My Trip to Kullu with Mom and Sis

Several years ago, my two sisters and my mother talked me into making a trip up to Kullu to look at the house my great-grandfather had left us in his will. Somebody should have gone to the library and done some research on Kullu winters, because when we arrived it was an hour before one of the worst storms they’d ever seen. Then, to make things even worse, the furnace was down at the house, and by the time we determined that, the storm had hit. Luckily, the house was still boarded up – with the exception of the front door – and there were still six or seven heavy blankets and a quilt in the attic. Just trying to hold off the cold until the morning, I dragged one of the king-sized mattresses down into the den, where my mother and sisters had started a fire in the fireplace. Spreading the blankets out on the mattress, we all crawled beneath them in our clothesand huddled together for warmth. I don’t know, I may have been sleep twenty minutes, or an hour and twenty minutes, but whatever the time period was, when I woke up,
I woke to the ministries of a hand other than my own struggling the length of my lunch through my pants. The only light was the fireplace, but it was enough for me to be able to see that my mother and my sister, Seema, were sound sleep. That left Nisha, who was sleeping behind me. Turning over very slowly, I looked into her eyes and she was smiling.No shame, no nothing, just a smile and her hand on my half- hard lunch. Bringing her other hand up from beneath the pile of blankets, she put a pale finger to her lips for silence and then moved closer to me. Raising up onto her elbow, she looked at Mother and Seema and then put her lips against my ear. “I’m horny as hell,” she whispered, and then kissed my earlobe. “Are you crazy?” I asked. She shook her head no. “They’ll never know . . . I swear,” she purred against my ear again and then kissed the side of my throat. Nisha was only nineteen, but she was a hot little piece, with a magnificent set of choochis and a nice round ass. Yeah, you notice things like that when your sisters forget you’re a man, and walk around in all stages of undress.
I watched her green eyes, but felt her hand working to undo pyajama. When it was open, she slipped her hand inside – after blowing on it – and caught my lunch. Pulling it into the open, she looked again at the sleeping forms of our mother and sister. “Watch them!” she said, and then ducked underneath the blankets. It took six seconds to discover what my little sister had in mind. It was a lot warmer than her hand! Hemouth swirled around the head of my lunch as she continued to stroke me. I turned so I could keep an eye on Mother and Seema, but what I wanted to do was flip back the blankets and watch what my sister was doing to me. When she let my lunch go, I almost told in relief, but she wasn’t done. Slipping from beneath the blankets, she stood up next to the mattress and went beneath her nightie. Pulling her panties off, she stuffed them beneath the mattress and slipped back into bed beside me. Leaning over me, she kissed me and then slide across my body. “Don’t move … let me do the work,” Nisha whispered against my ear, as she worked my hard lunch up in between her thighs and between the lips of her choice.
Glancing over my shoulder at Mother and Seema, Nisha slide her body downwards and forced my lunch up into her choice. It had to be the hottest place inthe house. I did as Nisha suggested and didn’t move, as she rode herself up and down the length of my lunch over and over again. It took about nine minutes for her to have an orgasm, and when she did, she actually had to bite into my coat to keep from screaming as she shivered and shook over me. When she was through, she slid upward and off my lunch. I wanted to scream bloody murder, as my lunch came into contact with the now freezing air beneath the blankets. “I’ve got to go pee,” she whispered, as she slipped off the mattress and headed out of the den. I was boiling mad. In fact, I was so mad I didn’t even notice that my sister, Seema, had eased off the mattress and come around to my side. “Come on,” she whispered, holding out her hand. I didn’t know what she had in mind, but I wasn’t about to turn it down. We tiptoed out of the den andmade our way into the room where our suitcases were. Closing the door, Seema pressed her body against mine and took my lunch in her hand. “Nisha is a tease,” she said, stroking my lunch and bringing it back to life.
She let my lunch go and I heard zippers. I couldn’t see a damn thing, but I distinctly heard zippers. The next thing I knew, Seema had backed her ass and choice up against me. “Go ahead,” she urged. I reached down and ran my hand up and down my sister’s rounded rump, then moved my fingers in between her thighs and found her choice. Using my other hand, I guided the head of my lunch between her silken pick lips and pumped it into her choice. She was tight as hell! Slipping my hands up beneath her coat, I caught her waist and began pumping myself in and out of her choice. Nothing had ever felt so good. As I fucked into her,Seema rolled her choice back to meet each of my thrusts, and it didn’t take very long for my juices to start working their way up from my balls. “I’m going to cum … can I cum in you?” I whispered urgently and prayed. “It’s okay,” my sister muttered, her voice breaking up as our pace grow faster and faster. “Fuck … fuck … oh fuck, that’s it, I’m coming, Seema! Coming!” I gasped, enjoying the way the walls of my sister’s choice were milking me as I twitched and shuddered inside of her. “Me, too!” Seema moaned, as she suddenly went rigid and began to jerk spasically against me. “Hold me … shittt!!!” she groaned and reached back to grab the cheeses of my ass and hold me inside of her. When her orgasm was over, I eased my lunch out of her and we both pulled out clothes up. When we were decent, I ledthe way back into the den.
