This story is fiction and describes the forced headshaving and rape of an underage boy. If this is illegal to read in your locale or if you expect to be offended by the material, please go no further. If, however, you enjoy reading stories like this (especially the headshaving part) let me know because I’m always looking for people who are into it too! Thanks.
“I can’t believe you got the wrong size. What the hell were you thinking?”
“Sorry Dad, I’ll go back and exchange it, and I’ll work late to make up the time.”
“No, if I want something done right I guess I’m gonna have to do it myself.”
You stay here and mind the kid like I told Ms. Gardner we’d do. And don’t screw anything else up while I’m gone!”
The argument was not much different from the ones 17-year-old Bryan and his father had ever since the boy decided to quit school. His parents had been against it, of course, and to teach him a lesson about how hard it was to survive in the real world Bryan’s father made him go to work with him everyday at the family’s painting/general contracting business. This morning, still sleepy from having to get up at 4:30, Bryan had apparently picked out the wrong size couples they needed for today’s job. With the nearest Home Depot More than hour away, Bryan’s mistake would add several hours to their day’s work.
Bryan was feeling a little guilty for the screw up when he heard someone turn the water off in the upstairs shower. He’d been excited when his father told him that part of today’s job would be minding the customer’s young son while the woman was away at work. In the nonchalant way he’d developed for scoping out young boys, Bryan had caught a glimpse of the boy in a family photo that hung on the wall. The kid was cute, but younger than he liked.
Bryan smiled as he imagined what it’d be like to tell his father his innermost secret: “Dad, the reason I quit school is because I got tired having to hide my erections around the other boys, but on a good note, that 6-year-old in the picture is a little too young even for my liking!”
Knowing his father wouldn’t return for several hours, Bryan made his way over to the first floor bathroom, took off his shirt and splashed some water on his face to wake himself up a little. Standing before the mirror, he couldn’t help but notice the muscle tone he’d gained from doing manual labor with his father. Together with his darkening tan and the sun-lightened blondness of his closely cropped hair, Bryan had to admit he looked pretty good.
It took him a while to notice the boy staring at him from the stairs, but when he did he was careful not to acknowledge it too quickly. He could tell the boy was studying him the sameway Bryan had studied the boys at school when he was that age. Still shirtless, he struck a subtle pose and flexed his muscles a few times before speaking.
“Do you like what you see?”
The boy on the stairs looked started, gripping the little knot of the bath towel wrapped around his waist and stammering for the words to explain his presence.
“I… I just came down to get my hair dryer. Sorry if I scared you.”
“No problem. I was freshening up a little and sensed you liked the show. What’s your name?”
“Nicholas,” replied the boy, uncertain how to respond to the first part. Still his expression betrayed him, and Bryan knew for certain the boy had been admiring him from his perch on the stairs.
“Nicholas, that’s a nice name. You must be visiting the family who lives here, cuz I don’t think I saw you in the picture hanging over there.”
Nicholas looked in the direction Bryan was pointing. “I’m in there,” he asserted plainly. “That picture was taken a few years ago.”
Bryan’s heart skipped a beat when he realized Nicholas was the boy he was supposed to babysit for most of the morning. Though he was too young for Bryan’s taste at the time the photo was taken, the boy had grown and “filled out” nicely — was even a little chubby, perhaps — and his attractive brown hair had been allowed to grow thick and long, past his shirt collar with bangs gently brushing his eyesbrows.
“How old are you, Nicholas?”
“Eight. W…Why?”
“I was the same age when I started noticing older boys. What was it you liked about me? Was it the tan, or the muscles? How about my short hair… YOU sure look like it’s been a while since you visited the barbershop.”
“Y… Yeah,” stammered Nicholas, embarrassed again by so much of what Bryan had asked that he chose to respond to the last part. “My mom likes it like this. When my dad lived with us he’d argue with her about it and she’d finally give in and let him cut it short, like it is in the picture. Ever since they got divided she’s wanted me to grow it long. I think it makes her feel good to finally get her way.”
