Evidently in the Sharpton family, shyness was abundant in the girls. I couldn’t speak for their mother, but I could speak for Daisy and I could definitely speak for Molly. It was Monday, a day when we both were busy with classes right up until lunchtime, which we regularly spent at the university’s cafeteria together.
“Thanks.” She quietly thanked me as I put a tray in front of her. “I owe you for the next meal.”
“Don’t worry about it.” I smiled as I sat down next to her and gave her a side hug.
She smiled softly before putting her arms on to the table and digging in. “How was the seminar?” She asked me.
“Brutal.” I answered. “Whoever created the timetable to include 8am should be fired. I’m just glad I have Tuesday off. Otherwise I’d be dead all week.”
“Is that why you always sleep in until 4 on Tuesdays?" she humorously asked me.
“I do not.” I protested, a sly smile on my face. “I just stay in my room until four.”
“With the door closed. Making no sound. With paper-thin walls. With me playing music loud enough to wake anyone up.” Molly continued for me, cocking an eyebrow with a sly smile of her own. “Suuuuure you do.”
“Well, what else would I be doing in there?” I asked her.
I could swear her eyes flickered down to my crotch briefly, but knowing me, it could have been my imagination, plagued with desire. “Hey, that’s your business.” She finally said.
“I ought to wash your mouth out with soap!” I told her.
She shrugged innocently and took a bite out of her sandwich. “I didn’t say anything!” She protected.
“But you implied it!” I argued.
“That’s what you think." She argued back. “You’re the dirty mind here.”
“Maybe I wasn’t thinking something dirty. Then you’re the one with the dirty mind.” I protested.
“This conversation’s going in circles, isn’t it?” She asked me.
I shrugged. “That tends to happen.”
“Yo.” Some prep tapped me on the shoulders and I spun around to face him. Several other similarly dressed kids were awkwardly standing behind him. “Mind if we sit next you guys?”
I glanced around. It was around lunchtime, so the cafeteria was pretty full. “Yeah, go ahead.” I said, knowing what was coming next, but not wanting to be discourteous. I looked at Molly as the guys sat around across from us and next to me, and sure enough, her shoulders hunted forwards slightly, and she was looking straight ahead at the table. We had the foresight to have her seated at the edge of the table, at least.
“Thanks, guys.” The prep said, seated across from Molly. “Will you be here long?”
I shrugged. “My next class is at 2, so I might, if that’s alright.” I answered. The prep nodded, and looked at Molly. I didn’t even need to look at her to know I had to take over. “She’ll-“
“I was asking her, not you, bro.” The guy coolly told me. “I’m sure the lady can answer for herself.”
Molly took a small inhale that would be unnoticeable if I wasn’t looking for it. “Dunno.” She told them with completely expressionless face.
The prep chuckled in confusion. “‘Dunno’? You don’t know your own next class? You should look into that, then. It’s probably important to know your own classes.”
“Yeah, probably.” Molly simply answered him, still staring at her food.
"So what’s your major?” He asked, leaning in closer. Molly nudged me with her foot.
“Look, buddy, cool it with the questions, huh?” I told him, placing an arm down on the table to assert my dominance.
“Whoa, bro. Didn’t realize you got to speak for her.” The prep told me. “Are you two boyfriend and girlfriend?”
“No.” Molly cut in before I could say anything. I didn’t want to admit it, but it hurt that she said it before I could.
“Well, there we go. Looks like not only is it OK, she also can speak for yourself. So why don’t you just let two people talk, huh?” The prep stared me down.
“Walk away from this table.” I ordered calmly. “Take your friends with you. Sooner would be better than later. That’s what I want, and that’s what she wants.”
“This got hostile really quickly.” One of theprep’s friends muttered.
“Is that so?” The prep challenged me, looking towards her. “Is that true? You want me to go?”
“I don’t care.” Molly flatly said. With one hand, she held her sandwich. The other was down on the bench between us where no one could see, her fingers nervously tapping away.
