Ethan opened his eyes, a few blinks cleared the sleep, he could see the white board that covered the wall across the way. Duties covered them written in different colors. Dates to plan, dates to follow up. His Masters keep him busy. There were daily chores as well. Ethan kept everything neatly written on the white boards that made a wall of his room. Having it all written down like this constantly reminded him of it all, it bordered on overwhelming at times. But it was also calming, having everything organized settled it in his mind.
Ethan stretched, quickly twisting to sit on the bed, feet on the floor. The sheet resisted a little before falling away revealing his nude, well toned body. Ethan squeezed the mattress with both hands before he stood and walked to the small bathroom attached to his room. Ethan’s bedroom was in a single story wing behind the kitchen of the large home. It was essentially a service wing, with a laundry, small gym, work room, and storage closet. Ethanbrushed his teeth, held his face, and stepped into the shower stall.
Ethan bent over to dry his hair, water dripping on the tiles. Ethan applied gel to get his dirty blind locks into the spikes his Master had decided would be his style for now. Ethan did not care for the style, but it was not his choice. He slipped into a pair of tight, sheer shorts and headed down to make his Masters’ breakfast.
Wheat toast, fruit, Greek yogurt. Ethan arranged everything on the table overlooking the expanding lawn, opening the French doors to allow the morning breeze in. Once everything was perfect, Ethan stood to the side, checking that the coffee was warm.
A few minutes later his Masters entered and sat, Ethan moving to pour coffee into each man’s cup. Ethan returned to his spot to wait, a nearly naked man in attendance of the two men he served. The men chatted like the husbands they were, plans for the day, who they would be seeing over the next few days. To Ethan they were Master and Boss, each commanding him.
An empty coffee cup spurred Ethan to move silently to refill it, not disturbing the flow of conversation. When breakfast was over, the husbands got up and left for their jobs in the city. Ethan cleared the table and cleaned everything up, hearing the cars start and leave the garage. Ethan made and drank a fruit smoothie. In his room, Ethan put on a tank top and sneakers, grabbed his wallet and went to the garage. There he removed keys from the wall and started up the car he was allowed to use. He opened the window, letting the air in.
Today was a day for the gym, a professional one, so he could use varied equipment for the maintenance of his body. Parking, he grabbed the bag he left in the back seat, and headed in. Heads turned, as they always did when Ethan entered a room. His natural beauty enhanced and noticeable even in this place of great bodies. He put his bag in his locker, keeping the towel and lifting gloves.
Over the next two hours, Ethan used the treadmill, weights and machines. One man watched him. Straight on, from the mirrors, Joe kept an eye on Ethan, what exercises he did, his form, the spiked hair, necklace. The obvious bulge in his shorts. Ethan was focused on his workout and never noticed.
Ethan wiped sweat from his browser, exposing his pit. Joe noticed and licked his lips. Still unaware, Ethan headed for the locker room. Joe waited a moment before following, going through the door in time to see Ethan enter the sauna. A smile crossed Joe’s lips as he headed to join the hot man he had been watching. Shoes and shirt he hastily tossed into an empty locker.
Joe looked at Ethan, who was leaning head back and eyes closed. Sweat poured off him. Finally Joe could see the necklace up close. Strange, it was a chain of dull silver with a lock. Odd choice, but over the magnificent chest was so erotic.
Joe sat on the wooden bench, admiring the hot man in front of him, the taunt nips, the washboard abs. The blond hairs over the shaped legs. That larger towel than he had used for sweat in the gym. Joe desperately wanted to get through that towel. He sat down a bit closer to Ethan than necessary.
It was like heat was radiating from Ethan in Joe’s mind. He wanted to make so much more heat. Thinking he would take the chance, he put his hand on Ethan’s knee, pulling it up the thigh, moving the towel up in the process.
Ethan’s eyes flew open as he pulled back, not very effectively since he was cornered. Ethan gazed at Joe in a form of shock. Shock born from a touch not authorized by his Masters. Joe gave him a smile “You’re really hot, I can make you feel really good. Better than you can imagine.”
“You need to get your hand off my leg.” Ethan tried to put force in his voice, but that was not something he did much.
Joe had seen the signs that Ethan was gay, or at least gay-adjacent. Joe was not bad looking, so he knew he had a shot, even with someone likeEthan. “It’s OK, it will be great. You’ll love it. I can make you feel so goooooood.” Joe squeezed Ethan’s tigh, moving up a bit more.
