Work took up most of my time so when my young neighbor Mandy asked about summer jobs. It was a good opportunity for me to delegate walking my dog Rex and his feeding to her for a small fee. Saved me an extensive bill from pet day care each month as well as giving Mandy summer employment. Rex was quite laid back with an occasional burst of energy for playing ball when the mood struck and someone was willing to toss it for a while. It seemed a good idea that Mandy spent the first few days with rex when I was around to be sure she could handle him with ease before leaving her in charge.
She was a sweet little thing budding out rapidly with vibrant ripening womanhood that made watching her pure pleasure. She had moved in next door with her Mom several months ago, her Mom worked hard making ends meet since her husband had ran off with her sister a few years ago. A subject that was no secret but a touchy spot for her so it was never mentioned especially when Mandy was around. I had become the man figure via my living so close assisting with the little things that home care often needed. A little yard work in trade for the ladies doing my laundry, benefiting both of us equally.
Mandy’s summer job being an added income for her needs as well as making it easier for her Mom to stretch the minimum income she worked hard to get. The first day I kept a close eye on her and Rex as she learned his daily routines and all went well. They hit it off fabulously, by the second day Mandy and Rex were playing in the back yard like old friends. I watched with pleasure as they played ball, even a cute game of hide and seek when Rex would bark madly when he found her crouched down hiding in the flower bed.
I was enjoying it as much as Rex watching her delightful young body prancing around while they entered each other. Occasionally I caught a glimpse of her pink panties, flashes of creamy white belly over a purely fantastic public mound. Wondering if she had grown into teasing the boys yet with her outstanding charms. When she got down on all fours acting like Rex he was flipping out running insanely around the yard yipping teasing her to play. It was great for a laugh except when Rex got a bit to excited and nipped at her a few times. I doubted he would bit hard enough to actually hurt but I would need to tell her to be a little less playful when I was at work.
As I watched the antis in the yard my attention was a bit to focused on her sweet little bottom as it bounced and wiggle constantly to the point I was getting a sizable bulge in my pants. I rejected the thought that Rex had noticed it too figuring his mind had no concepts beyond playing. My hard on was getting troublesome so I went to watch a game on the television so it would go back to its dormant state. As I sat I could hear the barking with occasional laughter telling me all was fine. Then a rather quiet time thinking they must be resting a while.
I had just begun to relax when I could hear Mandy screaming hysterically, my first though, Rex had nipped her too hard. I ran to the back yard to resolve whatever problem had occurred with pounding heart. My heart went into my throat as my eyes saw Mandy on all fours with her bottom up under Rex. His big red swollen cock dripping cum as it stalled franticly between her legs poking her panties with increasing speed. Rex was intent on pounding that big doggy cock into her balls and all.
It was obvious I had to pull Rex off, reprimand him sternly for his instinctive behavior and hook him to the dog house for a prolonged period so he realized fucking Mandy was a bad idea. Mandy was till screaming hysterically not knowing I was all ready close in the process of rescue. I hesitated briefly being totally inspired by what I was watching. Rex hadhis paws around her wait so tightly she couldn’t escape, his dripping red doggy cock driving hard against her panties. It was certain that if his cock wasn’t slipping over the smooth fabric he would be hammering her to her very depths.
My senses returned realizing I had actually hoped to see him slipping inside her tenderer young pussy pounding her into unconsciousness as he filled her with his cum. I quickly pried his legs form her wait giving him a firm slap saying “NO” as I dragged him to the hitch on the dog house. Mandy had stopped screaming as she lay on the ground whimpering, cover with dirt and sweat, her dress nearly to her chest. The back of her panties saturated with doggy cum all the way down over her legs.
Scooping her up in my arms carrying her to the house to clean her up her body totally smelling like dog cum and dog odors. I saw a few scratches but nothing that look serious but I certainly need to give her a complete check over and doctor up the scratches. I brought her directly into the bath where she could be cleaned up before applying any needed antibiotic. I gently washed her face wiping away the dirt and tears knowing she would need a shower after I had cleaned up enough to check for injuries.
Mandy’s cheats were very flushed from her experience, as soon as her face felt clean she said, Rex thought I was a girl dog didn’t he? I had to admit she was correct trying to apologize for his indiscretion in behavior and I had no idea that would happen. She didn’t seem very traumatized by the experience saying, I though he was playing when he jumped on me. Then he got to rough and it started to hurt but he wouldn’t stop when I told him to and I got scared he would bite me.