The prep smiled smugly in victory as he shifted in comfort, evidently staying. “Alright, fine.” I admitted, my tone even. “We’ll just go.”
I stood up and took my tray, and without a word, left the guys at the table. Molly followed suit immediately, wiping the smile off of the prep’s face as she left them behind. We quickly found a table for just two people and sat down.
“We should have just come to this one first.” I remarked.
Molly sulked. “I’m sorry.” she said quietly, still notably uncomfortable. “I don’t mEan to be a burden on you.”
I grabbed her arm opposite the table. “You know it’s not like that at all.” I assured her. “As long as you’re okay, that’s all that matters.”
She smiled weakly, not believing what I said. She never really did. I let go of her arm and she went back to eating her sandwich.
“So…” I tried to break the awkward silence. “How’s Georgina?”
“You mean Georgia?” She asked.
I shrugged in response. I didn’t really pay attention to her friends – I listened when she had stories but I was never good with names anyway. I just wanted to change the topic to something else.
“She hasn’t really talked to me much.” She answered simply, taking another bite and slowly chewing. “I think she found a new circle of friends. I’m happy for her.”
“What, so she just left you?"I asked incredulously.
She shrugged. “Maybe she’s just busy.” She offered.
“Molly, you really need to start sticking up for yourself.” I told her seriously. “You stick up for Chris just fine. You stick up for that classics shit you’re taking. Talk to her. You’ve lost how many friends since you started uni?”
She shrugged again. “It happens. People branch off into different paths. It can’t be helped.”
“Molly…” I groaned.
Her shoulders moved forward. “Next topic.”
She couldn’t use this tactic forever, but I had to comply. “Alright, alright.” I admitted defeat. “I’m sorry. I’m just concerned.”
“Got it.” She simply said in response, before taking another bite and chewing nervously.
The rest of the time there, we ate in silence. It was painful.
“I heard you had a drama performance today.” I made small talk to Chris as we walked through the halls. “How’d that go?”
Chris shrugged. “As good as I made it.” He responded. “My professor is kind of… one of those, you know? Like, I think I pour my heart and soul into a piece and then it turns out, nope, I didn’t use body language enough.” He scoffed as he adjusted his neck. “I’m the king of body language.” He pouted.
“I’ll have to ask Jerome when we’re home.” I joked. “I bet you’re fluent.”
“Always thinking about sex. You are such a slut.” He laughed.
“You’re certainly hell-bent on the idea.” I replied lamely.
“For reals.” He stopped me as he stepped in front of me, putting an outstretched hand on my chest. “Friday night. You were not studying, were you?”
I sawed. “…No. Okay? No.”
“You were with a girl, weren’t you?” Chris asked.
I pushed his hand away and started walking again. “Yes.” I admitted.
“Thought so.” Chris pushed his hair past his ear and resumed walking with me, his hips swaying as he did. “There’s no shame, sweetie. It’s fine. You’re only young once.”
“Yeah, sure, whatever.” I dismissed him, then stopped. “Just… Don’t tell Molly. We’ve been friends for a long time, and I don’t know how she’d react to me being a fuckboy.”
Chris laughed. “You, a fuckboy? Honey, you’re the last thing I’d call a fuckboy.”
I sawed. “I have sex with a lot of girls, Chris. Like, a lot. I like to not learn their names. I like to dominate them then not call them back.”
Chris looked to the ground in thought. “Do you like to hurt them?” He asked me. “Do you feel happy or proud when you see what happens next? Do you care about their feelings at all?”
“I don’t feel good, no.” I answered honestly. “I feel guilty. I wish I could stop.”
“Then I wouldn’t say you’re a fuckboy.” Chris informed me. “They take what they want and don’t care about the consequences. They don’t care about others. I don’t think you don’t care. I’m no expert, but it sounds like you’re added to sex. Maybe you should cut back.”
“Wow, if only drug abuse meetings gave such sound advice.” I remarked.
“Point taken.” Chris muttered. “But still. It’s important, especially for your future relationships, to recognize the emotional value of sex. Jer and I only do it on special occasions, like when we really feel the love.”
