Those of you who know my stories, may well be familiar with Will and Kerry, who are very popular characters with my readers.
If you read my comments (let’s face it, they can be better than the stories!) you may have noticed my pal, Kat. Actually, if you read comments on this site at all you may have come across her, as she comments a lot!
I know Kat will correct me if I explain This wrong. But the best I can suggest, is that she really loves the way I write, but sincerely wishes I would stop writing about ‘cocks’ and write more about ‘hardcore, scat-loving, lesbian, sadistic dominant ladies’.
However, there are two issues with this idea. 1: I’m straight. And although the idea of two (or more) gals together doesn’t offend me or gross me out, it also doesn’t turn me on. At the risk of sounding terribly British, it’s just not my cup of tea. 2: Scat, humiliation, hardcore, waaayyyyyy out of my league. If Kat’s the cat, all teeth and claws. I’m the teeny kitten hidingin the carboard box with my ears flattened back. (Actually, I’d probably be distracted, drooling over my catnip mouse.)
But Kat is very persistent, and dammit, she’s much sweeter than she likes people to know, so I wanted to try and write something for her.
When the idea finally came. It’s a little naughty (as in, probably not what Kat had in mind!) Somewhat tongue in cheese. And Kat’s gonna hiss at me, coz she has to read through some cock-stuff, before she gets to the good bit (i.e. the bit with her and her lovely wife in it!).
Of course, I also can’t short-change the Will lovers. I used Will for this, as out of all of my characters, he is the most into pain. The most turned on by sexual pain. Also one of the least threatening, because he’s just so cute and adorable. So he was the best fit for Kat. (Oh, not like that…that’s just nasty!)
NB: Kat and The Black Queen play fictionalized versions of themselves. And I have re-located them. Kerry and Will are playedby Kerry and Will.
Tess O-Meter — Green/Amber.
I stared at Kerry in disbelief. “What now? Did you say bet?”
Kerry had the grace to look sheepish. “I may have had a little too much to drink, and God knows, the girl was always competitive.”
“But. A bet? Seriously. Who can take the most pain?”
Kerry hummed a little, tipping his hand, “Possibly they’ll be a little more to it than just taking pain.”
I ran a hand through my luxury, shiny, thick, dark hair. (What? I’m telling the story!) “I don’t know, Kerry. It’s just, you agreed to this without discussing it with me.”
Kerry nodded, and looked at the floor, shamefaced. “The thing is, Will.” When he locked eyes with me again his bright blue was focused, his face clear of expression, voice calm, almost kind.
“I love you more than life itself. I wouldn’t, couldn’t, be complete without you. But you’re more than my boyfriend. You’re also my slave, and if I tell you to do something youfucking do it.”
I froze in shock, my eyes wide on his. Just concentrated everything on breathing in and out. Finally, because it’s a fact that Kerry could out wait my silence for three days if he wanted, I forced my voice past the observation in my throat. “I just came in my jeans.”
Kerry’s face bloomed into a delighted smile as he laughed.
“I literally did,” I admitted, hiding my face in my hands. I felt Kerry’s arms come around and he pulled me in.
“It’s okay, Sweetheart.”
“I haven’t done that since I was thirteen.” Jesus, sometimes cocks are so embarrassing.
Kerry rubbed my back as I hid my face in his neck and clung. “Guess we had better get you cleaned up then.”
I let myself be guided to the shower, and bit my lip, grinning as Kerry pulled my top off and then peeled my jeans down. Pulling a face as globby cum dribbled down my thighs.
“That’s truly disgusting,” he complained, throwing my jeans in the laundry basket.
“Sorry,” Ihalf laughed.
“You know I have to punish you for that,” Kerry stated, as he reached in and turned the shower on.
“I sure hope so.”
Kerry smiled at me and tugged my hand, pulling me past him and with a little shoes, encouraging me into the shower.
I yelped and cursed. The fucking thing was ice cold.
“Stay,” Kerry commanded, and then sniggered as I glared and shivered under the freezing spray.
After a few minutes Kerry relented and let me turn the heat up. Once the goose mountains had gone, he joined me, sitting on the handy seat and grabbing my hips. Yanking me towards him.
