I would do Anything for you- a fan fiction- HP

I would do anything for you.

Narcissa had had enough of Lucius’ ranting about how she wasn’t doing enough for him. The only thing he ever did was yell, and when Lucius gets angry, straight sparks of magic usually flew in odd directions.

Then there was Draco. She loved her son, but all he ever cared about was besting the Potter brat at Quidditch, or how Pansy nags that he doesn’t pay enough attention to her.

I guess, like father, like son. Lucius never paid attention to her either.

Narcissa walked into Lucius’ study with her head held up, and determination in her eyes. She stood in front of his desk, and waited for him to acknowledge her.

“What do you want Narcissa? I’m busy.” Lucius didn’t even lift his head to look at her.

“I’m going to Bella’s for a few weeks. I haven’t039;t seen her since her husband died.”

“Okay, whatever. Have fun.” Then Lucius shooed her away with his hand, still not looking at her.


Narcissa sat in a chair in front of the fireplace, waiting for a glass of brandy from her sister. Bella handed Narcissa the glass, and asked, “Cissy, why don’t you just kill him and blow it on the Order?”

“Bella, if only I had the nervous, I wouldn’t be able to pull it off. Draco would be suspicious, and believe me, he wouldn’t hesitate to turn me in.”

“In that case my beautiful sister, I will have to do it myself, and make sure Draco is none the wiser.” Bella said, while she stroked Narcissa’s beautiful satin hair.

The sisters sat quietly, watching the fire lick at the logs. Bella still petting at Cissa’s long blonde hair. ‘How can we be different, but of the same Noble Black Heritage? She is too beautiful and pure to be with that bastard. I will kill him, and if Draco gets in the way, he too will die.’

Bella was a stately, but slightly deranged woman, who lost her husband in a raid the Ministry performed at one of their cottages. She had long coal black hair, indigo blue eyes, unlike Cissa’s pale blue eyes. Bella had a tall, thin build, and was deceptively strong for a woman. She no longer had any use for men, they were nothing but trouble. She fell in love with a very special woman. Her sister, Narcissa Black-Malfoy. She would do anything to have Cissa by her side, and that would include killing her husband. If Draco got in the way, he would be next.

Bella held Narcissa; they both were tired, and relaxed from the brandy. Bella was going to show Narcissa just how much Cissa means to her sister. “Come Cissy, I want to show you something.”

“Can’t it wait until morning? I’m tired, and can’t think straight.”

Bella just pulled her up off the chair, and to her bedroom, holding both hands gently and lovingly.

Once inside the bedroom Bella moved behind Narcissa to unzip her dress. As a lover might do, Bella slide her hands into the top of the dress, and slide the top off her shoulders; there Bella massed her sister’s shoulders earning a grateful moan.

With Narcissa’s back open to Bella’s eyes, Bella put a chate kiss between her sister’s shoulder blades. Bringing Narcissa’s hair to one side, Bella placed another kiss to Cissa’s shoulder, while pushing the sleeps down.

Narcissa was relaxed, and breathless. She tried to speak clearly, but it came as a whisper. “Bella, what are you doing?”

"Shh, my beautiful sister. I should have done this a long time ago.”

With the top of her dress down to her waist, Narcissa was breathing harder, and letting Bella move her towards a full length mirror. Bella moved her hands to the underside of Cissa’s breasts, they were full, but not too big, and perky for a woman Narcissa’s age of almost 37. “Look in the mirror, Cissa. See how beautiful you are.”

Narcissa opened her heavy eye lids, and stared at the two of them. Narcissa hadn’t realized that somewhere between the bedroom door, and the mirror, Bella had gotten naked. “Bella, you are the beauty. I’m just used and good for nothing.”

Narcissa saw the rage appears in Bella’s eyes. Bella knew that Lucius had put that ugly idea into her head. She was going to change Cissa’s mind.

“Oh, my sister, you keep looking into themirror.” Bella had Cissa’s dress in a pile at her feet. The only thing left to take off was a pair of white lace panties. “My dearest sister, you are an angel. I will take care of your demon. Then you will be free.”

