The Widow's Club Ch. 02

[This is a continuation of an ongoing story. It will make most sense if you read chapter 1 first and I encourage you to do so. This story has many aspects and could have also been listed under the Mature and Fetish categories, among others. It has some descriptions of body functions, so if that bothers you, I suggest you read no further. All characters in this story are well over 18 years old.]

Mildred’s initiative by her Master continues with Dotty’s assistance

After her warm exchange of feelings with her Master, Mildred felt her courage build. An inner glow was overtaking her and her adrenalin was pumping.

“Master, I’m ready to worship your bottom. Just tell me how to proceed.”

“Well, Precious, why don’t you stand up while I move over to the sofa and spread myself out for you. Dotty, can you lay down a soft towel or two for me to lie upon? I don’t want to have our ‘worship service’ stain your couch. Thank you. That’s perfect.”

Malcolm lay face downon Dotty’s lengthy sofa and raised his arse for Millie’s easy access. This was Mildred’s initiative into her long-sought after surrender to her cravings, to her acceptance of her depraved desires. Her needs were so humiliating and perverted – there was that word again – that she could barely think straight.

Her Master was offering his butt for her to worship and she felt ecstatic. It was a shameful and depraved ecstasy, but she was inflamed. “Please let me feed at your filthy anus, Master. Allow me this privilege,” she whispered.

In a tender response, Malcolm coated her into her depraved feast. “Precious, I must warn you that I did not clean myself back there today, as I anticipated you might want the ‘full treatment’. Most ladies with your desires, wish to lose themselves in surrender to fecal groveling. I respect that. Is that your wish?”

Mildred was beside herself with excitement. This was her dream come true. Her Master was drawing her into his dark and hairy intimacies; into her nasal and oral explorations of his filmy sphincter and the secret world beyond it.

“Please, Master, please! Allow me to clean you and savor your dark offerings. Thank you for granting me this privilege.”

It was a scene out of the most intooxicating fetish movie ever filmed. The nicely put-together late middle-aged lady, her greying hair gathered in a loose bun, her short volunteer body encased in a girl and bra and sheer stockings, with vaginal moisture dripping and soaking her panties, was prying apart her Master’s buns with her tiny white-gloved hands and inhaling his masculine odors.

How often had she dreamt about this moment? How often had she frigged herself to a shameful climax in the darkness of her lonely bed, while longing for just this opportunity? It was now hers and she could not let it slip away.

She embraced his buttocks in a tender hug and forced her face between them into his anal valley, sniffing and licking as if her life depended upon it. His funky stench overwhelmed her and she shuddered. She was driven to lick his hairy crack, to cares his muscle ass, to worship his exclusivesing sphincter with her tongue.

The poor mature woman was possessed with satisfying her repressed desires, with burrowing her nose and tongue into his foul zones of entity. In a kind of ecstasy, she smoothed Malcolm’s ass with nuzzling kisses, worshiping the center of her universe. She had found her Master, and she was lost in adoration of his generous gifts.

* * *

It was with considerable pleasure and pride that Dorothy Teather watched the initiative of her friend and proteine, Mildred Bullock, into the underworld of sexual submission. As Malcolm had discussed with her the night before, Dotty’s role today would be that of Malcolm’s assistant and Mildred’s helper and Moral support. This was a big step for Millie who had hitherto lived her whole life with unfulfilled cravings for humiliation and debasement at thehands of a powerful Master.

The more that Mildred’s cravings had been denied, the more extreme her fans had grown. With her powerful sexual drive thwarted and her hunger for intimacy denied, she was now dependent on letting others take command in order for her needs to be met.

Dotty was quite familiar with the syndrome as she had struggled with similar impulses and finally learned to accept herself, Kiks and all. With this acceptance had come a new self assurance and looseness, an ability to assert herself and not just assent to others. It hadn’t taken her very long to realize that a Dom was actually serving his sub and submitting to her depraved desires by enacting them. It was a delicate dance, but a very stirring one when both partners were in synch.

From the time that she had first met Mildred and decided to rent her the backyard cottage, she had had the hunt that Mildred’s shyness and carefully maintained dignity were but a cover for a deeply inhibited submissive in search of a guiding hand. And her intuition had proven true.

And now, things were proceeding very nicely. Millie was worshiping her Master’s unwiped asshole with loving enthusiasm, making all sorts of smacking and singing sounds as she cleaned it thoroughly. At Malcolm’s suggestion she was also lathing and sucking on his hairy balls, a special treatment that Dotty knew he was fond of.

The scene was Very arousing and Dotty could’t resist removing her gloves and pulling her undies’ gusset aside to allow her devilish little fingers to stroke her dripping pussy and toy with her prominent cliporis. Oh yes! That felt delicious. But as she heated up, she felt the need for tweaks of pain to spice up the pleasure. She momentarily gave her twat a rest and pinched her stiffened nipples through the soft filigree of her brassiere cups. She twisted and pulled on them cruelly, as if she were torturing herself. With quickened breaths she felt herself flush and groan.

