The Whipping Girl's Revenge




In a kingdom on the cusp on the 20th century, the old guard still reigns. While the rest of European industrializes, this kingdom remains stagnant, unperturbed by the movement of time. Peasants still toil in the field completely subservient to the bloated and decade nobility. No constitution or written law dictates the actions of the ruling class. They rule absolute.

It is in this context that our story takes place. A spoiled Baroness named Alexis Von Tromp, sits at her desk writing in a supremely narcissistic diary. The world is seemingly at her fingertips, yet even as she diligently writes her selfish prose a plot thicknesses, miles away, a plot that will be her unraveling. It will lead her down a path she never imagined for herself, a path unthinkable to her current state. She will become a Prisoner to her own primary lust and an unrivaled need for administrative and power.

Dear Diary,

I send off tomorrow to meet my love. My family haspaid a considerable dowry to the King and Queen in order to arrange my marriage to the High Prince Philip. This is the only option for me, as I find every other man in the kingdom disgusting and wretched. I have had my sights on Prince Philip for all my life. A marriage to him will complete my destiny to become queen. I can envision it now, I can taste victory, my quest for absolute power will finally have been achieved. This is what I crave. this is what I need. It is no wonder the prince choose me, for some say I am the most beautiful woman in the kingdom, and I would agree.

Archibald will accompany me. Archibald is a pathetic loout, but he is impossible loyal to me. It benefits me greatly however that that he lusts after me so. I must admit I get some pleasure in making him squirm. When I change my clothes in front of him, I see him sweat and stew with a certain pathetic desire. He knows I am too good for him, but he desperately wants what he cannot have. It is my beliefthat Archibald would murder on my command. The thought of ordering him to murder and having them do it fills me with a some disturbing amount of pleasure.

Occasionally as a reward for Archibald I allow Archibald to use his tongue to pleasure me, this is our secret, it means nothing to me, I do not consider it a sexual act with another person, for Archibald is a mere tool for me. It feels it is beneath me to use my own hand to fondle myself to climax, it has always brought me joy to use the mouths of servants, call it a precious pleasure. To fully confess, I myself have an unnatural need for sexual gratification. Yet for my whole life the only sexual partner that I feel is worthy of me is the High Prince Philip. Now I am giddy with excitement for my lifelong dreams are coming true. I can finally be satisfied the way I deserve to be satisfied.

On the bumpy road through the countryside towards the prince’s palace, Alexis peers out at the window at the peasants farming near arural village.

“Look at them toil. Isn’t it obvious that this world is not for them, but for us? By us, I mean royals, not you Archibald!”

“Yes, my majesty.” Archibald eagerly replied.

“Only a minority of people can truly have everything, isn’t it glorious that the masses have to toilet, simply so the few of us can live in absolute pleasure? Yet some peasants want for more. Don’t they realize that if they were compensated for their toilet and the wealth they produced was spread, no one could live like me, or the other royals? Is it right and good, that at least some of us can have all we desire?” Alexis said haughtily.

“Yes, yes, this is a brilliant theory, it is true,” Archibald replied, staring at Alexis wide-eyed.

Alexis had met the prince various times, but this visit was for the future husband and wife to get to know each other, the other times they had met, it had been in formal settings. Now after the initial feast, they were to be able to spend time alone together. It was important that Alexis impress the prince to the fullest, as the prince could call off the engagement.

After a day and a half of travel, Alexis reached the extravagant palace of the prince. Although the lateness of their arrival, the prince greeted Alexis at the front gates flanked by guards holding kerosene lights.

“My, Lady.” The prince kissed Alexis’ hand as she exited her carriage. He fancied himself a true gentleman.

“Your highness.” Alexis responded.

“I am afraid we cannot congregate for long. I very much look forward to your company, but I must get sleep for I have very important matters to settle in the morning tomorrow. I hope you understand. I have, news and a very important proposal for you.”

Alexis nodded and smiled politely, yet she was disappointed, she wanted the prince to fawn over her and do her bidding, for that was how she was used to being treated. She expected the same from the prince.


“Archibald Plealexis”


Dear Diary,

Whenever I see the prince I have an overwhelming desire to drop to my knees and envel his member into my mouth. I want to feel his cock on my lips and tongue. I have fantasized about kissing the tip of his erect cock, of licking its underbelly. I year to hear pleasant moans see out of his mouth. I wish to feel his cock slide down my tongue and into my throat. I wish to drive him insane with lust. As our wedding draws near my excitement growths, even now just writing about these thoughts, I am becoming lubricated, readying myself for him.

