Hey there. Is someone of you interested in a rather long story with some suspension, crime, love and sex? Kind of a (long) short story? Don’t know, if I’m up to it, but I would like to know, if someone would read it, if I would finish it. The story is fiction, as are the names. As I am no natural speaker of english there may be some mistakes in the text, but I give my best to write correct english.
He was dreaming. Yes. That was it. It couldn’t possibly be reality, that the stunningly beautiful young woman on the table opposite to his would be sexually interested in him, as the look in her eyes suggested. Well he wasn’t unattractive. But he simply didn’t attract those beauty. And god knows he had tried to do so. Those women simply didn’t look at him with desire in their eyes, Steve thought.
Time to go before he would embarrass himself by asking her out to dinner. He already waved for the waitress, an average lookng woman. That was much rather his kind of women. Not beautiful but not ugly either. He paid without making any comments or approaches towards the waitress though and left the restaurant. He was in time for his meeting. ...
Rachel wasn’t able to forget the man in the restaurant. He had seen her, alright. He wasn’t the most handsome man she had ever seen. Well, he had looked quite good with his supposed-long hair and buisiness suit. And those eyes. A mix of green and blue. She had never before been so enthralled by a pair of eyes. But why should that matter to her? She wasn’t a woman to travel around and pick her boyfriends in restaurants.
Well in the recent past she seemed to be unable to do so anywhere. Probably become of her last boyfriend. She hadn’t been very happy, when she found him in bed with her best friend, Amanda. …
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