Holloween Cemetery Surprise ( Strange )

Jill waited all week for the masquerade party, then found it was the most dull one she had ever been to. Hardly any of her friends were there and none of the boys that she thought would be nice to fuck. Her best hope for a fun evening would be to go across town to the only other party that was going tonight. It was very dark, the shortest way there would be to take a short cut throw the cemetery. Jill wasn’t the least bit superstitious or scared of any silly thing like ghosts so why not take the short cut.

The gate was open where the path went throw the very expanding cemetery that Jill had taken many times during the day. She didn’t think night would really be much different as long as she didn’t believe in silly superstitions. Her flash light worked well so she could see her way fine down the narrow winding path without any problem. Jill had gotten about half way throw the cemetery when she tripped on one of the small stones thatlined the pathway. She put her hands out to brace her fall and the flashlight went flying crashing against a head stone. She picked it up shaking, it fiddling with the batteries to no avail.

No doubt it was dead so Jill went slower feeling her way some times along the path knowing if she took her time carefully soon she would be where she could see light from the street at the other side of the cemetery. Going was very slow to avoid falling over the many obstacles and even then Jill fell several times. She was among the mausoleums now a little unsure of her direction of travel. She could hear some strange sounds not far from her that began to make her feel very uncomfortable.

She stumbled again falling against a cold stone, in panic she tried to run only to slam hard into the side of a mausoleum and fall again on the cold grass. The strange dragging sound was getting even closer, Jill crawled away as fast as she could blindly.Then she felt a stone wall in every direction, she had apparently crawled into a spot where two mausoleums met back to back. There was no direction she could go unless she went towards the frightening sounds.

Jill lay on the grass frozen with terror as the eerie sound came closer, she tried to scream only to find her fear had paralyzed her voice. All she could hear was the creepy sound above her panting breath and racing heart. Then something cold and slimy was wrapping around her arms moving like a snake upwards to her shoulders. She tried to move her arms they were held fast by whatever the thing was that had wrapped them tightly. Then her legs felt that same slipy cold snake like tentacles creeping slowly up as it wrapped around her legs.

From the tips of the cold slipy tentacles a very hot stream of sticky ooz began to flow over her bare skin. Jill could feel her legs being pulled apart so far it felt her hips would brake, numerous tentacles had slid their cold slimy probing tips beneath her clothes. Several had attached to her breasts sucking as they squirmed over her nipples beginning to ooz out the hot sticky fluids that ran down over her naked flesh. More had found their way under her dress worming slowly over her belly, probing her navel pulsing the hot fluid from their tips as they squirmed excitedly covering her belly with hot slimy fluids.

Jill felt doomed, her helpless body held tightly at the mercy of whatever the night creativity was that had made her its captive. Dozens of the cold snake like tentacles squirmed over her legs moving slowly up over her thin cotton panties wiggling along the waist band, probing intensely at her panty legs. Some had found their way underneath her bottom moving in unison over her bottom to the back of her panties waist band. Probing Along the crack of her bottom against her panties.

Her heart went upinto her throat as she felt her panties being pulled slowly down over her hips. The squirming tips moving even more franticly over her entire body as if they sensed her growing vulnerability. Her breasts and belly being sucked deeply as the tips oozed out and pulsing hot flow of fluid that was nearly covering her flesh. Many had pulled her panties down almost to her knees when she felt the panties tare and fall from her body. It feel like hundreds of the snake cold slimy things were probing all over her bottom.

Some probing her anus as they began to ooz the hot substance from their tips, others beginning to ooz more as they sucked her cliporis. A dozen or more probing the pink flesh of her vagina oozing hot liquids. One had squirmed it’s way into her anus squirting it’s hot ooz making her slippery as it began to dart in and out deeper and deeper inside. A few sucked at her labia moving them apart oozing hot squirts that made her lubricated, Jill shuddered terrified as one giant cold slimy tentacle moved its way up between her legs.

The huge thing slipped between her labia squirming inside squirting hot blasts of its fluid. Simultaneously they moved into her vagina and her anus as she felt them glide in and out so deep she could feel them squirming and squirting their heat deep inside. Then another joined the probe of her anus, then another until she lost count as they probed squirting in and out in unison. Several more had found her vagina squirming their way deep inside filling her as they stretched making room for more of them. Jill thought she would certainly exploit from being so full of these monster things that filled her with hot squirting juices.

Then in unison as if stimulated by some invisible force they began to squirt more plunging faster and faster making her whole body shake. Jill passed out going limp as her body felt like melting hot liquid asMore had found her mouth. When Jill awoke her body felt totally drained of strength yet very full of hot sticky liquids. A large pool of the liquid had formed all around her where she sat on the grass. Every orifice of her body felt stretched beyond it’s limits penetrated to her very depths. Jill could feel her cliporis poking out farther than it ever had, when she reached down to feel it an orgasm instantly rocked her body gushing out a river of hot liquids.

Jill was able to stand on very shaky legs as a torrent of juices ran from her bottom down her legs, she never bothered to find her panties as she staggered forward seeing the street lights at the end of the cemetery path. Finally Jill had made her way out of the cemetery, no one at the party thought anything unusual about her tattered appearance assuming it was just part of a weird disguise. Jill went to the bathroom locking the door to take a quick shower washing away some of the ooze thatcovered her body.

She tried to wash between her legs but every time she touched her cliporis she immediately had a massive orgasm. She felt better after the shower but her pussy felt so empty, her love bud seemed to be getting to be touched. Her pussy craving to be stretched again to it’s limits, filled with anything to ease the craving that was becoming more unbearable. When Jill came down to the party her first thought was to find a guy that could ease the hunger that had grown to extremes between her legs. Alone in the corner stood a tall Dracula that didn’t look at all familiar in status. He seemed to be watching her specifically among the many there.

As he walked towards Jill her pussy began to quiver, multiple orgasm swept over her body as a rush of her cum began to ooze down her legs. She knew instantly she had to have his cock inside her as soon as she could tempt him. He asked her to dance taking her quickly into his arms holding her tightly, her body filled with heat leaning into him feeling a tremendous bulge in his pants. In a very strange eerie voice he said, should we go for a walk after this dance? Jill pressed her pubic shaft into his bulge firmly whispering, yes, I need a walk very bad.

He held her hand leading her out the door, his hand seemed oddly cold as it squeezed hers firmly causing her cliporis to swell craving him inside her. Her orgasm became constant as they neared the path where she had come from the cemetery. She hesitated as he led her down the path she had co
me out not long before. But he was with her, she felt safe this time as they walked into the darkness. When they neared the mausoleums he wrapped his arms around her pulling her to the ground rubbing all over her body. She felt his costume slide away, the cold slipy flesh sliding over her body.

Tentacles wrapped her wrists so familiarly sucking as the oozed hot sticky liquids over her body. Every where she could feel the tentacles prodding, probing her every orifice again, then the biggest squirming deep in her vagina as several mormed their way into her anus. As they began to thrust in and out squirting their hot juices Jill began to hum screaming, fuck me…………


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