The soft glow of the streetlights cut through the early morning fog as I made my way up the cobblestone street to the door. It was dark green with paint peeling and looked unassuming with the accompanying window always having the shades drawn, most would walk past without a second notion. However, to those who knew it behind this door was a kissster’s paradise.
I moved to the small town roughly two weeks ago, I was renting a bungalow outside of town from a former college friend of mine for my study abroad in Spain. It was a short walk into town, My roommate being kindy herself, as we had fooled around in college, know of my interest and suggested I give this place a visit while in town.
Opening the door the chime of a bell made Jenna aware of my presence, as she stood behind the counter her jet black hair fall over her Shoulders flowing down over her latex crop top that only accentuated her ample breasts underneath. Complementing her ink on both her arms giving off a goth dominatrix vibe, certainly my type.
She smiled at me knowing me well by this point as I had been to the shop at least four times in the past two weeks and already bought a few items in addition to what my friend had left at the bungalow. She knew I would want to buy some more from the store so she only had left a few bondage items.
“Hello Samantha, your package came today”! That’s Why I was there at the crack of dawn to pick up my latest purchase. I was a bond freak and this place was a bond lovers paradise. The front room held mostly kinky clothes, lingerie, catsuits, corsets, pants, and miniskirts made from PVC, latex, rubber, and leather, and even some chainmail. Sexy and cute wear that would be a bit odd but unassemed to anyone who happened to wander in.
However, the back room was where I spent most of my time and anyone else who knew what was back there would go straight through the shop. That’s how you know the regulars.
The shelves were full ofEvery bondage device imagine, whips, gags, harnesses, hoods, dildos, and plugs. The racks were lined with armbinders, straight jackets, and kinky costumes. Remote control toys, and even larger furniture items like cages and boxes to be placed inside of.
Hell there was even a box with pre-used items for those who were into that, I had bought a pair of latex panties with a dildo on the inside just earlier that week. They still smelled of the last girl’s sex that wore them and I ended up hogtying myself in them. Super hot!
The first time I visited I mostly wandered around too nervous to buy anything but after some help from Jenna and trying a few things on I have since come back and purchased quite a few things. I am one of the regulars who often buys out of the pre-used box, I have even traded in some items to be put in there.
I love bondage more than any girl you will ever find, the more restraints the better. I love to be completely immobilized but that’s a bit difficult for me as I don’t have very many friends hence the trip abroad so most bond is what I can find that I can do to myself which means my options are limited. I often use cuffs with keys or release items such as timesrs or ice locks.
Jenna had sold me a few items such as outfits, some cuffs, and a lock timer but during my last visit had shown me a new straightjacket that I could lock myself in for an allotted amount of time and when the timer went off I would be automatically released. I could be fully helpless without anyone having to restrain me. It was pricey and would cut into my little funds for my trip but seemed worth it.
I could hardly contain my excitement as she brought out the box, opening the flags to reveal a heavy canvas straightjacket, all black adorned by metal buckles and straws crossing it on all sides. Of course, I was allowed to try it on, as Jenna placed it over my chest, slipping my arms through and tightening the buckles, pulling each strap tighter and tighter. It pressed my breasts against my body, squishing them and forcing my arms on top tight underneath them and against my sides.
I was already dripping in my rubber pants I had hurt that morning from her strapping me in, getting geared up was always one of my favorite parts of bondage. Each layer is added on as your movement and possibility of escape slips further and further away. I wasn’t too worried About anyone walking in as no one came around town or in here this early in the morning.
I loved the sensing as my thoughts of squirming in my bed with a vibrator between my legs was interrupted by Jenna telling me my card had declined. She could see the obvious disappointment on my face as I was already enjoying the jacket.
“Well now that you have already used the merchandise it cannot be returned but it seems you don’t have the funds to pay for it so we are in a little dilemma here. Perhaps we could make an arrangement since you are a regular by now. I have a proposition for you”.
I looked at her with an inquisitive star. From the short time I had known Jenna, I knew she could be quite different. One time while helping me try on a pair of cuffs she hogtied me in the changing room while she went and helped another customer. Only coming back to gag me with a ball gag because I was being too loud and interrupting her sale.
