Mary Forbidden Fruit (1&2&3)

Strange things had been torturing my mind for months, insane fantasy dreams filled with such erotic content they wok me in a cold sweat. Masturbating a dozen times a night had no effect in easing the nightmares, if anything it made the next even more intensity. I had survived puberty with no problems, why did erotic sexual dreams torture my soul now? What posable stimulus that I hadn’t realized sent my subconscious into perverted fantasy places that delighted my soul with pleasures. Filled my waking moments with guilt and remorse over what was only a foolish dream?

Answers had to be found before I totally lost my mind, analyzing each day in detail to find the key that fit the door to common sense solutions. Nothing seemed to make any sense that could create such a strange twist in my mental status. My live in girl friend had been gone for months, doing my best to avoid women for the time being. But the dreams were definitely based on some twistted sexuality that was stimulated by something. After work I sat quietly on the patio sipping tea thinking all was very normal.

Then I listened more intently to the sounds around me, it wasn’t normal at all, the neighbors were arguing again like they had every evening for weeks. For weeks I had listened, then gone to the opening in the shrubs and watched throw the big picture window. Frank was drunk again every night treating Mary like dirt before he went back out to the club for more drink. All Mary said to him was, spending the night with your Drunk bitch again aren’t you Frank? He laughed then slammed the door as he left for the night.

As I had done so many times before I watched her go to her bedroom standing gazing out the window. Only a few feet away as I stood in the darkness knowing to her I was invisible. Had it was daylight she would have been looking directly into my eyes knowing she wasn’t alone. Her expression sad on an otherwise beautiful face that needed to smile and be happy. Her body under the white night gown fit for a photo gallery or a centerfold with pure perfection. Frank was a fool as well as a drink not to appreciate the delicacies that he had at home.

My eyes in splendid suspension watching Mary run her hands over her luscious breasts down over her body caresing the gown along the outline of her public shaft. Mary was turning down the bed, soon the lights would be out and my vision of beauty would vanish again. I knew know the root of my nightmares as I gazed longingly at the same image that tortured my dreams. My pulse raced in tune with my gasping breath. The aching in my swollen groin pure hell as my cock throbbed helpedlessly at the tightness of my pants.

I had to find a way to make her stay in view or suffer the hell of another tortured night worse than before knowing that I had the answers I had searched for. As she went to dim the lights I impulsively grabbed my cell phone chancing a call to a number I had memorized weeks ago not knowing why I had at the moment. As the phone rang I saw Mary pick hers up to answer, when she spoke I had no words. I had to disguise my voice as she spoke again, hi, how are you Mary?

Fine, she replied, who are you? Just a friend that thinks highly of you. She asked if this was a prank? No, more serious than you can ever know Mary. Really, she exceled, is that so? Yes, Mary, very true, I could see her begin to smile toying with her hair as women often do when their curiosity is aroused. Your voice is obviously disguised sir, but I must admit its a very Sexy deep voice. So is yours, Mary, it takes my breath away. She giggled as a sweet smile came over her face, do I know you sir? Yes, in passing on occasion. Really sir? Yes, I can never overlook a beautiful woman Mary.

Her face saddened as she mentioneed Frank, my reply, don’t be sad honey, he should be with you giving you the appreciation you deserve. How do you know I’m sad? Realizing I was close to being discovered I replied, from your lovely voice precise. I should go now beautiful its getting late. Mary spoke, please stay you ease the emptiness and make me smile. I was staggered when she asked to meet and talk in person, maybe a trap, but my heart refused to say no. As I bid her good night, I said ill be walking in the park princess and turned the phone off.

I fully expected she would call the police or a friend in a heart beat, instead she dawned her jogging clothes rushing anxiously. I made a quick change of clothes dashing breathlessly down to the park being sure to stay in the shadows where it would be difficult to recognize me. In a few minutes I could hear foot steps coming down the gravel path, the shadowy figure definitely Mary. Before she was to close I whispered hello, She paused replying hello, you are most daring sir, to chance meeting me here. I could be armed or waiting for the police as we talk. I replied, I know but my heart said take a chance to meet the most lovely woman no matter what the price.

She laughed, you are a charm sir, I must admit that and your sexy voice so tempting to know better. Mary, I think we feel some similar attractions and I would not harm you for any reason. When she moved closer I backed more into the shadows for fear of being recognized. You are shy as well sir, timing for a telephone Casanova as she laughed again. I said, it makes my heart happy to hear you laugh beautiful even at the expense of my ego. She continued her laugh turning to a girl giggle, your very brave Mary meeting me here, knowing I could be a rapist or some insane maniac. She was in a splendid giggling mood meeting my words with rather crude humor. A rapist sir? If that be the case it would be the first sex I have had in months. Mary totally broke out in laughter excusing her rather rash remark.

