Bonnie took the same road she always had when she went to the country for the holidays. She had worked hard for the past months earning a well deserved break from her boring job. The car stereo was blasting out her favorite songs as she traveled the hours drive to the lake cabin for some peace and serenity. A beautiful drive with the pretty fall scenery to soothe the soul the whole decollate distance to the lake. Bonnie saw the sign in the road ahead, ‘Detour’ with an arrow pointing off to a narrow dirt side road. A small setback to her progress but she thought some new scenery she had never seen before could be a nice addition to the beautiful drive.
The road was not the greatest she had ever driven thinking that maybe her next vehicle should be an off road if she was to make many excursions out this far from town. She noticed the road branched off in different directions with no signs pointing the way back to the main highway. Maybe she had missed a sign while taking in the lovely view, she wasn’t sure, choosing the road that looked most traveled. After only a mile or so it became very narrow with deep ruts and numerous big mud holes. Bonnie decided it best to turn around and go back to the main road to get her barring.
When she found a small turn around spot she backed in feeling the wheels sink deep in the mud. When she tried to pull foreword the wheels sunk in even deeper and she new she was stuck until she had a wrecker to tow her out. She listened to the music or a while thinking of what her alternatives were. She had left her cell phone at work and it seemed quite apparent that she was going to have to walk back tot he highway. She got in her bag putting on some comfortable walking clothes and her jogging sneakers, locked the car up then headed down the narrow road the way she had come.
Bonnie wasn’t sure if she would be able to make it backto the highway before dark but she would do her best and there was supposed to be a full moon over clear skies. Even if it was night she was sure she could find her way without much trouble as long as she kept her barring on the right road. Not long after sunset she began to have the strange feeling she was being watched or followed, thinking that she was just a little paranoid. Bonnie figured she best stop for a while and rest before she started to panic with anxiety that would only make matters worse.
As she sat quietly on a log she became even more certain that she could hear something not far away in the thick brush, maybe an animal or large birds but definitely something. When she began to walk again she paused frequently to listen, whatever the sound it was unfortunately following her. She could feel her pulse becoming more rapid in unison with her breathing as fear and panic took charge of her thoughts. The instinct to run was to hard to resist, even in the dim light that had fallen over the woods.
She only managed to dash a few hundred feet before her foot caught on a tree root and she tumbled to the ground. Her ankle definitely twisted painfully to one side, realizing when she stood it was nearly impossible to walk on it even with the support of a long stick as a support. Frequently thick clouds were passing over the full moon making the visibility zero and she had to stop until the clouds passed. The darker it was the closer her stalker, man or beast, seemed to come as if the darkness made it more brave. With the next brief appearance of the moon light Bonnie found a sheltered spot under an outcropping of ledges with a thick layer of soft moss beneath that she could rest on when the clouds came again.
There seemed to be very few openings in the passing clouds now to offer her light to travel or even crawl in the direction she wanted to go. It had gotten so dark this timeBonnie couldn’t even see her hands in front of her face. The thing that had been following her was now so close she could hear it’s heavy breathing, she was certain it was a person. Bonnie called out, hello who ever you are, I know your there so say something, why are you following me? All she could hear was the breathing getting closer without a single word returned.
Bonnie screamed when she felt the hand on her ankle echoing throw the darkness that she knew no one would be able to hear. Her attempt to crawl away was futile, her ankle held firm by overpowering strength. When she sat up the other hand pushed her back down hard into the bed of moss squeeze her vulnerable throat firm enough to let her know she best not tempt fate or the price would be very painful. She knew there was no point in asking what he wanted, all she had was her body, with no chance of escaping his will for her.
She could hear his breath quicken with the sound of a zipper, then a rustling sound above her before she felt something warm running down her face. The musky scent of human cum entered her nose as the warm liquid oozed over her lips, it’s pungent flavor seeing into her mouth. Bonnie feel a huge knot of fear growing inside her virgin womb becoming her to escape her pending fate but there was none even in futile thoughts. A rough finger rubbing the cum on her face down over her lips as more of the substance filtered into her mouth and she was forced to swallow.
Bonnie’s breasts were being manipulated intensely making her nipples swell hard from stimulation against their will by nature. The buttons on her shirt were unhitched one by one then her shirt opened exposing her bra covered chest to the cool night air making her nipples swell even larger. The snap between her breasts was released and they raised firmly up into the cool breeze that taunted her swollen nipples. Bonnie lay still as his hands tormented her breasts squeezing the soft globes, rolling the nipples as he pulled them taught then released them.
Then his hot mouth encompassing her breasts sucking so very deep, nipping at her nipples then drawing the swollen buds between his lips nursed hard. His rough tongue teasing the tender buds to an aching fullness then he stopped. Again she could hear the rustling sound as warm liquid sprayed over her breasts and face, then the feel of his hands rubbing it all around. Bonnie felt something large and hot rubbing over her cum soaked breasts, Then a bulbous soft sensing began to rub over her lips. She knew what it was beyond a doubt, his large hot cock head was probing her lips desiring entrance into her mouth.
When Bonnie finally had to gasp for breath she felt the big head slip swiftly between her lips filling her stretched mouth with it’s cum soaked flavor. Slowly it moved in and out over her lips then she felt the hot blast of cum jetting against her throat filling her mouth until she had to swallow it to breath. Bonnie felt degraded and used yet not hurt by the betrayal of her accepting body overcoming her will power to resist the inevitable. She new it was nearing the ultimate moment when her body would know it’s full acceptance of it’s fate.
She felt her sneakers and socks being removed, then her pants dragged down over her hips as they disappeared away over her feet. The cold night air sending chills over her bare flesh, then her panties were slowly taken away leaving her naked and totally vulnerable to his bidding. As his fingers protected between her legs she felt the ultimate betrayal of her flesh, she was wet, her whole crotch soaked with silken luxury from unwanted arousal she couldn’t understand. His huge cock head easily probing the lubricated opening to her vagina ultimately leading to her virgin womb.
Bonnie felt the huge head slip inside pulsing in her vagina as her pussy lips closed over the thick shake and he began to glide in and out at his will. When quick thrust at the resistance of her cherry and his cock slipped easily deeper inside her. The pain subsided quickly as his long thick shake dipped in and out farther and deeper until she feel the huge head throbbing fully inside her womb. His large ball sack swaying against her naked bottom as his long cock slipped in and out in an endless lusting penetration. Time after time she felt him release his hot cum load inside her womb in hot twitching spurts that made her womb bulge with fullness.
For hours Bonnie lay still as he used her body for his craving pleasure only managing to scratch his cheek accidentally when he bit her nipple to hard in the frantic release of more cum inside her womb. When she opened her eyes again it was daylight and she was alone laying naked on the moss, her body covered with his sticky cum. A constant flow still oozing out from between her legs, she found her clothes and dressed her ankle not as sore as it had been when she hurt it. Her car was for some reason sitting unstuck right at the road side close by.
She drove away thinking of what to do, thinking it may be best to keep it a secret because she could not identify the assailant, only make herself the center of gossip. She found her way to the cabin easily without any detour signs, feeling very happy to see her fathers car sitting at the cabin, by some strange coincidence. As she walked in he gave her a hug not mentioning the rather used look she had on her face and the tattered look of her hair. Then she asked, Daddy what happened to you? You have a small scratch on your face? All he said with a sheepish smile was, I do? Then she noticed the huge bulge in his pants as he stared intently between her legs…….
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