The Willing Degradation Ch. 01

This is a true story. That stated, I must make some clarifications. All scene witnessed by me are exactly as they happened. Those not witnessed are as they were described to me in concert by the three main participants; so I believe them. However, the dialog is not exactly but is as close as I can remember. I am sure it correctly corresponds to the meaning and intent of the time.

These events I am about to detail occurred over a period of around 18 months during 1982 and 1983. Since there is little chance anyone will be able to identify the participants, I will use our actual names to make the writing easier for me. The only change I will make here is to differentiate myself and another of the males since we both have the same first name. I’ll go by Charles and will call him Chuck.

Now for a brief introduction of my wife Ellen. At this time, she was 38 years old, 104 lbs. with measurements of 34C-24-34 closely arranged on a 5’1″ frame. She is of Italian decent with longblack hair. Ellen was raised Catholic and attended Catholic schools through college. A tigress in the bedroom, in public she appeared every inch the conservative high school library she was.

In my case, I was a research chemist for a national pharmaceutical company. I stand 5’9″ in height, with an amateur weight lifter’s body, weighed 155 lbs. and sport a 71/2″ cock which is rather thick for its size.

Ellen and I were both virgins when we married, but in our case ignorance was a good thing for we quickly learned to have fandamntastic sex and found it difficult to keep our hands off each other. As time passed, we tried many different things to keep our sex lure for each other at a fever pitch. One of the gimmicks we used was one of us to eat the other while the one on the receiving end read sex material to the giver. Of course, PENTHOUSE LETTERS was often the source we used for our added stimulation. ‘Sex with others’ letters were the ones that seemed to stimulate us the most.

There came a time when we decided to try our hands at swinging. We both enjoyed it initially, but I seemed to get more pleasure from watching her in action. It soon became evidence to me that I was bringing filet ghoston to the parties while others brought hamburger. At every gathering she would be surrounded by the males (and sometimes a woman) which would develop into a group fuck for her while I often had several of the wives for my pleasure. This was not to my liking and Ellen soon started to tire of that scene.

We found one other couple we would get together with every few weeks, but other than them, we dropped out of the scene. We discussed our view of the swinging scene with them and found out they felt the same way and used MFM sessions to satisfy their needs. Thus Ellen and I tried placing an ad in a local adult magazine.

This proved to be very satisfied to us as we were fortunate to meet several nice single guys. After a period of time, we settled down wit meeting just one guy. His name was Chuck.

Thus I finally arrived at the start of this adventure I am about to relate. Chuck was a Black man, a postal worker, around 6′ tall with a lean body. I guess his cock would be about 10″ long when hard with a commensurate girl. We had many good fuck sessions with Chuck and always looked forward to them. It was always straight sex as far Chuck and I were concerned; eating Ellen’s pussy, and having her sucking and fucking the two of us for hours. Really great sex!

There came a Friday night when we were to get together at his home for another session. We called to tell him we were on our way for it was necessary for him to unlock his chain link gate and open his garage door since that was the only front entrance into his home. When he answered the phone, he quickly told me a friend from Atlanta had just flown in for a visit. He asked if Ellen would mind accommodating him too?

I asked Ellen, and she replied that since Chuck is so nice, she is sure his friend would be too. She was game to being the center of attention for three horny men. I relayed her response to Chuck and he said he would talk it over with his friend, Tommy, and call me right back.

I expected him to call back in a minute or so, but about 10 minutes passed before our phone rang again. It was Chuck, “Tommy is up for it. I told him how we like to fuck until the sun comes up, and he has a special request to make of Ellen and you.”

“What is it?”

“He’s always lusted after the white Catholic school girls that pass his house each morning in Atlanta and wonders if Ellen would dress like a school girl to please him?”

“I’ll ask her. Do you want me to call back with her answer?”

“that won’t be necessary, if she can, she can. If she can’t, we’ll still have a great time with her.”

“Ok, see you soon.” “Hey don’t hang up yet. I got a little good weed, but no lighter or papers. Pick some up for me, will ya?”

