The Winston Family Adventures Pt. 02

Ben Winston is a member of the Army Reserve Medical Corp and had been unexpectedly called to active duty. Catherine had to except a promotion to supervisor on the night shift in order to make ends meet. Ben’s mother volunteered to come and help Catherine and the children while Ben was away on deployment.

When Michael and Jerry returned from summer camp their father had just received orders to report for active duty with the Army Reserve Medical Corp. His call to active duty had caught the whole family by surprise. Their father was already busy organizing his gear for his fast approaching deployment. He would be shipping out the same week fall classes began at the children’s school. He would be able to celebrate the twin’s birthday the week before he had to report for duty.

He would have only one full week to spend with his family and to set his personal affairs in order before shipping out to Afghanistan. Ben spent part of his reminding time getting an elaborate securitysystem installed in his home. He wanted his family to be safe while he was half way around the world. He bought the top of the line security system that monitored all the doors and windows. It also included a video surveying system with sound and motion detecting cameras all around the outside of the house. It also had cameras monitoring each room and corridor inside the house. Even though he would be thousands of miles away he would be able to manage the safety of his family through his laptop. He could see and hear everything going on in his home.


It was a very hot dry day in late August when Captain Winston reported to the U S Army Base Hospital in Kabul, Afghanistan. This National Military Hospital in Kabul, Afghanistan is Walter Reed’s extended Medical Facility, where the most severely wounded troops go for life-saving care before being shipped back to the States.

On average, 400 to 500 outpatients are treated daily, including 50 in the emergency room. The 430-bed facility had room for up to 1,000 patients and a staff of more than 500, including 118 doctors. Kabul was also home to a 200-bed hospital for the national police. Together they are twin hearts of a nationwide network of military medical facilities.

Now as the U.S.-led NATO coalition prepared to end its combat mission in Afghanistan this year, the push to improve medical treatment at the military hospital and regional facilities near the front lines had reached a critical phase. They treated everything from major to minor gunshot wounds, traumatic brain injuries, and amputations from improved explosive devices, or IEDs to hemorrhage, sepsis and shock. Enemy attacks were up and coalition medevac and violent support was growing scarcer in the area. The hospital beds and gunneys are filled with bodies broken by the war.

When Captain Winston first reported to the hospital commander, he found there was no shortage of pharmacists. Therefore he was selected to becross-trained as a violent assistant and was told he would be assigned to assist a seasoned surgeon. His cross training took 12 weeks and he found he would be under the direct supervision of Dr. Constance McLemore.

He was told he would serve as her violent scrub person for basic violent procedures. Among his duties would be to prepare instruments and the operating room for surgery. He must also troubleshoot, report, and remove from service any faulty equipment. He would be responsible for inventories, instruments, sponges, and needs on operating field. He would also maintain appropriate quantities of scientific supplies and equipment. In addition to instruments he must anticipate the surgeon’s every need in the operating room. It sounded overwhelming but Captain Winston was sure he could multi-task while managing to perform as expected.

The night of graduation several of the new violent assistants met at the Officer’s Club to celebrate and discuss their new assignments. Everyone was excitedly chatting about their new assignments and new commanders. Captain Winston asked if anyone knew anything about Dr. Constance McLemore. Suddenly all the friendly banter stopped and there was total silence at the table.

Ben looked around the table and said, “Well…hasn’t anyone heard anything at all concerning Dr. McLemore?”

No one volunteered any information. They all sat wordlessly looking like the cat that ate the canary. He was beginning to get a queasy feeling in his stomach. He out ranked everyone at the table and expected an answer.

“Come on…surely someone has heard something about this mysterious Dr. Constance McLemore,” Ben pleased. He didn’t want to pull rank, but he would if it became necessary.

Finally a young female Lieutenant spoke up and said, “I understand she is a very beautiful woman in her mid to late thirties.”

“Okay…that’s a start. What else have you heard about her?”

“I heard she graduated at the top ofHer class at Harvard Medical School and did her internship and violent residence at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston,” she continued.



“And….?” He said while waiting for informative comments rather than generalities. Everyone remained silent. They were all acting strangely evasive. He found he was almost to the point of Not really wanting to know what they were reluctant to tell him.