She apologized again saying her marriage was ending soon, she had filed for dividend and the remarks came from being bitter towards Frank. I returned the apology trying in my crude way to explain the strange feelings that attracted me to her in such an odd way. Torn between being fortune or only worshiping her from a distance. She responded again with, really? You sir, seem to dear to look for romance on the phone or in the night shadows. I didn’t back away when she moved closer, only an arms length away. Her mouth dropped open in shock as she looked into my eyes for the first time.

No, it can’t be as she moved closer still studying my features. She spoke, my turn to be honest sir, each time we passed I fancied you wishing that my man was you instead of him. I was dumbfounded and delighted thinking it best to offer to walk her home where she was safe and sound. Mary agreed enough of the shadowy suspension as we walked the path home. She even took my hand squeezing gently as we walked by my path, pausing in thought of an empty night I offered her to come in for a while if she wanted. A hot cup of tea or even a movie if she cared to, thinking she probably didn’t want to be alone any more than I did.

She accepted delighted to visit rather than another lonely night at home. The house warm and cozy with the fireplace flickering, a peaceful setting with rather romantic over tones. I put our tea on the coffee table in front of the sofa where we sat constantly complimenting each other. Mary giggled saying, easy on the compliments before I seduce you on the first date, it’s been a long time since I had a password night sir. I simply looked in her eyes and winked saying, maybe not as long as it has been for me.

All she did was wink, scoot a bit closer and say, really now? My, yes, choked out from my blush, we got a lot in common honey by the looks. Yes, we do, as she leaned over kissing my cheek sweetly. She laughed when I said, we definitely didn’t dress real fancy for our first date. Being spontaneous does limit the possibilities sir, but you do look very charming, well dressed for a prowler of the night and I as well dear sir. It was a toss up who was more Interested in dispatch. Mary’s eyes sparkled with her pent up desire from months of living without affection being expressed. For me the feelings was identical the only barrier to closeness was our desire to impress each other.

She made it a point to say Frank wouldn’t be home and even if he was their relationship was dead, his female drinking buddy, had him, he had no rights to her any longer. Easing my mind as well as an open invitation to add some romance to both our empty lives. She was so close now I could smell the lavender cent in her hair, the warmth of her body pulsing against mine. The temptation to kiss was more than I could resist praying when I did she wouldn’t run away. As my kiss touched her neck she turned towards me taking my lips on hers with delicate emotion gently clinging. The warm sweet negative of her mouth blending with mine as our lips moved in unison.

I could see her large nipples swelling against her shirt, her large full breasts looked so inviting to be enjoyed. Mary made the first intimate move to invite sex play as her hand rubbed along my cock shake toying her fingers around the head. The heat from her crotch came in waves of moist password, my fingers rubbing over the outline of her camel toed pussy lips squeezing her crotch gently. Careful Mary moaned, it’s been so long I think I’m all ready going to cum. Cum a million times honey then we will arouse another as my cock began jumping against her gentle hand.

She opened my pants pumping her soft hand over my shake whispering softly, you have such a magnificent cock dear sir. Please, Mary, call me knight, slipping my hand down into her pants feeling her pulsing heat. Her muff trimmed to perfection, a large love bud slide along my finger as it dipped into her creamy pink folds. She gasped as an orgasm rushed throw her body squeeze my shake harder as she pumped. She purred in my ear, that felt so good knight, my reply, you have the sweetest pussy Mam. She had to chuckle a bit saying, no, Mary or honey, please.

We both adored the extended foreplay whispering rather erotic things to tease each other. Passion was growing to a fevered pitch as our hands and mouths pleasured each other constantly. Mary licked her lips saying, baby that big cock will fill me so well like I have never been filled before. As she leaned in to my neck I simply replied, how many times honey?

(part2) It was all so amazing, Mary had createdd feelings in my body that were at the least sensitive glory. Her hot pussy lips felt like halved peaks dripping with silky syrup needing to be licked and sucked eventually. Her talented hand pleasure my cock to levels of hardness that were statusesque. As I sucked her lips lost deep in dreamy sensitive affect the words whispered into her ear. Mary, precious princess, I’m dying to eat your pussy, fill my mouth with your honey sweet cum. Honor me with the delicate nectar of your sweet love flower. Her voice drifted into a purr softly singing, yes, pleasure me dear sir, rise my body to heavenly bliss as you feast of my tender flesh.

