I was glad to finally be back in the country having purchased back the small farm that I had regretted giving up for several years. I defiantly was not cut out for big city life, missing the peace and serenity of the rural country close to the beautiful mountains. Now I could have a few pets around that could have freedom just like I had been long for the past few years. I hadn’t had a decent girl friend in a long time deciding if it was meant to be one would cross my path sooner or later.
It was obvious early on I should have the companionship of a good canine to fill the void of living alone. A good move as a protective measure for when I was away to protect the house as well as alert me, should the unlikely thief be prowling around my area. It was definite that I should choose very wisely for the right canine that would suit my needs as well as become a comrade dependable and dedicated.
The local kennels hada wide variety making the decision less than simple, so I looked trusting my instincts to make the right choice. At the last kennel I checked there was one adorable Labrador, shine coat that looked very healthy. She took to me immediately with a naturally friendly way about her nature, acting well behaved without that wild frenzied attitude that many canines have. The owners showed me her papers to verify her breeding as well as her age being a little over a year. Her shots were up to date and she had not been altered in case her owner decided to allow her a little of pups.
I wasn’t sure about raising or selling so I left that for the future to decide on, for the time being she seemed perfect for a companion. Knowing it would take time to become aquatinted with that special bond that came naturally over time. We agreed on the purchase price along with all the little needs so we could conclude the deal immediately. I was required to decide on a name tofinalize the paper work, Shadow seemed good and she responded to it well from the beginning. Of course that was only added to the rather boring name that was on her birth papers like a nick name.
It went well right from the beginning, she had been well trained to follow commands seldom needing a lean unless we went into town or for long walks along the road side for safety. After only a few months she had truly become my Shadow and a very well behaved one also. She was wonderfully affectionate, loving to be brushed and petted, playing fetch when I was in the mood. I made a doggy door so she could come and go as she pleased within reason. She laid at my feet or beside me when I watched a movie, on or beside the bed guarding me when I was sleep.
It didn’t seem it could get any better than that in our relationship until a few weeks ago. When I arrived home from work she was acting much more exciting than I had ever seen herBefore. Something was definitely wrong, I gave her plenty of food and fresh drinking water checked her basic health issues and nothing seemed unusual except her strange behavior. When I was watching a movie sipping on coffee Shadow was exceptionally affective. Wanting more than usual to be brushed, especially towards her back end, I didn’t mind the extra brushing being sure to brush just the way she liked it.
When I stopped she was intensely becoming for more which didn’t make any sense to me at all. Then when I relented deciding to brush her tail out she turned away from me. Now her problem was very evidence, Shadow had come into heat, her pussy was swollen so big it was bulging, drops of doggy cum oozed out of the pink slit between her dark pussy lips. She constantly pushed back at me wanting me to ease her frustration that had grown to a state that I could see caused her to suffer terribly.
I didn’t know how I could be of any assistance in relieving her problem and I certainly wasn’t going to bring her to the kennel for breeding, this was definitely no time to be adding puppies to the family. Curiously when she backed up again I rubbed her pussy a little, she certainly liked that. She immediately humped at my fingers making a big flow of juices and her pussy swelled even more. She was begging so much I had to rub her a little more, Shadow was climaxing right in my hand.
Her bottom was humping in such a frenzy I let my fingers ride in her slide as she humped taking an amazing amount of them into her swollen pussy. She was loving it so much she didn’t want to stop, I was realizing I was feeling pleasure in easy her frustration. The only problem now was my rising hard on finding that her pussy was exciting me with its wet slippery humping on my fingers. It became necessary to pull my cock out so I could pump off some pressure while Shadow got her finger pleasure.
What I hadn’t anticipated was Shadow seeing my hard cock in my hand, she promptly spun around licking my hand and my cock that had a bit of cum oozing out the head. It did feel very good so I moved my hand away, Shadow was making a licking party out of my cock even teasing my balls with her long tongue. When I was about to cum with her tongue sliding up and down my shake she suddenly stopped. Watching my cock bobbing excitedly close to orgasm, Shadow know exactly what she had been licking as she turned away backing her swollen pussy right up close to my cock.
I didn’t need to read her mind, my arousal all ready made me want to try to fuck her and I think she was hoping for that from the beginning. As soon as I rubbed her pussy a little she was pushing back very excitedly humping in anticipation of finding something a bit more filling than my fingers. I eased to the edge of the sofa to line up the potential connecttion holding my cock from bobbing as the head touched her pussy lips. I couldn’t believe how easily she accepted the head slightly inside her lips. She was burning hot inside, unbelievably soft as she humped the head with dedicated doggy password.
She had me in nearly three inches and she was feeling some bit excited and so was I. Her humping became so intense I had to grab around her hips to keep her from bouncing of my cock. That just made her thrust back even more taking almost my whole cock deep in her hot pussy. She humped it insanely until she had me in to my balls then she tightened on my like a vise holding me deep inside. Her pussy milking my cock with tension pussy muscles, I was ready to cum but the tightness wouldn’t let me release quickly. The tension in my groin kept building more and more then she flexed her pussy just right on the shake.
Twitching surges of cum spurted up my cock pumping into her milking pussy, Shadow turned her head looking back as if to say, that’s what I need, fill me way up full of your man cum. When she finally had her fill she let me slide out turning to lick my cock nice and clean then her pussy. I think that added a special extra to our relationship, definitely I didn’t let her suffer again nor did I need to use my hand when I was suffering we helped each other abundantly. During the peak of her heat she needed it very often and any time, she was eager to lick my cock to orgasm so she could have a cum feast.
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