Rock Climbing With Pussy(niece)

My niece Cherry had been bugging me all summer to take her rock climbing on a neary mountain. Summer was almost at an end so it was do it or get bitched at by her and her Mom all winter long. She only lived a few houses away so I made it a point to stop by telling her this coming Saturday was the target date for her outing. Cherry was in seventh heaven telling all her friend about her adventure with her mountain man uncle. I had to admit Cherry was fun to be with, her sparkling personality mixed with the ability to have a sense of humor was priceless. Not to leave out she had one purely edible body even if I was her Mom’s brother. Certainly no harm in looking and thinking how sweet the charms are as long as they stay untouched.

Cherry had her gear all packed so I told her I would swing by about 8 in the morning and we could stop for a late brunch on the way. She was overjoyed getting to go climbing with her favorite uncle as well as out to for morning brunch. Just as I headed hoe Cherry came running up jumped in my arms giving me the most hot kiss saying, thanks uncle for keeping your promise. I said, that’s the way its supposed to be knowing her Dad had skipped out on her when she was only 2 not bothering to come back even to say hello to her.

The week flew by and before I knew it was Saturday morning and I was on my way to pick up Cherry. She was all ready waiting on the corner for me so we toss her things in the van and headed off for brunch. We found a nice little cafe on the way with home cooking orders our favorites and ate till we thought we would burst. Back into the van and in 30 minutes we were at the base of the mountain deciding which router we would try our luck at. I was very pleased when Cherry selected one of the easier climbs so I didn’t need to worry as much about her inexperience.

We had a slight debate of who was to lead the first leg of the climb, Cherry was inevitable she wanted to. After some thought I agreed, it was the easiest part and I could take over at some point before the day was over. We adjusted our gear and headed up telling her to go easy and save her strength for the last leg that was most difficult. We stared climbing she was doing well so far going a little slower than I would have to be sure she didn’t make any mistakes. I compiled her on her wise caution following behind at a leisurely pace as she did the majority of the preparation to insure safety.

At first I watched her skills until persuaded she was going to have no problems. The I began watching something much more entertaining, Cherry’s fine bottom from an adorable vantage point. She was definitely one sweet fluff of cotton candy, an oral feast for a king or some real nice humping. She was my nice and if sister ready my mind at the moment I was dead meat or sure. My cock was a big handicapfor climbing hitting on the rocks as I slid over them. I doubted she would look down much if I relied myself but this high up hanging from a rope often was really not a good place for masturbation. I would muscle past the problem or live with it there wasn’t a real option any way.

I bumped into her bottom a couple times and she let out a squeal calling me a pervert, laughing. I apologized for the accident and Cherry slyly said, maybe I should have defeat a dress. Right I barked back at her in my dreams, then she stopped looked down wiggled her bottom, winked and said, without any panties. That was some naughty teasing that I had not anticipated needing to top the statement. Right, I said again, you don’t have the nerve to do that anyway? Her reply was a very sound want to make a bet thoughtly? A challenge I figured id win easily saying sure, 100 bucks cash if you got the nerve sweetie. All she said was we got a deal, as soon as I get the chance! Ithought for sure she was bluffing thinking id forget the whole thing in a few minutes.

It was nearing time for a rest break so I told her to stop at the next flat landing where we could take a break. She was still in that silly teasing mood saying why waste time, I can just sit on your face and rest then we don’t need to take a break stud muffin. I said whatever candy pants but we have to take a respite no, ifs, and or buts, end of discussion! she eased up saying, yes sir your wish is my command, next flat, we stop. That eased my mind a bit as it appeared we were getting close to a large flat landing. Sure enough She turned saying there was a very large flat place right in front of her and she was going to crawl, over and wait for me to come up.

It was nice to sit back, relax the legs taking a deep breath. We looked at each other satisfied with the progress we had made so far on our climb. There wasn’t a need forwords to express the exhibition of looking out over the valley below us. It was arousing in a natural way, thrill that lifted all the senses. I watched Cherry’s chest rise and fall as she caught her excited breath, her full breasts poking into her shirt. The warm trickles of perspiration rolling down into her abundant cleavage.

My mind wandered imagined the head of my cock rubbing over her soft breasts, teasing her cleavage. Gilding over her nipples as my hot cum burst into her mouth, plunging deep inside. I had no intention of expressing these carnal feelings to Cherry knowing she would no I was a pervert rather than just joking about it. As she sat with her back against the rock spacing out my eyes studied her legs. So smooth and shaped without appearing muscle. Her climbing pants stressed tightly into her crotch, my mind toying with the vivid mental portrait. The delicate charms that were filling her panties warmth, fertile with her ripeyouth.