“Kerry, I’m still sensitive.” He just raised an eyebrow. “Okay, okay,” I mumbled and winced as Kerry cupped my ass and sucked my still half hard cock into his mouth.
I moaned and hissed as Kerry forced me hard again and then to another climax. His hands now gripping my butt hard enough to bruise.
Fuck, I love him so much. The absolute bastard.
Twoweeks later we were in Vancouver, having brunch with Kerry’s friend Mary, at a pub called The Fountainhead (yes, I sniggered). Which had the previous night’s hockey match on repeat and friendly servers.
I don’t think you had to be gay to work there, but I bet it sure helped. At least I could enjoy the eye candy without getting into trouble.
We were meeting Mary’s friends, who were our competitors in this amazingly daft competition.
Kerry had been bragging about me. How good a pain slut I am, how much I could take. That and too much whiskey (which must have been a lot because he practices whiskey all the time), led to this crazy idea.
Apparently Mary’s friends were super into the idea of humiliating us, and to be honest, I was a little nervous. I had never done anything like this before and Mary’s stories were hair-raising.
When she smiled and waved over my shoulder I turned and my jaw dropped. Actually, it dropped twice.
Once in regard to the intimidating black woman who was striding towards us like she had just stepped from a glossy magazine, and was probably the most beautiful human being I had ever seen.
I went instantly and painfully hard. I suspect she had this effect on everyone. Even Kerry turned, and he’s totally gay. Unlike me, who can be persuaded to play with the girls on occasion. (Actually, I am gay. But I’m also submissive and obedient and love being used.)
My second jaw dropped because I recognized the more delicate looking woman who accompanied her. And had reason to know she wasn’t delicate at all.
“Kat?” I stood grinning, but then sat and bowed my head when the Goddess glared at me. “Sorry, Ma’am.”
Kat was looking at me with equal amazement. “I remember you?”
“Will,” I reminded her, flicking a glance from under my bangs.
Kerry stood, holding out a hand to the women. “I’m Kerry, good to meet you. But how do you two know each other?”
The ladies settled, introducing themselveses. Kat was still staring at me. I looked to her wife for permission to speak and received a gracious nod.
“I met Kat the last time I was in Vancouver,” I confirmed. “She saved me from an ass kicking.” I turned slightly to Kerry and said in a fake-whisper, “And we’re probably screwed!”
He grinned, and asked for details and I explained that nearly ten years previously, fresh out of college, I had been in the States to visit my dad and then travelled with a friend to Vancouver Island.
We did zip-wire and then camping and hiking (and then repeated the zip-wire because it was awesome!) before heading back to Vancouver itself and our flights.
My mate’s flight had left the afternoon before mine, so I had a night to kill and had spent some time getting chatted up in a bar. Nothing heavy, just making out before my improvement date got a cab home and I headed back to my hotel.
It wasn’t even that late, but I got turned around and found myself in the wrong street, andthe wrong kind of street, with the wrong kind of crowd. Who I belatedly realized had been watching my snogging session and followed me.
Cut off, surrounded, and searching their faces to try and see if this was going to be a rough up, a beating, or worse.
That sinking feeling when it’s seven against one, and the outcome seems to be inevitable.
I edged back, trying to give space, not ground, as the ringleader gave me a couple of, what he no doubt considered, playful slapses.
“What’s wrong pretty boy? Awww, he’s gonna cry!” His gang laughing with undue hilarity.
I decided the only way was through. I sure as fuck was gonna try, as the leader sneered and made a fist, and then dropped. Just dropped to the ground without a sound.
I blinked as an absolutely massive dildo boomeranged off his (now unconscious) head and into the face of one of his cronies, obviously breaking his nose.
Two down.
What the hell?
I looked into the shocked face of number three, whose expression turned ugly before his mouth opened in a wordless scream and he fell to his knees, face crumping.
His falling dislodged the booted foot that had been planted firmly in his balls. My eyes tracking the boot as it kicked high and caught the jaw of number four, before busting another set of balls.
Five down.
I looked into the pretty blue and deadly serious eyes of the woman, about my height, but slender, who had just taken out five large guys like some sort of Marvel heroine.
Then I noticed her expression which was saying, ‘why are you just standing there you useless pricing?’ in one glance, and which I totally deserved.