An hour after Bella made her promise; the two were lying in bed. Narcissa loved what her sister was doing to her body. It hadn’t felt on fire for almost 17 years, because Lucius hadn’t touched her in that long.

The only time Lucius made love to Narcissa, was when they wanted a baby. Lucius knew he would have to be a gentleman to get what he wanted. He wanted, needed, an heir. After Lucius knew she was pregnant, that was when he stopped loving her, just kept her around to mother Draco.

Narcissa was emotionally, as well as physically, exhausted, so Bellatrix let her sleep. Sexual touch can become too much for someone who isn’t used to it. Narcissa definitelywas not used to it.


Bella woke up bright and early, the sun barely coming up. She had a plan. She was going to surprise Lucius, and have his ‘Dark Lord’ cut him down.

Bella was still a Death Eater, but she wasn’t as active as she once was. So if she could convince Voldemort that Lucius had betrayed him, then his ‘Lord’ would kill him, himself.

As the minutes ticked by, the more Bellatrix perfected her plan. She thought, ‘No better time than now. I will go while everyone is still sleep, and surprise Voldemort, he’s always liked me to wake him up, in my special way’. Bella shuddered, and then got up to apparate to Voldemort’s secret location.

In the early morning mist, a woman dressed in black from head to toe, quietly and calmly walked up a dirt lane, towards an old run down cottage. As the cottage came into view, she paused andconjured up some purchase, meant to be her proof. She knew Severus was a double agent, but she had nothing against Severus, he was always good to Narcissa. On the purchase she changed Severus’s name to Lucius.

Bella walked in the cottage, and quickly went to the master’s bedroom. Voldemort was just sitting up in his bed, with Peter serving him his breakfast. As Bella came in, Voldemort turned to look, and with a very thin lipped smile, he gestured for Bella to stand and speak.

“My lord, I have news about who the spy is.”

“My beautiful Bella, I knew you would come through for me. Come here.” He patted the bed beside him. “And tell me who the traitor is.”

Bella went to sit beside the snake like man, and put her head on his shoulder. “I think we should talk in private, my Lord,” she said, giving Peter a cold star.

“Peter, I won’t be needing your services for a while. Not while I have my beautiful Bella.”

Bellatrix shuddered to herself, then put a wicked smile on. Peter knew what she did, but he wanted to know who the traitor was.

“Okay, my dear Bella, tell me who the traitor is, and I shall reward you.”

“My lord, I fear that you may not like my news. It is one of your high ranking members.”

“Bella, you have a smile on your pretty face. It must be Lucius.”

“My master, you are clever.”

“How should I punish him, my lovely?”

“Death,” Bella demanded,” and if Draco gets in the way, he should die too.”

“I agree. Who should I get to ‘punish’ Lucius?”

“I would be proud to be his executioner.” Bella said, a little too firmly.

“Then you shall be. I want it done tonight, in front of all my loyal Death Eaters. So everyone knows not to cross me.”

Instead of Voldemort wanting Bella to please him, he rewarded her, with oral pleasure. Surely, a scene no one should walk in on, or remember, but a pleasant scene nonetheless, for Voldemort.


Bella was back beside Narcissa, before her sister had woken up. She didn’t want Cissa to be a part of her plan, because Narcissa was smart enough to marry a Death Eater, instead of becoming one.

Narcissa rolled over in the bed she shared with her sister. She looked into the eyes of the woman that sealed her husband’s fate, and smiled. “Hello, my sister. Good morning.”

“Hello, Angel. Did you sleep well?”

Narcissa blushed at the name her sister had given her last night, while she was brought to ecstasy.

“Why the blush?”

“After all these years, it took my sister to make me feel loved and wanted. You made me feel like I was an angel.”

“That’s because you are. I mean what I said about taking care of your demon.”

Narcissa rose up on to her knees, and pressed her naked body to Bella’s, and kissed her sister lightly on the lips. “Thank you. You are so good to me. I love you so much.”

Bella put her arms around Narcissa’s shoulders. Her sister was the only person Bella would ever hug. “No man has ever deserved you. Stay here tonight. Do not go anywhere.” Bella looked serious, and Narcissa wanted to sob, she knew Bella had something planned for tonight.

