same time. He paced around wanting to bang his head on the wall to end the way he felt with some pain to cover the dominant emotions. Finally he had to go in and talk to Sandy, try to make her understand that she was perfect in every way. To perfect for him to be that close to her no matter how much he wanted to. When Ted entered Sandy’s room she was still crying with her face buried in the pillow. He went over and sat down rubbing her back like when she was a little girl. When Sandy looked up Ted kissed her lips very softly saying, I love you Sandy. I always have and I always will no matter what we are doing or where we are in this whole lifetime.
As their kisses grow deeper with more password, Ted’s hands began roaming over Sandy’s body massaging with ultimate tenderness. He was giving Sandy her greatest massage ever, as his hands slide under her shirt soothing the growing heat in her breasts making her nipples swell between his fingers as he milked them gently. Sandy’s tongue began sliding in and out of Ted’s mouth as he taught her how to suck tongues. Exploring the depths of each others mouths, Ted’s hand slide down over Sandy’s soft public shaft toying his fingers in her flowing wetness until her moans of pleasure echoed in his ears.
Then Ted took her clothes all off, then his for her eyes to explore his every feature. Before morning Ted had taught her all about the genteel pleasures of sexual love, her breasts had been nursed until they felt empty of warmth. Her bottom licked until she was floating in her own sexual arousal. Her pussy filled to the hilt with his big cock until it was stretched to its limit, her womb filled with his hot seed until it overflowed and ran back out onto the bed beneath her. When they awoke in each others arms Sandy was a woman in every respect and Ted new he wasn’t going to leave her again ever……
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