The Wizard Comes

She sits and reads, her eyes moving over the words on her computer screen… her lips moving as she whispers what she reads. Her smile brightens as she feels her fingers start to tingle.

She speaks out loud as she types back to Him….her voice low and sultry, her soft laugh music to her own ears…

It has been so long since she felt real power, and now it creeps at her through the keys and ticles her eyes as she reads what he types. She wonders if this can be real, her heart hopeful it is so.

As He types she knows, she feels Him as He weaves His magic …. Her mind ready and wanting…she feels him teasing her, the tingling from her fingers migrates up her arms as well….her heart beat deepens it seems as she feels His touch inching its way up inside of her.

She feels a throbbing deep inside of her start to grow. She breaths deeply now, her chest rises and falls as she sits back and closes her eyes for a minute… her hands lift up and she gently touches her breasts…shemoans low and soft, the sound comes from her as she feels her touch as His own…her flesh tingles and she shudders inside.

She opens her eyes and once more looks at the screen before her… His words dance through her mind as she reads them, her body alive and wanting, needing so bad.

She feels Him take from her what she holds….His words, the power in them causing her to shiver inside as she reads them slowly from the screen in front of her. She knows… He has her…

He types in a number and tells her to call… She knows she feels the excitement surge as she picks up the phone, her fingers linger for a moment only, then she gently and carefully makes the call.

He knows this will be a beginning just as she does and He waits for the sound of the ringing to begin…

She listens to the pause and then hears the ringing begin in her ear… Her mind alive with His words and the feeling of power she so years for.

As she waits for Him to answer she closes her eyes andThen she hears Him. His voice, soft and haunting as He speaks to her….

It is as if she has known it always, it ticles its way inside of her. Her heart beats faster and her breath staggers as she tries to speak to Him…

The words come from her softly as she greets Him, He can hear the smile in her voice as she speaks to Him. They laugh together as they speak now, like old friends reuniting after time lost, the world about them forgotten…

He speaks to her, His words full of the power He knows He has…. She listens, her heart aching for more of Him, her mind so full of Him she blinks her eyes, as they slowly open back up her smile widens, she releases to Him her heart.

In one instant He feels the power from her come to Him. He knows she has let Him in, He knows what she needs without being told….He is what she needs.

She takes Him inside of her and carefully He intertwines His heart into hers…they forge a bond, invisible but stronger than any they have ever kNow. So suddenly, so intense and yet it is as if they have been here before as if they have waited and always known what would come….

Her chest expands and gently falls as she breathes in and out a warmth growing inside of her. The power course through her making her smile brighter, her heart lighter, her mind alive with the power she feels from Him. Her body ready for His touch…

He comes to her Now, His voice whispering in her ear… She listens, her mind and heart alive with His power, her soul dances about her flirting with His own….

As He leads her now she follows, her trust and strength is His to have… They share now a power, one that is rare and profound, and one that is hard to explain if it has never been known. But they know…..

He speaks to her, gently leading her, Taking her to a place He calls His and hers alone “a special place”, one they will share…

He listens to her as they travel now, His voice leading her. He hears her moans, low and soft, sensure to His ears.

She follows Him through the shadows of her mind, each word that comes from Him teasing her, taking her deeper inside…

The power now intense, she hears it in His voice, feels it in her heart, her mind overwhelmed by it. She sits now, her eyes closed, her body aching, feeling Him close from the inside out…

Her heart burns in her chest from the warmth of the power He shares with her. He needs her…she needs Him…

He waits measuring the time well… He knows He holds her in His hands, all of her, He knows she has given to Him all she is and has. It is for Him to decide when the power forgets between them… He knows….

His voice tells her what to do, it leads her to their “special place”….as He listens to her He can feel the power strength within Him. The time creeps closer for Him and for her… He knows…

His voice taunts her, bringing her closer and closer. She is there now, lost and yet finally at home in this “special place”.

The surge of power she feels from Him causing her to moan, a low deep sound comes from her, she moves into a realm where few ever travel…

He is with her there, together they feel and know….They come together and then, He gently reaches out and she feels Him, the joy exploding inside of her and a calmness overpowering it all.

They are One, the power theirs alone, shared and given, united now. The need in them strong, the want deeper now…. The journey has begun….


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