New Wife Bitch Stepdaughter

Nadia and I had been married nearly a year, it was great for the most part, she was gorgeous and there wasn’t a roller coaster ride that cold equal her in bed. But her daughter (and now nine) Ginger was such a beautiful conniving little witch being sure she made my life hell. I wasn’t sure if she was jealous or maybe she just didn’t like me, she was flirty enough when her Mother wasn’t around being little miss perfect Angel. She had a body that turned all the guy’s heads at any age and she flaunted it proudly when her Mom wasn’t watching just to tease.

I could deal with that passing it off as growing pains but she made it a point to interfere with my life way to much. Seemed like every time I was about to enjoy some of Nadia’s hot pussy Ginger would find some way to fuck it up for me so that Nadia wasn’t in the mood any more to get her pussy nice and wet. I couldn’t even tease Nadia into giving me headin the shower without Ginger finding a reason to rap on the door for something interrupting my pleasure.

Ginger did a good job of giving me a ragging hard on as well to make it worse, sitting across from me in the living room when Nadia was busy lifting her legs up on the sofa then getting my attention so I would see she hadn’t put any panties on again. She always had a big grin making sure she opened her legs real wide so I could see that pretty pink pussy that I bed was real silky to have a cock stuck in way to the balls.

Nadia informed me she had to fly back to Europe for a week to be with her Mother who had been recovering from some major surgery. Not to my liking but a definite important trip that I couldn’t deny her for sure. For her last night home I called in a category to set up a very special dinner with violence, candle light with even a dozen roses for special effect. Fully intending to have her naked andVery willing to let me do anything and everything to her sexually before we were separated for a whole week. Definitely enough sex so neither of us would find ourselves aroused to much before she was back home.

The evening had gone perfectly in every respect, going directly to the shower for some pre bed play. Nadia was all ready creaming her panties when I took her night clothes off, those big breasts had nipples popping out that were screaming suck on me. We had just laid down getting deeply entwined in some lovely sixty-nine when Ginger started pounding on the door. Nadia rushed right up tossing on her robe to answer the door to see what Ginger felt was so important. She was all teary eyed putting on a big show about how much she was going to miss Nadia and would she please come spend the night with her in her room.

Nadia said, yes, as I figured she would tell me when she kissed me good night that she knew I would understandthat she needed to comfort poor little Ginger. I agreed it was all right hesitantly when she walked out the door then Ginger peeked back in with a big grin sticking her tongue out at me. Pissed off was way to gentle a term to describe the way I felt, Nadia would be gone to the airport at six in the morning. There was no way I was going to get any pussy with that time frame and I was living.

I spent the night planning how I would even the score with Ginger when her Mother was away for a week. She was gong to find out I could be as much of a price as she was a bitch and she had made my life suck for the last time. I made sure I saw Nadia off at the airport and left poor little Ginger sleeping her life away at home, on the return I decided to be so nice to her it hurt just to see what I could set up to pay her back for being a little witch.

As soon as she was ready for the day I took her on a shopping spree for new clothes and all the little things that witches her age love to buy. Then a nice lunch at her favorite restaurant before returning home that afternoon. Ginger was on cloud nine thinking she was the princess rather than the witch I thought she was. I gave the servants all the night off being sure I had her all to myself as I worked out a plan of revenge. What happened depended a lot on how easily she was suckered into my sweet little witch trap mentally.

I prepared a very special dinner for before an evening of rather sexually oriented movies that I had intended to watch with Nadia. The dinner was one of Ginger’s favorite seafood menus although a bit on the spicy side so it had to be enjoyed with lots of refreshments. Strawberry daiquiris were ideal with plenty of added alcohol, Ginger often loved to have them as a treatment but before they were alcohol free and it was Not uncommon for her to down three or four before she was done eating. Ginger cam down to dinner with one of her usual outfits that she wore when she put on her teasing act that she loved to torture me with after dinner.

Ginger was impressed by the meal even giving me one of her rare compliments. I made sure to make a number of toasts to get her in the sipping mood and before long she was drinking with nearly every bite she took. Ginger’s mood was getting quite happy by the end of dinner, estimating she downed at least five big daiquiris and within a short time she would be extremely bombed. I quickly took care of the dinner dishes telling Ginger I would be in to watch movies with her in a few minutes.

As I had thought she had gotten to her usual chair so she faced me when I was on the sofa. I doubt she had any idea how drunk she looked or acted when I came in and sat down. She could hardly wait to get my attention so I could see she didn’t have any panties on again, which was bit suprising considering her Mother was thousandsnds of miles away and the servants had the night off. She had made sure I hadn’t had any pussy in a few days and that sure did make hers look extremely inviting for my big hard cock.

She was teasing and flaunting her bottom extra probably because of the alcohol lowering her inhibitions (if she had any). After as much intimidation as I cared to take I asked Ginger if she ever did anything with that pussy besides sit on it? That left her at a loss for words and she put her feet back on the floor a bit nervously. Rather surprised by my direct confrontation of her teasing, then to my surprise she said, no I don’t have a boy friend. Obviously the alcohol had loosened her thinking a bit for her to volunteer that much information.