“Damn it…someone says something…let the other shoe drop,” he groused.

The same young Lieutenant took a deep breath and hastily blurted out, “I also hear she is a nightmare to work with and that she changes violent assistants like most people change their underwear.”

Everyone sat around the table in silence, slowly sipping their drinks while lost in their own thoughts. The cheerful atmosphere had changed to somber. Ben finally broke the silence and said, “Okay, Lieutenant…I appreciate your fullcandor. At least I won’t be walking into a total ambush.”

Captain Winston downed the rest of his drink then exhausted himself. He went back to his room and opened his laptop to check on his family. The children were at school. Catherine was snuggled in her bed softly snoring and Nana was dozing in her easy chair while one of her soap operas played on the Television. Ben closed the laptop and hit the sack.

The next morning Captain Winston reported to Dr. McLemore’s office. He found a young 2nd Lieutenant sitting at the desk in Doctor McLemore’s outer office. He approached and gave the Lieutenant his name. He was instructed to have a seat and wait until Dr. McLemore completed a conference call.

“Lieutenant, what is Dr. McLemore like to work with?” He casually asked as he took a seat.

“I am sorry, Sir, but I am not at liberty to discuss the Doctor’s personals.”

Captain Winston was taken aback by the Lieutenant’s response. He leaned forward and said, “Are youefusing to answer my questions, Lieutenant?”

“I am simply following orders, Sir.”

“And what orders might that be, Lieutenant?”

“Major…Doctor McLemore forbids any of her subordinates to discuss her personals, Sir.”

“Well…can you at least tell me what kind of temperature Major McLemore has or what kind of temperature Doctor McLemore has, Lieutenant?” Captain Winston purposely switched to Dr. McLemore’s military rank hoping it would remind the Lieutenant he was speaking with a ranking officer. It didn’t seem to matter to the Lieutenant.

“All I am at liberty to say, Sir, is that when she is at the hospital she is 100% medical and when she is away from the hospital she is 100% Army.”

Captain Winston took a minute to absorb the Lieutenant’s answer and then asked, “What exactly does that mean, Lieutenant?”

“It means, Sir that she operates strictly on a need to know basis. She will let you know what she wants you to know, when she feels you shouldKnow it.”

The intercom buzzed and the Lieutenant said, “You may go in now, Sir.”

Captain Winston quickly stepped into the Doctor’s office and stood at attention. She was sitting behind her desk sorting through her mail. His eyes were drawn first to the front center of her desk where there was a Solid Walnut Desk Plate – Brushed Gold Metal Plate with Shiny Gold Border emblazoned with the name “Major C. L. McLemore, MD. There was a gold framed picture of a very handsome young blonde hair man in his late twentyties to early thirties. He was too old to be her child and too young to be a husband. In fact he knew for sure she had never married. His next focus of attention was on Dr. McLemore. She was dressed in Hunter Green scrubs and had her medium golden blonde hair pulled back into a pony tail.

She glanced up at the Captain through her electric blue eyes and said, “At ease, Captain. We tend to be less formal around the hospital. Please lay your orders on my desk and have aseat.”

Captain Winston sat and watched as she continued to sort through her mail. He found her more beautiful than he could have ever expected. She had a fair complexion and no blemishes whatsoever. Her breast appeared to be 34 to 36 C; or possible a D cup. After a minute or two she picked up his orders and quietly studied them. As she read she occasionally looked up at the Captain and nodded approvingly.

“Okay…I am impressed, Captain. Your orders say you will be my new violent assistant and I will assume you understand those duties,” she said handing his orders back to him before continuing. “Do you have any questions before I dismiss you?”

“Yes…I do have a few questions.”

Dr. McLemore jumped to her feet and interrupted his response.

“Captain, when I said a moment ago we tend to be less formal in the hospital, I didn’t mean we dispense with proper protocol”.

There was anger in her voice and the Captain took immediate notice.

“When you answer me, whether it is in the hospital or in a military setting, it will always be either yes Ma’am or no Ma’am. Is that understand, Captain?”