Bryan smiled, impressed by Nicholas’ insight and charmed by the boyish way he remembered the story. The two looked at each other for a few awkward moments before Nicholas broke the silence.
“Um… like I said, I just came to get my hair dryer. I’ll be out of your way in a second.”
“What makes you think you’re in my way?” asked Bryan teasingly, the smile on his face letting Nicholas know he was enjoying the boy’s company. His cock had already begun to swell since seeing the boy on the stairs, and now it hardened painfully the moment Nicholas brushed past him, allowing Bryan to catch the wonderful, freshly shampooed scent of the boy’s hair. For almost as long as he knew he liked boys, Bryan also knew he had a special attention to hair. Gazing down at Nicholas’ thick, still damp locks, Bryan thought of a plan.
“You wouldn’t mind if I helped you dry your hair, would you Nicholas? My boyfriend was the only guy in high school to take cosmetology, and we always used to play with each other’s hair before I got mine cut short.”
It was a lie, of course. Bryan could no more have had a boyfriend at school than he could tell his father he was a boy-lover, but the look on Nicholas’ face showed he was flattered by Bryan’s attention.
“Um, alright… I mean, if you really want to.”
“I’d like it very much,” said Bryan, his cock stretching painfully at the thought of all the other thngs he’d like to do with Nicholas as well. He motioned to the boy to pull up a small stool in front of the sink, and then took from the counter the hairbrush Nicholas indicated was his. Plugging the hair dryer into the electrical outlet, he turned it on low and used the brush to delicately lift the long heavy locks of Nicholas’ hair.
“Tell me Nicholas,” said Bryan softly after a minute or so spent drying the boy’s hair, “what was it like when you used to get your hair cut short?”
The boy looked a little uncomfortable with the question, but Bryan figured that was good. It means that Nicholas too might get that “special feeling” Bryan got whenever he thought or talked about hair.
“It… It was usually pretty bad, especially towards the end. My mom and dad would spend a long time fighting about it, then as soon as my mother gave in my father would get the clippers and sit me down on the front porch. I sworehe did it there because it was the one place my mother would usually go to get away from him. That, plus I think he liked showing the neighbors who was boss. I remember one time an old guy who lived down the street was walking by just as my father turned the clippers on. ‘No son of mine is gonna look like a girl,’ he said to the old man, and the guy turned up staying to watch the entire haircut. Even worse was when the kids from the neighborhood would be outside playing. They’d stop what they were doing and wander over to the porch to point and make faces at me while my dad cut off all my hair.”
Bryan remained silent for a moment, playing out the scene in his mind. “What did he do with the hair after he cut it?”
“He’d usually just sweep it off the edge of the porch, probably so my mother would see it every time she went out there. The kids would always laugh about it too: ‘Look, there goes littleNicholas’ hair!’ they’d joke whenever the wind blew a clump of it out into the street.
“Must’ve been embarrassing,” replied Bryan, trying to sound sensitive despite being turned on by the story’s details. “If you don’t mind me saying, though, you don’t seem all that happy now that your mom lets you grow it long.” It was a trick of sorts, Bryan hoping the boy would fall prey to the power of suggestion.
“Wellll… it’s okay I guess, but nowadays most kids wear their hair really short, like yours. My mom always says they look like shacked rats!” Nicholas chuckled when he said this, but quickly realized it could be misconstrued. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that you look like a…”
“Don’t worry about it, no offense taken” chuckled Bryan. “It’s kinda weird, when I was your age I wanted long hair too, but now that I’m used to keeping it short, I don’t know that I’ll ever go back. What about you… you ever think of getting it cut?”
Bryan posed the question just as he finished drying Nicholas’ hair. He’d been careful not to over-dry it, wanting the velvety thick locks to hang heavily atop the boy’s shoulders, not too wispy or frizzy the way hair can get when it’s been under the heat for too long.
“Um… sometimes I guess, but I think my mom would feel hurt if I ever did it.”