“You guys fuck?!” I asked in shock.
He nodded with a mischievous smile on his face. “Oh, can he ever.” He replied evilly. “You didn’t hear this from me, but he actually gives the best blowjobs.”
A couple passersby gave us odd glances as they walked past. “We shouldn’t be talking about sex out here.” I muttered as I continued walking forward. Chris followed, as did silence.
“Are you ever embarrassed of me?” Chris asked me out of the blue, after a few seconds.
“What? God no.” I replied. “Of course I’m not.”
“Okay.” He slowly said as we pressed on.
“Why would I be?” I wasn’t ready to let the topic go that easily.
He shrugged, and I noticed a definite energy drop in him. “I just feel like being seen with me… with this…” He gestured to his body, his hourglass figure covered up with some kind of tasteful colorful attire that clung to his skin for dear life. The headband didn’t help. “It would hurt your reputation or something.”
“What is this, the 1980s?” I asked him rhetorically. “If people can’t accept you, that’s their own problem. So what if you flaunt it? That’s a part of who you are.” Part of my big speech was fueled by Molly’s backlash against what I said on Friday, but I wasn’t going to admit that to him.
“I got heckled the other day.” He told. “‘Faggot.’ He told me that my kind doesn’t belong here.”
“His kind doesn’t belong here. Fuck him.” I said forcefully. “That’s not heckling, that’s bullying. What even is ‘your kind’? Your sexuality? They don’t even know anything else about you.”
Chris, to my surprise, grinned. “Fuckboys wouldn’t say that.” He told me. “See? You’re better than you think you are.”
“Son of a bitch, Chris.” I complained, winding down from the fury I’d built up. “Did you seriously make up an instance of bullying just to prove a point?”
His grin faded. “Nah, I didn’t make it up.” He replied, playing it off as cool.
I didn’t reply. Instead, I stopped walking and hugged him sympathetically, which he accepted. “I’m sorry.” I told him.
“Thanks, sweetie.” He replied, breaking off the hug. “It’s all good. If I didn’t think it was worth it, I wouldn’t have come out.”
“Still.” I gruffly mumbled as we neared the gym. “You wanna spot first or shall I?”
“We can decide once we’re there.” Chris said and smiled. I smiled back.
I got off the bus sweaty and tired. I didn’t know how Chris had the energy to go to the gym and have a class afterwards, but he always was one for surprises. With my backpack slung over my shoulder, I walked towards the house, ready to delay into a coma after the 10-hour hell that was my Monday class and gym schedule.
I practically collapsed through the door when I came in. Slightly dizzy, I plopped my bag down on the floor and crashed on one of the chairs in the living room. Jerome was there, sitting in front of the TV with his laptop on his lap. “Hey.” He gruffly said, waving a hand.
“Hey.” I replied lightly.
“Gym was nice?” He asked.
“Yeah.” I replied breathily. “Just need a few seconds more to catch my breath is all.” He nodded and went back to his work.
Lazily I watched TV. I wasn’t quite sure what was on. It was a scene of four dudes with white outfits and bowler hats beating each other up while classical music played in the background. I didn’t really get art films.
Once I felt my strength fully restored, without another word, I got up and started to go downstairs. It was just as well – the movie hadn’t really gotten better. One of the dudes in white was now swinging some kind of huge porcelain penis at a woman. Was it supposed to be metaphorical? It seemed kind of stupid.
If I knew one thing, I knew that after all gym sessions, a shower was practically mandatory. Lazily, I trailed down the stairs and got to my room. I knew I would have the basement to myself – Molly had a class until 8pm, the poor thing.
I went into my room and ditched the clothes, throwing them into the hamper. “Slam dunk.” I muttered to myself smugly as I reached for a towel and throw it over my shoulder. No one ever came down to the basement, so it’s not like I needed to cover myself up. I walked up to the washroom door and opened it, not bearing any thought to why it was closed in the first place.