Especially as she had the remaining two men approaching her from both sides, and had lost the element of surprise.
“Hey, tosser!” I yelled in my best ‘London’ which confused number six enough, I planted my fist firmly in his face. (which was squishy and totally gross.)
My rescuer let out some sort ofprimary yowl and then bent double laughing when number seven squealed and legged it.
Or tried to.
She gave me a quick smile, lazy retrieved her dildo (which was roughly the size of my ARM!) and throw it at the back of his head.
Seven down.
Then she brushed her hands together and turned to me.
“I’m gay, but can we get married anyway, because you are awesome?”
She wasn’t impressed. “That’s revolting.”
“Sorry, I’m a little overwhelmed right now.”
She rolled her eyes and jerked her head to indicate direction and led me through a passage way and into a larger street with traffic, and brilliantly, my hotel.
“Don’t you want your giant dildo?” I asked cheekily.
“Not knowing where it’s been, no,” she answered. “Will you be OK now?”
I nodded and held out my hand. “I will, and I’m Will. My name, Will. I owe you.”
“I don’t like to be touched,” she said. “And it’s fine. Kinda fun actually. I’m not a huge fan.”
“Of?” I asked, confused.
“Men.” She deadpanned.
I put my hands respectfully in my pockets and smiled. “Well, I appreciate the assistance. And that’s actually my hotel, so I’ll head in. If you’re alright?”
“I’m fine.”
Well, goodnight then. Thank you.”
I was ready to jay-walk (well, run) across the street before she called.
“It’s Kat. And you’re welcome.”
Hey, Kerry here. And may I just say, while I have your attention, that my hair is much more luxurious, shiny and thick than Will’s. Also, for the record, dark gold is much more interesting than what is basically brown.
(You usually say mahogany – Will.)
It’s brown.
(The same as you say watching me cum is more beautiful than standing on the cliffs watching the sunset at Moher — Will).
Never have I said anything so sappy. And my sub is going to stop talking now!
Thank you.
So, Will was nervous about this competition.
Even more so wheren he realized exactly who his competition was. Two tough cookies, that was for sure, but I liked them.
Mary’s a good friend of mine, so I would have assumed her friends were nice. But I really liked the zero bullshit aura of The Black Queen and Kat.
I also enjoyed the freedom of being around people who didn’t judge me for regularly inflicting sexual torture on the man I love. Understanding it’s a need in both of us, and sharing aspects of a similar need.
Anyway, I had never expected to win.
I know Mary too well, I can tell when she’s setting me up. I just thought it would be an interesting and fun experience. And it was.
It started when our slaves were kneeing naked and waiting for the dominant ladies to arrive.
They weren’t dissimilar in size Actually, although to me Kat looked more fragile. Probably my latent sexism, or possibly the fact that I know just how strong Will is.
Kat was watching me closely, I suspected for signs of leering. I just winked and grinned and kept my eyes on her face. I’m polite that way.
Will’s eyes were mostly on the floor. Flicking up to me occasionally.
I had taken him to a barber shop earlier and gotten him a super close shake. Didn’t want to rough up the ladies.
He occasionally missed a day, but generally was clean saden. If he went more than a day or two it reminded us both of when he had been so ill in hospital.
Mind you, I am quite partial to a little stubble when he’s licking me out. If Will wants to play with my ass and I’m not in the mood, he’ll just skip a shake and then ask again. Manipulative little sod.
His bristles on my neck and a squeeze of my butt and I’m naked with my ass in the air in two-point-four seconds. It’s my Kryptonite!
This challenge would consist of four parts. Use. Pleasure (giving, not receiving. Obviously). Dirty subs (which I fully expected Will to safe-word out of immediately). And pain.
The entire contest would be underlined with an element of humiliation.
When the ladies entered and immediately started browserbeating and criticalizing the two slaves, Will’s eyebrow’s rose and he shot me a totally unimpressed look, which the ladies didn’t miss.
I hid my grin by taking a sip of my drink.
Yea, Will was going to fluunk out of this, big time.
Still, it started well enough, as the first test got underway with use and dildo’s.
Will’s ass, and Kat’s (well, let’s just say not her ass, I try not to think of such things), were being tested with steadily increasingly sized dildos.
