the training of a slut

He was driving all night. Mexico was in sight. She was in the back of the van. Sleeping yeah right, sleeping on drugs. He would get his revenge. After 5 years this 45 year old slut
Told him it was over and now he caught her fucking janitors. That slut. Well he would show her. she wanted to fuck low life’s worst he would accommodate her…After crossing the border he went to a small town deep in Mexico. They were waiting for him, or should I say her. Backing up to a rear door. He knocked and

2 guys answered and helped him get her into her “room.” The room was bare except for a single bed, a sink, storage chest, and a urinal.
There were no windows. She would never see daylight again. He helped them take off her clothes. T shirt, bra,
Cutoff jeans and panties. He told them to burn her things as she wouldn’t need any clothing ever again. That slut. She wanted to be a cunt. Well
She never imagined how much of a cunt she would be. He watchedThese two guys-one an older fat guy and the other a younger good looking hunk fuck her before he left. He told them to do whatever they wanted to do with her and he would be back in 6 months to see how she was doing. His final instructions were to
Make sure she was well paid for a night’s work. One peso per night. All the money they could make from her would go to them and pay for her drugs.

After he left they began to get her ready for the show. It
Would take 2 weeks to prepare her. First they pierced her nipples and inserted large barbells through them.
She had small tits they thought but her nipples always were rigid. Then they pierced her clip and put another large barbell through it. She hardly moved as she was so deep into her drug of choice. On each side of her very wet and juicy cunt, they pierced her labia 4 times. These
would come in handy later.
Finally they inserted and butt plug in her ass. They had many sizes and would start small and work up to the very largest they could find. That was enough for tonight. Tomorrow the rest of the people would be there to finish her new look.

She woke up and was in pain. Where was she? Naked in a bare room. Then the door opened and two guys came in. She
had nothing to cover herself but her hands and she tried but they came over and slapped her and told her to never try to cover herself up again. The fat guy told her that whenever they came into the room she was to stand up immediately and wait for instructions. She did as she was told. He tapped her on the head and that means for her to
get on her knees. Another tap and she was to open his jeans and pull them down followed by his boxes. Then she had to hold his balls with her hands like she was worshiping them. Then he pulled her head onto his cock and she had to give him a blow job until he came in her mouth and couldn’t ever spill a drop. Then she had to lick his cock
clean and pullup his boxes and jeans and button him like nothing happened. She had to pee and asked permission to pee. They told her to hold it.
She had to be trained and besides it was time for the rest of the people
to get her body ready for the show to show up so they gave her a very large dose of drugs and she slipped into a somewhat sleep. A Tattoo guy was first. He did what he
was told. Across the top of her pussy he was told to put “fuck this cunt” and when he finished they turned her over and he put “fuck my ass” just above her very hard and nice ass. Then the dentist showed up with his tools
.He was told to remove 5 front teeth from the top and the bottom. She would give blow jobs for a living now and the guys in this part of Mexico liked the feeling of bare gums. They would make a lot of money from this slut and had to get it just right. He finished and stitched her up. She would be ready in 2 weeks. The 2 guys were happy. She started to wake up and
was in terrible pain. They slapped her and told her to be quiet and they gave her another shot of the happy juice. Before she fell asleep they told her to pee in the urinal while they watched. She did because she had to go so freaken bad.
She looked for toilet paper but there was none and would never be any for her. She fell asleep and the 2 guys left. Tomorrow would be more training.

The next day she woke. They were
There as they knew how long the drugs would work. She stood next to the bed. Good girl they thought. She will learn very fast. The told her to get on her knees on the concrete floor and they young hunk started to fuck her pussy. He spanked her all the time to make her move faster. She was
to do all the work. After he came, the fat guy pulled the
anal plug from her ass and she was told to open it up for him and he shoved his cock right into her ass spanking her all the time to move back against his cock. He came deep inside her ass, pulld out and went to
the front and told her to clean his cock off. She obeyed. After cleaning their cocks they inserted a tube in her ass and filled he with cold water and reinserted the butt plug. She was hungry and was
given a bowl of beans and rice and a glass of red wine. Beans and rice would be her only food here. She ached from the water in her ass and when they thought she was ready they took the plug out and made her hold it in and crawl over to the urinal, stand up and
Expel it into the urinal. They watched. She felt so debased being watched doing these very private
things. Little did she know that there would never be private things again and soon everyone would see her doing these things. They inserted a larger butt plug in her ass and left her to
Her sleep. This went on for 2 weeks. She had no privacy, no clothing, they watched her pee, do the enemyas, and served them with blow jobs and fucking. They told her that tomorrow would be her first show. She had no idea of ​​what was planned for her. All she wanted now as her drugs and sleep.


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