I wasn’t really expecting anything, so I took a few steps before I could process what was in front of me and froze.
Molly was there. Somehow, Molly was there, clearly getting ready for her own shower. Without shoes on, which she insisted on always wearing, I had forgotten just how short she really was – Maybe 5’4 on a good day, compared to my 5’11 status. She was facing away from me, but I couldn’t move. I was practically paralyzed. I had a huge crush on her, but not once did I ever think about seeing her naked. Daisy was right – I had completely separated sex and love.
Her modest hourglass figure certainly fooled me. My eyes couldn’t help but trail downwards to her ass, and what an ass it was. Round and nicely shaped – not at all what I would have pictured. I pictured her to be cute,Not hot. Still frozen, I luckyly had the good sense to look back up before she turned around and saw me.
Like me, it took a second. For the first little bit, time frozen. Her eyes quickly went from looking anywhere to right at me, and her eyes widened slightly as she processed the sight of me standing there, naked. There was no mistake this time, her eyes trailed downwards as mine did, going down my decently sculpted chest and abs until she was looking straight at my dick as it slowly transformed into the full eight inch beast that I never thought she would see at this point.
While time was frozen, I got the chance to look at her body, and lost in the moment, I didn’t pass it up. Her breasts were a delightful B-cup, round and firm. It was like they, like her eyes, were looking right at me. She had deliciously large areolae, each crowned with a nipple that looked puffy and beautiful, begging to be played with. Her skin was soft, with just enough body fatto give her body a lovely, soft shape, but not so much as to ruin her hourglass figure. She still had a reasonably flat stomach, I noted, and right below it was her beautiful pussy. Her pussy was a work of art, the lips slightly visible and just barely spread apart. Above it, her pubic hair lay like an artistic border. I always loved a girl with hair still on her, and it was as red as the hair on her head. Almost as beautiful, too. It had a beautiful chaos to it, kept neat and yet still deliciously wild.
All this took place within one second, and just barely after I was able to register and take a mental picture of what I was seeing before me, Molly grabbed the first towel she could see and covered herself up as best as she can. Returning to my senses, I followed suit.
“Woah, woah, woah!” She repeated frantically, turning her head away from me as she covered herself. “What the hell are you doing here?”
“I always come here after six to shower! What the hell are you doing here? You’ve got class!” I rebutted.
She was blushing profusely. “I didn’t feel so well.” She admitted. “So I went home early. Since when do you walk into closed washrooms, naked, without knocking?!”
I had never, in all of our years of friendship, heard her yell like this. “Look, I’m sorry!” I frantically apologized. “I just got used to being alone down here. Since when do you cut classes?!”
“I’m not the one in the wrong here!” She protested. Although our situation, I had to hide my smile. She was standing up for herself. Looks like her state of introversion couldn’t hinder her forever.
Her boldness didn’t last forever and she quickly shrank back. “Um, mind if I take my shower now? You can take yours later.”
“Uh… Yeah. Sounds good.” I feebly mumbled as I turned around, still wrapped in my towel, and left the washroom, closing the door behind me.
When I got to my bed and sat down on it, I felt dizzy. What the hell just happened? I got to see Molly, the girl I’d been crushing on for maybe years, nude, and yet somehow I didn’t even really want to. Or did I? She looked amazing. She looked… Sexy. I didn’t think she would. I began to wonder if she had been fucked before.
No, I scolded myself. I wasn’t allowed to think about that. God knows what that poor anxious girl was thinking. I couldn’t do anything but just sit there, thinking everything yet thinking nothing, until I heard the water shut off a good fifteen minutes later. Even then, I couldn’t move.
I was broken out of my trace by a small knock on the door. “Come in.” I weakly said.
The door opened and Molly poked her head in. “The bathroom’s free.” She said softly, offering me asmall smile.
“Thanks.” I muttered then looked back down to the floor. I didn’t see Molly come in and sit on the bed beside me until I feel her sit down.
We didn’t speak for a long time, both of us still wrapped in towels, her probably making the bed slightly damp. I sawed. “About before-” I started.