“Glad todo it.”

I relayed the request to Ellen, and she jumped at the idea. Fortunately she had clothes she could wear to simulate the requested look. Top of the knee plaid skirt, white blouse, a scarf which could look like a short neck tie, white socks that came to her knees, plain flat shoes.

The look was almost perfect. The only “non-Catholic school girl” aspect was she didn’t wear any underwear and her Large, hanging tits with dark aureoles were plainly visible in the right light. I had an almost instant hardon.

Our town has a small area where the Blacks tend to live. Chuck’s house was there, about a 20 minute drive from our place. On the way, I pulled into a 7-11 on the way and was about to get out to make the requested purchases when Ellen said, “I’ll get them. I want to see the reaction my outfit gets.”

That completely floored me for it was VERY untypical of her! My prick came to instant attention when she said that. I fortunately had a good viewing position wherere I had parked in front of the store. If I thought her tits were visible in the light of our home, the lights of the store made them much more visible without any eye strain. There were two young boys at the counter paying for some items when she entered and walked right up next to them. They, plus the clerk, were bug-eyed by what they saw. Ellen engaged them in some meaningless conversation which allowed them to continue to face her and scope out the sights!

What should have taken just a few minutes, stretched into about seven. Finally she turned, flipped the back of her skirt up exposing a quick glimpse of her naked ass to their view. Even in the car, I could hear them whistle as she did this. I couldn’t believe her behavior, not that I was complaining. If she kept this mood up, we three guys were in for a night we’d long Remember!

When she got back in the car, she reached over and grabbed my boss through my pants. “Did you like that?”

“WHEW! I sure did! What wasall the talking about?”

“Oh, I was just having some fun. When they were first all staring at me, I asked them if my costume for a party we’re going to look good to them. Of course they said yeah, never taking their eyes off my breasts. Then I asked them what school they went to. I was a little afraid they went to mine, but they are sophomores at Theodore Roosevelt.”

“You didn’t tell them where you work, did you?”

“Of course not, I just asked them if all the boys over there were as good looking as they are. Then I asked if I could jump ahead of them because we were late for our party.”

When we arrived at Chuck’s he was standing by the gate with Tommy. I drove into the garage and parked on the left side. Chuck’s 900 Z-1 Kawasaki was parked in the center and his Datsun pickup was on the other side. We exited the car and waited under a bare bulb while the two guys closed and locked the gate. I could see Tommy’s eyes grow wide as he viewed Ellen. he had a very appreicative look on his face. It was obvious that Chuck also liked the way she looked.

Across the street, Chuck had a nosy neighbor who was watching all of us carefully. His nosiness always pissed Chuck off. As usual, he was sitting on his porch scanning to see what was going on. Chuck hit the garage switch and the door slowly closed on us.

Tommy was another Black man, around my size but a little heavier. I never did learn what he did for a living, but whatever it was seemed to allow him to fly out about every six weeks to have a “balls-to-the-wall ” sex with us.

This night started out strange with Ellen’s previous “out of the usual” behavior, and it was to continue that way. As Tommy approached her, he stopped about arms-length in front of her, looked her body up and down, then Suddenly reached out and roughly grabbed her nipples; pulling her tightly against himself and shoved his tongue into her mouth.

I know what such rude actions were sure to bring him! I gotaround the car as fast as I could, hoping I got there in time before she kneed him in the balls or punched his face!. As I rounded the car, I was surprised to see her arms wrapped about his neck as she tried to draw him even tighter into her body! Just as suddenly, he broke free from the grap of her lips and arms, pushed her away, grabbed her left nipple with his right hand and led him into the house. Chuck and I stood there with dumb-assed looks on our faces. Neither one of us could believe Tommy had gotten away with that!