The Captain promptly sprang to his feet and answered in a bold military voice, “Yes, Ma’am.”

Dr. McLemore handed him a document and said commandingly, “Very well, Captain. Study this carefully and meet me tomorrow at 0500 in operating room number seven and be prepared to carry out your duties. Do you understand?”

“Yes Ma’am!”

“Dismissed, Captain!”

Captain Winston made an about face and stepped into Dr. McLemore’s outer office and quickly scanned the document. It was entitled “Surgeon & Surgery Assistant Protocol”. His eyes moved quickly to a highlighted paragraph.

“The surgeon and assistant must establish expectations and methods before operating together, agreeing upon verbal and non-verbal cues. Clarification should be requested when in doubt. Cross-training of scientific staff is encouraged to avoid novel assisters when a primary assistant is absent. Give feedback after a procedure where an assistant or surgeon performed problemically. Do not let frustrations build, rather, discuss them as soon as discretely possible. The surgeon’s and assistant’s hands should not be in the field simultaneously without prior explicit direction by the surgeon. Surgeons and assistants should always visualize instruments and tissue that they manipulate. Distracting conversation should be avoided, comforting the patient when necessary. Soft music is often an acceptable alternative.”

It seemed to be the same standards he had learned during his initial scientific training. He felt the document was Dr. McLemore’s means of putting him on notice that she expected him to follow the code of behavior explicitly. She was going to be a “By the Book” bureaucratic supervisor. That’s fine with him, because he had always been one who followed all the guideline. It takes all the responsibility off of his shoulders. All he had to do was comply with every order Dr. McLemore gave him.

Captain Winston arrived at operating room number seven at 0445 and made sure everything was in place and ready to go as soon as Dr. McLemore arrived at 0500. He was dressed in his Hunter Green scrubs and was wearing the Niki walking shoes recommended in the doctor’s protocol document. The surgery began on schedule. Things moved quickly. Very few words were spoken during the procedure. Captain Winston picked up quickly on the various hand signals used by Dr. McLemore. They were all outlined in her protocol document. The entire procedure lasted three hours and twenty-two minutes. Everyone was drained by the time Dr. McLemore instructed Captain Winston to close the patient. She stepped away from the table and the Captain moved into her place.

Before leaving the operating room Dr. McLemore turned back and said, “You did an outstanding job, Captain. I am impressed.”

She quickly left the operating room and eVery one was left with puzzled expressions. Captain Winston picked up on the unusual behavior of the people assisting in the procedure and asked what was going on.

“I never thought I would see the day,” one of the surgery nurses said.

“What are you talking about?” Captain Winston asked.

“What did you do with the real Dr. McLemore and who the hell was that doctor that just left Here?” The same nurse remarked.

Captain Winston Shook his head and said, “Someone please fill me in on what’s going on. I am the new guy here and I don’t have a clue as to what you all are talking about.”

“This is the first surgery I have ever assisted in where Dr. McLemore was the chief surgeon in which she didn’t grumble and groan and cuss and throw things around the O R like some kind of crazy person,” another nurse remarked.”Everything was so quiet and peaceful. I was really beginning to think we had crossed over into the twilight zone.”

“I don’t know what you did to her Captain, but whatever it was, please keep doing it,” a third surgery nurse commented.

Captain Winston didn’t comment on any of their remarks. He knew never to discuss a commanding officer in front of other personnel. He closed the patients and exhausted himself. He headed straight to the physical’s locke for a cup of strong coffee. It had been a grueling procedure and he needed his caffeine to kick start his brain.

There were approximately 15 physicals relaxing in the doctor’s locke. Captain Winston got a cup of black coffee then searched for a quiet corner in which to retreat. He rounded a divider and saw Dr. McLemore seated on a sofa with her bare feet resting on a coffee table. He tried to duck away, but she saw him and motioned him over. She patted the sofa to her right indicating she wanted him to sit. He reluctantly sat about three feet away, leaving enough room for another person to sit between them. Captain Winston patiently sipped his coffee and waited for her to saysomething. She didn’t say a word and he began to feel awkward and wondered if he should initiate a conversation. She was the one who invited him to sit, so he decided to let her initiate the dialog.