I want him to take me onto our lover’s bed and rip my dress and undergarments off my body. I will swoon as I see the uncontrolled look in his eyes, I long for him to need me. It will be my turn to moan with pleasure as he cups and suckles at my bare breasts. Suddenly I will feel his tongue lapping at my nethers, my hips bucking and thrusting, my wetness drenching his face.

Finally, he cannot control himself, he turns me over onto my hands and knees, my arse jutting upwards like some beast in heat. I am overwhelmed by the pleasure of his hard cock entering me. His thrusts are slow and deep, he grips my hair and pulls my head back, I am immobilized in pleasure. I claw at the sheets as his hard stomach slapses against my arse. I am beckoning him now pushing into his thrusts which are much faster and harder than they were before. His moans getting louder, releasing my hair as he buckles over in pleasure. I cannot take it, I scream into the bed covers to muffle my pleasure. I feel his spunk shot into me and he cries out a guttural noise of pleasure. We collapse…spent.

Baroness Alexis Von Tromp put down her diary and let out a sight. She had arrived at Prince Philip’s palace late in the night with her trusty service Archibald. She was betrothed to marry the prince in a few short weeks. It had been her life’s aspiration to marry into power. Prince Philip was someone all the other noblewomen fawned over, he was young, handsome and slated to become the king, he was the top prize in the whole kingdom. In a world where monarchies were losing power, either being outright topped or having their power lessened by parliaments, Philip’s family ruled their small kingdom absolutely. Alexis felt as though she was destined to live a life where her every need was satisfied. Alexis was willing to do whatever it took to reach her goals, she had a sociopathic streak in her and a certain sadism she could barely hide. She took great pleasure in ordering servants around and humiliating them when she could. Alexis also like the feeling when her underlings looked upon her in fear.

“ARCHIBALD!” Alexis harshly cried out.

“Yes, Baroness.” The loyal Archibald was standing in front of the Baroness almost immediately.

“Pour me a glass of wine!” Archibald scrambled away nervously to do as he was told.

Archibald was hopelessly dedicated to Baroness Alexis, he was in such awe of her beauty and power he would do anything to please her. Alexis loved this and made sure Archibald fulfilled her every need. Archibald was around the same age as Alexis, his mid-twenties, yet he had a recalling hairline, he was skinny, short and weak.

“Your majesty!” Archibald bowed down and handed Alexis her wine. Once Archibald found out that Alexis was to be betrothed to Prince Philip he took to calling her “majesty.” Alexis didn’t complain, soon enough everyone would be referring to her with this title.

“Archibald, you may pleasure me,” Alexis said looking away, sipping on her glass of wine.

Archibald could barely contain his glee, every now and then Alexis would order him to “pleasure her” which he knew meant to perform cunnilingus. Archibald seemed to very much enjoy this act. Alexis did not allow him to masturbate while he tongued her lower regions, often times Archibald could not control his urges and attempted to touch himself, whichwould lead to admonishment and disgust from Alexis.

Alexis smiled as she saw Archibald perspiring in anticipation. Archibald was shaking as he croouched down and put his hands under the Baroness’ enormous white dress, the small man let himself become enveloped in the dress. Archibald let out of a slight moan as he gripped Alexis’ already damp panties. Slowly pulling the panties off Alexis’ legs. Archibald put the panties up to his nose and inhaled through his nose, taking in the smell.

“Stop it, discard them.” Alexis angrily ordered.

Shaking, Archibald put them down, he smelt her panties almost as a reflex, a look of shade crossed his face. “I am sorry your majesty, please forgive me.”

“Get to work!” Alexis responded gesturing for Archibald to again enveloped himself in the dress.

Archibald crawled into Alexis’ dress his tongue gently licking Alexis’ pussy. Alexis took a sip of wine and ran her free hand through her hair. Alexis let her pleasure slowly come to her. Dreaming of Prince Philip in her head she buckled her hips against Archibald’s face.

“Oh, sweet prince.” He words were soft, but Archibald could hear them as he licked away at Alexis’ clip, her juices already were spread about his face.