She had a vague idea of what he was doing for sure but definitely hadn’t realized the pain he wanted to give her was far from being a bite. She was some innocent and certainly not stupid as I washed her arms off checking for scratches. Mandy wasn’t shy because she had often changed by the pool in front of me for swimming even flirting a little while she did. She had no hesitancy in taking her filter dress off standing statusesque before me in sport bra and panties. I could see she had numerous scratches around her hips where Rex had locked his strong paws around her.
I was enjoying the playing nurse not rushing to finish quickly, watching her delicate flesh as I slowly washed her shoulders. When I softly cleaned around her sport bra my eyes focused on her nipples as they slowly swelled on her firm breasts. Maybe Rex had set the mood by forcing her to think about sex, she was feeling some visible arousal. Mandy tensed a bit when the scratched areas on her waist were cleaned, her back seemed unblemished by his attempted ravaging.
Her legs had a few scratches that needed cleansing thinking I was nearly finished and she could jump in the shower soon. As I started to stand up Mandy said, shouldn’t you take my nasty panties off? I agreed they definitely were gross and needed to be removed. It should have been her deed rather than mine but I had no intention of missing an opportunity to fill my eyes with her precious bottom. Her panties slipped down easily with my fingers in the waist band over her hips and off her feet. A soft puff of mound curls blessed my vision only inches from my face, my tongue darting over my lips.
My cock bolted down my pants leg as the scent of her pussy overwhelmed the doggy scent. The wash clothes stroked over her belly as my eyes roamed up over her hard nipples since Mandy was biting her lip looking down at me. There was definitely a lot more happening with her than just a need to be cleaned and medicated. Her body felt hot, the aroma from her pussy came from more than a normal state of emotions. Had she actually wondered what it felt like to have that red doggy cock slipping inside her sweet pussy? It seemed she was tempting me far more than was justifiable that’s for sure.
Reaching around I cleansed her bottom as best I could washing over her lovely round trying to keep my cock from bobbing insanely in my pants. As I looked up again she had taken her sport bra off biting her lip as she massed her nipples with her eyes closed with a pleasant smile. Mandy turned around offering her bottom for cleaning, my hands eagerly washing over the firm rounded flesh down between her legs. Her heat permeated my hand as it washed over her legs returning to her bottom.
I stood up knowing I had all ready overdone the cleaning that had been a glorious experience for me. Quite sure that she had derived a great deal of arousing satisfaction as well. Adjusting the shower temperaturenature I told Mandy she should wash her hair and reward every inch of her body before drying and placing antibiotic on the scratches. We could find her some suitable clean clothes after and put hers in the washing so they would be clean for when she needed to return home.
When she stepped in the shower I started to walk away, Mandy spoke up quickly saying, I feel a bit shadowy would you stay and help me? I was glad to stay knowing full well it was not necessary but I wanted to experience all I could get of her as long as I could justify the reason. She was giving me plenty of reason real or created to fit her thoughts. Mandy left the shower door open a little, within seconds I was soaked from the spray that blasted out. She laughed as the water ran down my face saying, you may as well join me your going to need a change too by the looks.
I hesitated until she reached out and began unhooking my pants then I quickly pulled my cloths off and stepped into the spray shutting the door tightly. She promptly soaped my chest gazing into my eyes as she rubbed her hard nipples over my soapy chest. I had it figured out, she didn’t need to tattoo her intentions into my flesh. Mandy soaped her belly then mine making her muff wet and slippery. Her soapy hands gilding up and down my cock shake as she rubbed the head in her soapy muff dipping it down over her delicate pink pussy flesh.
Passion began to rule as my lips met hers with mutual frantic kissing, Mandy was pressed tight against the shower wall. Lifting her gently up her legs wrapped around my waist, my cock directly beneath her sweet pussy slit. As the head rippled over her pink folders I lowered her down, my rigid cock rippling the head over her velvet flesh. Until her muff entwined with mine, my balls nestled between her bottom Cheeks. Sucking at her nipples franticly nursed while my cock plugged in and out in long driving thrusts.
Mandy squealed, I’m going to cum! As I drove hard holding tight, my quaking ground sending hot spurts of cum filling Mandy up. We dressed and talked deciding to not be to hard on Rex all things considered. We decided Mandy should spend the night so she could learn about how Rex was cared for in the night time in case she had to watch him at night some time. While Mandy was getting ready for bed in relaxing clothes for a late movie In bed, I felt it only fair I bring Rex a treat to his dog house stay. He was happy to see me with a precious look as I tossed him the big bone. As I turned he while a bit looking at me oddly as if to say, You fucked her didn’t you?…………..
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