“No, stop touching me.” Ethan grabbed the hand on his leg and pulled it off. Joe tried to keep a grip, but the sweat prevented purchase.
Moving his other hand to Ethan’s side, nudging the towel away Joe moved closer. “I can suck you really good, will blow your mind and your cock.”
Ethan stood up, grabbing the towel that loosened enough that he had to grip it in front of him. He moved towards the door. “You need to leave me alone. You can’t do this. Leave me alone.”
Seeing his prey start to escape. Joe got up, spreading his hands, his own towel falling revealing that he was turned on. “Don’t be so jumpy, we’re both guys, and I know what you want.”
“You have no idea what I want except for you to go away.” One of Ethan’s hands was searching for the handle of the door, the other was keeping his towel covering his private bits.
“Dude, think now….” Joe started, as Ethan found the handle, opened the door, and left the sauna. Exasperated, Joe snapped up his towel and moved to follow the hot man who was slipping his grapsp.
Ethan was standing in front of his locker, trying to secure his towel. Seeing Joe follows him, Ethan balled a hand into a fist and looked down at it. Looking back up at Joe, Ethan moved swiftly to the door of the locker room. He couldn’t start a fight and get arrested. His Masters would not like that, even if he were preventing unauthorized use of their property.
“Dude, wait! Don’t go.” Joe slipped a little trying to follow Ethan at the same time he tried to wrap his towel back around his wait.
Making it out of the locker room, Joe quickly spotted Ethan at the front desk, talking to the clerk. Joe pulled himself up short. Ethan saw Joe and pointed. The clerk made a motion for Ethan to stay, ducking his head into the door behind him. Joe stood still, looking around tosee everyone was watching.
Someone emerged from the door behind the desk. Joe could hear the three talking, they kept their heads together and voices low, so he couldn’t make out the words. He didn’t need to. The manager nodded and turned towards Joe.
Joe looked around as the man approached, straightening his back some, and grabbing the knot on his towel.
“Look guy, did you make a pass at him?” The manager indicated Ethan.
“Yeah, yeah I did.” Joe replied.
“Look, that’s OK, it happens. But when a guy turns you down, you have to leave him alone. Come with me, you can wait in my office until he’s gone, then you can change and get out of here.”
Joe wanted to protest, but the manager had a stern look, and the thought crossed his mind that he could be banned. “OK” he agreed.
“This way.” The manager made sure to stay between Joe and the desk so Ethan as well. “Tell me when he’s gone.” The manager said to the clerk.
In the office, the manager indicated a chair, which Joe sat in awkwardly.
“Look guy, I get it. Gym, all these bodies. But you can’t come on strong. Someone, guy, girl, whatever, turns you down, take it and move on.” The manager took a breath.
“I get you.” Joe said, sad Ethan had gotten away from him.
“I have to make this a formal warning. We can’t have harassment. Ethan is here Monday, Wednesday, and Friday about this time, you’ll need to avoid the gym for a while at those times.”
“Why do I have to keep from coming here?”
“Because you’re the one who wouldn’t take no for an answer. I’m not going to get him to change gyms because of what you’ve done.”
“That’s not fucking fair.” Joe objected.
The manager put the pen he had picked up down. “It’s more than fucking fair. If you push it, I’ll show you fucking unfair. You’re lucky he didn’t deck you.”
Joe gave a huff of false bravado. The manager was not fooled. “Don’t be stupid, he could have taken you down. You’re lucky heDidn’t want to make a scene.” The man crossed his arms and silently dared Joe to say more. Joe kept his mouth shut.
Some minutes later, the desk clerk opened the door. “It’s clear.” The manager nodded at the door. Joe got up and left, again adjusting his towel.
Ethan was glad they believed him, and kept the guy away so he could change and leave. Exiting, Ethan saw a half-wave from the clerk that he returned. In the car, Ethan started a text. -Masters, I was approached in the sauna in the gym. The guy put his hands on me and tried to force himself on your property. I refused, and got out of the sauna, then I went to the desk, they took him away so I could change and get to the car. He had no permission to use your property, so I would not cooperate.-
It was reported. Ethan hoped he would not be punished for this.
-I will want details tonight.- Brock texted back.