“Don’t worry about it.” She said with a neutral expression, looking down at the floor. I knew she couldn’t have been a hundred percent okay with it, given she couldn’t look at me. It was handy to have a telltale sign. “It’s really no big deal, right? We’re living together, so we’ve got to get used to moments like that. We’re humans. This is what we all look like.” She slowly turned to me and smiled softly. “We’re still the same friends that we were yesterday, right?”
She had the most beautiful smile. I had noticed it before, but I never really noticed it. Her beautiful brown eyes did this fluttering thing as she blinked. It was the most beautiful thing in the world. Her smile, even if a small one, lit up her face beautifully. Her soft features were dreamy – nothing short of just beautiful. Her skin, pale and smooth, interrupted only by the lightest flick of freckles, made her radiate beauty. It was a shade her usual expression lacked… Happiness, even when she smiled nine times out of ten.
She was so innocent. I couldn’t have her. It wasn’t right. I don’t care if I just saw her naked, my crush on her was just… stupid. She probably thought of me as a slut anyway, if Chris had his suspicions.
Then a thought entered my head. A thought I wish I was better than, but I wasn’t. After all, if it could get me closer to her, I wasn’t above lying, even if my rational self was becoming for me not to.
“It’s just that…” I began, and acted outa nervous exhale. “Wow, this is embarrassing to say.”
Molly looked at me intently. “What? What is it?”
“I just… I haven’t exactly seen a lot of naked girls in my life, so it’s still kinda… y’know… A little weird for me. That’s all.”
“I understand.” Molly said warmly, patting my towelled thigh supportedly. Her touch was delicious and beautiful, even through the towel. “I haven’t seen a lot of guys myself.”
“Oh yeah?” I asked, now looking to the floor, not knowing what else to say.
“You, uh… You’re in good shape.” She said awkwardly.
“So I’ve been told.” I chuckled lightly.
“Maybe you should do that more often with people who aren’t your housemates.” She joked nervously. I looked at her in response, shocked at first. Her shoulders were hunted forward, she was one step short of shaking and she was looking at me, but not my eyes. There may have been a small chance she was flirting with me, but that was my desire talking. Knowing her, she was making a joke to relieve the tension. Mostly to help her unwind, I laughed out loud.
“Yeah, maybe then I’ll actually have a girl look my way.” I told her with a humorous tone.
“Yeah.” She replied, still nervous. Silence poured through the air.
“Well…” I started awkwardly. “I should probably have that shower, huh?”
“Yeah, probably.” She nodded. I got up and left the room, but it didn’t feel right leaving it at that.
I popped my head back in to my room. “And next time you play hooky, let me know about it.” I told her. She chuckled softly in response. “After all, we don’t want this happening in the future, right?”
She nodded again and I left, glad we ended it on a better note. But I was kidding myself – I found myself going from never wanting that to happen to waiting eagerly for the next time it did.
As I entered into the girl, she gave a satisfied sight and wrapped her legs around me.
“Ooh, that feels so good, Aaron.” She cooed as I slowly pushed more and more of myself into her.
The girl’s boobs were simply huge and beautiful. I’d estimate she had to be at least a D cup. At least. Luckily for me, she was one of those girls who loved any attention her boobs got, and I must have spent a good five minutes just deliciously running my tongue up and down her nipples alone, and double that sucking and biting them. I loved the feeling of having those things in my mouth, and each one was a unique beautiful experience. Large or small, puffy nipples or modest, each one had this feeling to them that reminded me just why every week Istuck to the same routine.
Those same boobs were pressed tightly against me as my full dick went into her, almost painfully slowly. Once I could sense her muscles getting used to the new intrusion, I slowly backed out and pushed back in. The girl moaned, and pushed herself into me.
“Oh…” She told loudly.
“You like that?” I teased.
“Mhm.” She moaned in response. I took that as my cue to evolve to the next stage and pushed back into her. Her pussy felt amazing – it cradled my dick as I pushed into her, and she was definitely wet without a question. Small squishing sounds could be heard as I picked up speed, thrusting my hips to meet her as our bodies met in that most intimate way.
