This story is based in fact mixed with fantasy. You can decide which is which. No names were changed to protect anyone (JK) I know it’s a little long but the payoff is good and I won’t have to set the scene again for the continuation ( if I get good feedback). Enjoy!
It was a dark and stormy night. That begans been used. I’ll just start. It DID all start innocently enough. My former wife (Shelby) and my Daughter (Shannon) were coming out from the Midwest to the Coast to visit relatives. Since I had been in contact with Shannon and she had spent some time with me the previous year, they thought they would visit with me. I was currently separated from my Current spouse and was staying at a movie until I could figure out what to do. Shelby had remarried long ago and had another daughter she named Cheyenne.
I was expecting Shelby and Shannon on Saturday, my day off, but they came in two days early. I was surprised when I got the call. We decided to meetat my soon to be ex’s house since we were all friends. Sarah, my soon to be ex met me outside and we went into the house together. Shannon got up and gave me a big hug and a peck on the chef. Then I saw Shelby. I continued my hug with Shannon but was looking straight into Shelby’s eyes. I hadn’t seen her in many years but she was still very stunning. With few differences Shelby and Shannon could pass as sisters. Both had curves in just the right places. Both had silky honey-blonde hair. It was hot that day and both were wearing shorts and tube tops. I broke away from Shannon and gave Shelby a very tight hug. Needless to say my little pants friend decided to wake up and I was trying not to make my hard-on obvious. I sat down as quick as I could. There was some small talk going on, I didn’t hear a thing. I was looking at Shelby. She looked great for a mom of 40. She could have easily passed for 25. Shoulder length honey-blonde hair, about 5’5” maybe 105lbs. I remember her boobs as 36Csa nice tight tummy and those shorts, although conservative showed off a very nice ass and camel toe and then on to her shaped legs. It was a sight to behold. I was just starting to go back all those years ago to the night I popped her cherry, (I’ll write about that later), when somewhere in the distance someone was calling me. I was brought back to the present when someone smoked my shoulder. Sarah asked “Where did you GO? I’ve only called you like five times!”
I said “I’m sorry, it’s just that it was A while since I’ve seen Shelby and can’t believe she’s actually here. Shannon is almost her twin”
Sara said “Whatever!”
I think Shelby saw where this might lead and speak up. “Hey Johnny we’ve been driving most of the day and wanted to know if you would join us for dinner”. I said “sure, why not. What about you Sarah?”
Sarah said” no, but thank you. I’m meeting friends in a little bit.”
So I said” let’s go, see ya Sarah, have fun and be careful”
Sarah just waved.
We walked out to my truck and I opened the door for my ladies and I was surprised that Shelby got in first, so as to be next to me, then Shannon got in.
We made small talk, talked about their trip and how our town has changed. We had a nice dinner and then we decided to go to a movie. We went in got our overpriced snacks and settled in for the movie. At one point I was watching the screen and moved my arm to the arm rest not knowing that that space was occupied by Shelby’s arm. When I touched her hand I pulled back quickly and muttered a very disappoint “sorry”. She turned to me and flashed a smile then went back to watching the movie. When I touched her hand I felt a jolt go through me and my dick went right to attention. I was day dreaming and didn’t notice that Shelby had moved and her hand was on my thigh. When I felt that, I looked over to Shannon who was engrossed in the movie. The hand moved up my leg so that Shelby’s pinkie finger was rubbing my dick verylightly.
I guess the soda Shannon was drinking got to her and she said she was going to the ladies room. I watched her go up the aisle. GOD she had a nice ass. I turned back to look at Shelby and she at me. We were gazing into each other eyes. The time/space continue disappeared. Like north and south poles our lips were drawing closer. Our lips met very tenderly, then growing closer together. Our tongues found each other and danced and twirled in our mouths. Our embrace tightening, Me thinking I’m going to cum in my jeans like some 14 year old teen getting to second base. Just as I was starting to go to second myself we were awoken from our bliss by a VERY loud “MOMMM!!!!!!.
I think everyone in the 15 theatres of the building heard her. We broke our embrace both turned red, yes you could tell in that dark theatre. Well the movie was over for us so we left. We went back to my ex’s place to get their car in total silence. I got out and opened the door for my ladies and Shannon went straight to their car. Shelby said “Follow us back”.
So I did. During the drive I went back in my mind to all the times I had seen Shelby naked. How could I have let that angel go? I knew it was my foolish pride. I knew in my heart who I had always loved. All those years, all my relationships, I was looking for Shelby. She was my first, and all this time I had been trying to suppress what was deep, deep in my heart. God how I wished we had never parted. How I wished she was mine again. I knew it wouldn’t happen. What HAD happened Back there at the movie? Was that just a one time thing? Had the stars just aligned themselves just right just for one last kiss? GOD himself only knew.
