The Raped Shemale

This is a story about a woman named Molly and her life as a shemale.

Molly wasn’t always molly; she used to be a man named Paul. Paul never fitted in with people in school or in life. They said he was just to girly and people wouldn’t except that. When he became older he didn’t have many friends and had a boring 9 – 5 a day job. He decided he wanted a change, and this is where his/her story begins.

Paul just had breast impants a few weeks before the incident. She was around a C cup, thin, and great looking. She finally felt like she fitted in with the world. Since her surgery she has quit her boring job and decided to let people see her new body, “why let it go to waste” she said. So she went to a porn agency in California to see if she could star in a porn movie. She showed them her 9 ½ inch cock, C cup, and great tight ass and they signed her on the spot.

The next month she was inand out of photo shoots and was given the offer to be in a porno movie. She accepted with great enjoyment. She would finally be able to fuck a guy with a woman’s body, her cock got hard from even thinking about it. So she decided to walk home on that great day. She would have to walk 5 miles to get to her house but she was not in any worry to get there because she new she had a special little toy to say hello to her for her celebration.

To get to her home she must go through a mile stretch of what is known to be “rape ally”. Even though she is very happy about what has happened that day she still keeps her hand ready for a can of mace in her purse. Almost half way through rape ally she notices people following her. She picks up her speed and tries to out run a couple of big white guys. One looking around 6 feet, maybe 210 lbs, with a lot of muscle. The other maybe 10’8, 190lbs, lightly muscled, and fast as a horse. She is running as fast as she canher heels slow her down and make her trip. The two men grab her and take her to there place a few blocks away.

More will be coming later!


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