Alexis wondered what it was like for Archibald to be so terribly inferior to the prince. The miracle of life had not in truth been a miracle for Archibald, for he was a small man and not attractive, even if Prince Philip had no power and wasn’t a prince, Archibald could never compete with him.

Alexis looked down at her waist and pressed down on Archibald’s head forcing his face to be smoothered by her naked crotch. Archibald’s teeth pressed painfully into his lips, he could barely breath. He was overwhelmed with Alexis’ juices, he was now drinking the liquid. His lustful urges took over, he reached down and began to unbuckle his belt, he wanted nothing more than to stroke his cock.

Alexis heard the jingle of Archibald’sbuckle. “Stop that at once!” She commanded. Archibald reluctantly pulled his hand away and put them behind his back, as to remind himself not to stroke his cock. He continued to lick away diligently. Alexis’ sipped at her wine again as she thrusted her hips roughly into Archibald’s face.

“Oh, sweet prince, how I wish for you to take me.” Alexis was dangerously loud. Her legs were Now wrapped around Archibald, pushing his back into her gyrating hips. Alexis was suddenly overcome with pleasure, she kicked her heel harshly into Archibald’s back as she bucked helpedlessly in the throes of pleasure. This had to have hurt Archibald, but Alexis did not care. Her eyes bulged and rolled back, and she broke her wine glass from gripping it too harshly, the stem of the glass remained in her hand, the rest crashed onto the floor. Alexis went limp. Crawling out from her dress was Archibald, whose face was glistening with Alexis’ juices. Archibald licked his lips then immediately started cleaningup the broken glass, his face still wet, his small cock still erect.


“Archibald’s Lust”


“ARCHIBALD!” Alexis harshly cried out, it was the morning and she had a long day. This would be the longest stay with Prince Philip before she was to marry him if all went well Alexis would not have to return home she would Marry the prince right then and there. For travel was hard in those times. Although she was betrothed, it was still a possibility the prince could change his mind, as there were many women in the kingdom who could take Alexis’ place. This visit was to seal Alexis’ fate as a future queen, which was what she had always dreamed of and expected.

“Bathe and dress me!” Alexis ordered to Archibald.

“Yes, your majesty.” Archibald slightly bowed before he shuffled off to run a bath in the adjacent room.

Alexis rolled out of bed and took off her night slip, revealing her nude form. She walked into the doorway and watched as Archibald was testing the water.

“Oh…oh…oh my majesty.” Archibald nearly seemed to melt with lust as he looked upon Alexis’ naked body.

Alexis had long blonde hair, which as this moment was disheveled from the night’s sleep. Her eyes were ice blue, her star was intimidating. Her nose was perfectly shaped but slightly upturned which added to a haughty air that Alexis took with her wherever she went. Her lips were full, Archibald longed to kiss them, but he knew that Alexis would never lower herself to put her lips on his. Alexis had large round breasts, which she always made sure to enhance by using a corset that pushed them up. Alexis’ hips were wide, her ass was large, as were her tights. Archibald wanted so much to bury his head into Alexis’ large ass and lick and worship her anus. Alexis had well-groomed hair around her crotch. Archibald was nearly insane with lust as he nervously stood up, unable to conceal his erection, while making way for Alexis to bathe.

“The water isnice,” Alexis said as she sat in the ornate porcelain tub.

“May I sponge you?” Archibald said as he held a sponge in his hand.

“You may.”

Archibald shaking, wetted the sponge and began to gently wipe it over Alexis’ shoulders. Alexis lifted one arm exposing her underarm, Archibald promptly and thoroughly wiped her arm clean. After cleaning the other arm, in the same way, Archibald lets out a sight of anticipation as he paused before he began to sponge Alexis’ breasts. Alexis stared into Archibald’s eyes, Archibald looked away intimidated by Alexis’ stare. Instead his eye’s met Alexis’ large breasts, he panted heavily, aroused to the extreme.

“I would prefer if you not Google my breasts! Look away.” Archibald turned his head and looked at the bathroom floor, as he continued cleaning the Baroness.

The next part of the cleaning was the most difficult for Archibald. He felt he was ready to ejaculate, even with no one touching him. It had been a long time since Archibald had felt the release of an orgasm. Archibald was sweating.

“My legs.” Alexis’ calmly spoke as she raised one of her legs out of the water, flexing her thigh muscle, pointing her toes into the air.