Nisha was lying were Seema had been and her eyes were closed. We slipped back onto the mattress and beneath the blankets and went to sleep pressed together. The storm had passed by morning and Mother sent the girls into town to pick up some supplies. No sooner had they gone, then Mother left me in the kitchen, only to call me a couple of minutes later. She was back in the den and she was lying on the mattress buck-naked! I looked at her, admiring her huge pickochis with their swollen tips and rock-hard nipples. “I should have been first!” she said, taking her hand and struggling her bushy pick. “Come on, they’ll only be gone an hour or so.” She patted a spot on the lumpy mattress next to her. I pulled off my clothes and got down on the mattress. The heat had only been on an hour, but it made one hulluva difference. Heat meant we didn’t have to get under the blankets and I was really interested in exploring my mother’s firm body. Having me laid down on my back, my mother climbed over the top of me in the sixty-nine position. Glancing back and down at me as she lowered her musky pick against my mouth, she dropped her mouth down onto my lunch and sucked it deep. Catching her ass, I pulled her choice hard against my face and shoved my tongue as deep as I could into her glistening gash. She moaned around my lunch with each lick and jab of my tongue.
Mother had a nice ass, so I used my thumbs and parted her ass cheats so I could really check it out. The pumpered ring of her shitter smiled at me, and I drove the tip of my tongue up against it. Mother screamed and deep-throated me. I assume that was a reward. I licked and sucked my mother’s choice and ass until she had climaxed several times. I was on the verge of coming myself, so I forced her up off my lunch. She looked a bit disappointed, but it changed, as I told her to stay where she was and climbed up onto my knees. It seems strange, but to me it wasn’t. I mean, why not fuck my mother? I’d fucked both of my sisters and she was all that was left. Pulling one of my mother’s choice lips aside so I could see into her choice, I fitted the head of my lunch between them and sent it home. She was as tight as Seema, but then she had a right to be. As far as I knew she hadn’t been with a man since my father’s death a few years back. It was like virgin choice! Holding onto my mother’s waist with one hand and catching one of her pendulous choochis with my other, I fucked into her with everything I had. “Ummm, I should put you on punishment, Young Man,” she purred. WhenI asked her why, she said because I hadn’t given her my lunch before. I assured her it wasn’t because I didn’t want to. If I had my way, I would have fucked her long ago. Pulling out of her choice, I worked the head of my lunch up against the ring of her asshole.
She looked at me a bit strangely over her shoulder, but she didn’t tell me I couldn’t. It took three huge thrusts to get the head of my lunch inside her tight asshole ring, but once I did, the going got smooth. “You’ve been fucked up the ass before,” I said. “Yes, but you don’t have to make it sound so cruel!” “Sorry,” I called out and kept fucking into her. I needed to cum and I needed to cum in her asshole. I was right on the edge of shooting my load when the soundof booted feet reached us. As I glanced around, the den door came open and in it stoodNisha and Seema with two armsful of bags each. “You’re kidding!” Nisha said, her eyes big. “Aw, stop it, Nisha, you did it with him last night!” “But not up the ass!” Nisha pointed out. “That’s gotta hurt something bad!” she added, with a slight frown. “Look, if you two don’t have anything better to do than stand around and criticize what I’m doing … do it somewhere else, please?” my mother said, and she started shaking as yet another orgasm coursed through her ripe body. “Give them some privacy, Nisha!” Seema said, turning away from the door with her bags. Nisha waited about three in-strokes and then followed after her. Concentrating hard, I promised myself that if I ever got the chance I was going to backroad Nisha without mercy. My load broke free and wad after wad of thick cum pelted against mymother’s insides. She moaned and rolled her asshole hard against me, using her asshole muscles to milk me dry. While Mother and I finished getting to know each other a lot better, my sisters put together some breakfast. We ate and I hit the sack for some much needed rest. It was a good thing I did. With the heat on and all the boxes and bags we’d brought unpacked, we each fixed up a room. I went into town and bought four space heaters and made arrangements for a couple of cords of wood to be delivered out to the house.
When I got back, I discovered Mother had called a house meeting to discuss not what only what had happened over the past two days, but set things straight as far as the future went. One topic of discussion was me. Well, not really me, but the order in which they would get their turns. Since Nisha had been first, Seema second and Mother third, Mother decided that it would only be fair for things to be done in reverse order, with her going first and Nisha last. I didn’t have a say in the matter, since I was gone, but Seema told me about it. We ate a light lunch, and afterwards Mother called me to her room. I was down on my knees between my mother’s tights, sucking her choice, when both Nisha and Seema came into the room. Seema and Nisha never agreed on anything, so it surprised me to hear Seema says that she and Nisha had voted to make the next round a foursome. All my mother could do was laugh. After all, she had been the one to initiate the voting policy in our house. We’re still living in Kullu and things have only gotten better.


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