The Welcome Home Spanking

Author’s note: The proteinists of this story, Rebecca Eriksson-Garner and Sarah Garner-Eriksson, already featured in my stories “The 14th anniversary”, “My beautiful sub(missive)” “Sarah acts out” and “Choosing Corner time”, This is just another vignette about their life together and their love. A warning: The setting of my world may seem real enough and there may be kinky groups out there meeting for fun and play in the great outdoors. The story itself and its characters, however, are fictional, products of my imagination, If the things you read inspire you and your partner to some light play; that’s fine; but please don’t try to do anything described in the story without proper preparation, consent and safety precautions. It’s not meant as an instruction manual.


1. The Welcome Home Spanking

Sarah walked past the customs counter at the Airport towards the baggage claim area where she would wait for her wife and Mistress to pick up her things. She gave a friendly wave to the young customs officer, a fellow submissive she had met at Mistress Ava’s club ‘The Rachilde’. The young man had cleared her request to be united with her Mistress as soon as possible with his superior and Master before he had agreed to let her through, though it was officially against regulations.

A few minutes later she entered the as of yet mostly empty baggage claim area and checked the panels hanging over the conveyor belts. She quickly found the belt where her Mistress’ luckgage would soon appear. Sarah was tempted to meet her Mistress half-way and walk towards the arrival gate indicated on another panel, but then she decided that it would be a greater surprise if she waited right where she was to greet her beloved Mistress.

Rebecca had been gone for ten days, three days to attend a medical conference in Boston and a week to teach a new operating technique she had developed to a few selected colleagues in New York City who then would teach othersurgeons. This was the first time they had been separated for so many days in more than five years. And Sarah had missed her Mistress something fierce, much more than she had anticipated she would.

She peered around one of the numerous pillars partitioning the big room to spot her Mistress without being immediately seen herself from afar. She wanted to surprise Rebecca. Experience told her that it would Take at least a few minutes for the first passengers to reach the baggage claim area from the arrival gates. She knew that she only had to be patient for a few more minutes and her wife would once again hold her in her arms. In her imagination, however, those minutes stretched into half an eternity.

Then she saw her; her wife and Mistress: Rebecca Eriksson-Garner, M. D., chief of surgery at the General Hospital. She was among the first passengers to enter the vast room with the conveyor belts. She was wearing snug black jeans and a dark green, loosely fitting turtleneck. When Sarah saw her Mistress’ confident stride, her plan to surprise her from behind as soon as she had stepped up to the conveyor belt to wait for her lucke was forgotten. She wanted, no: she needed to feel her Mistress’ arms around her without any delay. So, Sarah left her hiding place and hurried towards the passengers coming from the arrival gates. Rebecca saw her and hurried her steps. Sarah started to run and launched herself in Rebecca’s arms, in the deep seated knowledge and trusting confidence that the taller woman would catch her and keep her safe.

At the beginning of their relationship Sarah would have been too embarrassed to be outed as a lesbian to show her affection so blatantly in public. It had been hard to get her to do more than give her Mistress a chaste peck on the cheek in greeting. But since Rebecca saw no need to hide who she loved, Sarah had figureically jumped over her shadow and become much more relaxed in public. Her Mistress’ investigation on honesty and openness and the fact that she had emphasized her demands in that regard with regular discipline might also have had something to do with Sarah’s change of heart. In the end her business associates and society contacts had taken her coming out as a lesbian much better than she had expected and feared; though the D/s aspect of their relationship was known to a few trusted friends only.

The moment Rebecca’s arms closed around Sarah; Sarah knew that she was finally at home again. Rebecca stopped walking, lowered her head and found Sarah’s lips. They kissed, long and passwordately, until they had to break the kiss to breathe.

“Welcome home, Rebecca. I missed you so much.”

“I’m glad to be home, darling. I missed you as well.”

They kissed again. It did not take long for Sarah to forget completely where they were.

When they once again had to stop kissing Sarah asked as soon as she had replaced her breath, “How was your trip, Mistress?”

“Successful, just as I had expected, but you already know that, baby. I told you every evening, but you’ll get a more personal briefing as soon as we are home. But now, let’s pick up my stuff and get the car.”