Starting with her foot Archibald began sponging Alexis’ leg. Archibald looked down into the water trying to get a glimpse of Alexis’ vagina.

“Look away this instant!” Alexis ordered Archibald, Archibald promptly compiled.

Archibald sponged Alexis’ other leg, all while breathing heavily and looking away. Alexis’ then dunked her head under water and then stood up and stepped out of the shower.

“Dry me! And do it without looking, I am tired of your pathetic noises and groving.” Alexis cruelly spoke and she stood naked and dripping wet.

Archibald wanted badly to touch himself as he looked Away from Alexis and dried Alexis by wiping a towel over her breasts and buttocks.

“Oh God.” Archibald cast as he ran the towel over Alexis’ large backside.

“Hurry up, stop being disgusting,” Alexis ordered to Archibald with disdain in her voice. Again Archibald did what he was told.

Once Alexis was dry Archibald brushed her hair in front of a mirror, then helped her put on her corset and her undergarments. He helped her apply her makeup. Finally, Alexis put on a gorgeous and huge light blue dress. Alexis looked like a royal, she truly looked the part of a queen.

“Go make yourself useful to the other servants, you have a dinner to prepare, do not disappoint me!” Alexis ordered Archibald.

“Yes, your majesty/” Archibald shuffled off, to introduce himself to the palace servants.

It was now Baroness Alexis’ time to wait for Prince Philip, they were to spend the whole day together, to speak of the future plans for the kingdom, to plan their extravagant wedding.


“Who is Zaria?”



Alexis looked at the marvelous clock in her quarters. She wondered if it were broken the Prince was supposed to visit her at 2:00, it was now 2:15. Alexis nervously waited. Her heart skipped a beat when she finally heard a knock on her door. She jumped up and raced to the door, she opened it and to her dismay an older mutton-chopped service was at the door.

“Baroness, I know you’ve been waiting for the prince.”

“Where is he! I demand to know!”

“He is with Baroness Zaria, an important matter came up, it is of political in nature I assure you.” The service said as he saw Alexis’ eyes grow hot with anger.

“What is this POLITICAL matter!” Alexis said sarcastically.

“The Baron Maximilian’s estate, there is a quarrel over ownership.”

Alexis slammed the door in the old service’s face. She folded her arms over her chest and in a huff sat at the side of her bed. She began to write in her diary.

Dear Diary,

So, I am to be taken away from my prince due to what is most likely some wretched old hag’s complaint about her equally wretched old husband’s estate. There is no way some old Baron who died suddenly over two months ago should be taking time away from me spending time with my beloved prince. Our time together has been limited to two visits. Just a month ago he asked for my hand in marriage, I could tell that he longed for me. Now he won’t see me because of some minor estate issue. I suspect some foul play, whoever is behind this, I will make sure They pay!

Alexis who always keep up on the goings on of the other nobles knew that two months ago Baron Maximilian suddenly passed away, it was not necessary unexpected as he was very old. Now as there often was, his family was fighting over who should control his estate. Alexis slammed her diary shut. She buried her head into her soft white pillow and waited for dinner. The prince would finally Then finally arrived and escort her to dinner.

The door knocked again, and again Alexis ran to the door, this time Prince Philip was at the door. Alexis smiled and bowed, lifting up her dress slightly. The prince was tall with dark brown hair and piercing green eyes, he was muscle, well groomed and clean saden.

“I am sorry for my tardiness, there was a matter of extreme importance that came to my attention.” The prince reached out his hand.

Alexis swooned as she touched the prince’s hand, “Yes I heard, the Maximilian estate.” Alexis said as the couple walked briskly hand in hand down the spiral staircase to the dining hall.

“My father put me in charge of estate disagreements, it is his least favorite aspect of being a King, I myself cannot wait to give that responsibility to some other unlucky person.” The prince said smiling as the couple walked into the dining room and sat down.

Small talk and niceties were exchanged as the guests currently seated waited for the rest of the guests to arrive. There was a hum and chatter to the crowd, Alexis was inauthenticly laughing at some bad attempts at humor from various older nobles. Alexis was amaster at banal conversation. Suddenly, Alexis was taken off guard, the crowd fell silent. A beautiful woman was entering the fray.

“Who is she?” Alexis muttered to prince Philip, barely able to contain her jealousy. Alexis had not elicited this response when she entered the dining hall.


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