We had been at our activities for less than two hours, but I thought the night would surely end now. Ellen was sitting crossed legged amidst three supine, spent men, showing no worse the wear other than her hair needed to be combined.
One of us gave a sight of contentment. Ellen heard it and responded with a challenge, “Don’t tell me you cock sucking cum eaters are done in by little ol’ me? Can’t you get it up any more? What’s a girl to do when she wants more cock?”
Chuck responded, “Give us a rest for a few minutes. You always do when it is just the three of us. You know we’ll come back and keep you occupied.”
“You better, it is your turn to direct now. I don’t want to sit here watching three limp dicks sleep.”
I think her chiding of our manhood got to Tommy for he said, “Hey bitch, watch your tongue. If you can’t keep it on a cock, then keep it in your mouth.”
“My name is Ellen, NOT bitch!”
As she was saying that, Tommy moved back into his chair onthe other side of the room. “I guess you don’t hear too good. Did Chuck get too much cum in your ear?”
That brought a laugh from all of us, including Ellen.
“Hey, as long as I’m fucking you, you’re a bitch, a whore, and a cunt. i ain’t never going to call you anything else but what you are. Now get down on your belly and slither over here like a whipped bitch puppy.”
I knew he was going to feel the full extent of her wrath now, but she didn’t utter a word; she just lay on her belly and slithered towards him moving with her feet and hands. When she arrived at his feet. he raised his right foot and placed his big toe in her mouth. “That was a good bit puppy. Now suck on this! Chuck, can I take your turn? This cunt has a lot to learn.”
“That’s ok with me, my mind is tapped.”
“Ok cunt, stand up and go to the pool table, get one of the balls and put it between your pussy lips. Now lie down on the floor. Keep the ball there. I want to see you play snake. Slither over here without using you legs, feet, arms, or hands. Just use your belly muscles and don’t lose that ball. Charles, get you belt and whack her ass hard every time she drops the ball!”
Maybe I was incensed by her earlier remarks too, for I quickly got my belt. As soon as she started her snake imitation I lightly hit her round ass with the leather. This caused her to lose the ball. “Hey, you made it come out. You weren’t supposed to spank me unless I lost it.” she said while inserting the ball back in position.
“That was only an incentive slap, this is for losing the ball!” With that I swung the belt with considerable force. It raised an immediate red welt. I continued to lightly swat her ass, but she didn’t lose the ball again until she had traveled at least 10 feet and was well into the plush room. Then she turned her head and smiled up at me as she spread her legs, letting the ball drop. Another good swat brought another red welt. A few feet more and she was back with her head resting on Tommy’s feet, sucking his toes.
After a minute or two of this, she started to rise as she said, “Excuse me guys, I’ve got to pee.” Before she could move any farther, Tommy pushed her down on her haunches.
“Sit on your ass and hold your hands in front of you like a good bitch.”
With that, he left the room, returning in about two minutes. When he Did, we saw he was carrying the collar and leash for one of Chuck’s two Dobermans. He placed the collar around her neck and fastened the leash to it. “Take your socks off ’cause you’re going outside to pee where all the bitches go.”
After she removed them he gave a gentle tug on the leash and had her down on knees and hands. The two of them traveled only two steps when he yanked the chain up. “Hey bitch, I thought you have to pee!”
“I do.”
“Then show it like a good dog. Wag you tail and let’s hear you bark in joy. And you better do it all the ways out or I’ll yank you back inside and youcan just squeeze your legs to hold it!”
She did as told, bouncing around with her legs like and excited dog, going, “woof, woof, woof, woof, ” all the way to the back hall and then out the door.
When the four of us got out side, we could feel that the evening had cooled down considerably. Ellen’s nipples were as hard as rocks. She started to move into a position to squat and pee like a female, but Tommy stopped her with, “Un uh. A dog can’t pee like that. Raise up on your front paws and lower your cunt close to the ground.”
It took a few seconds, but then a strong stream started to pass through her piss flags. As this was happening, Tommy grabbed his prick and aimed a stream at her face, “Time for us males to mark our bitch.”
Within seconds Chuck was peeing down her back, followed by me pissing in her hair. While we were doing this, the dogs came over to see what the communication was. It was a wet mess on the ground all around her ass. As she finished and straightened into her dog walking position, one of the Dobermans stuck his cold nose in her ass, making her jump. Tommy tightened up on the leash and said, “Hold still and let him get a good sniff of you cunt.”
Both dogs then tried to jam their nose between her ass cheeks to get a good smell of her. “They ain’t smelling your cunt, sit down in the piss and mud and spread your legs so they can smell your sex. You Want them to fuck you too, don’t you?”
“Hell NO. Try that and I’m outta here!”
Still she did as she was told. When the dogs were trying to lick her face, she grabbed the head of one and put it to her snatch. He just backed away, but the other one was curious about where his brother had just been, and stuck his cold nose on her pussy. He actually gave it a quick lick before losing interest and wandering away.
“Hey she can’t go back into my house like that. She has to be cleaned off.”
“Ok, we’ll hose her down in the garage. But first I have another choice for her todo.” He whispered something to Chuck as we started inside.
With that we walked into the hallway with Ellen still walking on all fours, being led by the leash. Tommy told her to wait there and suggested we put on our pants. While inside, Tommy told me what he had planned. Once this was accomplished, he had Chuck go into the garage and hit the opener. He sent me out next with three folding lawn chairs.