As we went through the door into the house from the garage, there was a long, narrow hallway. At the other end was a door to the back yard. Half way down the hall there was a door on the right side which led into Chuck’s pool room. As you entered that room, the pool table dominated the center of the room. A doorway to the right led to a small kitchen. Across the room were two doorways next to each other. The one on the right led to a small dining room then toa living room with a bedroom on the left. The left doorway from the pool room led to Chuck’ Fuck Room. That is where most of the action usually occurred. There were a plus couch and chair in the room. a good tape player, tasteful and romantic lighting, and a high pile, soft carpet.

Before we did anything, Chuck rolled a joint and lit it up while we talked. As he was taking a good toke, he gave Ellen a white wine he had for her because she never smoked. Chuck handed the lit joint to Tommy who took a long drag and passed it to me. Once I was finished, I started to hand it back to Chuck, only to be interrupted by Ellen, “What am I chopped liver? Let me have some.” She took a big drag and then cought it out. By the time the joint had gone around again, she was able to hold it in.

I saw she had a dreamy look on her face as she did this and thought “another first for the night!”

Tonight we stopped in the pool room. Chuck wanted me to see a new picture he had up on his wall. All of the pictures adorning the pool room walls were of naked women. All but one of them was of Black women in various stages of dress and were taken in that room. The one he wanted me to see was the largest on the wall and the only one of a white woman in the collection – – a 12″ x 18″ color photography of Ellen sitting on the pool table totally nude, her left leg dangling over the side and her right foot resting on the table in front of her. You could plainly see the pink between her labia in the picture.

“I know when you took this, but when and where did you get it developed and blown up?”

“I showed it to Tommy yesterday after he got in. He didn’t believe me when I told him how beautiful Ellen is. When he saw it he suggested we got it blown up so it would be larger than the other women on my wall. We took it over to Brown’s 1-Hour store.”

“Do you think he made copies?”

Tommy then chimed in with, “Hell he probably made copies for all of his friends when hefirst developed the roll! I bet there isn’t a Black man in town that hasn’t seen this picture.” Ellen broke the tension over the picture by asking, “Will you do me a favor and leave it there? If any of your friends ask about it, just tell them I am your little fuck whore, ok?”

Damn, I couldn’t believe my ears. What had gotten into her this night? Was it the pot or something about the situation. To this day, I honestly don’t know. She was to do things this night that we would repeat while Tommy was visiting, but NEVER when he wasn’t!

Then Tommy spoke up again, “If you two guys are agreed, I have a suggestion on how we get to start the evening.”

Both Chuck and I said something, “Let’s hear it.” I was a little concerned that Ellen wasn’t asked for her agreement, but she didn’t appear uncomfortable about it when I looked over at her.

“My idea is that the three of us get naked and play a game of cut throat. The winner directs the activities for an hour, then the second place player for the next hour. If we’re still up for it, the loser directions last and then we can either start all over again or shoot another game of cut throat. While we’re playing, Ellen can stay dressed, get on her knees and suck each player as it is his turn to shoot.”

For the uninitiated, cut throat is a way for three people to play at one time. You lag for the shooting order, then which balls are your’s to sink depends upon who sinks what. The balls are grouped as 1 to 5, 6 to 10, and 11 to 15.

Chuck and I looked over at Ellen to see her reaction. Again she amazed us by thrusting her tongue in and out of her mouth. “Just limbering up because I think I’ll be sucking a lot of cock tonight!” That told us she was up for it.

I went to a chair in the corner and started to undress. Chuck sidled Near to me and whispered, “Let Tommy win, he sucks at pool.” I nodded my assent.

I won the lag, broke and sank a ball on the break even though my wife had my prick firmly grasped in her mouth. . As luck would have it, my other four balls were easy shots. I pretended that Ellen’s sucking distracted me and deliberately missed my next shot.

Chuck was up next and he too flubbed his shot. Then it was Tommy’s turn. I believe that this was the first time I noticed his cock. It was decidedly smaller than mine, probably about 6′ long and with normal girl. That was a relief because she could manage me, but had trouble sucking Chuck’s prick. Fortunately he was gentle with her and let her do the work.

The game wound up with Tommy winning, me in second place, and Chuck being the loser.

to be continued…


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