We got to their hotel and to my surprise was only blocks from where I was staying. I walked up to their car and Shannon got out. She gave me a hug and said “ I’m sorry I embarrassed you two back at the movie. It just shocked me. And Mom and Jack really love each other. When I saw youtwo kissing I just kinda lost it.”
I said “Don’t worry sweetheart, we just got caught up in the moment. So I apologize to you and to your mom and Jack. Can your Mom and me have a few minutes together before I go?” She said sure and gave me a hug and a peck on the chef. As Shannon walked away she said “I’ll be WATCHING you two. So BEHAVE!!!”
Shelby came over to me and gave me a very tender hug and a peck on the cheek. She then went on about being faithful and true to Jack. How they had separate and got back together blah, blah, blah. I was thinking, how I can get into her pants? We talked about old times and how if things were different how this night may have turned out. It was now about 3am and I had to work the next day. So we said our goodbyes.
For some reason I pulled out the extra hotel key I had for my room and handed it to Shelby. She said “what’s this for?” I said “I just wanted you to have the number to my place so that I know you made it up north and ifShannon wanted to say hi.”
She said “ But this is a room key” I said “ I know that, just that it’s late I have to go to work in a little while and I’m too lazy to go to my truck and find a pen.”
She just smiled and said “Yeah, right”. Look, Shannon’s been poking her head out the door for the last hour. I’ll see you later” I said sure and gave her a hug and a peck on the cheek, (yes I sooo wanted to grab her by the ears and give her a lip lock), and that was it. Just like Forrest Gump and Jenny she was gone. So I left and drive back to my room.
When I got there I saw that the message light was flashing. I dialed the voice mail number and to my shock it was Shelby’s voice saying “I just wanted you to know I had a wonderful time tonight. Keep safe. See ya”
I thought to myself, wow. I went over what had translated and was confused. I had very mixed signals going through my mind. So I did what any sensible man would do. Poured myself a drink, put on a porn movie, fantasized about Shelby and jerked off.
The next day was a chore. I slogged through the day thinking about Shelby. It was JUST LIKE when I lost her so many years ago. That yearning ache you get. The woulda, shoulda, coulda syndrome of a break up. Come on guys you KNOW EXACTLY what I’m talking about.
I was on my way home and decided to stop at the Oasis for a drink. My old friends Jack (Daniels) Jim (Beam) or Jose (Cuervo) would cheer me up and I’d be back to my good old self again. I had just sat down with my drink when my cell goes off. “Hello, Shelby? What’s up?” She said “Oh, I was just thinking about you and just wanted to say hi.” (My pride kicks in) “I Haven’t seen you in years, in that time we spoke very rarely and you pick NOW to just call to say hi? to see how I’m doing? Where the hell were you all these years when I would have killed just to hear your voice?” She broke in “Johnny I’m so sorry about all that. I didn’t call because I didn’t want problems with Jack, and since He’s not around I can speak to you freely, something I should have been doing all along” ( I could hear her picking up, I always melted when she got teary) “please don’t be mad at me, I’m sorry” I broke in “Calm down honey, it’ll be alright” (Honey?, where did that come from. “Look” I said “I’M sorry. You can call me anytime you want. I didn’t mean to come down on you” She said “That’s alright. I have some things to do. Can I call you later?” I said “sure. I’m just going to finish my drink and go take a shower. Talk to you later?” She said “Sure will, bye.”
Now I’m really dejected. I finished my drink and was going to just stay put and get polluted, but something told me I should just go. So I go back to my room. I put my card key in the door and opened it. When I opened the door my jaw dropped and my eyes went wide. The first thing I see is Shelby, laying on her side in my bed with her head propped up by her arm, knees slightly bent wearing a black lace negligee, black fishnet stockings, fuck me hard pumps and a smile. Her should length honey blonde hair off to the side hanging down. I just stood there looking at that beautiful sight with my mouth opened. I shook my head in disbelief. I HAD to be dreaming or maybe I died and went to heaven or someone put some REAL good stuff in my drink. Somewhere in the fog I heard an angelic voice saying “The door closes ya Know. Can I pour you a drink cowboy?” I closed the door behind me and kinda shuffled in and said “sure”. Then my mouth wouldn’t work right I was just going “a..a…a….aaa.wha…wha whaa r dng here llllookkinng l..l…..that?”