They were very closely matched. Although by the fifth size increase, and you have never seen so much lube in your life, Kat was sobbing and Will was moaning.
I was incredibly proud when number six came out and Kat obviously used her safe-word. (Don’t blow her, poor kid. She’s designed for baby’s shoulders not a telegraph pole!) And the lady using two hands to wild Will’s dildo paused and lookedat him expectedly.
He just raised his ass higher, and came spectacularly when it was halfway in. Causing the ladies around him to squeal in disgust while me and The Black Queen rolled about on the couch in hyperknower.
Why on earth did they agree to play with a boy in the first place, if it was going to gross them out so much?
Moving on to the second test, and both slaves enjoyed some light spanking, their arses in the air, while their heads were buried between each lady’s legs in turn.
I couldn’t honestly say that Will enjoys this. Although you may think so from how hard he was again.
What he is actually turned on by is the use and humiliation aspect of it (and the spanking was helping, of course).
There was a lot of moaning, fanning of faces and swooning going on. It was like watching porn crossed with Jane Austin.
One of Will’s first victims, staggered across and thanked me for his lovely smooth shake (no problem) and mentioned whata sweet young man he was. So eager to please.
That was all well and good, but Kat’s ladies were falling like flies. And she was fast!
Ladies know what ladies like, I guess.
This is why men give such good blow jobs. If you haven’t tried it, you really should. (What? If that upsets you…STOP READING!)
Kat aced it and the scores were tied.
Then test three, Dirty Subs, started and the slaves were approached with a funnel gag.
Kat was eager and set up in a flash. The first lady croouching over her funnel before Will’s team had even finished explaining to him.
I heard his muttered, “Red, red, red, red,” and saw him crawling at warp-speed across the floor to me.
He exhausted himself politely to The Black Queen, climbed onto the couch with us and curled into a ball against me, his head buried in my shaking stomach. I made out, “No fucking way!”
“Guess Kat wins by default,” I laughed.
The Black Queen patted Will’s arms kindly, “Poor little guy.” Then motioned towards Kat. “She loves this so much, I can’t possibly ruin her fun.”
“Of course not,” I agreed, my fingers tangling gently in Will’s damp hair. “Let her enjoy herself, she’s earned it.”
We watched, me in some amazement, as Kat took her forced ‘gifts’ from all six ladies with apparent delight.
She occasionally shot a glance towards her wife to make sure she hadn’t been abandoned (no chance, she hardly glanced away from Kat all night). But seemed generally disappointed when the ladies couldn’t drum up any more body fluids to send down the funnel.
One of the dominants did ask if I wanted to save myself, but I decided. To Kat’s obvious relief, and Mary (who was in charge, The Black Queen and I were just observing Really), stepped forward and advised it wasn’t an appropriate question.
She apologized.
Will was back in the game for test four. Pain. Determined to redeem himself.
Of course they had lost all respect for himNow and considered him a wimp, but I knew better.
Both slaves were hung from their wrists and with three ladies on each, a brutal and relentless flogging began.
It was a good thing they had floggers and not whips, because their technique appeared to be simply to hit as hard and as fast as they could.
Still, it was relatively effective and both slave’s skin was soon flushed to a deep red.
I wasn’t surprised when Kat sobbed out her safe-word. Most subs have certain kinds of kinks and hers appeared to be use and humiliation. Scat play. That sort of thing.
Mary and The Black Queen took her down and helped her to the couch. I moved to a neary chair to she could be comfortable on the couch by her pleased Mistress.
All six ladies now crowded around Will who was hanging almost sedately. His eyes closed, a slight smile, bottom lip caught in his teeth. He might have been meditating.
They laid into him for about five minutes, until they were sweatier then he was,mostly getting in each other’s way, then paused and turned to me as one.
“How much will he take?” one lady asked.
“With that flogger you’ll be here all weekend,” I admitted.
They gave up, and I took Will down. Pulling him into a hug and promising him a good fucking and after care session when we got back to our hotel.
Although technically the content was a draw. Kat won by default due to the humiliation aspect which underlined all of the tasks, which Will was not very good at. Too many frowns, raised eyesbrows and unimpressed glares at the participants.
But hey, it was only $200 (CAN) which is OK for a fun night out.
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