The Witch Ch. 06

Authors note – Thanks to everyone who read the previous chapters. I have tried to make this one longer for you. Hope you enjoy 🙂

Chapter Six – Training

My training started the next morning. I was very nervous, but excited at the same time. We woke up and had a wash and Alicia got dressed. She then sat me down in the sitting room to explain the rules to me.

“Okay, so as you have probably already guessed you are not allowed to wear clothes. That just makes it much easier when I have to punish you, or reward you.” She said with a cheeky smile. “Your punishments will be a spanking of some sort. And as for your rewards, well you know what those will be.” She smiled at me again. “And you are not allowed to bring yourself sexual pleasure at all. If you do, you will be punished.” She said, smiling cruelly, and I shivered. She then clapped her hands together, “Shall we began then?” She said smiling.

Over an hour later I had my first test. Alicia had put out a selection of herbs on the table, and I had to identify them. I wasn’t very good at it, and she said that for every one I got wrong I’d get ten spanks. As there were twenty different herbs that could mean a total of two hundred spanks!

Luckily I got the first ten correct since they each had distinct smells, but the last ten were a bit harder. To me they all smelled the same; the only difference was in their looks.

I picked up the first one had taken a good look. I was pretty sure it was what Alicia called ‘Margoite’ but I couldn’t be sure. She told me that these weren’t the typical names for the herbs, but the witch names.

“This one is Margoite.” I said certainly. It only got me a slap across my left cheek.

“No you stupid girl. Margoite has a very distinctive feel. This one is Jernays.” She said, putting it aside. Remembering her advice I began to search for Margoite. I remembered her saying that it has a very prickly feel to it. I picked up the leavesof the remaining herbs and found what I was looking for.

“This one is Margoite?” I asked, and she nodded.

“Now go onto the next one.” She snapped at me impatiently.

I finished the test getting five wrong. Fifty spanks, and devil, it was going to hurt. She went and sat on a wooden chair, pulling me along with her and throwing me roughly over her lap. She picked something up off the table and shoved it into my hands.

“Every time I spank you I want you to say, ‘this is Jernays’, understanding?” She snapped at me, caresing my bare bottom. I nodded.

“I understand.” I muttered, my voice shaking. She continued to cares my bottom until I began to relax. Then…

SMACK! I screamed out in pain. That wasn’t her hand!

“T-this i-is J-jernays.” I stuttered.

SMACK! I screamed again, but repeating my saying. After the ten spanks she took the Jernays off me, and handed me another one. I had to do the same as she spanked me. Repeating the name of every herbshe gave me.

After a while the heat from the spanks turned to the heat of sexual pleasure. At first I was horrified by myself, getting aroused by my punishment! But after a while I didn’t care, it hurt so good and I wasn’t going to complain.

After my punishment was over Alicia helped me stand and laid out the herbs I had gotten wrong on the table in front of me, and asked me to name them. I named them all correctly without a problem.

After she put the herbs away she led me into the bedroom and asked me to lie face down on the bed. I did so, wondering what she was going to do. I heard her rummage around in some cupboards and then I felt her sit next to me.

“Alison, I have some cream here that I have made myself. It should reduce briising and make it not as sore as it would have been without it.” She said, and I felt something cold on my bottom. I flinched and tried to pull away, but Alicia held me firmly in place.

After a while the cold of the cream becamequite soothing, and my bottom didn’t hurt as much as it did. I told in relief at having my pain subside.

Alicia removed her hands and I heard her moving away. I rolled over and looked at her. As I watched her she removed her clothes, revealing the amazing body beneath. She walked over to me, and lay on the bed beside me. She pulled me towards her and kissed me with such force, and password that I was Instantly dripping wet.

With her hands on either side on my head she pushed me down towards her amazing bosom; muttering one order which I instantly obeyed.

“Suck.” She muttered and I instantly engulfed her left nipple in my mouth and suckled like a starving baby. She took control of my head and moved it left and right and she wanted. After she had finished having me suck her breasts she shoved my head downwards.

“Lick it, pleasure me, I know you want to.” She muttered again and I got to work. I began slow, licking and teasing her but this wasn’t what she wanted.She grabbed my head roughly and shoved in close to her, so I could barely breathe.

“This is the wrong time to try be the best pussy licker ever Alison, just make me cum!” She snapped at me.

Feeling a little hurt and latched onto the pleasure spot just above her entrance and sucked with all my might.

It didn’t take long for her to cum, and after she did she pulled my up and kissed me tenderly.

“Sorry for my rudeness Alison. You see, spanking you had just made me so hot that I needed release, and I needed it fast. I did not mean to hurt your feelings.” She said, struggling my cheek.

“It’s okay, I don’t mind. I know this may sound sick, or wrong, but I liked being used by you, for your pleasure. Knowing I have made you happy makes me happy. Doesn’t that sound strange?” I asked, seeing her knowing look.

She pulled us up into a sitting position and wrapped her arms around me.

“Alison, there is some more things I need to explain to you; about our relationship, and how it works. You see, we are not the only ones; and it is not just witches. The majority of us are witches, but some witches partake in a relationship with a normal human being, some with more than one at a time.”

I interrupted her.

“But that’s adultery! It’s ungodly!” I screamed, and it only earned me a slap across the face.

“No, it is not! You need to Leave this way of thinking behind. As I have told you, I am a religious woman, and I did not lie. I just believe in more equality than most people. I do not believe that God will damn you eternally for being with more than one person at a time; if you are with someone, but do not care about them, then that is wrong. Do you see what I am saying?” She asked me, and I nodded. I Understood it, but I didn’t agree with it. I wasn’t going to say so because that would only get me another slap.

“You see, in my opinion from my study of people as a general, there are some people that feel pleasure from being in control. Normally those are male, that is why in a normal household the man is in charge. But that does not mean that woman can be in control, or dominant. I am a dominant woman, being in control makes me happy, sexually as well as emotionally.

Then there are the ones who do not like being in control. Those are called submissives. You are one of those. Having someone takes charge of you make you happy does it Not?” She asked me, and I thought for a moment.

“Yes, it does. Making others happy, making you happy, make me happy.” I explained. It sounded weird, but it was what I felt. Alicia nodded.

“Yes, and this is why you are a very good submissive. Some are only submissive because they like it when they get rewarded. You are different, you want to please me and that Makes me very happy. Now, with your consent I would like to also train you as my submissive, my pet, as well as training you to be a witch.” She explained. I smiled, not even having to think it through. Here with Alicia felt like the place I was always meant to be. This is where I belonged.

“I want that; very much so.” She leaned over and kissed me with such love that I couldn’t stop the happy tears from cascading down my cheeks.

She felt the tears and leaned back. When she saw the big smile on my face she understood that they were happy tears, not tears of sadness or pain. She wiped the tears away and took my hand in hers.

“I am going to take you out to celebrate. I know of a very nice place which is mainly for witches, but some humans go there as well. They are very open-minded and understanding. I think you will like it there.” She explained, and my eyes widened in fear. What if someone saw me? They’ll know I’m in league with a witch. They’d have me hanged!


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