“Okay. You won’t hurt Draco, please not Draco. I know he would be different without Lucius.”

Bella brushed a tear from Cissa’s cheese, “If Draco stays at home tonight he will be safe. Or if he goes and stays out of the way, he will be safe.”

“Promise me you will keep him out of the way.” Narcissa was openly crying now.

“Then he’ll need to stay home.”


Later that afternoon, Bella had the idea of ​​writing a letter to Draco. She asked him to come over to her home, before the reveal. She would make sure Draco was safe. Her plan was to put a sleeping position into a drink, and let him sleep at her home, while she killed his father.


Two hours before the reveal Draco floo’d to his Aunt Bella’s. She was right there to meet him, with a goblet of juice in hand. Handing him the drink, she asked, “How is my nephew this evening?”

Raising a browser, he took the drink. “Aunt Bella, what’s going through your head?”

“Draco you know better. No answering questions with questions.”

“Okay. Your nephew is doing well. A little nervous about receiving the Dark Mark, but I’m OK.”

Bellatrix watched him take a few drinks of his juice, and smiled. ‘At least Narcissa will be relieved. He’ll be here and safe.’ “Well, actually Draco, there won’t be a reveal tonight. The Dark Lord posted anyone receiving the Dark Mark, and your mother wanted to see you. She’s upstairs, she’ll be down in a few moments.”

“Why was everything posted?”

“Something has come to the Dark Lord’s attention that will be addressed to the high ranking Death Eaters.”

Draco finished off his drink, and then said, “Okay.”


When Narcissa walked down the steps, she noticed Draco wait on the sofa. She looked up at Bellatrix, as her sister was fitting her mask, and awaiting the sign to apparate. “Thank you. I know he will change once his father is out of our lives.”

“I would do anything for you, even if it means killings your demon.”

Bella felt the mark on her left arm, and looked at her sister. “I will return shortly my angel. Make sure you and Draco stay here.” Then she was gone.


Lucius was the first beside Voldemort. He had no clue why everything was changed or why Draco wasn’t even home. When all of the Death Eaters were assembled, Voldemort looked at Lucius. “Lucius will you please stand in front of me, and face your peers?”

Lucius did as he was told. Soon after, Bellatrix Lesrange came forth, and stepped up to Lucius. She flicked her wand, and said a quiet spell; Lucius’s arms were chained up over his head.

“What the fuck is going on?” demanded Lucius.

“You are being punished for crimes committed against our master,” Bella answered back.

Lucius knew this was a set up, but there would be no way of proving it, he just hoped he would make it out of this alive.

Bella was right in front of him, nose to nose. She whispered, “This is also for my sister. She loved you, I don’t see why, you’re nothing. But you treated her like she was lower then a house elf. After tonight, you won’t have to worry about her or Draco because you’ll be dead.

Lucius looked at his sister-in-law; he showed no sign of concern for anything. “Tell me Bellatrix, what have I done for you to murder me?”

“I have proof that you were a double agent for the Order. Now the Dark Lord wants to see that you die.”

“Get on with it then.” Lucius had his trademark smile. He knew Bellatrix was Voldemort’s whore, and he would believe anything she told him.

“Then you don’t deny it?” Bella looked Lucius straight in the eyes, there was nothing there.

“No. I told them everything.” He knew Severus was the spy, but he was Lucius’ best friend and occasional lover, so Lucius took all the blow.

Bella waved her wand again. Shackles came up from the floor and went around Lucius’ ankles. Bellatrix produced a whip in one hand, and a small dagger in the other. She looked over to Voldemort, “My Lord, could you please have his clothes disappear?”

Voldemort nodded his head, then Lucius’ clothes were gone.

Bella walked around Lucius, with her finger tracing every muscle. “No wonder Cissa married you. You kept in shape, too bad you wasted everything.”

“Who said I wasted anything? Just because I didn’t fuck my wife, didn’t mean I wasn’t fucking.”

“You bastard!” Bella yelled, then whipped Lucius across his chest.