Panting at the speed I found myself going, I let my head hang above one of her shoulders. I didn’t mind the girl’s long, brown hair i my face – it was nothing new. She grabbed my back and dug her nails into me to show her appreciation as I hit her G-spot over and over, earning me a surprised “Oh!” from her every time I did. Good thing the girl from last week wasn’t into that, otherwise Molly would have seen it.
I shook my head, covering it up by lifting my head and sucking on the girl’s nipple violently as I continued to give her my dick. I wasn’t allowed to think about Molly. Not like this, I told myself.
I ran my hands up and down the girl’s body as I realized just how good this feel. I feel like my whole skin was on fire, but a really good fire. I was almost in shock. It was frankly rare that I felt close with a girl, let alone only about three to four minutes after being inside her. I slowed down slightly to prolong the experience, making my thrusts deeper to compensate.
She certainly didn’t mind. She met each thrust, moaning her appreciation as she kissed my neck, over and over, each kiss more passionate than the last.
“Oh, baby, you feel so good in me…” She moaned. “Please… Faster…”
I had gotten myself back under control, so if it was what she wanted, I’d give it to her. I went to town, keeping up my big strokes yet picking up speed at the same time. Our bodies kept meeting, making a soft slapping sound as we continuously thrust up against each other, feeling the sensings crawling up our bodies like electric shocks.
This was amazing, I realized. I ran my hands down her body, caressing her skin and beautiful curves. Subconsciously, I closed my eyes as I increased my speed further. Her moaning became more erratic, and for the first time, I realized I was going to cum simulateneously with a girl. It had to happen sooner or later. It felt so blissful, so amazing.
“Baby, baby, I’m close…” She panted. “Do it. Fill me with your hot cum, baby.”
My mouth opned without me even realizing and I moaned aloud. “Oh, Molly…” I moaned in pure bliss.
She slowed down the slightest bit. “It’s ‘Holly,’ babe.” she corrected me, but beyond that, seemed content to forgive me and keep going.
For the first second, I was mortified. I called out Molly’s name. I totally just used the wrong name in bed. That never happened before. I had my confirmation – I had the hots for Molly. I wanted to fuck her. I wanted to make her cum. I wanted to see her in pure pleasure.
As those thoughts continued, my lust washed over the guilt and I got increasingly turned on by the idea. Fucking Molly. Grabbing her beautiful modest little body in my hands and wiping that neutral-sad look off her face, only to be replaced by pure rapture. Thinking about this, I began to go slower and shut my eyes again. “You want it, girl?” I asked gruffly as I stuffed her with my cock. “You want meto shoot my load inside of you?”
“Yesssssssss…” She hisssed, barely able to move after I had taken control, humping her like a madman. “Do it, baby. fill me with your hot seed. I wanna feel you exploit in me. Do it quick!”
Gladly, I thought to myself as I steadied myself with both hands on the bed. I worked my hips like crazy, getting the best workout I’ve had all week, almost contorting my body in attempt to catch up to her so I could give her that satisfied feeling of fullness at the same time as she hit what I knew would be a mindblowing orgasm. She deserved it. I wanted her to have the best. After all, she was the love of my life. I was certain of this. I wanted her to have all the pleasure in the world. My eyes still closed, I felt a first twitch.
“I’m cumming!” I quickly declared. She had no opportunity to respond before I shot off my first string of cum inside her. She may have started to saysomething, but that was quickly cut off by a long, satisfaction moan as she felt my spunk invade her, splashing against her inner walls. I could tell by the way she arched her back and moaned when my cum entered her that she was pushed into an orgasm herself.
Spurt after spurt after spurt entered her as I grew weak and collapsed on top of her body. She savored the feeling, her hands softly caresing my back as my last few drops lazily drained from my cock, drawn into her awaiting pussy.
I moaned in delight. This was maybe the best sex I had ever had. Again, my mouth opened without my knowledge. “I love you.” I softly whispered.
