Rural Violations (non consensual sex)

Tiffany loved this time of year with all the autumn leaves in an array of multi colors. School ate up nearly all her time except for the weekends which gave her a chance to get out with her camera. One of her favorite things was to take camera and lunch and hike way back in the mountains for nature photography. She had a week off now before studies would consume all her time, last opportunity before winter to get way back in the woods. A little nature before the long cold winter, waiting for spring to arrive would make the cold times pass much faster.

She couldn’t think of a more relaxing adventure than the deep woods, peace, serenity in what she thought was the safest place on earth. There was no doubt in her mind that it was the two legged animals that lived in cities that were dangerous, the human animal. Early in the morning she headed out before the traffic got to bothersome, before noon she was far away from the noise. She found the perfect place to leave her car for the day, in a lot off a side road just at the base of beautiful mountains.

Tiffany made sure she had enough food for a day of hiking with a little extra for that emergency situation that never comes. Spring water was abundant so no need to carry that extra baggage. Leaving a lot more room for the camera equipment that was the fruits of her adventure. Within an hour she had hiked the deepest in the Forrest she had ever dared to venture without fear of getting lost. She spent hours getting some great nature photos, forgetting about the time and the rest of the world.

It was close to time she would need to head back to the car for the drive to a movie for the night then some more photography the following day. Tiffany was ecstatic the day couldn’t have gone more perfectly. The weather forecast had predicted a great week for her and she was all ready thinking towards tomorrow. As she rounded the last curve in the path to where she had parked the car she gasped. Her car was no where in sight, it had been stolen or definitely moved for some reason.

Tiffany new it was going to be a long dark walk to the nearest phone and she had purposely left her cell in the car so she wouldn’t be distracted from photography. Her feet were getting tired and it was becoming very difficult to see her way, at times stepping off into the ditch. She was listening intently at a strange sound in the distance, sort of a soft humming noise. Her first thought, it may be a ranger station, but it was quite a distance away and not on the dirt road she was trying to fall.

Well, it was at least a human sound so maybe if she could get throw the underbrush that few hundred yards in the dark she could get to a phone or a ride into town to report her car missing. It was a struggle in the dark but she was getting close enough to tell it was the sound of a generator. Then it stopped, now what way to go she thought, it was nearly pitch dark and she couldn’t even tell what direction she was going. Tiffany stumbled around in the darkness hoping she was going toward where the sound came from.

Just to her left she thought she saw a dim light, a few steps farther and she was sure it was the flickering of a candle in the window of a very small cabin. At least there was life there and light to see, a big improvement over where she was at the moment. Within a few minutes she was there finally, a small cabin with only one window it appeared, and she could hear movement inside. There was an outbuilding about the size of a garage but she didn’t see any sign of a vehicle in the darkness.

Tiffany walked around the side finding the door, taking a deep breath of suspension she tapped gently. A few seconds later the door opened, the dim light seemed very bright after thedarkness. As she tried to focus she saw a rather large man, tall but not fat with very long dark hair and a bear. He looked like an Indian or some mountain man from a history book. In a very deep voice he said, hello, come in, then he went to a large arm chair and sat down.

She stepped inside looking around for a phone but saw nothing other than a bed, small table and the chair he sat on. There was a small propane stove for cooking with the typical old coffee pot on one burner. Everything looked home made, even the buckskin clothes he was wearing. Tiffany was curious why he didn’t act at all surprised to have a visitor in the dark where there was obviously not another soul within miles.

Her first questions were about a phone or vehicle so she could get into town or to a movie for assistance. With that deep voice he simply replied, there are none of those things here. Then she said, how will I get back to civilization? He looked up with an odd half smile saying, you won’t need to go any place now. That didn’t seem to make much sense to Tiffany, he must have to go to town for fuel and things he can’t make. When she began asking more questions he told her to go sit down and be quiet. He needed to think about what he wanted to do with her, she was getting quite frightened now wondering what to do.

He just sat thinking very calmly, her first idea was run, find her way back to the road and take her chances on walking the long distance back to civilization. She turned quickly making a mad dash out the door in the direction she had come from. Her feet went as fast as they could throw the thick brush until Tiffany ran face first into a big tree. The force knocked the wind out of her stunning her senses as she lay on the ground getting reoriented. Just as she started to get up to continue at a slower safer pace she felt a very strong hand grab her wrist.

She gave a struggle but he was way to strong as he dragged her back into the cabin bolting the door shut. Her kicking and beating on his chest had little effect on the mountain man, he just gave her a bear hug. It felt like he was going to crush her, when he suddenly let go, laughing, saying, I like that fight a lot. There wasn’t anything around to use as a weapon even if she had a chance to overpower him it seemed unlikely she could. Tiffany backed away when he came towards her but there was little place to go and none to hide.

Her last resort the corner as he backed her into the hard wood wall, she was totally petrified. His big strong hands holding hers at her side as he pressed her small body tightly against the wall. The bear felt rough against her face when he buried his face in her soft hair sniffing deeply. His breath smelled of wild ginger spice as he whispered in his deep voice, you smell sweet likecandy. Then he tried to kiss her, Tiffany tried to turn her face away but he squeezed her even tighter forcing his mouth over hers. The bear harsh against her skin as he sucked firmly on her lips taking her breath away.

When she gasped to catch her breath his long tongue penetrated her lips driving deep inside her mouth. It probed her oral climate completely, her tongue darting to escape his to no avail. The long tongue invading nearly down her throat as it rubbed over her tongue inevitably. He was drinking in the increasing flow of her saliva tasting over the entire inside of her mouth. Driving it in and out over her lips as she was forced to swallow his injecting oral liquids.