Rebecca put her right arm around Sarah’s shoulders and they walked together to the conveyor belt. It took about ten minutes for Rebecca’s carry-all with the attached laptop bag to appear. They left the parking garage and stopped at the next gas station.

“And now, my darling Sarah, tell me: have you been a good girl and obeyed all my orders or do you have to be punished?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“Sarah, you of all people should know that if you answer a question that demands to make a choice, answering it with yes or no only creates confusion.”

“I’m sorry. Mistress. I should have explained. Yes, I followed all your orders to the best of my abilities and yes, I need to be punished. Early on, during the second day of your trip I became aware that I missed youso much, the maintenance discipline you told me to administrator was just not enough. That’s why I decided to add six strokes to every session from the third day on. In the morning I turned the counter of the spanking machine with the cane from eighteen to twenty-four. During lunch break I asked Mary to give me eighteen instead of twelve strokes on my breasts and in the evening I gave myself nine strokes with the riding crop on my sex Instead of three. I also fastened my wrist cuffs to my collar to make sure that I do not inadvertently touch myself. The rules say that as my Mistress it’s your prerogative to decide the amount of maintenance and discipline I’ll need in your absence, my Mistress. But I took it upon myself to know better. Please, Mistress, punishment me for twenty-three counts of disobedience and my lack of trust in you.”

“Twenty-three counts of disobedience, that’s a lot. So, you thought you needed more maintenance discipline than I thought you would because you missed me so much?”

“Yes, Mistress. The pain from the intense maintenance sessions made missing you more bearable, though I still was tempted to come after you and surprise you in New York. I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you.”

“Why didn’t you? We talked every evening, baby. You could have told me that you thought you needed more discipline, we could have Come up with something together. I can only deduce that you didn’t tell me because for some reason you didn’t trust me to make that decision for you. You did not trust me enough. Why?”

“That’s not true, Mistress. I trust you with my life and my health and my safety and everything that counts. I am yours, heart, body and soul. I don’t know why I did not tell you, Mistress. My trust in you is bone marrow deep. Maybe it’s less a question of trust than one of trying to top from the bottom. Maybe just once I wanted to make a decision in my private life on my own. Please punish me as you see fit, Mistress.”

“I will, Sarah-baby, but I’ll take my time. Lack of trust and uppity are equally serious translations that cannot be paid for with simple corporate punishment. I’ll have to be a bit more creative than that, after all I want to be fair to you and make the punishment still fit the crime.”

“You are not angry, Mistress?”

“No, sweetie. I’m not angry. I’m a bit disappointed and confused but I’m not angry.”

“I’m sorry, I disappointed you, Mistress. I so wanted you to be proud of me but I screwed it all up. I’m sorry, Mistress. Please don’t be lenient with me. I don’t deserve your kindness.”

“You know me better, Sarah. You know how much of a stickler for rules I am. I will certainly not let you get away with your high-handedness. And now you can start making it up to me. I want you to get out of the car, remove your shoes, panties and skirt, push the passenger seat as far forward as you can and knee on the floor behind the passenger seat. And don’t worryy we’re too far away from the petrol pumps to be still in range of their CCTV. You don’t have to worry. I would never put you in danger.”

“I know Mistress. I trust you. You are as concerned about my reputation in public as I am. Nothing bad can happen to me as long as I am with you.”

“Get in, Sarah-mine. We can still be sappy at home.”

“Yes, Mistress. Of course, Mistress.”

“Hush, you cheeky monkey or do you want to add to your already long list of transgressions?”

Sarah was already kneeling on the floor of the car right in front of the back seat, “I’m ready, Mistress. Please add to my punishment if you want to, Mistress. I did not want to be or sound cheeky.”

“Good girl, but you Know flattery will not get you anything; but still I think I’ll let this one slide.”

“Thank you, Mistress. You’re very generous.”


Sarah’s knees and lower legs were hurting from the rough carpet in the car when they drove into the underground parking lot of the publishing house/their home. Rebecca unlocked the private elevator that would bring them up to the Penthouse level and their spatial apartment. She blocked the doors and only then opened the fond of their Mercedes limousine. Sarah did not move when the door was opened; she waited patiently, her head held high but her gaze on the floor.

