The Wolf and The Lamb Pt. 02


By TexGG

As the rays from the early morning sun peaked through his windows, Nicholas rolled out of bed, groggily stumbling into the bathroom. He quietly and absent-mindedly went through his morning routine, washing his hands, splashing his face, and running his hands through his hair in attempt to remove the trace evidence of bedhead. Finally deeming himself presentable, he went out back to his bedroom and paused. He… had shut his bedroom door last night, didn’t he? He usually did, but this morning, it was cracked open, allowing the sounds and smells of a sizzling breakfast to waft in. Ooh, breakfast! His reflections about his door were quickly forgotten as his stomach grown at him, and he rushed out into the apartment, salivating.

Lily was in high spirits this morning, despite herself. She felt good about today. She thought she should feel guilty about what she did last night, but she didn’t. Factis, she felt damn near elated. “Good morning, sunshine.” She called cheerily to Nicholas, as he walked out of his room, rubbing his face.

“Is that… breakfast?” he asked, his voice slightly hoarse in the early morning.

“Mhm. I woke up a bit early, so I decided to make us a little something as a ‘happy first day as rooms’ sort of deal. Hope you’re a fan of bacon and eggs…” she answered, placing two plates on the small table.

“I am American, aren’t I?” Nick eagerly grabbed his fork and began shoveling food in his mouth. Lily shook her head in amusement before sitting across from him. They ate in silence, the sounds of the clinging silverware and the birds outside filling the small apartment. As Nick finished the last of his eggs, he set down his fork and looked up at Lily, quizzically. “Hey… did you come in my room last night? My door was open when I woke up.”

Lily froze, her fork halfway from the plate to her mouth. Her previously cheerful spirits came crashing down around her, almost immediately. Nervously, her mind spiraled, racing to think of an excuse or reason she’d have to go into his room, ideally a reason that wouldn’t end up with his door being locked from here on out. “Uh… yeah. You know what? When I started making eggs, I had checked in to see if you were awake and if you wanted some. I guess I forget to close it afterward; my bad, dude.” Lily shrugged nonchalantly, looking down at her plate as she stirred her eggs around her plate. As she talked, her eyes searched Nicholas’ face for a sign, any sign, of doubt or concern. He just nodded and shrugged it off, however.

“Oh, okay, no problem. Thanks for making breakfast, by the way. If you’re not careful, I’ll start expecting it.” He joked as he ran the plate under the kitchen faucet and placing it in the dishwasher.

“Fat chance, buddy. If anyone’s going to be doing the housework here, it’ll be you. I’ll make your ass wear a maid outfit while you do it, too.” Lily laughed as she shot back. Nick did not laugh, however. He turned away from her, but before his face left her view, she saw his eyes grow in shock and his cheeks grow beet-red. Although herself, Lily did her best to suppress a knowing smile.

“Uh… y-yeah, sure. I’ll be in my room if you need anything.” As his door closed, Lily swore under her breath. Damnit, Lily. Be cool, you’re going to freak him out. She shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts. She had been careless, leaving his door open. She could’ve sworn she closed it, but she left his room last night in such a haze, she wasn’t surprised she left it open.

Well, no more. That was the last time something like that happens. Even as she promised herself she wouldn’t, she knew damn well she had no intentions of stopping. I could make a move on him… but he’s skittish enough that I wouldn’t put it past him to bolt the second I show him interest.

No more slip-ups.

Her thoughts were interrupted as Nick’s door opened and he walked out. He walked past her into the kitchen and grabbed a rag, running it under the water before turning and heading back to his room. As he passed Lily, he shrugged, confused. “My chair’s all sticky, smells funny, too. I guess I must’ve spilled something on it when I was moving.” Lily pictured herself last night, leaning back in his chair, as she furiously ran her fingers over herself; as she cried out, cumming around her fingers.

Shit. Starting…now.

Nick scrubbed the chair vigorously. Whatever he had spilt last night had been sticky, and had a familiar scent, one he couldn’t place. He killed his chair, but whatever he had smelled was gone now. He dropped the rag into his laundry bin before going into his closet and grabbing a pair of jeans and a t-shirt with some indie band’s faded logo on the front.

Okay, not to self- no more soda, energy drinks or food by my computer.Nicholas knew full damn well he had no plans to amend such behavior. Oh well, it’s thought that counts, right? “Hey, Lily! I’m going to meet up with Emily. Need anything from the store while I’m out?”