Tiffany tried to feel her body over the numbness of the intense pressure, her tender breasts crushed into his chest while he orally raped her with the driving tongue. Her belly feeling the cold hard steel of his large turquoise belt buckle,her eyes wide in fear. Below, his enormous cock bulged out against her stretching the buckskin pants nearly to the point of ripping throw them. All that she could feel now was sheer terror shuddering over every inch of her delicate flesh.

His grip eased when his hand moved to unbutton her shirt, Tiffany kneed him in the groin with all her might lift him from the floor, her free hand clawing at his beard. In hopes of another escape, freeing his stallbing tongue from inside her mouth. The laughter in his deep voice sent chills down her spine as he slammed her back hard against the wall. Then those strange throat words, I like that fight a lot, the tongue plunging deep in her mouth again with even more thrusting penetration.

This time the hand had more success with the buttons releasing the top three before she could struggle again. Then with extreme force he ripped away the remainder with only the thin sport bra still secure beneath her shirt. Her mouth could no longer find the strength to resist his. Constantly driving, as it licked over her teeth rubbing around her cheeks, probing the roof of her mouth. The cold belt buckle scraping against the opening in her shirt on her soft belly.

Now his gigantic cock pressed tightly forcing it’s bulging form between her legs. It’s extreme heat penetrating into her tender flesh, breath sucking kisses were making her feel weak. His hands now pulling away the sport bra until she feel it rip leaving her tender breast fully unprotected. His mouth holding hers sucking with such intensity she was glued to him orally, the long tongue pumping in and out.

Rough hands now cupping her breasts pushing her harder into the wall, squeeze so very hard as if they were wet sponges beneath his hands. The nipples manipulated and squeezed until they swelled hard form the pain. Tiffany gasped for air when he freed her mouth, only to feel the new pain of his harsh bear as his mouth consumed her breast, sucking her softness deep in his mouth. Biting her aching nipples, licking his long tongue all over her chest then sucking so hard on her nipples it felt they would burst in his mouth.

She was helpless, taking all her strength just to keep from passing out. She could hardly move now, much less try to fight his overpowering strength. Her only fee hope was to stay conscious praying for some miracle to allow her an out. She had to feel, do all she could to control her body, at all costs endure his savage ravaging of her delicate flesh. Tiffany could feel his hand fumbling over the button of her pants trying to unsnap the single button at their top. She made her belly swell hard to prevent the inevitable as long as she could.

At last she had to breath, instantly the single snap released hearing the zipper fall as one more barrier fall away. Her breasts now soaked with saliva, growing number in his feverishly sucking mouth, nipples so swollen they had lost all feeling. The strong hands now over her bottom tugging down at the pockets, her pants slowly moving lower on her hips. Then they fell to the floor over her feet, only the thin cotton of her panties protecting her most sacred womanly charms. Breasts in constant assault as his enormous bulging cock pressed ever harder into her panties.

His hips thrusting her bottom hard against the cold boards of the wall, the huge cock bulge probing deep between her legs forcing up hard into her panty covered crotch. He backed away lowering his hand grabbing the waist band of her panties, one swift yank and they were gone. Nothing left to protect her fading vanity, the hand probing, pulling at her sparse flat hair. Big finger tip rubbing rapidly as it pressed hard against her sensitive labia trying to pry its wayinto her soft vagina.

The bulging buckskin that held his massive cock thrusting abrasively against her bare flesh, the burning heat of his cock inside sending its insane desire into her soul. As he dragged her to the bed her shoes fell off followed by her pants and panties. Naked in all respects, her every charm bared before his delighted eyes, as he pushed Tiffany back on the bed. She watched his towering form watching her as his eyes explored her every beautiful aspect. His buckskin shirt being tossed to the floor exposing his powerful muscles.

Her eyes bulged in terror as he unhooked his buckskin pants sliding them to the floor. He had no shorts to hold the huge cock as it raised up from between his legs. So very thick and long with an enormous pulsing head that was oozing thick sticky cum, his eyes glowing as he studied Tiffany’s fragile body. When he came to the bed she used her last ounce of energy trying to scoot away. To no avail, he grasped her ankles pulling her back towards him. Forcing her legs so far apart it feel like her hips would brake.

Then he was on her preventing her legs from coming together even slightly, his hands holding her arms down as his mouth closed again around her ravaged breasts. Hips thrusting powerfully into her, the head of his giant cock poking repeatedly at her soft pink flesh, pressing harder each time. Tiffany clenched her vaginal muscles as tight as she could to prevent penetration. His oozing cum making her more and more slippery, more vulnerable as the head began to stretch her labia apart.

The feeling of her soft flesh nearly accepting his huge cock head as it worked into her slightly, drive him wild. With powerful driving thrusts it penetrated her labia, the oozing cum lubricating his path as he pumped into her again and again. Deeper, harder, faster his massive cock stretched her vagina tarring past her fragile hymen. She could feel him rapidly thrusting fast, deep inside, the huge head slamming against her depths, the heavy balls swaying against her bottom.

Then the powerful lunge so deep it felt like it would rip her apart, his loud animal grunting as his hips shuddered. Her belly burning hot as he pumped his endless spurting cum, filling her once virgin womb. When his cock finally emptied inside her he got off her, her vagina clinging until he was fully out. He sat back in the chair watching his juices ooz from her labia smiling with satisfaction. Tiffany rested praying for sleep knowing she would need it when he was soon on top of her again………


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