My need to think of something else was a must as my cock began to leak seed into my shorts thinking of our bodies being one. The rest break felt welcome as we began to regain our strength anticipating that Cherry would soon be ready to return to our climb. I was surprised when she said, seeing how we are here away from the world can we have a heart to heart talk? I said, sure, but, why so serious all of a sudden honey? She said, just a lot of things on my mind lately and Mom doesn’t have time to talk or listen and I hoped maybe you could give me some honest answers about a lot of things? I said, ill do my best but I’m probably not very good at it, its a new thing for me.

Cherry assured me I would do fine, listening was the hardest part only needing to give her honest answers. It started out innocently enough, she asked me if it was normal to feel to get excited when she was flirting with the boys atPhool? I assured her that it was much the same for everyone even if it was seldom talked about. It was just part of growing up and the first few years the feelings were extremely intense until they mellowed into a more sensitive romantic emotion.

She said, well some times I think I’m weird when those feelings get very intense when they shouldn’t. I wasn’t sure what she was getting at so I asked the foolishly for an explanation to enhance my thinking. She said, like when we were climbing, you accidentally bumped my bottom and I knew you were watching it real close. I got so hot thinking about it my panties got so wet I was afraid you could hear the squishy sound when I moved. All I could think about was if seeing my bottom was making you get hard.

I was wishing I hadn’t told her I would be honest with her, admitting I couldn’t remember ever seeing such a delicious looking bottom in my whole life.That it did definitely make me very aroused, even if it was total wrong to think about her that way. Cherry scooted over closer asking, why it was so wrong to have feelings like that if it was normal human emotions? I said, because your my niece, it’s not socially acceptable in our culture to allow those feelings to go beyond more than thinking. Plus your Mom would kill me if she had any idea I thought you were so sexually attractive.

She said she realized that but it didn’t seemed right not to have a lot of strong feelings for someone she cared about so much. When I agreed, she added, if no one know and it was a secret how could it be wrong? We were headed for some very dangerous territory at this pace of honesty, my only answer was we would know it was wrong honey. It could potentially cause us some guilt with remorse someday that would make life difficult. I thought that would resolve the issue but Cherry became more talkative. Telling me some of her friends had confirmed in her that they had shared many intimate moments with close family members. Some a lot closer than our niece uncle relationship, they had no regrets, only special feelings.

I was at a loss for contradicting her words admitting that I guessed some times expressing affection was destined to go beyond what was accepted socially. My best escape from the situation was to suggest we continue our climb. Obviously she wasn’t ready saying, you should check my ankle first because it feels like its sprained? I thought it was a ploy for more talk I rather avoid but when I looked at her ankle it did look bruised, apparently she banged it on a rock as we climbed. She said it wasn’t real sore, eagerly accepting my suggestion to rest longer possible canceling the remainder for another time in a few days. It was early yet she suggested more talk to pass time before we descended so the day enjoying the sunshine with a fantastic view wouldn’t be wasted.

That sounded like a sensible decision, giving her ankle a chance to rest while we took in the view that we seldom had a chance to enjoy away from the busy life at home. Cherry was resting against my chest as we sucked in the warm sun that heated the ledge we were on. I was dozing off when she asked if it was ok for her to sunbathe freshening up her summer tan before the winter arrived in a few weeks. A nocent enough request as I said, sure honey enjoy the time we may as well make the best of the remainder of the day. Cherry pulled a soft thin mat from her pack laying it out beside me to keep the stone dust from sticking to her exposed skin as she lay down.

A very peaceful secluded place that swelled with serenity, a world away from the turmoil of life where all that seemed important was relaxing in the warm sun. She lay there eyes closed with a pleased smile as the sun warmed her body. OccasionallyShe moved making soft sensitive sounds feeling the sun penetrating her skin. My eyes often roaming over her body drinking in her beauty teasing my thoughts with the conversation we had about closeness. Adoring again the sensing of my cock swelling down my pants leg as it also feel the penetrating sun.

Her eyes opened looking at me rather questioningly as she slipped her shirt off. Then her sport bra as she laid back down closing her eyes, the sun glistening in the perspiration that cover her subtle young breasts. Her large aureolas adorned with full pink nipples the size of cherries. I saw at the sight of such sweet perfection with no intent of denying my pleasure by asking her to be more modest. Sweet fans of licking her breasts, tasting the sweetness of her delicate nipples as I nursed them to the peak of arousal.