As Nick’s car slowed to a stop at the red light, he scanned over the laundry list of items Lily had handed him. Half of the list consisted of various smoke and beer brands, some of which he didn’t even recognize. Then there were the frozen pizzas, energy drinks, candy and baked goods. Nick chuckled to himself, shaking his head in amusement as the light turned green. It’s like living with a goddamn frat party all condensed into one woman.


Nick looked over the menu once more, ignoring Emily’s prodding for the time being. “I, like, Just ate. It’d be weird to get, like, a BLT or something, right?” Emily didn’t respond to his attempt at a diversity, and instead continued to stare at the back of the menu where Nick’s head was. As he tentatively peeked over the top of the menu at her, she just arched an eyebrow in his direction.

“So…?” Nick prompted, laying down the menu. He wrapped his hands around the warm cup of tea, heating his hands in brisk autumn morning. Emily and Nick just stared each other. While Emily was slightly annoyed at Nick’s avoidance of her interferences, Nicholas was in quite the humorous mood at her irritated state, something that only made her more exasperated, which Nick found even funnier. This cycle of amusement and irritations was not an uncommon occurrence between the two friends, much to Emily’s announcement.

“So, how did yesterday go? Don’t act like you don’t know what I’m asking! How are the two of you… getting along?” Emily asked, praying that her fears about the two rooms wasn’t obvious from her question.

“I don’t know, Emily. Fine, I guess? It’s been less than twenty-four hours, you know. Ask me in, like, a week.” Nicholas laughed. Emily rolled her eyes dramatically, but dropped it. “What about you, then. What did you do yesterday?” Nick asked, holding the tea to his lips as his eyes locked with Emily’s.

After a second of hesitation, she lowered them to the floor as the events of her previous night replayed in her head. What would happen if she just said it? How would he react? As soon as that thought formed in her mind, she dispelled it. She knew how he would take that. He would be freaked, and their friend shattered. “Fine.”

Nick paused, his eyes past her, unfocused as he tried to process her answer. “What? Emily, I asked what you did yesterday.” Nick couldn’t help but laugh as Emily tried to recover but just rambled incoherently, flustered. “Em, something tells me you need to sleep more.”

The duo let the discussion of yesterday’s events slip as their conversation drifted to other topics, and memories of years long ago. However, the memory of their morning meeting played repeatedly over in Emily’s head as she drove back. She resisted the urge to bury her face in her hands from embarrassment as she pulled to a stop outside her apartment. “What did I do yesterday? Hmm… Why I think I just watched a bit of tv before bed. Why, nothing worth mentioning at all, Nick!” Emily hit her head against her steering wheel, groaning to her empty car. “What did you do yesterday?” “Fine.” Gah, I’m such an idiot!

Emily paused before taking out her phone. Unlocking it, her phone opened up to the last opened page she had, an advice article from some blog. It was one of those advice blogs where readers would send in questions to some anonymous writer, and then she’d give some surface level relationship advice. What kind of idiot even buys into this type of shallow writing?!

Hey Ms. Quinn, long time reader, first time writer.

I have had this crush on my friend for as many years as I can remember, but I haven’t worked up the courage to tell him. In a few days, he’s moving in with this girl. Not likea relationship thing, but as rooms. I can’t decide whether or not to tell him how I feel, since I feel like he’d think it’d be weird his lifelong friend has had a crush on him and never said anything. I’m worried if I don’t do anything soon, it’ll be too late. What do I do?!


Hey there, Em, thanks for writing in!

You’re absolutely right. When this boy moves in with his roommate, they’ll be in close quarters constantly! Whether or not he knows or plans for it, something will be brewing between the two. Trust me, it’s perfectly normal to have a crush on someone for so long without telling them, fear of rejection is universally human! The best thing to do is to take your friend somewhere nice and casual, like a coffee shop, and tell them how you feel! You’re at a crossroads now, Em, and you very well may be running out of time to confess your feelings, now that your crush is moving in with another girl!

I believe you’ll do the right thing,

Ms. Quinn.

Emily groaned again as she bashed her head into the steering wheel. I’m such an idiot! Why didn’t I say anything?! He was right there, it was perfect! Emily turned and stared out the window of her car, distant as her mind wandered. Fuck it? Fuck it. Emily put her car in reverse and backed out of her driveway. Better late than never.

“Is that it for you today?”