“Come, baby, get up and into the elevator. I ordered food for us, northern Chinese, your favorite place. It should be here in about twenty minutes.”

“Thank you, Mistress.”

Upstairs, Rebecca called security to clear the dinner delivery with the officers on duty. She then ordered Sarah to strip completely, put on her wrist and ankle cuffs and wait for her in the playroom. Rebecca set the table for two and then joined Sarah in the playroom. At the gas station she had only been able to sneak a quick glance at the evenly placed cane marks on her beloved submissive’s buttocks. Now, she allowed heself a closer look and of course: looking alone was soon not enough. She pulled Sarah to her feet and took her in her arms.

“Let me have a closer look at you, darling. I have to make sure that you, Mary and the spanking machine did a good job while I was gone. I’ll start with your beautiful globes. What did Mary use on your breasts?”

“A stick, Mistress, and altering a ruler.”

“Interesting choices. In her place I would probably have wanted to use a riding crop.”

“I asked her to choose anything but the riding crop because I wanted to reserve the crop for the pussy whipping in the evening. Mary said strap and ruler would be an adequate replacement for a crop. Is anything wrong? Did she not hit me hard enough?”

“No, I like the slight disclosure and the soft swelling of your flesh. It’s exclusive and very becoming. Mary worked well. I’ll comment her to her Mistress for a job well done.”

“Mary can use all the support and praise she can get, Mistress. Monday evening Mistress Ava caught her masturbating without permission. As penance she ordered her to double her maintenance discipline as long as her Mistress is gone, and wear a discipline brassiere the whole time. Mary is only allowed to take the bra off when she takes her morning shower and has to replace the inlay with a more punishing inlay twice every day. She also has to spend the night in one of her cages until Mistress Ava returns from Europe Monday evening. Mary is already very sorry that she did not control herself well enough and has disappointed her Mistress. She fears that even after her return Mistress Ava will not forgive her any time soon. Mary said that once her Mistress has made up her mind no force in the world can get her to change her decision. Oh, Mistress, harder please.”

Rebecca accompanied her visual inspection with the tactile. She rolled Sarah’s nipples between her fingers and kneeled the firm orbs. Sarah pressed her chest towardsher Mistress’ hands. The sheer bliss of being touched this way after ten days without feeling her Mistress’ touch by far outweighted the reawakened pain from the lunch hour whipping. She wanted and needed more but Rebecca was not inclined to indulge her.

“Hush, baby, all in good time. Patience is a virtue of which one can never have too much. And now let me have a closer look at your sex and pussy lips. And, Sarah-mine, no begging.”

Rebecca made Sarah spread her legs as far as she could to allow her a good look at her already glistening pussy lips and cliporis. The breast fondling had done its job and turned Sarah’s late arousal into something much more palatable. She cupped her hand over Sarah’s clean saden mound and started to stroke her with her thumb just above her slit.

Sarah moaned and pushed her center towards Rebecca as best as she could. She looked at her Mistress with wide pleading eyes. Rebecca smiled at her responsiveness and decided not to see her expression as an attempt at begging. Sarah’s skin was slightly swollen, reddened with wetness seeing out of her vagina opening. She pushed her index finger past Sarah’s outer neither lips. It penetrated easily but the digit was more intimately enclosed than it would have been if Sarah’s pussy had not been recently distributed. Still Sarah would easily be able to accommodate two, maybe three of her Mistress’ fingers without discomfort. Rebecca massed Sarah’s cliporis with her thumb. Sarah’s moaning intensified but she did not try to speak. Rebecca’s other hand started to play with Sarah’s still engorged and pebbled right nipple.

Sarah groaned, “Uhh, Mistress…!”

“Hush, darling, no begging. I love the effect the increased maintenance sessions have on your pussy and sex. You did well there. Now, turn around let me have a quick look at your buttocks before dinner arrives.”

Rebecca made Sarah turn around and positioned her over her lap as if for a spanking. She letHer fingers trail over the evenly spaced welts on her submissive’s butt cheats. Sarah quickly relaxed into the feathery touch.