A pause of a few seconds filled the air. “…What?” The girl finally asked.
My eyes bolted open. Uh oh, I thought. I didn’t really just say that… Did I?
I sure did. I hoisted myself back up to look at her, and just as I had suspected, she was weirded out.
“Wow.” Was all she could say at first. “You love me, huh?”
“I didn’t… You…” I was at a loss for words.
“First you get my name wrong, then you tell me you love me.” She pretended to think for a bit. “It seems a little insincere if you ask me.”
I laughed nervously. “Y-yeah, I guess it kind of would, huh?” I slowly pulled out of her, laying next to her on the bed.
“You’re certainly a lot less confident after the sex, aren’t you?” She asked me, tracing my arm. “Where’s the big, confident Aaron I met at the gym? When you asked for my number, I didn’t think things would get this serious between us.”
I recoiled at her touch, and got up immediately, looking for my clothes.
“Woah, baby, I was just kidding!” She quickly told me, sitting up. “I didn’t mean it like that.”
“I know, I just…” I started to explain, hastily putting on underwear and a shirt at the same time. “It’s just like… It’s getting kinda late and… Well I have class and stuff tomorrow…”
“Tomorrow’s Saturday.” She pointed out, her tone getting less friendly.
“Oh, yeah, isn’t it?” I nervously giggled, not bothering to stop clothing myself. “Well it’s like… Like a guy, he needs to prepare for that kind of… If you know what… Um, yeah.”
The girl looked at me, weirded out. “Are you having a stroke or something?” She asked me, concerned.
Damn near, I thought to myself. “What? No. No, no stroke. Like, if I were having a stroke you’d be driving an ambulance or something.”
“…Do you mean calling an ambulance?” She asked.
“Yeah, that.” I responded, fully clothed. “Well anyway, it’s getting late. Maybe I should…”
“Uh, yeah, sure.” She replied, getting uncomfortable. “I’ve got your number. Maybe we could do this again sometimes…?”
“Well, sure. I mean… Wait, maybe not. See, I have this thing then.” I have spat out.
“I didn’t give you a day.” She replied, one eyebrow cocked.
“Yeah, I know, right?” I replied with a fake humorous smile, opening the door. “Anyway, bye!” I bolted out of the room as fast as I could.
“I want to fuck your sister.” I whispered into the phone in a panicked state.
“…You seriously woke me up for this?!” The grocgy, annoyed voice of Daisy greeted me.
“Daisy, this is important.” I hissed into the phone.
“So is my sleep schedule.” She complained. “So you want to have sex with her. It was only a matter of time.”
“Yeah, but I shouldn’t!” I protested, still keeping my voice at whisper level.
“Why are you whispering?” She asked me.
“The walls are really thin and she’s sleeping in the next room.” I told her.
“Maybe then you should put this off until tomorrow.” She annoyedly huffed.
“Daisy, please.” I begged.
“What do you want me to say?!” Daisy argued. “Nothing I could say will reverse it if you feel like you have sexual feelings towards her now. The best thing you can do now is suppress them if you don’t want her to ignore you forever.”
“Maybe she could like it.” I suggested. “Maybe she likes sex but doesn’t know it yet.”
“Yeah… NO.” Daisy all but shouted. “Listen to yourself. That’s not my sister. That’s not the girl you know. That’s who you want her to be. You seriously need help.”
“I just…” I hung my head in defeat, even though she couldn’t see. “I just wanted to tell someone. Someone who knows and would listen.”
“Well, you’re not really giving me a choice here.” She lazily mumbled. “Okay, so you want sex from my sister. Where do we go from here?”
“I saw her naked.” I muttered.
“That wasn’t my first choice, but okay.” She replied, surprised evidence in her tone. “I hope she consented to it.”
“It’s a long story. It involves her skipping a class and me being too casual on the way to the shower.” I explained.
“Got it.” She replied. I smiled a little. She almost sounded like Molly. “So it was an accident, and because you got to see her, your emotional desire turned to lust.”