Nick looked down at the list once more. “Yeah… I think so. Wait, do you have any sleeping pills? I’m out of them again.” The older man peered at Nicholas from behind the counter.

“Didn’t you hear? You now need a prescription from a doctor to get your specific pills. Those are some strong knockout drugs, sonny. You can take these, though.” Mr. Lambert passed a bottle over to Nick.

As Nick turned the bottle in his hands, his expression soured a little. These were relaxers, not sleeping pills. Ah, well. Anything is better than nothing, right? And who knows, maybe it’ll have a placeboeffect? ​​I’m like 90% sure the placebo effect doesn’t work if you know it’s a placebo, dumbass. Ah, fuck it. Nicholas thanked Mr. Lambert. As Nick ran through the list of errands before him, he groaned in frustration. It was a Saturday, after all, and something told him he wouldn’t get home for a while now.

Lily grunted as she lifted the dumbbell over her head one last time. With a sight, she dropped it to the ground and reached for a towel, swimming at her forehead and arms. Not bad for today. Her thoughts, and workout routine, were interrupted by a knock at the door. Lily opened the door to find an extremely nervous looking young woman at the door. “Yes?”

The girl jumped and yelped a little, backpedaling a step or two before regaining her composition. “Oh, is… is Nicholas here? I’m… uh… a friend. So, is he… here?”

Lily didn’t answer for a second, instead her eyes scanned up and down the young woman. Alright, good. I wasn’t expecting this, but… Better sooner than later, right? Let’s just take care of this, then. Lily almost felt bad for what she was about to do. “No, he’s out picking up some stuff for me. He’s bound to be back soon, though. You can come inside and wait for him, though.”

Emily took another step back. “Ohhhh… no. That’s okay. I’ll just…” She yelped in surprise again as Lily’s arm shot out and grabbed her hand.

“Oh, nonsense. I’d hate for you to come out all this way for nothing. Come on in, make yourself at home.” Lily insisted, as she dragged Emily inside. Emily stood in the middle of the living room awkwardly, pretending to read through the titles of different novels arranged on a bookcase. Meanwhile, Lily stood in the kitchen, busy her hands with dishes as she eyed Emily with a hungry, aggressive gaze, as if the young girl was an unsuspecting prey in the den of a predator. Truth be told, that was probably more accurate than Lily was comfortable with admitting to.

“So, tellme. How do you know Nick?” Lily asked, finally breaking the tense silence. Emily turned, looking at Lily with wide eyes. Christ, this girl’s really is skittish, isn’t she? “…… good.”

“Oh. We’ve been… friends for years now.” Emily offered weakly. “You must be Lily, then?” Emily knew exactly who she was, but for some reason, she felt that it was more polite to not know.

“Yeah. You must be the famous Emily, I’m guessing?” Lily responded. Instantly, Emily’s face lit up with delight.

“Nick’s talked about me?!”

Fuckin’ hell, that’s it.

Lily stood up straight, wiping her hands on her jeans before slowly, methodically walking into the living room towards Emily. Emily actually began to slowly back up as Lily approached, her retreat completely unnotivated to herself, although not going unseen by Lily. Emily gasped as her back hit the wall unexpectedly, Lily now standing over her, glaring down at the smaller woman. “So, you’re friends with Nick, is that it?” Emily opened her mouth to speak but no sounds came out.

Instead, she just nodded weakly as she stared, paralyzed, by Lily’s intensely burning blue eyes. “You ever fucked the boy?” Emily, though shocked by Lily’s forward and crass questioning, could feel her head shake against her will. Lily smiled at her answer. “But you want to, don’t you?” Try as she might, Emily could not stop herself from nodding, her face now burning with shame and humiliation.

Lily didn’t respond at first. Instead, she reached up, wrapping her hands around Emily’s throat. Emily found herself standing on her toes, shaking, terrified, but unable to tear her eyes away from Lily. “Here’s the deal, girl. You’re going to give Ol’ Nick a wide berth. Because if you don’t, I WILL find out, I WILL find you, and I WILL punishment you. He’s mine. We clear?” Emily struggled, nodding desperately.

“Good girl.” Lily released Emily. The smaller woman collapsed, gripping for breath, and shaking uncontrollably.