“Surprise cowboy! like what you see. There’s a two person rodeo tonight and you’ re part of the main event.” I was talking like a retard going Whaaa… how’d you…..where’s……non? W…..wh…..wh…..wh…..wh?” “I’ll explain later” she said. Shelby poured me a STRONG drink and got me to sit down. She sat on my lap and playedfully raised the glass to my lips and had me take a drink (all of a sudden we were back when things were good and she would sometimes do this when I got home after a hard day). I wouldn’t have been able to drink my hand were shaking that bad. Shelby then playedfully kissed my check and whispered in my ear, “is my cowboy a little nervous? Maybe I can help you settle down some. Shelby got off my lap and knelt between my legs. She unbuckled my belt opened my fly and pulled on my jeans and underwear at the same time. By instinct I raised my ass off the chair just enough for her to pull my clothes down. She pushed them down to my ankles and naturally my dick sprang out to meet its mistress. I reached for my drink and took a good swallow.
Shelby went to work. She gently kissed the tip then stuck her tongue out to meet the tip and gave it a gentle lick. I heard her talking to it. She said “Hey there boy. I haven’t seen you in such a long time. Remember me? You popped my cherry. I have sooo missed you. I hope you feel as good as I remember”. I said “I hope you do too”.
With the introductions over she again started licking my cock very gently. She licked the underside along the main vein down to my balls which she gently suckled. I could feel her hot breath on my balls and on my cock. She didn’t touch it with her hand, she used that beautiful mouth of hers. She then put her lips to my purple headed warrior and slowly went down the shake. I’m average length about 61/2” and have a pretty good girl. She then started to sloooowwly bobbing her head up and down my manhood. On the down stoke she went “uummmmmmmmm”. Got to the base then went “ummmmmmm” back up. She went slowly this way. I said “That’s it honey, hum to me, you still know what I like, deep throat it baby, yeah, that’s it. Get it good and wet. Do it to me baby, do it”
I reached down and cupped her face in my hands bringing her in and out. Man was this a great blowjob. I had her stop and I got undressed. I had Shelby lay down on the bed with her head hanging over the edge. I then put my cock back into her mouth and started to gently blow fuck her. I reached down to her black lace panties and found her sweet wet pussy. I was so soft moist and HOT. I found her clip which made her jump and whimper. She was starting to meet my trust as I mouth fucked her a little faster. I then remembered that she didn’t like to swallow cum. The last time I blew my load down Her throat she puked and I promised I wouldn’t do that again. Second issue. Pussy hair. I like bald pussies. I think they stay cleaner and it makes pussy eating a joy. No hair to get in your throat.
Things and people change though. I tried to pull my cock out of her throat but she reached for my ass and pulled me in. I said Honey, I don’t want you to puke. She pulled me in hard, my balls were mashed against her chin, then she let me go. She answered me by saying “I puked because I wasn’t ready and didn’t expect you to shoot that hard and that long. I’m readyNow and know what to expect. It’s ok. For you. I NEVER let Jack cum in my mouth or ass.” I was like “WOW” I said, “but I wanna be eating your pussy when I come, lets see if we can come together” “First there’s work to do” I said “I’m sorry but I’m gross. I just came home from work and I want to shower. I want to be clean for you” I went to my little kitchenette and took out a bowl and put very hot water in it and set it on the night stand. I then went into the bathroom and got my barber scissors and fine toothed comb and a towel, shaving cream and a razor. I then positioned Shelby on the bed I placed the towel under her sweet little ass. I then took the cob and scissors and started trimming. Shelby didn’t try to stop me. I was on a mission and she knew it. I trimmed and shavled and kissed her wonderful road. I played with her clip and each time she jumped and let out a little squeal. One of those cutesy little girl squeals. Once I was done I told her to look. I shaped her pussy hair to make it look like an arrow pointing to her love hole.