A pool of warm cream flowed as I cradled her pussy in my hand, we slide from the sofa to the soft throw that lay in front of the flickering fireplace. The intensity of the kisses escalated to a near Pagan worship of each others bodies. Our hands roamed wildly beneath our clothes over each others heated flesh arousing every zone of sensitivity. Simultaneously we eagerly pulled each others clothing off, our hands exploring with wild play as my cock swelled to new highs of arousal.

I lifted my body up glorying my eyes over the Madonna that lay before me. The flickering of the fireplace dancing over her delicious form, my mouth watering craving to taste every fiber of her charming treasures. Her belonging in law to another mattered no longer, the taste of forbidden fruit could not be denied knowing I wanted her not once, but a million times until the end of time belonging to me as I craved to be hers forever.

Mary’s body began to gyrate in fluid motion swaying in erotic body language expressing ritualistic mating. As she love danced her body moved over mine, her swaying full breasts brushing over my face with creamy softness. The cherry ripe swollen nipples gilding back and forth over my lips as she lowered them in turn into my hungrymouth. Nursing deeply of her delicate offering, her hips rotating over mine gently thrusting with sensitive habitures of penetration.

Her body turned over me, the delicate scent of her womanhood drifted into my senses. The tender flesh of her creamy peach halves circled closer to my mouth, as sweet droplets of her warm arousal fall over my lips. Closer she moved, slowly thrusting down as my tongue roamed over her sweet flowers nectar. Gliding her love bud over my lips as I gently licked at its pulsing flesh, lowering her creamy slit over my darting tongue moaning with intense pleasure. Her body tensed trembling, an echoing sight drifted from her lips as a hot flood of orgasm rushed into my feeding mouth.

I sucked deeply drinking in her pleasure orgasm her body arching in ecstasy tightly against my caressing lips. Mary had opened her love gap unconditionally for her pleasure and mine, my tongue deliciously exploring every fiber of her glorious bottom. The moaning intensified while my tongue probed her bottom teasing her anal orifice. My cock at full throbbing staff under her toying fingers as she tenderly caresed the fullness of my genitals. Her soft tongue gilding along the length of the shaft licking in swirls around the head swelling it to smooth pulsing fullness.

While my tongue repetitively roamed from her love bud up to her anal orifice drinking in her sweet pleasure her mouth slip tightly over the head of my cock. Gently Mary nursed, her tongue licking hungrily beneath the head taking the shake to the hilt sucking so very softly. Her nasal breathing hotly flowing over my genitals, her tongue tenderly caresing the bottom of the shake as she sucked. Pleasing sounds purred out as the constant hot flow of my seed creamed into her feasting mouth. Swallowing each sensitive offering she teased from the depths of my fertility.

(3) Mary moved over me again her lips findingmine sharing the taste of our mutual oral pleasure. Her soft warm breasts rubbing against my chest hair brushing her nipples against mine as they aroused together sending hot waves over our bodies The softness of her muff rubbing sensitively against mine in gyrating gentle thrusts. The length of my full cock nestled tightly between her legs as she slide its length along her peach pussy lips coating it with her hot creamy luxury.

She bit my lip nibbling tenderly kissing over my neck before nursesing my ear lobe. Her voice trembling with heated desire as she whispered sensitively, fill me with your big cock, let me feel it to the depths of my soul. My, yes, was breathless as Mary posed her tender hot pussy above my cock head. Slowly she lowered down parting her folds over the head as it smoothly penetrated her soft hot pink flesh. I lay motionless glorying at the beautiful sensing as she gently thrust her rippling softness down my throbbing shaft. Her tender flesh clinging as it milked at my cock taking all of me to her very depths.

Mary melted her body down on mine, the tender warmth of her engaged pussy lips molding over my balls as her warm cream flowed over my scrotum sucking all of me inside her heated password. Her orgasms coming continuously as her pussy milked my depths my cock pulsing faster and faster against her G spot. Her teeth sank into my neck, nails biting into my shoulders, her back arched so tense as her breasts bounced in abandononed Restraint.

A quaking shudder raced down over her body as Mary screamed with releasing orgasm from the depths of her soul. Hot see raced up my cock as it fountains into her womb meeting her fiery rush as our bodies blended into one mutual pleasure. Mary lay on top of me panting into my panting absorbing the oneness of our flesh. My desperate voice begging in her ear, please don’t ever go home, all Mary said was, never, I promise knight……..


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