Hayloft Honey Sin

Connie and I were An item all throw harvest time spending every moment finding places to privately take our pleasure. A few times were nearly caught by unexpected visitors that caused so much excitement we had to fuck even more. Connie had me well trained now, all she had to do, was say, oh fuck that feels good, and I was having an orgasm. A couple times we managed to have a whole night together in a real bed. Those were the nights neither one of us had any sleep, Connie was right into trying new things and new sexual positions. One night I think we were “sixty-nine” for a good three hours, felt like my face was swimming before we finished. Connie liked sucking cock, when she knew I was going to explode she would go into a sucking frenzy. I had to just hold on until she finished me off and had her fill.

I was quite surprised when Connie came over with another girl, until I found out it was her cousin. Apparently some relocation for workwas happening for her parents so she was staying with Connie for a couple months. I didn’t want to make Connie jealous so I didn’t say much more than hello and a hand shake with her cousin. But she was just totally adorable, definitely, lust at first sight. Watching her walk made my tongue hang out like a hound dog, wondering if I had a chance of getting some of that peach pie.

I had to laugh at her nick name, “Sin,” if there was ever a reason to sin, it was certainly” Sin.” Sin, was into photography, so often when Connie and I were finding a secluded spot for some in and out bonding, Sin was off taking farm photos. It was working out well even with the extra person often around. There was still plenty of time for making Connie say, oh fuck, that feels good. We found the perfect place to be alone, An old tool shed that wasn’t used any more. It was almost a bunk house with a bed when we brought in a couple blankets, definely fucking heaven.

There weren’t any windows only a few cracks in the boards on the wall to let light in which was perfect. The only bad thing was when we were rocking hot and heavy sometimes it made the boards creak pretty loud. Just a matter of slowing the humping down and readjust our position, then drive for the orgasm with dedication. I had no suicide anything was unusual when we were in our little hideaway making Connie a pussy cream pie.

One day while we were doing our thing deeply penetrating Connie doggy style it felt like maybe I should take a glance around our little love nest. Like, oh shit, I could see someone watching from the cracks in the board wall. Pretending I didn’t notice I studied the spy more carefully. It wasn’t difficult to figure out it was Sin, wondering how many times she had sat there watching our live porno show. The thought also crossed my mind if she had maybe done a bit more with her camera than take farm nature photos. I was close to an orgasm figuring why not give Sin a good show as long as she was already an audience.

I reached down and got hold of Connie’s breasts and when she got ready to cum I nailed her fast and furious. She was nearly screaming, going to cum, oh yes, that feels so fucking good. Before I finished squirting inside Connie the spy had disappeared, I didn’t say anything to Connie knowing her response would be very angry. Not telling made life interesting, when we were in the shed and I was in Connie, knowing Sin was spying. It made me so aroused that I gave true dedication to pleasure Connie and myself.

The feeling much more intensity with much longer and larger climaxes that made Connie becomes a true energizer bunny. Not going, but she was, cuming and cuming and cuming, it must be making Sin hot to watch us enough so she had to pleasure herself and the constant nagging tHought she was doing some photography Of us on occasion. I kept the secret from Connie but did study Sin a lot closer trying to figure out what she was thinking. She did seem to look at my crotch very thoughtfully quite often with a sort of sexy goofy look on her face. Made me wonder if she didn’t want a little poking, herself, down in the secret shed.

I felt a bit sad when Connie said, her Mom was taking her shopping in the city with her Aunt for two days, so she wouldn’t be over. She would miss me a lot but she really needed to get some new clothes and a few early presents to put away for Christmas. I had taken it for granted that Sin would be going with them for the shopping spree. To my surprise when they got ready to return home, Sin came over, whispering in my ear. Can I come over and visit when Connie goes shopping? My tongue was stuck in my throat so I could only nod my head, yes. Sin had a big smile with that warm goofy look again whispering, see you tomorrow, then they were off for home.

The thought of not having Connie around for a couple days was all ready making me feel twice as horny as normal. Having her so often had put the cum factory into over drive, knowing her sweet pussy was eager to relieve the pressure any time we were alone. A night of tossing and turning wondering what was going to come of having Sin over. Connie was going to be some upset if she found out we even said hi when she wasn’t around. I had hoped Sin visiting could be very rewarding if she was good at keeping secrets.

Sin showed up at ten just after I had finished my chores around the farm, just the way she was dressed would have made Connie turn bright red. A very short red skirt and a halter top that would have had a hard time covering a couple golf balls. She was a lot smaller build than Connie but she sure had all the right quantities of everything in the right places.There was little doubt she had a lot more in mind for the day than photography dressed like that. First thing she came right up close to say a throaty hello so I was sure to smell the fantastic perfume she had put on in abundance.

As usual she had brought her large photo bag expecting to add to her collection. I asked what she had planned for the day and of coache she said some nature shots. Adding that she had hoped I would guide her around to the spots I thought were the most scenario. When I mentioned the river she was ecstatic, that was one of her favorite things and she had none what so ever around this area. It was a short distance but to take in all the beauty spots was going to take a few hours. I suspected we pack a lunch and a blanket in case she decided to sit quietly watching for some of the more timing of the wildlife along the river.

