The Wicked Queen Ch. 1

Ch. 1: Fallen Angel

It had been two days of rarely remembered horror. Angel remembered the queasy excitement as she signed the “contract”, knowing what was to come, knowing how much she wanted it, and yet fearing it at the same time. The speed and intensity of what happened afterwards left her impressions of the last two days as a blur.

She did remember her clothes being cut from her with a knife, as she stood numbly and desperately trying not to move — she’d been told that if she so much as flinched, she would likely be cut. From that point on she had remained naked, except for the slim metal collar which had been closed around her neck and locked with a pendant.

She also remembered being pushed into the trunk of a large car, and driven somewhere while she lay shivering in the dark. The car had stopped, and she had been lifted from the back and escorted into a building, and the examination had begun. She had been nervously surprised when the examiner was aNone woman, very attractive, dressed solely in a white doctor’s coat with apparently nothing beneath.

The woman looked her over, and then drew on a pair of rubber gloves with a snap. Firstly her mouth had been pried open and her teeth examined. She had always had excellent teeth, and had been curious to the requirement on the contract, but it seems nothing was to be taken for granted. Once satisfied with her teeth, the woman examining her had forced a gag into her mouth and instructed her to bite firmly.

Next she was told to stand, turn around, bend over and display her buttocks, then to lie on her back on the wooden floor, spread her legs widely, open her pussy lips with her hands and display her cunt to the examiner.

She seemed gruffly satisfied with her looks, and ordered to her feet again. The examiner had then Begun to examine her breasts in detail, and she felt as if it were a doctor’s examination than anything sexual, although her nakedness and abject helpssness left her with a feeling of dread and arousal.

Angain the grunt of satisfaction, and she was led to a small table and instructed to lie on the table. Her legs were pushed open, and a cold metal spreader was inserted deeply into cunt, swabs taken, and then the examiner collected them together and left her alone on the table, her legs and cunt spread, and desperately aroused.

The woman returned from the next room, not pausing to explain once what was happening. She had stepped up to Angel, withdrawn the spreader and placed it on a tray to be sterilised. She’d then removed the rubber gloves and her lab coat, showing that she was indeed naked beneath it, although she also wore a small silver collar and several interesting body-piercings.

The second ‘examination’ had been vastly different. This time instead of the cold examination, her breasts and nipples were played with, bitten, sucked and lightly spanked. Helpless at the change in her circumstances, Angel had begun to orgasm from the attention. She’d then been ordered onto her stomach and told to raise her hips into the air. Carefully the woman had lubricated the fingers of one hand and then pushed two, then three deep into Angel’s cunt, not stopping for the orgasms that were ripping uncontrollably through Angel now.

Seemingly satisfied with Angel’s response thus far, the woman had once again lubricated two fingers, and then pushed them slowly but firmly deep into Angel’s arse. Angel almost screamed, cumming desperately as the woman slowly finger-fucked her arse. Finally the woman had lowered her mouth to Angel’s pussy and had proceeded to lick Angel’s clip firmly, as Angel had compromised, screaming her orgasms into the gag wadded into her mouth.

Her next memory was of a different room, and this time with an older man, who stood next to a table on which glittered several large needs and some jewelry. She had been pushed firmly into a chair beside the table, and before she could have time to dread what was about to happen, the man grasped one of her nipples firmly, and pulled it towards him. He then rubbed her nipple with alcohol and the cold sting of the alcohol evaporating on her skin helped the nipple stand up even further. A needle was then pushed through the skin beneath her nipple, and Angel had cried out desperately with the pain.

The pain of both her nipples being pierced, and the small silver hoops closed in place stood out as one of her few clear memories. Her legs had then been held apart, her pussy carefully shacked leaving only a small amount of blonde public hair above her smooth and very wet slit. Her clip had then been sharply pulled and played with until it expanded (and she had been held down hard while she thrashed in orgasm), and then it also had been pierced with a small but thick ring that left her clip permanently exposed.

Again, she had been bundled into the trunk of the car, and this time she could feel her clip throbbing with the cold ring beneath it… but there was not enough room for her to hold her legs open, and as the car was jostled through its journey, she was helpless to avoid screaming in pain and orgasm.

The second journey had been much longer, and she had found the dark small space frightening, and her helplessness over the throbbing between her legs had not helped. Eventually the car stopped, and she was lifted once more from the trunk. She was then pushed roughly down a track, staggering from being confined for so long, barely noticing the hard dirt track until she stepped on a pine cone.

Suddenly her awareness had returned, and she realized she was naked on a path somewhere in a forest with two very large men… and the thrill of fear lurched within her. The men did not stop for her but continued to push her ahead of them, until they came to what looked like an archway next to the track. The arch was all of one piece, built out of stone, and seemed to be very old. All along the face ofthe arch were carved symbols, many covered over in moss and dirt.

The men paused before the archway, seeming to gather courage, and Angel wondered why they seemed to be afraid. Then gathering her close to them, their hands firmly on her arms, they stepped as one into the archway, and in a shower of sparks, her world ceased to exist.


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