“It’s really nice that you consider your mom’s feeling like that,” replied Bryan, again trying to sound sensitive despite the growing pain in his cock. “You’re getting older now, though, and fitting in with the other kids is important. You don’t want to disappoint your mom by not having many friends, do you?”
“N… No, I guess not.”
“Good, then that settles it. Does your mom havea pair of scissors I could use, or…”
“My dad’s clippers are still in the closet,” replied Nicholas without thinking.
“But I’m not sure I want…”
“Oh come on, it’ll be fun. Trust me, you’re gonna love it. Here, touch my head and see how neighbor it feels.”
Still perched atop the stool Nicholas turned to touch Bryan’s head, accidentally letting the bath towel around his waist shift in such a way that Bryan was able to catch a glimpse of the boy’s package.
“There, doesn’t that feel nice?” asked Bryan a little more excitedly than he wanted, his dick about ready to exploit from seeing the boy’s little hairless cock and balls. If he didn’t worry up and “seal the deal” with this kid, he was gonna have to lock himself in this same bathroom and wank himself ’til his hand cramped. “Come on, go get your dad’s clippers and let’s see what I can do for you.”
Astonished by the amount of influence he’d been able to have over the boy, Bryan watched as Nicholas stepped reluctantly down from the stool and made his way over to a hallway closet, pulling open the folding doors and reaching way up to the top shelf for a small blue plastic case. Before the boy could turn and head back, Bryan reached into his pants and grabbed hold of his hot, throbbing cock. “Hold on buddy, good things come to Those who wait.”
Although a look of reservation on his face, Nicholas returned to the bathroom clutching the blue plastic case. He let Bryan take it from him and then allowed himself to be led back over toward the stool. In his haste to relieve some of the pressure on his cock, Bryan had inadvertently pushed the stool from in front of the mirror, but realized its current position was better suited for what he had in mind anyway.
“Have a seat Nicholas,” he said bruskly, his desire for gratification having stripped his voice of its soft tones. Bryan quickly snapped open the plastic kit to reveal the hair clippers inside. Noting the tiny brown hair snippets lying at the bottom of the case — no doubt the remnants of Nicholas’ haircuts years before — he quickly added a couple drops of oil to the blades, plugged the clippers into the electrical outlet and flicked them on.
“Don’t worry about a thing, Nicholas… we’re gonna have you looking sharp in no time!” Bryan announced over the hum of the clippers. It was a corny thing to say and Bryan heard his voice crack a little with nervousness, but he was like a drug addict about to get his fix — cool, precise comfort beginning the moment he clamped a hand atop the boy’s head and pushed it down.
Bryan felt his entire body shudder as he slowly propelled the clippers up theback of Nicholas’ head, watching as a super-thick section of chestnut hair from the nape of the boy’s neck played itself out at the body of the clippers, vibrating there momentarily before sliding off and landing in a soft, dark heap at Bryan’s feet. Keeping the blades firmly against the boy’s scalp, Bryan continued pushing the clippers all the way up to Nicholas’ crown, sending slabs of thick, fragrant hair tumbling to the floor below.
“C… Cutting it kinda close, aren’t you?” stammered Nicholas as Bryan hastily began another pass up the back, removing his hand from atop the boy’s head just long enough to hold open the waistband of his jeans and shorts so a thick curve of freshly-shorn hair could fall directly atop his painfully throbbing cock.
“Damn right I am, you little fucker!” thought Bryan as the hair soothed his cock and balls like salve upon a wound. Desperate for more, he let all the hair he was now cutting collect against the body of the clippers, holding it in place with his thumb until the pile grow too big, then dropping it all once again into his pants, burying his entire groin beneath a velvety soft, thick pile of Nicholas’ locks.
“What are you doing?” squirmed Nicholas as he heard the elastic waistband of Bryan’s shorts snap back into place.