Sin was very pleased with that idea asking that I teach her how to view the wildCritters without frightening them away. I was agreeable, Sin saying that she had brought one of her albums to see so I could give my opinion on her work. When she bent down to check her bag to be sure she had everything her bubble bottom came out from under that short dress like the moon rising. I had to adjust my pants for what suddenly began rising in them at the delightful vision before me.

With that tight little bubble bottom I could only fantasize about the soft tight treasures she had inside her panties. We made a quick hunt of the farm kitchen gathering up what seemed good for a lunch while I showed Sin my favorite river spots. Making sure I packed a nice soft blanket so that sweet bottom was comfortable when it sat down. The walk down to the river was slow, Sin wanted a few pictures on the way and I was in no hurry we had the rest f the day. At the first grassy open spot where we could see the river well Sin wanted to sit a while so she could getSome shots of the wild ducks that often drifted by feeding.

She opened her bag taking out an album saying I could browse throw it, she thought there were some shots in there that would really fascinate me. She handed me the album then concentrated on the river saying let me know what you think about the album. The first few pages were mostly flowers and trees from an artistic vantage point. Then a few of the farm buildings including the little shed where Connie and I had combined body juices. The remainder of the album nearly made my eyes pop out of the sockets.

There were photos taken from the crack in the shed wall that showed Connie and I in every sexual position imagine including an oral shot with cum leaking out of Connie’s mouth around my cock. The most electrifying was one of my cock as it just slipped out of her pussy leaving a major cream pie. Sin turned back around asking what I thought about the album? About all I could say was, your very talented Sin, as she replied so are you with a rather naughty smile on her face. She said, you knew I was watching didn’t you? I said, yes, but how did you know? Sin laughed, you put a lot more into it, I mean into Connie, when I saw you glance towards the crack in the wall where I was.

She said, don’t worry I wont show them to anyone and I wont tell Connie I promise. I said thanks but I had a feeling it wasn’t all that simple asking her what the catch was for her silence? Sin said, well, some time soon I want to make some more photos just like those only without Connie. I figured she meant some cock photos or something like that until she made it a point to turn so I could get a great view of her crotch. What I would consider an eleven crotch on a scale that went from one to ten, with a definite idea it felt like hot apple pie.

Sin looked down at her panties, then at my erection, then at my eyes saying, think you can handle it? My words were simply, if I can’t, I hope I die trying that’s for certain. She was obviously working on page one of her new album taking a pic of the tent in my pants, then one of her panty crotch. I was a bit more surprised when she sat up a tripod getting out a video cam with a remote and setting it up so it zoned in on the blanket with a bit of the river in the back ground.

Then Sin took charge of setting the scene, considering the photo ammunition she had I followed her direction faithfully. First I was to take all my clothes off and sit on the blanket patiently while she did a very provocative dance that was the pinnacle of teasing. When she began striping slowly I quickly forgot about the cam watching every graceful move she made. Slowly off came the halter top, then she rubbed her breasts toying with her nipples. When the sport bra vanished she shimmied her chest making her breasts shaketeasing more at her hard long nipples.

Her smooth belly swinging with her hips as her dress slowly slide down over her hips and she tossed it towards the cam. Sin was the most beautiful thing that ever blessed my eyes, every inch of her body shouted ripened sexuality. Her eyes locked on mine when she slowly slipped her panties off to see my reaction. Her thin muff soft and fluffy like whipped cream, full pussy lips with softly pink folds glistening with silk, a large love bud poking out adorning her perfect pussy. She was so delicious even at her distance I could have squirted cum all over her breasts with a single gentle pump of my cock.

Sin was doing a good job of arousing herself as well as me, her nipples were really peaking and that love bud had perked sweetly full. Her pussy lips very silent now with even a bit of wetness where they frequently brushed against her legs as she swayed. She made no attempt to get on the blanket only swway her hips moving closer as I sat until her belly was at eye level. Her fluffy muff rubbing over my face, her womanly scent filled my nostrils with gentle fragrance making my mouth water craving a taste of it. When she moved a little closer I extended my tongue to it’s limits between her legs. Then slowly teased it up over her labia and around her love bud, her silent flow clinging to my tongue like honey as I savored the delicate texture and flavor.

I wondered why she was posing so much until I realized she was setting the scene for the cam as she toyed with the remote probably for a closer shot. Then she opening her legs a bit arching her back lowering her hot pussy right onto my waiting mouth. Sin’s silky juices ran down my chin as I licked her love bud bringing her orgasm with the tip of my flicking tongue. That was all she could stand of movie directing, Sin made final adjustments with the remote then sat if off to the side as the cam ran.

Quickly dropping down on the blanket offering her bottom to me with arched back and open legs. Her pussy just dripping with excitement needing much more than a tongue to pleasure it. I moved in close my cock so hard it hurt pressing the head into her soaking creamy labia. Sin moaned out pushing back at me, please hurry I need it so very bad. As I began to push she braced her hands swing her body in anticipation as I Drave it home rippling over her soft pink flesh. Sin keep moaning, faster, my hips thrusting like a jack hammer into her when she finally exploded. Cum squirting around my cock like broken fire hydrant, a fireball of cum rocking up my cock shaft spurting inside her.

As soon as I slide out Sin was down on me sucking our juices as she made me hard again, the moment I was sharpid she pushed me back mounting my cock sliding down balls deep. Her cream soaked pussy lips licking at my sack as she rode my cock building to another climax……….


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