If her intention was to tempt and tease she was certainly achieving her goal in excess. As I sat admiringher magnificent breasts while she sunned, she moved her hands down unsnapping her pants sighing as she slide the zipper down. I could feel my heart pounding rapidly, Cherry squirmed her bottom slipping them down over her hips. Pushing them off her feet, then slowly almost as if for my pleasure her finger tips hooked in the waist of her panties. Her hips grating sensitively as her panties rolled off her hips down to her feet where she kicked them away with her pants.

Her round bottom settled onto the mat lifting her mound, slightly parting her legs so invitingly. Wisps of soft hair adorned her high mound, her love bud poking deliciously out atop her slit accenting the beginning of the puffy slit below. My mind was racing, how could so much irresistible flesh be combined in one perfect body? But she was my niece, that fact couldn’t change no matter how much I prayed. Constantly my mind searched for a way to justify knowing Cherry in every sensitive aspect of her being. Mind, soul and definitely her fabulous young body that puled of sensitivity. So soft with ripe fertility that it seemed to beg for the rapture of harmonious orgasm.

Cherry opened her eyes again looking into mine, a big smile over her glowing cheeses. Her eyes sparkling with some deep emotions that I could only guess about. Her words beckoning me to let my body feel the sun on my naked flesh the way she was? Without hesitance I eagerly joined her laying flat beside her as the warm sun filled me peace. A feeling of paradise floating over me as my eyes closed drifting into a fantasy world of sweet serenity.

The feel of her hair brushing on my belly brought me back to reality. Cherry was studying my full erection intently, her fingers softly exploring it’s features. Moving over the pulsing head playfully toying in the seed that she had coated up the shake as it sawed out onto her fingers. We progressed beyond the stopping point, sensitive passages had become our master. When her lips roamed over my cock head learning the taste and feel of my manly essence I had to coax her bottom over my face.

My eyes were filled with the sight of her puffy aroused virgin pussy, her love bud filled with swollen desire. Her delectable little anus moist from her extreme heat almost begging to be penetrated as much as her gorgeous pussy did. As my tongue made its first probe of her wet pink pussy folds drinking in her creamy flow her lips slipped over my cock head nursed down the shake as it filed her soft warm mouth. While my tongue divided deep inside her tenderer pussy her sucking intensified eagerly coating the flow of seed up my shaft.

Cherry easily climaxed on my tongue several times flowing her creamy juices over me. The flow of my seed was tremendous as she sucked it down craving more, my hardness was far from easy knowing her perfection would make meorgasm many times before I was spent. She was thriving on the joys of her first oral pleasure, knowing full well that soon she would want the ultimate feelings of her password filled to the hilt. The intense body orgasm that culminated with her womb being filled with hot man seed in puling spurts.

She was ready for more, even the full penetration of my tongue no longer satisfied her craving for more. Her intensity sucking had become frantic trying to fill the void in her womb via her soft hot mouth. It had to be better than simply the missionary position for her first time. A feeling that she would remember for ever with a satisfied smile whenever she thought back to her first cock. This was to be her ultimate experience as I kneeled guiding Cherry to her hands and knees before me.

My hands rubbed sensitively over her back making it arch as Cherry looked out from the ledge over the luscious valley below with endless miles of green forests to the hills beyond. Hands tenderly caresing her bottom cheats teasing them apart as her legs opened wide offering her wet pink folders for penetration. The head of my cock stretching her folds as it eased inside pumping gently over her velvet flesh. Cherry began an erotic moaning as my cock bounced at her virgin barrier. One quick thrust, she gasped as the head rippled past her deflowered threshold.

Slowly she began to move back rocking onto my cock intensely moaning as her velvet flesh rippled deep over my thrusting cock. Her creamy flow glistening over my shaft as it plugged to her depths bringing her ever closer to orgasm. Cherry reached under massaging my balls teasing for my seed to exploit inside her velvet chamber. She thrust back hard holding my cock to full depth as her orgasm rushed hotly over my shaft. One throaty gasp, rocking spurts of hot seed pulsed into Cherry filling her until it overflowed around my cock.

The fourth time we orgasm in unison my cock was spent, she rolled on her back panting in glorified satisfaction, my abundant seed running from her pussy flowing over the stones beneath. As we caresed in gentle thanks for our shared pleasure Cherry said, now there is no reason not to have a next time. Can I spend the night at your house? Maybe we can climb here again tomorrow?……….


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