If was feeling uneasy shifting my weight on my stool was a mistake, because the pain reminded me that was the side of my ass where Kindra had really scratched me. Playfully of course, she always was, but still drawing blood.
She wasn’t the classic Darkside Girl. For one thing we really did no each other. Had even been calm wrestling partners at one time, and fuck buddies before I started living alone.
But she had shown up like one. In the wee hours of the morning, all alone and her truck hidden from view, with no introductions necessary let alone suction, because the only reason they were there was to fuck and it was their idea, and I would bet no one know what they were really like, not even their boyfriends.
And I’d learned a very important thing, and maybe I thought it was just a trick. But I was in a band and the lead guitar player was staying with me for awhile and I knew he’d been with girls that amazed me and I wanted to ask him all about them. It seemed like standard provecure to me back then to realate every sordid detail, but he just sort of smiled and all he said was I never talk about the girls I go out with, because that is one of the reasons they go out with me for. Fred was double tough and smart-cool so I listened to his gospel of the viruses of “what peace (of ass) there is in silence.”
It worked and it didn’t take long. As soon as I stopped talking about girls they started showing up long after dark, just to fuck. And they were the last ones I ever expected, girls I probably wouldn’t talk to in the halls at school or on the street or at a dance. Wouldn’t be prudent considering social status differences and my asshole report. But they would come to me in darkest secret and fuck their brains out, of course we both understand nothing would change and in public they didn’t even know me.
But Kindra did know me I was her first cock I guess because I was also her first love and didn’t even know it. Cowboys don’t talk about such stuff, and Kindra was a cowboy first and fortune-most. Riding roping cattle branding stock feeding cowboy that was as good as any on the mountain. And she was just as strong especially in her legs and tighs from horse back ride, and sex burned deep in her and it was both fun and exciting.
I called her Sidewinder though because she had just never seemed to get the hang or straight in and out humping. Insead she thrust her hips at sort of a side angle. It felt great, and obviously got her off, but it just seemed weird. Itr also made me forget she was shot and stalky with big hips and a round big ass to match, and little hard tits that were big and firm at the bvase but only stuck out about an inch and a half, with sharp0 perky little nipples, but you put your mouth on them and they worked.
There was less than no fanfare when she showed up I think she'd watched and planned very carefully. She’d watched what I drank and how much I was drinking, because she wanted me drunk enough to get a whiskey hard on that made it hard for me to cum. That way she could really let herself fuck when usually a boy wouldn’t last 30 seconds against her if she really started fucking. When all that was in place she got someone else to give me a ride home and then snuck around the back way. She let herself in with one hand unbuttoning clothes with the other and by the time she was to my bed she was naked and just climbed in. “You are such an asshole she said and kissed me deep and hard and I don’t think we said another word for the next hour or more.
Instead we “wrastled” and kindra called it. Rolling around each trying to make the other suck cock or eat pussy. He throwing her down and throwing my cock into her, and her taking that for a while bvefoe she dumped me and wrastled me to my back and would straddle me and insert my cock and pile drive it with a yeehaw. It was like I could taste the Copenhagen Snuff her kisses had left in my mouth along with the little bits of tobacco from her last chew.
Her calves and tighs looked huge compared to the “beautiful girls” but they had crushing strength and grip and there was power in her thrusts, and there was also a point where she would start fucking just for herself, really coming after that cock and getting every ounce of preasure it would bring her. I liked being there then, feeling her strength and password building, and she’d sort of go somewhere else, and become the very essence of r woman on the inside. And then she’d keep going as long ans as hard as she could timewise, because I never saw her run out of energy or luxury and her wettness would build with her password and I loved that.
But then before she would leave she’d hold me for a while and lay in my arms and I hated that. Becasuse she would go all soft and hold me precisely, and I could feel her love for me, and I hated that. One advantage to the other darkside girls is they couldn’t leave fast enough after it was over.
Kindra laid there in my arms, in a shape that was pleasant to me somehow, with her hair clear to her big round white than white ass, holding me and trying to hold the minutes if she could without saying a single word until the birds starting chirping. We both knew it was wrangle time and she barely had enough to drive back to the ranch in time to feed the stock and start putting up hay, on what would be a long mesguoto bitten day.
But she wasw smiling as she was p0utting on her clothes. Until she looked up at me and asked, “why’d you do that last night with Bessie. It’s a wonder Gene didn’t kick your ass and its no wonder every buddy thnks you a psycopath.”
“She pissed me off she’s nothing but a monkey faced whore. I can’t stand her” I said getting.out of bed naked and heading around the bed to the bathroom to take a pee.
“Well why the hello do you let her get you to fuck her then. If you’d run away from that bitch you dick would to. I can’t believe you acted like that if you’d sone that to me I’d hae kicked your ass.”
Now she’d said something really interesting there, like she confirmed something I suspected but no one would believe, so I wasn’t thinking about who I was with and more importantly where I was which was starting to walk in front of her when my brain on automatic response said, “you and whose army?”
“Well these guys for starters” she said as when reached out and took a swipe at my ass that left bloody claw marks, and made me tuck my ass in take the next steps quick and high.
Jesus Kindra I said as I surveyed the damage. “Fuck you drew blood.”
“Yeah, but its a long way from your heart,” she said with a smile a peck on the cheek and three quick steps to the door. “See ya,” and Kindra, always would.
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