“Shaving you bald, stupid!” thought Bryan, though saying nothing as he tilted Nicholas’ head sideways and started shearing long diagonal paths, front to back, along the upturned side of the boy’s head. Thick slabs of hair fall away and dragged themselves atop Nicholas’ back, shoulders and chest, appearing somehow darker than when they’d hung from the boy’s scalp just moments before. The small room they were in began to fill with the unmistakable scent of freshly shorn hair as a rapidly thickening blanket of snippets formed atop the boy’sbare skin.
Though he couldn’t see in the mirror, Nicholas recalled the feel of his father’s haircuts enough to know that Bryan was buzzing him right down to the scalp. He tried to imagine what the floor around the chair was beginning to look like, though he knew in the end the carnage would be much worse than any of those front porch shearings he’d suffered at the hands of his father, given how he and hair had grown since those days.
Firmly and methodically Bryan laid waste to all the hair on one side of Nicholas’ head before tilting it and doing the same to the other. He’d added another handful or two of hair to his shorts — “appeasing the monster within,” he chuckled — but was now enjoying the sight of Nicholas’ locks hair falling in velvety soft clumps onto the white tiled floor. Long strands of hair and thousands of tiny snippets littered Bryan’s forearms, his jeans (especially around the crotch), and his work boots. He knew Nicholas would shed a lot of hair during this cut, but not in his wildest dreams could he have envisioned the slabs now lying several inches deep in some places around the base of the stool.
“I guess that’s what your dad would’ve called ‘short, back and sides’,” said Bryan out loud as he stepped around the chair and came face-to-face with Nicholas. He saw a few tears and other signs of distress of the boy’s face, but not as much as he thought. “Looks like you’re holding up pretty well,” he said as he extended a hand beneath the hair-covered bath towel, giving the boy’s little package a friendly squeeze. “Holding up pretty well down their too, I see!” he laughed when he felt a certain stiffness to the boy’s dick. “Maybe your hair hitting the porch wasn’t the only thing you were afraid those neighborhood kids would see.”
Because it was handy and because BryanWas hoping for a little more fun before the serious stuff started, he took a cob from off the bathroom counter and ran it quickly up through Nicholas’ bangs. Wielding the clippers like a cowboy drawing his pistol, Bryan raked them across the edge of the cob, shredding the middle of the boy’s bangs and littleing his little nose and face with a thousand new snippets. Recoiling his head as far back as he could without falling off the stool, Nicholas tried to get away but Bryan simply leaned forward with both arms extended, seizing and buzzing off not only the rest of the bangs but penetrating a couple inches into the hairline of what remains at the boy’s head.
Barely able to see now through the tear-heavy layer of snippets clinging to his cheeses and eyelashes, Nicholas felt Bryan seize the remaining long hair atop his head, pulling Nicholas off the stool and down to onto his knees with a roughness he hadn’t shown until now. Opening his mouth to complain, Nicholas’ tender lips were instead met by the pulsating girl of Bryan’s cock as he thrust it hard and deep down the boy’s throat. Swallowing hard to keep from gagging, Nicholas would later recall his shock at the length and thickness of Bryan’s public hair, though of course the hair he was sucking on was none other than his own, shorn just moments before from the back and sides of his head. To the noise of Nicholas’ gasping and swallowing was soon added the sound of his face slapping against Bryan’s warm sweaty groin, the older boy using the hank of hair to hold Nicholas’ head firmly in place as he thrust his cock deeper and deeper down the boy’s throat.
“Feeling a little light-headed?” joked Bryan in a breathy, quivering voice. He knew the double-entendre would be lost on Nicholas, but the sight of the boy, almost bald, struggling to stay on his knees while gasping for air was enough for Bryan to blow his load halfway down the little boy’s throat. Two, three, four times more Bryan shuddered as he thrust his pelvis forward, feeling like every ounce of fluid he had was gushing out the head of his cock like a stepped on tube of toothpaste. Glancing down just long enough to see thick dribbles of cum pouring from the edges of Nicholas’ mouth, Bryan took the clippers a final time and ground them hard against the top of the boy’s scalp, needing just a few short passes to remove what was left of the boy’s long, beautiful locks.