Bella smiled as the welts appeared, they were beautiful. “Who were you fucking? Was it your contact for the Order?”

“Yes. He was better then my wife could ever be.” Lucius’ smile never left his beautiful mouth.

Bella whipped him again, this time across his cock. Lucius winced, but the smile was still there.

“Who was it? Tell me, and I might let you live.”

“Fuck you.” Lucius replied. Then spat at her eyes.

“Wrong answer.” Bellatrix lightly ran the blade just behind his testicles. Watching the blood run down the inside of Lucius’ leg, Bella knew she was enjoying this too much. “Tell me Lucius, who is your lover?”

“I will die first.”

“Have it your way.”

The Death Eaters behind Bella were encouraging her. All, but one. Severus couldn’t believe Lucius was taking his punishment. Severus actually wanted to step up and admit it was him that was the traitor, and save his lover’s life, but he got the feeling Bellatrix was doing this out of personal vendorta.

Severus looked into his lover’s eyes; he mouthed ‘I love you’.

Lucius, who was looking at Severus the whole time, saw Severus mouth the important words. Then he looked at Bellatrix. “It’s Dumbledore, you fucking whore. After all, you are Voldemort’s whore, aren’t you? Why can’t I be Dumbledore’s?”

Bella used the whip across his beautiful face. Leaving a laceration diagonally across his face.

“Not so beautiful now, are you Lucius?”

“Suck my cock, you stupid bitch.”

“I wouldn’t touch that vile thing. I might catch something.”


Bella cut Lucius’ body for about an hour. His snow white body covered in his regular blood. Finally Lucius had passed out from all the pain, and loss of blood. Everyone thought him dead until Bella rammed the handle of the whip up his ass, with his blood being the lubrication. Lucius screamed his age, while Bellatrix ran all teninches up without stopping. “You should be used to that, or is your boyfriend smaller?”

Lucius had no strength to answer. He wanted to die, the last of his strength drained as Bella sliced ​​his throat, spraying her with his blood.

Bella let Lucius drop to the floor, limp and lifeless. She faced Voldemort, the look on his face mirrored her bloodied one, but for two different reasons. She would finally have Narcissa, and he would have a dead spy. Or so he thought.

Bellatrix turned to face the rest of the Death Eaters. She walked around covered in Lucius blood. She knew about Severus, so she would stop at him last. “If anyone else thinks they can betray our Lord and get away with it, think about what just happened to Lucius.”

She was almost to Severus; he knew that she knew he was the real spy, so why did she do this to Lucius? Finally she stopped in front ofhim. “Do any of you have any questions? OR is there anything I should know?”

No one spoke up, so she ordered Severus to get rid of Lucius body. He did so calmly, and with a heavy heart.


Bellatrix adopted into her bedroom. She didn’t want her angel to see her sister covered in her husband’s blood, but Narcissa was in Bella’s bed, waiting.

Narcissa rolled over and groggily opened her eyes. “Bella, is that you?”

“Yes, Angel, go back to sleep. I will be back. I have to get cleaned up, then I will check upon Draco.”

With a yawn, Narcissa rolled over and went back to sleep.

After cleaning the blood off of her, she checked in on her nephew. He was just stirring, so she stayed to talk to him. Draco looked up, he had the weirdest feeling. It was like being free.

“Aunt Bella, I feel weird. I can’t explain it, but my body feels lighter.”

“My dear nephew, I won’t explain what happened tonight but I will tell you, your mother and you are free of your father.”

“How? Is he gone? Did he leave us?” Draco was full of questions. He needed answers.

Bella walked to the door, then turned to face her nephew, “Just know this, your father is dead, he can’t control you or your mother any longer.” Then she went to join her sister, Narcissa would need to know too.


Draco fell asleep with a light heart, and an easy feeling. He was free from his father’s control. Two thoughts ran through his head all night ‘who killed my father?’ and ‘why did my father die?’


Narcissa turned to face her sister, when she felt the bed dip. Bella didn’t know what to say to her sister, so she kissed Narcissa like her life depended on it. Not wanting the feeling of her sister to go away anytime soon, Bella let her hands roam over Narcissa’s body.