-Yes Master.- Ethan took a deep breath, starting the ignition. He would shower off at home, he would need it.
One he made it home, showed, and slipped on a new pair of skimpy shorts, Ethan looked at his white board. Home and garden chores were written in green marker, longer term projects in blue. He knew he had to do some green regular chores, so after scanning the list, Ethan decided to begin on washing the windows. It took hours, this was his duty so Ethan did it. Years ago, Ethan had tried to use his phone to organize it all. That did not give him the satisfaction, the feeling of completeness. The visualization of his subservice the white board did. There was something crossing a task off that clicking a button did not give him.
After finishing the windows, Ethan had a healthy lunch, looking through the kitchen windows at the yard, which he also kept perfect. Ethan knew what he needed to do next, but went to his room to look at it. Take the shelves and all the items on them from one side of the garage to the other. The job had appeared yesterday on his white board. One of his Masters put it on while Ethan was handling something. That is how many new tasks appeared, appearing on the white board. Ethan could ask questions if he needed to, but this was clear enough.
Ethan measured the height needed, gathered the necessary tools. He took pictures of the shelves so everything could go back in the right place. Ethan had a straw on his tight to hold his phone. This allowed his Masters to contact him at any time of the day, as well as the reminders he put in his phone, as not to let anything go by. The items had to come off the shelves before the braces could be removed. T-squares made sure the lines were straight. Things had to be done to please his Masters. They had high standards. Ethan double checked everything he did.
Popping into the kitchen for a drink of water, Ethan checked the time. It was getting close, but he should be able to finish up before he had to begin dinner. He still needed to worry. He could not slack. It would beapparent. Ethan was driven, he wanted to do a job, and do it right. Ethan took pride in the results he made. Even if no one else ever noticed. He still went to his room to review his whiteboard to be sure nothing was outstanding.
Ethan finished putting the screws in, so the shelves would be secure. He had double checked he had everything straight. If they were off, he would be punished. It always worried him. He knew his Masters would check carefully, and any error would come out of his hide. It had to be perfect.
Ethan wiped his now-sweaty palms on his brief shorts. He looked at his work. He was sure they were all perfectly up and down. He began to hang the shelves, mirroring the way they were on the opposite wall. Then all the items had to be replaced. The pictures on his phone made it possible, Ethan referred to the images on the phone a lot so it would be exactly as it was. He had kept everything neighbor, so it was organized, but he had to arrange everything to look good./p>
He checked the shelves were right again, he was obsessive about being sure it was all done properly. Nothing was uneven, items were in straight ranks. Many referrals back to the pictures assured Ethan everything was like it should be. It wasn’t the physical labor that got to him, it was the effort be make everything perfect. Ethan wanted it to be perfect for his Masters. They could have placed things to see how they were moved over, and an error would result in punishment. Or his Masters could see the job was done and not mention it at all. He never knew until it happened.
Ethan had to prepare dinner. A final look and a deep breath was all he could do now. Ethan went to the kitchen and pulled out what he needed for a salad. Once that was together, he prepared some appetizers to be served with wine. Then the dining room needed to be set up, and so that was his next task. It all had to be done before either of his Masters came home. With practiced ease, Ethan soon had both places set, next to each other
Ethan was back in the kitchen being sure everything was ready, and cleaning the already spotless counters. He heard the door open, so one of his Masters was home. A quick glance confirmed everything was in place, so Ethan went to see if his Master needed anything.
This was Steve returning home. “Welcome home Boss, I hope all is as you wish it to be.” Ethan saw the briefcase move slightly towards him, so he took it from Boss’s hand. Steve was a very handsome, well built man.
“Be in my room in exactly 5 minutes.” Steve strode away, loosening his tie.
“Yes Boss.” Ethan thumbed his phone to set a timer, sure Boss heard the muted beeps. He carried the case to Steve’s office, putting it in the correct spot then going to stand outside the bedroom door.
Ethan waited out of the door until the timer went off, opening the door as he slip the phone into its holster. Steve had his shirt open, and his cock out, slightly hardened. Ethan knewHis duty and went forward before going to his knees and taking the dick in his mouth. It was familiar and Ethan knew exactly how to excite it. Ethan’s hands came up to grab Boss’s ass, which was firm with the worksouts he did. Steve was a well built man, with a large cock that was rapidly filling Ethan’s mouth.