“Tell me about the spanking machine, Sarah-mine. It was the first time I let a machine deal with your discipline. How did it feel?”

“I guess it was okay. It hurt as is only natural, but I like it better to feel the cane or any other implementation used by you, Mistress. If you wild the cane I felt loved even if you have to do it as punishment because I have screwed up. Coming from the machine it’s only mechanical; it makes me feel alone and helpless. I’d rather take a harsh beating by your hand, Mistress, than only a dozen from the machine. It made me miss you even more. And the sound the machine made with every stroke as well as the fact that I Know in advance where the next one would land made it very hard not to become disillusioned.”

“My poor baby. Next time I’ll have to make sure that the programming of the spanking machine allows forrandom strokes. This way you won’t know in advance where the next stroke will land. It will make it more real, darling.”

“I have a better idea, Mistress. The next time you’ll have to leave town, you’ll just take me with you. I’d rather be bored out of my mind somewhere in a hotel room while you do your doctor magic than stay here alone with just my work.”

Before Rebecca could answer, the doorbell rang, announcing the arrival of their dinner order. She left Sarah in the playroom and paid the delivery woman who had been escorted up by one of the security officers. During dinner she talked in detail about the conference in Boston and her stay in New York City, then she made Sarah clean up the dishes and the kitchen and sat down on the couch in the living room where she waited for Sarah to finish in the kitchen.


Sarah soon joined her but instead of sitting next to her on the couch as she usually did after dinner she knelt in front of her on the carpet and looked at her with a hopeful and at the same time expected expression in her eyes.

“What’s up, baby?” Rebecca asked after what seemed like an eternity.

“I know you deserve some peace and quiet after your long trip, Mistress, but I would really love it and be extremely grateful if you would take me over your lap and spank me hard. I would even welcome it if You would use your belt on me, Mistress.”

“The belt I’m wearing now, Sarah-mine?”

“Yes, Mistress, even the belt you’re wearing now.”

“Interesting, darling, very interesting. This belt has lots of painful spikes. I’d rather not use it on your beautiful hind quarters. But I’m willing to indulge you and give you the over-the-knees-spanking you seem to crave. You may rest your upper body on the couch but I want your toes to touch the floor at all times, after you go and fetch the riding gloves for me.”

“Yes, Mistress, thank you, Mistress.”

“Thank me after I have decidedd about your punishment for uppity and lack of trust you have to come. I’ll let you know after the spanking you want.”

Two minutes later Sarah was back with a pair of soft riding gloves that had actually never been used anywhere near a horse. Rebecca put them on and Sarah stretched on her Mistress’ lap. In anticipation her heart was beating faster than normal, but she still tried to relax as soon as she had positioned herself.

“Good girl, and now let me give you a few basic rules for tonight in addition to the usual, no kicking and no reaching back rules. I want you to put your head on your hands and keep them there the whole time, close your eyes and count silently. When we’re done I’ll ask you how many spanks you received to make sure that you paid attention to what I’m doing. And as a further essential to stay focused on counting: You’ll get one stroke with the cane for every swat you missed or added to the tall tomorrow before you go to work. Understood?”

“Yes, Mistress. One stroke extra tomorrow morning if I mess up the count. I understand.”

Sarah wriggled a bit to get in a better position and Rebecca swatted her right butt chef with one of her gloved hands. Her other hand rested on the small of her back, ready to hold her down and in place should it become necessary. She alternate targets with every second hard swat, setting a slow and steady rhythm. Under Normal circumstances this would have quickly lured her submissive into a state of well-being, the precursor of gliding into subspace. Sarah, however, could not let that happen if she wanted to have even the shadow of a chance not to loose count during the spanking that promised to be long and hard.

“One more thing, Sarah-mine. You are not allowed to come and you are not allowed to even beg for an orgasm.”

At the moment her Mistress’ swats were hard and regular and distinctive but experience told her that sooner or later Rebecca would start to vary the speed and strength of her spanks. At one point Rebecca’s hand would probably come down in a flurry of quick and hard slapses that would be hard to count under the best of circumstances. Sarah already know from experience that the probability that she would get to feel the cane the next morning was rather high, but she wanted to keep the number of strokes she would receive as low as possible.


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