“Sounds about right.” I confirmed.
“So while for you it was lucky and awkward, for her it was just awkward.” She inferred.
“Hey, maybe not!” I protested. “She said that I’m in good shape, her words.”
“Oh, come on, Aaron.” Daisy scolded. “You know Molly better than that. I wasn’t even there and I can tell she just said that to try to mend the situation.”
I chewed my lip and said nothing.
She told. “I know you must be feeling really pent up-“
“Not really. I fucked another girl tonight.” I interrupted.
“Great.” She replied angrily. “Hooray for you. Now let me freaking finish. You may be feeling really pent up in the future, but set that aside. Don’t do anything to reminisce about that moment with her this week. Don’t treat her any differently. She’sStill the friend you know. Imagine the message you send to her if suddenly she becomes more important or even less important once you’ve seen her naked.”
“She’ll think her worth to me is physical.” I realized.
“Kind of.” She replied. “The good news is you’ll have your other skanks with which to relieve any built-up pressure, so maybe you can listen to me for once and behave. But if things are getting more and more serious with Molly, don’t forget you’ll need to cut those girls off well in advance, to make sure they don’t crawl back to you and to make sure you can handle living without your casual sex.” She snorted. “All for the better, if you can ask me. You can’t both to learn their names.”
“Hey now!” I protested. “I did learn this one’s name. It was Holly, her name was Holly.”
“Wow. One girl. To what does she owe thishonor?” Daisy asked me sarcastically. “And let me guess, the similarity to ‘Molly’ had nothing to do with this.”
I stayed silent for a bit, but she didn’t cut in, so I finally caved. “I accidentally called out Molly’s name with her.”
“Hours after you saw her naked?” Daisy asked, unfazed by this new revelation. “That’s an argument for fate.”
“No, the shower thing was Monday.” I clarified. “The girl was tonight.”
“Oh, I see.” She mumbled. “So that’s why you called me tonight instead of Tuesday. I get you. How’d you and Molly get along during the week?”
“We’re fine. I think she’s totally cool with it.” I answered. “But yeah, now it’s kind of in my face and obvious…”
“Before it was just lust-in-the-moment, but now you know you have a sexual attraction to her.” Daisy finished my thought. She was silent for a moment. “I don’t know.”
I had never heard those words from her before in this way. “What?” I asked.
“I don’t know what to tell you. I don’t know what would help. I’m not an infinite source of wisdom. Your situation is beyond me.”
“I see.” I replied bitterly.
“Look, you woke me up so-“
“No, no. I get it. It’s fine.” I interrupted.
“Keep me posted. Until then, I’m afraid you’re on your own.” Daisy grimly concluded. “Bye, Aaron. Get some sleep. It’ll help.”
“Yeah.” I replied lamely, and soon her voice was replaced by a single droning beep. I hung up the phone and surprised. I wish I didn’t have to feel. I wasn’t good for Molly. If I didn’t have a crush on her this whole thing would havehave so simple.
But I was in too deep. I couldn’t give up now. She means too much to me.
AUTHOR’S POSTSCRIPT: Woah, baby! I totally did not expect the reception I got for chapter one. You all are really the greatest. I’m glad I could write for such a great audience such as yourself. I hope this chapter lived up to the first one! If not, criticisms etc are welcome at bashfulscribegmailcom. And hey, following Bashful_Scribe at your local tweeting site would be sweet! If forums are your jam, hop on over to the AFF forum for my stuff (I explained how to get there in the last chapter for my SOL and SS readers). As for the readers who want to read my older story, google ‘Bashful Scribe Being More Social’ and you’ll find it.
Writing my other series, this one, doing adult stuff including jobs and prepping for another year ofCollege (or ‘uni’ for my fellow Canadians out there) and working solid on making dem videoro garmes have kind of tuckered me out for a bit, so I may not answer e-mails in record time, but I will try my hardest. Thanks again for being an awesome bunch of people. You all make me very happy, and I hope my stories make you very happy too.
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