Bella was going to take Narcissa tonight. She murdered her sister’s husband tonight, so she was going to make sure Narcissa never left her. Bella slithered down the heavenly body below her, and placed a quick kiss on Narcissa’s flat belly.

“Bella, what are you doing?”

“Relax my angel, let me take you back to heaven.”

Bella slowly pushed a finger into her sister, she was wet and tighter then a virgin.

“Bella, what are you doing?” Narcissa asked breathlessly.

“I’m making love to my newly widowed sister.” Bella answered smugly.

“Yes! The Bastard is gone.”

Bella didn’t answer her verbally. She put her head between Narcissa’s thighs, and sucked on her sister’s clip. Narcissa wasn’t used to oral sex, let alone from her sister, but she loved it, she was in heaven, she was where she wanted to be.

After a few minutes, Bella turned her lower body. She now positioned herself over Narcissa’s face. Narcissa had no clue, so she followed Bella’s movements. Both were moaning into each other in minutes.

The sisters were together again, with no man coming between them, except Draco, but he would be going back to school soon. As they slept, all wound out from the sexual activity most of the night, Narcissa thought about the best way to tell Bella how her husband had died.

The next morning, Narcissa was up before either Bella or Draco. Bella was the next one to come down for breakfast.She was hungrier then usual after last night.

“After breakfast would you like to take a walk with me?” Narcissa asked, still trying to figure out what to say.

“Sure, we can walk around the forest; it’s always beautiful in the mornings.”


After breakfast Narcissa stood and held her hand out for Bella. The sisters walked quietly until they reached the edge of the forest.

“Bella, I need to tell you how your husband died. It’s been weighing heavily on me for a while.”

Bella always thought it was an Order raid that killed him. “What do you mean? The Order killed him.” Bella was slightly confused.

Narcissa bent down to pick a flower, then standing and moving closer to Bella, she put the flower behind Bella’s ear. “No, he and I were lovers. We went out of our way to hide our affairsby going to muggle hotels. There he decided that the only way we could be together, was to fake his death.”

Bella could not believe what she was hearing. “So, you mean he is alive and living in the muggle world!”

“Yes.” Narcissa answered as if it were a question answered every day.

“How could you? I murdered Lucius because I love you, and thought he misreated you. All along it was you misleading him, us.”

“You did a good job too. He was there; he witnessed it, then came to tell me about it. He left minutes before you came back.”

Bella was on her knees, with her head bowed. “I thought you were my angel. I took care of your demon. You. Are. My. Demon!”

“Bella you are my savior. I’ve wanted you forever. I want the three of us together.”

“What about Draco? What will he say?”

“Draco will adjust. He is a clever boy.”

“Cissy, I love you, but how could you?”

“Bell, it just happened. I wanted to hire him to kill Lucius, but I ended up falling in love, then I asked him if the three of us could be as one.”

“What did he say?”

After a long pause, Bella heard a man’s voice, “I told her that I loved you, and I knew you wanted her, so I decided to fake my death. The three of us couldn’t be together with Lucius alive. It was my idea for you to kill him, because I knew you had such a beautifully evil imagination.”

Bella was still on her knees, as he walked towards her. Her husband stopped in front of Bella. And helped her stand.

“I’m sorry you went through all of this Bell, but it was the only way. I didn’t want to be a Death Eater anymore, and I loved two beautiful women, this was the only way.”

Bella didn’t know what to say, as she looked from Narcissa and to her now alive husband.


It had been a month since Bella decided to give it a try. She decided she didn’t want to follow Voldemort anymore. She came up with a plan to fake her death, plus the deaths of Narcissa and Draco.

They had needed help getting out of the country without Voldemort, or the Order finding out, so they turned to Bella’s and Narcissa’s other sister, Andromeda.

The End…

This is my first incest fanfic. Tell me what you think, if you like it, then I might do another. So if anyone has a request, let me know.

I know some of you don’t follow Harry Potter, but this happens to be one of my favorite fanfics, and I wanted to share it with new people


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