Then, proud of my work, getting a wink of approval from Shelby it was shower time. Shelby had a different idea. She had me lay on the bed with the towel under my ass and started to comb and trim my pubes. I thought I would blow right there. She combined, she trimmed, she kissed, she jerked and kissed again. I was wet with precum and her pussy juices were literally running down her leg. She said “NOW its shower time”. We went into the shower. She still had her black lacened bra, garter and fishnet stockings on when she joined me. She washed my hair and took the wash clothes, later it up and proceeded to later my body. She then took some soap into her hands and later them up good. She then later my cock, struggling it playfully. She lathered my balls, fondling them with her hands. It made me weak in the knees and I was starting to get that familiar feeling of an on coming eruption in my loins. I said “honey, don’t make me come yet”. She teased a little more then stopped. I lathered her silent honey blind hair and rinsed it off. I then took off her black lacened bra. Freeing the 36c twins. Her nipples stood out just as I remembered. Like two pencil erasers, hard yet rubbery. I just had to get my mouth on those beauty. I suckled and gently bit making her sight, moan and a little weak knee. I continued washing her, feeling Her body. Feeling each curve, each muscle, feeling her tight little ass. I couldn’t take any more. I grabbed her face and brought her lips to mine. Our hot breath and even hotter tongues dancing around in our mouths. With the water still running I reached down for her waist and lifted her. She instinctively wrapped her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck. She reached one arm down to grab my dick and placed it right at the entrance to her sweet, now bald, pussy. I was going to go slow but Shelby impaled herself on my cock. As she did she let out a little gasp and I saw her eyesroll to the back of her head. I held her tight against me. Pelvis to pelvis. Now locked in a lovers embrace cock to pussy, tits to chest, mouth to mouth. I started slow, gently moving in and out. I could hear Shelby saying. “oh my god, it feels sooo good. Go deep, fuck my pussy, make me come hard”. I said “I will baby, I want to last for you. I want you to come hard. I’ve missed your sweet pussy, I want to love it all night. I never want to let you go”.
We’re starting to pick up the pace now. Our bodies smacking together. I’m holding her ass taking her for a ride. I can feel her trembling and hear her whimper with each trust. I reached down and started rubbing her clip. She’s saying “Do it baby, you’re gonna make me cum, make me come, PLEEEEAAAASE!!! MAKE ME CUM!!!” she yelled. I said “hold it back honey, hold your come as long as you can. I want us to come together baby. I want to feel you. COME ON!!!, COME ONNN!!!!!! I’m getting close honey, hurry!!!”. She’s chanting “Yes…YYESSS…YYYYEEEESSS. OOOOOOHHHHH MYYYYY GGGGOOOODDDDD!!!!!! I’mmmm aaallmmmmost ththththere. Here it comes OOOOOOOHHHHHHH!!!!!! SSSSHHHHHHHHIIITTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! EEEEEEEEHEHEHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! CCCCCCCUUUUUUUUUUMMMMMIIINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I’m thinking anyone in a 20 mile radius hear us going at it. I could swear someone was pounding on the wall in the other room. I don’t give a fuck because I’m fucking the shit out of Shelby and am going to do so until I have heart failure. Meanwhile, back in the shower, I’m shouting at the same time “Ready honey I’m almost there. Yeah baby YEAH BABY!!! YYEEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHBBBBBAAAAAABBBBBBBYYYYY NNNNNOOOOWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH MY GOD HERE IT COMES!!!!!! I could feel it starting in the pit of my belly. Like someone lit a flare in my gut, my balls are a burning caldron of liquidfied fire. I feel it being compressed I feel it going through my plumbing, I’m pumping and trying to make it last. I can hold back no longer. We are both shaking I think we are going to fall. We’re gasping for breath screaming and moaning and Shelby fired first. She’s biting my shoulder whimpering in ecstasy her lips are to my ear as she screams OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHMMMMMMMMMMMYYYYYGGGGGGGGGGGGOOOOOOOOOOOODDDDDDDDDDDDIIIIIIIIIIIIIMMMMMMMMMMMMCCCCCCCCCUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMMMMMMMMMMMIIIII INNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!FFFFFUUUUUUUUCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!MMMMMMMMMMMMMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH”. She came soooo hard. I could feel her juices envelop my cock, her body raking I could feel the walls of her pussy convulse and exploit. With each detonation she chants OH MY GOD!!! OHMYGOD OHMYGOD!!!!!! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHMMMYYYYYGGGGGGGOOOOODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!”and she collapsed into my arms at the same time I blew my wad. Stream after stream of molten cum is pouring from my cock. I would not have been surprised if cum came out her mouth. It overflowed in her tight pussy. I could feel it running out. She was overflowing with juices.I haven’t cum like that since I was 19. All I could do when I came was yell, “OOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHSSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHXIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Impaled on my dick. We just sat there panting. Water still running. Shelby had passed out from the hardest orgasm I’ve ever seen this side of an A grade porn movie. Even with the water running I could feel the juices leaking out!
I held her close and tenderly stroked her hair. I kissed her neck and continued to her shoulder and rested my head there still struggling her hair, and I wept. I don’t know why but I did. My body racked with sobs. I just held her close and whispered into her ear, I love you Shelby. I always have and always will.
With the water still running against our bodies, I too fell asleep.
We were spent.
Just like I am now.
DANM IT!!! I got cum on the keyboard!!!
Stay tuned.
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