Elaine and I live in Michigan’s upper penninsula. Well, I’ve not seen or heard from her in a couple years, but I assume she’s still in the UP. One time my job required me to drive to Traverse City, which is in the lower penninsula. This would entail driving on Big Mac.
For those who don’t know, Big Mac is the Mackinac Bridge, the toll bridge that connects the pennunsulas. It is five miles long. Five miles. Over water. I have crossed it many times, but driving on it scares the shit out of me. Most of the time I either let someone else drive, or use the free driving service they provide for chickenshits like me, but this time Elaine was going along and I didn’t want to look like a pussy.
We were on the bridge for a couple miles when she noticed me being very nervous. “What’s the matter?”
“Nothing,” I lied. But I kept looking at the water. And the height.
“Youdon’t like driving Big Mac?”
Bitch. “Not really. It’s pretty fucking scary to me.”
She laughed. “Just don’t think about it. Pretend you’re on a road.”
“I can’t pretend it’s a fucking road with two lakes bumping uglies right under me.” This conversation didn’t help.
“Think about something else.”
“I can’t.”
“Does this help?” she said, and pulled her sweater off. She smiled like the devil.
“That is gonna make me wreck.” What the fuck was she thinking?
“No it won’t.” Off came the bra. She just goes for the juggler every time. “Ever had a blowjob while you were driving?”
“It would take your mind off the bridge.” She started rubbing my cock through my pants.
“Your gonna make me wreck.” She was so sexy. “Even if I could pay attention, I don’t know if I could drive with your head there.”
“How about this then?” She unsnapped and unzipped my jeans. I was very hard. She popped my cock out of my underwear and started stroking.
“Shut up and listen,” she ordered. She started jacking me. “Your just driving down a road. We’re almost to the end, anyway. Just think about the blowjob you are going to get on the other side.”
I gave her a quick glance. And she was right–the end was in sight. Just like her luscious tits.
Right before we got to the lower penninsula she put the sweater back on, but not the bra. We continued down I-75 with her rubbing me.
At the next exit, she told me to get off and gave me a few quick directions to a secluded spot that someone who lives there can probably guess where it is. We parked.
“Get in the back,” she said. We both did.
My pants came down and her top came off. “It wasn’t that bad, was it?” she said, licking and struggling.
“No, not really.”
She took me in her mouth. Licking, sucking. I loved it when she would rub her tits on my balls when she did this. Then she took my balls, one at a time, into her wet mouth.
“I love how you taste…” she whispered.
“Hey…” I said, and motioned her to move. Now I was behind her, with, her her pants down. I licked her pussy from behind. She made those noises she always makes.
I pushed my cock in her, and it wasn’t long till she came. Then I noticed her asshole. It was so pretty, not brown like a lot of them. Pretty and pink. I had never licked it before, but this time I pulled out of her pussy and started licking her cute little asshole.
She about collapsed. Between that and fingerfucking her, she came hard.
“You are very bad!” she pretended to scold. She turned around and started sucking me again.
“Cum!” she said “Cum in my mouth!” When I did, it was a huge load and so hard it almost hurt. She opened her mouth and showed it to me.
“You’re beautiful,” I said.
She swallowed and showed me her empty mouth. Then she started licking and sucking out the last little traces.
I was determined to do her in the ass next time.
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