“Now… go.” Lily walked towards the door and opened it. Emily stumbled to her feet and walked towards the door in a motion that wasn’t entirely hers to control. Emily’s eyes stayed locked on the floor as she felt Lily pierce her with an icy gaze as she passed her. Emily flinched as the door slammed shut behind her. As Emily drove home, she gripped the wheel with whitened knuckles, mind blank as she stared straight ahead towards home in silence.

Lily sat on the couch and flipped on the tv. While she had a nasty pit in her stomach, she felt a hint of elation that comes with a victory, with winning a prize, or defeating an opponent. It was something she had felt before, but only in sports or from fights, never from a guy. Interesting. A few hours later, the door opened as Nick shuffled in, bags in each arm.

“Slow down there, cowboy. Let me help.” Lily scooped an armful of brown paper bags from Nick’s arms. Shrugging off his protests, she placed therest of the bags on the counter. Nick and Lily shared a dinner and had some conversation about something, something Lily couldn’t remember and didn’t particularly care to. Fact is, she was still riding the high from scaring off the competition a few hours before. As Nick talked about some show, he was oblivious as Lily’s eyes traveled up and down his body, hungrily sizing him up.

She knew it wasn’t right, but her encounter didn’t help in dissuading Lily’s feeling that Nicholas was hers. She just needed to convince him of such. Something that should be easy enough to do. Lily broke off that thought there, knowing that her train of thought was a dangerous one.

But that thought wasn’t gone. It stayed with her deep into the night. Lily surprised and pulled her sheets off of herself and lightly walked to Nick’s room. There he was, dead wait as usual, a bottle of pills by his bedside. She pulled his chair out from his desk and sat down, undoing the ties around her pajamabottoms. Lily leaned her head back, resting it against the leather chair, as her fingers pushed past her panties and began to explore. She moaned freely and loudly as her fingers began to rub her clip, as they began to tease and toy with her, pushing inside, filling her. She moaned and whimpered as she thrust her fingers inside, lifting her head to gaze upon the beautiful sleeping boy before her… and locked eyes with Nick.

There were a few seconds of silence as the two stared at each other. “…The pills?” Lily finally stammered.

“I ran out. Had to get relaxers instead.” Nick mumbled quietly.

“Oh.” Lily said. More silence followed as the two stared at each other.

“…What-?” Nick started, but Lily cut him off.

“Wait, just… wait.” Lily stood, removing her hand. She slowly walked towards the bed. Well, it’s now or never. Nick had half-pushed himself up off the bed, but Lily placed her hand on his shoulder, pushing him back down. Nick relented, staring wide-eyed up at her.

“I know how you feel about me. You aren’t exactly the most subtle boy I’ve met, you know. Trust me, it’s a mutual feeling. Now, if you want, I can go. Tomorrow, we can talk about the breach of trust I have done, and see if you want me gone. But if you want me, you just need to ask, and I’ll take you right here, right now.” Nick opened his mouth, but couldn’t seem to find the words.

Lily placed a finger on his lips. “I know you’re nervous. If you want me, just nod.” Nick hesitated before nodding. Lily leaned down and brushed her lips against his. Nick quickly reached up and rested his hand on the back of her head as her tongue found its way past his lips. As she kissed him, she pulled his shorts down, before removing her own bottoms. Carefully, she mounted him, as moan escaped from Nick’s mouth, muffled by her lips.

Lily pushed herself upright as she began to thrust her hips. Nick moaned out her name as he placed his hands on her hips and moved against Lily. He closed his eyes as he moaned in bliss, lost in a pleasure he had never felt before. Lily grunted as she pounded herself onto Nick’s cock over and over again, harder and harder. Her body glistened with sweat as she sank down onto him over and over. Removing her top, she tossed it to the side and grabbed Nick’s hands. She placed them onto her tits as Nick’s fingers began to massage and pinch. Lily cried out as she began to feel a warm tingling spread throughout her body, slowly boiling up inside of her, and threatening to burst with a firey, orgasmic intensity.

Looking down, she could see Nick was getting close himself. Any ability to speak he might’ve had had slipped away long ago, as he grunted and moaned, thrusting up into her. All he could do was hang on as Lily rode him for all he was worth, fucking herself onto his cock relentlessly until Nicholas cried out in ecstasy, leaning up and wrapping his arms around Lily as he erupted, a warm embrace of pleasure enthralling the two. Lily wrapped her fingers in Nick’s hair as her legs shook and she quivered against Nick as that boiling, growing heat finally burst, spreading throughout her body and fully dominating her mind.


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