When I caught up with Chuck, he had moved his motorcycle to the front of the garage along with a bucket filled with cleaning and polishing items. He also had a short garden hose in place. I placed one chair by the left side of the door, another by the right, and I placed mine in the middle of the garage opening facing the Kawasaki and the street. The nosy neighbor was no longer outside.
Then Tommy led Ellen out on her leanh. At that time, I saw the curtains part across the street and knew someone was peering out. By the time Tommy and Ellen reached the motorcycle, the old man had resumed his seat on the porch and was intently watching us. Immediately Chuck started grumbling about him.
Tommy had Ellen stand up and took the leash off, leaving the collar in place. He then instructed her to clean and poison the motorcycle. She could use her hands to get the cleaning and poisoning items, but was to only use her tits as the sponge.
Ellen wet down the motorcycle and then her tits. Next she applied soap to them and started mopping the mirror and handle bar. Next the fork. She then walked around to the other side of the bike and repeated those acts. While this was going on, I saw the old guy had left his porch and come to Chuck’s gate. He was muttering something, but we were two far away to hear what it was.
Chuck yelled out to him, “Go home you nosy old fool, your old lady will have your balls in her fist for coming over here.”
While Ellen continued applying soap to the wet seat, Tommy questioned Chuck, “Will his wife really gives him hell?”
“Fuck yes, she thinks I’m the devil incarnate. She’ll yell at me from inside her house, but is afraid the devil will get her if she comes near me or my place.”
“Fuck man, then let him come in. That old fool would love to get close to a good looking white slut. Then his wife can hand him his balls later. Give me the keys to the gate. And you cunt, keep wiping that seat with your tits; it makes a good show for the old guy.”
A minute later Tommy came back, with the old guy hobbling along behind him. He was still muttering, but at least Chuck had stopped his muttering. Instead we were registered with a constant pattern of:
“Damn fine looking white bitch.”
“They gos Black an never gos back”
“White bitches can fuck a Black man blind.”
“Never got near one a them back in bBama. Wort yer life to do that.” “Look at the pussy an ass on her”
“Like pure white snow her ass. Bet she takes it up her ass.”
“Those are some titties on her.”
“>”I cud fuck “er all night.”
“Sure like to get a han’ full a them titles.”
“I’s git one a dem title in mah mouth an think I back in da cradle.”
“hey girly, can I give ya a squeeze?”
Chuck tried to shut him out with directions while Tommy stood next to the old man with an arm on his shoulders and a smile on his face. “Ellen, clean the chain with your nipples to get the gunk out before you soap it down.”
Tommy kept ecking the old man on with things like, “I just got a blow job from her an I’m telling you she can suck start that motorcycle.”
“Will she suck me?”
“She will if your wife says it is ok.”
“Shit man, you are foolin’ wit me. That ain’t nice.”
Ellens’ nipples were as black as coal from the old grease and gime on the chain. Once finished she proceeded to wash the rest of the bike under Chuck’s directions. She then hosted down the bike and got ready to poison it. I stopped that because the poison might be tooastringent on her tender skin. Besides she was obviously cold and still need to ne washed. That’s when I told the old man, “We have to wash her down, do you want to use your hands to scrub her clean?”
“Shit man, ya tink I’m a fool. Course I do.. Where dat soap at?”
I turned the hose on Ellen and she lathered the soap up to a thick foam before giving it to the old man. He looked Like he had died and gone to heaven. He probably spent a minute on each leg and arm, but five minutes on her ass, five on her cunt, and another five each on her tits. Those parts were very clean. She soaped her hair, but he kept rubbing her tits and pussy and never touched her hair. While this was going on, Chuck went inside and got some towels for her to use. Again the old man made sure her tits, ass and cunt were thoroughly dry.
Tommy and I spied the old man’s wife peeking from the window at the same time. No telling how long she had been there. I pushed Ellen and he out of the doorway and turned out the light. I told her, “Give him a good kiss and get a rise out of his prick.”
It was hard to see good in the darkness, but I could tell she was rubbing his dick while kissing him deeply. In turn, he was alternatively mashing her tits and squeezing her ass cheeses. When his wife opened the front door of their place, it was time for him to go home. Tommy put the leash back on her and led her into the house. The old man kept trying to follow them, but Chuck finally got him out of the gate and closed up behind him.
When he and I returned to the house, Ellen was on her knees and sucking Tommy again. He was leaning against the pool table, sipping from a can of Pepsi. Ellen’s wine glass was refilled and sitting on a table within their reach. Chuck asked me if I wanted a Pepsi also. I responded Affirmatively.
“Outta lucky man, this is the last one.” With that he pulled his dick out of her mouth and dipped it into her wine and then put it back into her mouth. Ellen greedily sucked on it like she was getting the wine from his spigot.
Tommy saw us intently gazing at this act. A smile lit up his face. He nodded towards the wine glass, “I give it a dip, slip it into her mouth and let a few drops of piss loose with it. This fucking cunt really digs it. Get around and try it. Then we’ll go out to get some more drinks.”
I can tell you, letting a few drops of pee loose when my wife sucked my wine covered cock into her mouth was a hell of a feeling. It was all I could do not to let loose a stream. Good thing we had just pissed about an hour ago.
About fifteen minutes of this and we got dressed to go to another convenience store. By then, there were only dregs left in her wine glass.
To be continued…
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