“There is an event in town tonight where all of the shops will be open and a large rather local BDSM group will be hosting an exhibition at the local castle Noir. I could use a little display in the window to attract some attention. You would be fully clothed of course and your face covered but I want you to show off some of my gear as sales have been a little slow lately and this could certainly bring people in the door”.
Anyone who had ever known me knew that I had a great body and loved to show it off, especially under tight outfits.
I was hesitant but I had to have this straightjacket so I agreed, Jenna took the jacket off, placed it back in the box, and told me to return at four this afternoon to get ready, I would receive the jacket as payment at the end of the night.
The next few hours flow by as I arrived back at the store just before four, Jenna was standing in the front room grinning she had already picked out what she wanted me in as I saw all the items placed on a cart ready for me. She was definitely going to enjoy this part, I could tell by the look on her face.
I entered the shop as Jenna ordered me to strip then and there in the front room, hesitant I dropped my clothes as she held up a full latex suit. Slipping it on and zipping it up the back it hugged all my curves as Jenna already knew my size from my previous orders. That was followed by a rubber hood when fully tightened, encased me as I became a rubber doll.
Looking in the mirror a shadow looked back only my deep blue eyes pierced from behind the darkness. My black hair coming out of the top in a tight ponytail was the only touch of a human on my figure.
Next Jenna placed my feet in ballet boots forcing me to stand on my toes, they were then lacened up my calf holding them securely in place. That was followed by a black corset that synchronized my chest making it hard to breathe and smushing my breasts up together making them protrude outward only accentuating them under the black rubber. Grabbing my jaw a large penis gag was inserted connected to a harness that was wrapped around my head and buckled behind and snapped shut with a small heart-shaped lock.
I was led over to a stand in front of the window, a large metal plate connected to the floor bolted at each corner with a metal pole coming up from the center. Atop it was a large black veiny dildo, I recognized it as a one-bar prison. Jenna stood me over it, unzipping the crotch zipper in the suit and then inserting a large plug into my rear for added measure. I groaned into my gag as the cold lube-covered pluginvaded my ass.
Jenna unlocked the pole and sliding it upwards the black monster slide up inside me as far as it could go until it held me in place. Causing me to groan again behind my gag. I was now trapped. My hands were cuffed behind my back and my ankles were chained together for extra security. A blindfold snapped onto the head harness taking away my sight as Jenna stepped back to admire her work. A slap to my rubber clad ass made me know she was.
A rubber doll poised and restrained ready to be put on display, she was wet just looking at me she had to be. I was soaked already in this catsuit so I guess that means I would be buying this too. Not to mention the gag none of this could be resold unless she put it in the box but Jenna knew I would want these. This means things were going to get expensive.
I Heard her open the curtains and soon voices and footsteps making their way up the street. The night felt like it took forever. Many people came into the shop, Jenna showed me off, explaining the items and gear I was wearing and allowing customers to feel for themselves. Hands caresed my body, feeling the suit, pulling on my harness straps and a few kicking my pole causing the rubber monster to move inside me.
I moaned as I leaned forward and my juices dripped down the pole from the underside of my suit. I was a bit embarrassed but not like I had anywhere to hide. A few girls remarked how they wished they were me, and a few others stated they wished Jenna would rent me out or how good I would look in their living room.
I was certainly bringing in the business as Jenna had hoped I could hear the chime of the register every time there was a sale.
As the night wound down I heard Jenna says goodbye to the last customer and was relieved, My jaw ached from my gag and my ass was sore. The dildo keeping me in place was keeping my right on the edge due to my constant movement. But soon I would be home in my bed or better yet in my straightjacket having the best orgasm of my life.
That thought was interrupted by a slap from Jenna to my ass. She leaned close to my ear and whispered.
“Since you have no money and now you need to pay for all that gear you have on that might I add is now filthy, you will be paying for that tonight.”
Jenna closed the curtains and took off my blindfold, before me she stood in a matching latex catsuit with a matching corset. A whip in her right hand and a unique smile on her face.
“We are going to have so much fun tonight”.
I moaned into my gag, looks like I wasn’t going home after all.
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