Ethan’s tongue worked around the shake as he kept it deep in, the way his Boss liked it. The dick got harder as Ethan fulfilled his purpose. Ethan loved sucking both of his Masters, hardly a day went by when he did not suck at least one of them. The cock in his mouth reminded Ethan of his position, he would choose to do it even if not commanded to. The man above him was taking the service as his due. How Ethan was used, how he provided pleasure, was entirely up to his Masters. The loss of control excited Ethan, that he had no input in the matter. Boss wanted sexual relief after a long day, Ethan provided it, massaging the firm ass at the same time. Boss’s cock was hard andEthan knew it was about to shoot. Ethan’s entire awareness was always on his duty. Ethan could tell when one of his Masters was ready to come before that Master knew. Ethan took it as a mark of pride, even if he never told them.
Ethan was right, his Boss spunked into his mouth exactly when Ethan expected him to. Ethan swallowed it down, savoring the taste he was so familiar with. Using his tongue to pull off any residual cum, to give a massaging appreciation to his Boss.
Taking a step back, Steve waved at the door. “You may go now boy.”
“Yes, Boss.” Ethan got off his knees and glided out of the room, as his Boss turned and removed his shirt. The slave returned to the kitchen to check on how everything was going. Assured, he then checked the white board in his room to see if he had missed anything he was supposed to have done. He was on top of what was written there. Nothing was behind schedule.
Back in the kitchen, Ethan checked the food. Looking at the time, heput his much simpler meal on a plate and ate it. Soon after he finished, the door opened and Boss’s husband Master Brock arrived. Ethan went to see if he could be of any service, as he opened his mouth the man barked “Show me your ass.”
“Yes, Master.” Ethan replied, turning and lowering his skimpy shorts. Bending at the waist, he presented his ass to his Master. Brock was as handsome as his husband. The Two made a great pair. In shape, successful, and both very attractive.
The man came closer, Ethan saw the shadows of the man leaning from one side to another looking at it. Ethan’s asshole pulsed a little under the scrutiny. Brock ran his hand over his slave’s cheats. They were firm, a finger running up the inside of the exposed crack provided a sensitive feeling for Ethan. It was a tease, almost but not quite erotic. “Tell me what happened.”
Still bent over, Ethan reported “At the gym, I did my prescribed workout. I then went into the sauna. I had not been in more thana few minutes, leaning back with my eyes clothed, when I felt a hand run up my leg. I jumped back and told him to keep his hands to himself. He kept trying. I left the sauna and he followed. I admit Master, I considered hitting him, but I went to the front desk instead.”
“Good. That is what you should have done. I am pleased.”
“Thank you Master. They called later and said he was told not to be at the gym when I am usually there.”
“Good. Avoid him. If he’s there, report to the desk and leave. Do not let him touch my property.” Brock squeezed one cheek and walked off, at the top of the stairs, he shouted down “Boy, you can go on now.”
“Yes, Master.” Ethan replied loud enough to be heard without shouting. Ethan had known he needed to stay in place until allowed to move. Released, he pulled his shorts back up and went to wait in the kitchen until it was time to serve. Eth did not have to wait long. The husbands, he could soon hear approaching the dining room. Ethan had plated the meals, put the chilled wine in a cradle. He had the plates on the table when they arrived, moving to pour the wine, then standing back to wait as they talked and ate.
The men discussed their workdays. Ethan could hear the words, but would not be asked to join in the conversation, so he remained silent. When a wineglass got low, he filled in being unobtrusive. The men ignored him, expecting his service to be impeccable, which it was.
Being nearly naked while his Masters were dressed and expecting his service excited Ethan. A spot appeared where he was leaking pre-cum. The fabric was designed to show the mood. Ethan knew that, even if it were never mentioned. Ethan glanced down and saw the spot. Which added more excitement and so more pre-cum. Being left to the side and virtually ignored was a thrill for Ethan, it made him feel like the slave he had craved to be before it came true. Years of serving these men had not blunted that.
With the men almost done, and glasses with adequate wine, Ethan disappeared to fetch the tiramisu prepared for dessert. Knowing his Masters, Ethan was able to return and stage the deserts with the men finishing mere moments later. Ethan presented the deserts and bussed the other plates out. Watching his Masters finish, they stood and walked out of the room without a glance at their slave.
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