“Here, use this to wipe you mouth,” he said, handing the clump of hair to Nicholas after making sure he’d swallowed everything. Totally humiliated, the boy did as he was told, smearing the hair across his mouth and under his chin where the cum had run.
“Good job,” said Bryan, reaching down and pulling off the bath towel that until then had covered the boy’s nakedness. “Now use this to clean up themess you made.”
Bryan hadn’t thought it possible, but watching Nicholas crawl around naked on his hands and knees was causing his groin to swell once again. Whether it was the sight of the little boy’s hairless package dangling between his legs, or seeing the piles of thick, lovely hair being gathered up in the towel, Bryan’s cock resumed its now familiar throbbing.
“Give me that,” he said moments later, motioning with his chin towards the towel now so full of hair that it would never come clean. Nicholas held it out like an offer, but instead of taking it Bryan grabbed the boy beneath his arms and lifted him up.
“W… What are you doing?” while Nicholas, embarrassed at being picked up and carried like a naked two-year-old.
“I want you to show me your room,” replied Bryan, already headed for the stairs. The feel of Nicholas’ naked button his forearm and the tickling sensing of the boy’s little package brushing against Bryan’s stomach made his balls ache. Add to this the strong scent of hair coming from the towel now pressed between them, and Bryan knew he was ready for what lie ahead.
“It’s the last door down the hall,” said Nicholas nervously as they reached the top of the stairs. “What’s gonna happen now?”
Bryan ignored the question as he opened the door to the room and laid the boy face-up on the end of the bed. Dropping to his knees he took Nicholas’ little package in his mouth, salivating like a dog who hasn’t eaten for days. He felt the little cock stiffen as he licked the underside of the boy’s scrotum, letting his tongue wander along the little pink path leading to his asshole. He shuddered at how good it tasted; the tender young flesh never before caresed the way he was doing now. To his groans were soon added the sounds of Nicholas’ own pleasure as the boy closed his eyes and tried in vain to think of anything else that had felt so good.
Bryan kept on kissing and lapping at Nicholas’s genitals for several minutes until the pressure from his groin could no longer be contained. Sliding him upward on the bed so that his bald head came to rest just below the pillow, Bryan flipped the boy over onto his stomach and held him down with one hand as he unbuttoned his jeans. Seeing a plastic bottle of hair gel on the nightstand, he squeezed some out directly onto his cock and slathered it up and down the shake until it glistened. Realizing it’d be a long time before Nicholas had used for such a product again, he raised the boy to his knees, pried his legs apart and inserted the tip of the gel bottle right into his asshole, squeezing out so much product that big gobs of it fell onto the bedspread below.
“What is that… it’s cold!” complained Nicholas rightbefore Bryan stuck his index finger in the boy’s ass. The tight little hole got even tighter as Nicholas’s sphincter muscles reacted to the intrusion, but Bryan held firm, slowly inserting his finger up to the first knuckle.
“St… Stop that, it hurts!”
“Don’t worry Nicholas, it only hurts at first. Trust me, you’re gonna love it in a minute.”
Before the boy could respond Bryan withdraw his finger and stuffed his huge, slippery cock into Nicholas’ ass. There followed a moment of stunned silence as the boy drew in enough air to scream. Expecting this, Bryan quickly smoothed Nicholas’ face with the towel full of hair, thrusting his cock hard enough into the boy’s ass to pin his face to the towel and prevent any further attempts at screaming. Thrusting from his legs, Bryan was eventually able to stuff three-quarters of his cock into Nicholas’ ass, all the while making the boy cry and slobber into a pillow of his own hair. Whether from the rhythm of the fucking or the softness of the bed, Bryan watched as ripples of the boy’s leftover baby fat sluiced from his belly down to his legs and back again. If Bryan had any regrets as he prepared to drain his cock into Nicholas for the second time today, it was that he couldn’t do something like this on the front porch of the house where the neighborhood kids could gather around and watch.
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