Lookingover at the preoccupied twosome, she saw Malcolm and Precious whispering to each other and changing their positions. Malcolm ordered Mildred to disrobe and the blushing sub complied as quickly as she could, although removing her girdle was an almost comic exercise in awkward connections and a total loss of her composition. This was especially savory for Dotty, who vicariously enjoyed Millie’s humiliation, and dipped her little fingers into her own overheated vagina. She could feel herself building to an orgasmic release that she was doing her best to pace with the exciting scene before her.

Malcolm took a seat in what Dotty had dubbed the “spanking chair”, and had Millie draw herself over his lap.

“Now, Precious, we will sweetly punish your enormous butt. As you know, there is no pleasure without pain, and I believe that after your rooting around in your Master’s buttocks that your own buns are becoming for attention. While sometimes I may spank or paddle you for punishmentWhen you’ve done wrong, this time I am going to warm your butt as a reward for your good behavior.”

“Yes, Master! Please spank me! You’ve been so good to let me clean up your nastiness, that I deserve a good thrashing to remind me of your love. I’ve been praying for one for ages.”

“I believe you, my dear. Your sopping twat says it for you. Now, for maximum release, I am going to let you make any noise you wish, just so long as you don’t bring the police to the door! I am not always so liberal, but this is your special day and you’ve been all pent up for far too long.”

“Thank you, Master. I’ll try to be a big girl about it, I really will.”

Malcolm warmed things up by palming her smooth cheeks and sliding his big hands all over They, getting a sense of her buttocks’ heft and solidity. They feel like they could indeed withstand a good thrashing, as Precious put it.

Malcolm feel no particular need to push Mildred’s limits this early on in their relationship. He was trying to accommodate her repressed desires and bring them out into the open in order to fulfill them. To be honest, he was taken with her volunteer beauty, her immediate loyalty and trust, and her clear wish to obey and please him. He was not exaggerating when he dubbed her “Precious.” Here was a special subbie whom he didn’t wish to lose. In her naïve charm and sincerity, she had made him her service Master and Malcolm gulped and swallowed hard as he briefly considered where this might go.

Smack! His palm spanked her left cheese and then her right. He repeated the sequence, over and over.

Mildred was processing the sudden pain, craving it and yet struggled to bear it. She emitted little cries and groans, and wiggled around on her Master’s lap.

“Oh, Master! Please!”

“Please what, my dear?” he inquired.

“Please spank me harder!” Mildred was bewitched by her need for utter submission. Every spank drove her deeper into her cherished world of pain andpleasure. Her inner tensions were building to a climax that she would have no choice but to surrender to.

“Oh, god. Oh, Master. Hurt me! Make me suffer!”

Mildred’s masochistic desires had been unleashed and she was reveling in her submission. Her Master’s swats rained down upon her plumant buttocks and an engrossing orgasm overtook her. “Eeeeeeyeeee!” she keened.

Suddenly, her self control broke and she squirted all over Malcolm’s lap. She had been very naughty and she suspected that her Master’s indulgence was rapidly departing. Perhaps her dreams the night before of strict discipline were now coming true.

“Dotty, my pet.” Malcolm murmured to his assistant. “If you can stop your incessant masturbation for a few seconds, could you bring me my paddle?”

Dorothy was abruptly brought out of her erotic trace – just on the verge of a massive cum – and hastened to bring Malcolm his paddle. She was once again pulled back into Mildred’s virgin submission and presentt as a participating volunteer.

“Dotty, my pet, perhaps you’d do me the honor of swatting Precious harshly with my paddle. She’s been a bad girl by soaking her Master’s privates with her love juices without first asking permission. It’s a step too far, I’m afraid.”

Mildred squirmed in abject shade, her cheeks already aflame from her Master’s relentless hand. Now her dear friend Dotty was going to deliver the coup de grace and she was terrified that this might make her lose control altogether. What if the paddle’s painful blows were to make her helplessly pee herself? She clenched her abdominal muscles in anticipation of the shameful test.

Whack! Dotty wielded the paddle with authority and gave her submissive friend no mercy. Mildred cried out in agoy. Whack! Whack! Whack! Millie was transported into an ecstatic zone of sequencing pain, where all that she could feel were the enflamed nerve receivers of her red hot massage. Although the pain – or perhaps due to it – she couldFeel the warning tingles of another orgasm about to overtake her. Whack! Whack! Dotty calculated that one more blow ought to do it and grinned in anticipation.

Whackkk! Mildred screamed in total surrender. She rubbed her sopping cunt against Malcolm’s inner thigh and spasmed helpedlessly over and over. She collapsed, as limp as a rag doll, and the only sound that could be heard in the suddenly quiet room was the steady hiss of her bladder forcefully emptying itself through her urethra.

To be continued…

[If you enjoyed this story, a high rating and favoriting would be greatly appreciated and inspire me to continue with my stories here. Thank you to everyone who has been so encouraged.]


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