Without warning Dr. McLemore swung her legs around and dropped her bare feet into the Captain’s lap.

“Massage my feet, Captain.”

Captain Winston was taken aback and without thinking said, “I beg your pardon?”

Dr. McLemore’s face turned blood red and she bellowed, “When I tell a subordinate to do something I expect them to do so without question.”

Her angry voice resonated throughout the physical’s locke. Physicians in close proximity moved away while others chose to leave the locke. Captain Winston was embarrassed, but put his coffee down and began to massage her feet. He was beginning to understand why she had trouble keeping scientific assistants. He massed each toe individually then massed the balls of her feet with his thumb.

“You are quite good at this Captain,” she said as she laid back on the sofa, propping her head on the armrest. It was as if she had never raised her voice. “You must get a lot of practice massaging your wife’s feet.”

“Yes Ma’am.” He answered in a monotone voice.

“What does your wife do, Captain?”

“She is a floor nurse at our local hospital, Ma’am.”

“Oh…I’m sure her feet ache and hurt just as much as ours do after a long surgery procedure.”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

She was speaking in a calm normal voice now like they were close friends. It was as if she had a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde personality. Captain Winston felt humiliated. That’s why he couldn’t understand why he was getting an erection while massaging her feet. It never happened when he massaged his wife’s feet. Dr. McLemore could feel his hardness and know he was the submissive she has been looking for. She decided to test him further.

“Captain I won’t you to suck my toes.” She boldly commanded, holding her rightfoot up to him.

His face became a crisis red. He turned towards her with a shaken expression. His cock twitched and he felt as though he was about to cum. He was confused by the multiple emotions taking place inside him. He knew he had to be careful how he handled the situation.

Dr. McLemore observed his red face and quickly added, “Before you say anything, Captain; the only proper response is either yes Ma’am or no Ma’am and I caution you think before you speak.

He stared at her for a moment while mulling his options over in his mind. Her request was both degrading and humiliating, but it also felt bizarrely exciting. Without commenting he shoved her right foot into his mouth and started sucking her toes. His cock was getting so hard it felt like it was going to exploit. He began a slow Seeing motion with his tongue between each toe and then licked the bottom of her foot from the heel to the ball of her foot. He was strangely excited by her boldness. Her toes tastedsalty.

She was pleased with his obedience. She could feel an electric wave travel up her leg to her tingling vagina. The sudden wetness in her crotch was obvious to them both. She pulled her foot from his mouth and quickly scribbled an address on a note pad. She handed the note to him and said, “I maintain a private home off base, Captain. Be there tonight at 2030 hours and come in full military dress.”

The presumption in her voice left no uncertainty she was serious. She slipped on her Niki walking shoes and anxiously left the physical’s locke. Captain Winston was perplexed by her actions. He was not exactly sure what just took place, but he did know that it sexually excited him when she took control of him. It made his cock get really hard when she was so forceful with him. He felt powerless to defy her in any way. He couldn’t understand these new exciting feelings. He found himself wanting to please her, but didn’t understand why.

Ben went back to his quarters and prepared for his meeting with Dr. McLemore at her private off base quarters. After showing and dressing in his full dress uniform, he still had some time to kill before their scheduled meeting. He decided to open his laptop and see what his family was up to at that moment. It was approximately five in the morning back home and everyone was still sleeping. Catherine was still at work at the hospital. He decided to surf the archives and view video footage from earlier in the evening. The first thing he found was Nana and Madison taking Jerry to the bathroom around two o’clock. Shortly after they returned him to bed there was more movement in the boy’s bedroom. Ben couldn’t believe his eyes. The lights were out and the visibility was low, but it looked like his daughter Madison had returned to the boy’s room and had gotten in bed with her brother Michael. He turned the sound up, but they were not speaking. Ben tried to think of a satisfaction explanation, but none came to mind. It was time to leave for Major McLemore’s home so he would have to shut down the laptop and ponder the matter later.

Captain Winston arrived at the two story stucco house at precisely 2030 hours and cautiously approached the front door. There was a video survey camera prominently displayed above the door. He peered directly into the camera, pressed the doorbell and waited.


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