Then I added would you like to do more than sit on it honey? I could see her squirming a little now in her chair searching for words. Then she said, well, yes, sometimes I think about doing things witha boy. Then honey, why don’t you come right over here beside Daddy and we can talk about those things you think about? she squirmed and hesitated trying to figure out what to do, then she got up and staggered over setting down beside me. I said, well now honey why don’t you tell me all about your boy friends? Ginger said, I never had any, only tease them some times like I did you but I never did more than that before.

I said, haven’t you wondered how nice it would feel to have a cute boy sucking on your breasts and maybe licking your pussy when it gets all hot and horny? Ginger sort of stuttered in her drunken state saying, yes I always think about it. Her bottom was squirming like crazy now on the sofa obviously thinking about her sweet little pussy and those nice tasty breasts. Then I added, have yo ever Wondered what it was like to have a nice big cock in your mouth to suck on honey? Ginger blushed profusely at that saying, yes, a few timesI thought about it when my girl friends mentioned it.

Now I said, Ginger I need an honest answer, didn’t you think about doing it with me when you were teasing? Maybe a little jealous when you knew I was going to fuck Nadia so you interrupted us because you wanted it too? She answered very honestly, yes, I did feel that way, and she was obviously to bombed now to tell a coherent fib. I said, your a bit drunk Ginger so lets go up to bed where you can watch the rest of the movies in case you fall asleep? She thought that was a good idea because I had to help her up the stairs so she wouldn’t fall down.

She fell right back on my bed very glad to be laying down so the room wasn’t wobbly under her feet. I rubbed my hand over her leg at the edge of her dress bottom teasing her, asking if she wanted to make her pussy feel real good? She squirmed a little saying, I think I do but I never did it before. I said, well you think aboutt it a while longer and ill massage you while you decide if you want to or not? Ginger was very agreeable being able to think about it before deciding.

While she was thinking my hand was working it’s way up her leg under her dress teasing her soft skin until my fingers were playing with her soft public hairs. There was a lot of heat rising up from between her legs as I fingered her little love bud making it get very erect. Then I pulled my hand away and started watching the movie waiting to see what Ginger had to say. Her bottom was going crazy on the bed squirming and wiggling now that the stimulation had stopped. I waited calmly a few seconds then asked, what’s wrong honey are you uncomfortable?

Ginger quickly replied a bit breathless, I want my pussy to feel good can you help me with that? I said, sure I will honey, anything for Daddy’s girl. Then I reached up to the head board and turned the video camera on to record abit of Ginger for future blackmail if I needed it. Her bottom was going ballistic on the bed while I ate her sweet little pussy for a good half hour giving her multiple orgasm. Ginger was primed and ready as well as bombed to perfection, quite eager for me to take her dress off and that confining Lacey bra that held her nice firm breasts prisoner.

She hardly noticed when I took my clothes off and stroked my big long hard cock looking at her beautiful wet pussy. I figured no need to waste good video space so I rubbed my fingers over her soft lips asking her to suck my finger that had been rubbing her pussy. She did real well then I sat her up saying, now is a good time to find out what a big cock is like in your mouth honey. She was a bit grocgy so I had to Help her guide her mouth down on me and her sucking wasn’t the best so I had to thrust a little to get the cum flowing. Then she sucked better having to swallow occasionally until I held her head down on meand let her have the whole hot squirting load.

Ginger chased a bit but did swallow most of it, some drooled down her chin over her soft breasts but she did all right for her first time and she didn’t seem to mind it at all even if I was a little rough on her mouth with my thrusts. Then I helped her lay back down so I could put a couple big pillows under her bottom to get that ripe pussy right up high for some real thick long cock. I was very horny from being denied some of Nadia’s pussy the past week and had a lot of cum to shoot to catch up on my orgasm count. As soon as I had the cock in line with her soft pink folds I started gently pumping in and out getting my cock all nice and slippery for easy gilding.

On the third pluge I got her soft cherry with ease, on the fifth my balls were slamming her bottom, her bottom was bouncing off the pillows at high speed when I blasted the first load of cum deep in her womb. Ginger was just constantly in orgasm bouncing higher and higher every time I had another orgasm. When I had nearly enough of her pussy for now every time I slammed into her cum squirted out around my cock. Obviously I had filled her right to full with a lot extra for interest.

Ginger was well satisfied and nearly passed out when I rolled her over and slide my cock up her innocent little rectum rather gently so she didn’t wake up in shock. I had orgasm a few times in her back door before I took the front one a couple more times. Then I figured I should let her sleep a while and rest so I could play back the video on the movie screen to see how well it came out. It was very impressive to Say the least and I could just picture Ginger’s face when she was sober seeing what a great movie star she had become. Needless to say the movie got me aroused again and I know she didn’t mind me fucking her a few times while she was passed out………


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