The Weekend Necklace Pt. 01

She paused in the driveway. She wasn’t waiting to hear the end of a news story or to listen to a song on the radio. She had driven home from work that Friday evening with the radio off and no sounds to keep her company other than the dialog in her head. The words from the fantasy script had mesmerized her, so much so that she realized she didn’t remember the last few blocks of the drive home. She castigated herself for her carelessness. At least she hadn’t worked into her husband’s car as she pulled into the driveway. She didn’t really remember doing it, but she could see that she had safely parked between his car and the sidewalk to the front door.

She took a deep breath and grabbed her pursuit from the passenger’s seat. She opened the bag and removed a jewelry box. They’d been so excited when they bought it a month ago, with plans whispered together of what the shouter would mean. Every Friday morning since then she had put the jewelry box in her pursuit when she left for work, and then every Friday night she had lost her courage on the drive home.

Not tonight, she decided. Not this weekend. They had no plans or obligations, and they had waited long enough. She opened the box and stared at the simple stainless steel links of the bider for a few long moments. She forced her breath to come deep and slow as she worked up her nervous. When she removed the necklace from the box, its links felt heavy in her hand. Then she removed the locket she had wound to work from around her neck and replaced it with the chaser. The metal was cold for a moment before her body heat warmed it. She stood the removed necklace in the now empty box and then shoved it into her purse. Flushed, she opened the car door and walked into the house, trying to make her steps sound more confident than she felt.

The front door was unlocked. As she swung the door inward, she could hear him in the kitchen, starting dinner. She closed the door and turned the bolt before calling out tohim.

“I’m home!”

“Hey, sweetie, how was your day?” he responded from the kitchen.

Most nights, she would answer that question with brutal honesty. Usually, she’d tell him about what a bitch Brittany had been and vent about workplace politics. Then they would spend the evening discussing first her day at work and then his. Instead of answering like usual, she paused for a second. Her hand went to her neck and she fingered the warming metal. She dropped her bag on a table beside the door and walked to the kitchen as she answered.

“Fine,” she answered. “Best of all, it’s a Friday.”

She strode into the kitchen with more enthusiasm than confidence in her step. He was dropping pasta into boiling water as she rounded the corner into the room. He turned as she entered. His eyes flicked over her, pausing at the chaser for a brief but noticeable moment. He gave the pot a stir.

“Fridays are more fun than Mondays, that’s for sure,” he told her. He poured two glAsses of red wine, perhaps a bit fuller than normal.

She took her glass and kissed his lips.

“Thanks for starting dinner.”

“Oh, you’re welcome.”

She started making a salad. He stirred a pot of simmering meat sauce, then stirred the boiling pasta again.

“It’s nice to have a free weekend,” she said as she diced a tomato.

“It sure is,” he agreed. He reached out a hand and rubbed the small of her back. She leaned against his touch.

“We can sleep in tomorrow,” she told him.

“That’ll be nice,” he agreed. Even after so long together, even with knowing each other so well, it was hard to talk through the tension. They were both relieved when a timer ding to signal that the pasta was ready.

He drained the pasta and mixed it in with the sauce. She set the table. He poured a bit more wine into their glasses. They ate with the uncomfortable pauses of a first date. Whispered suggestions and fansies were one thing, but bringing them to life left them both nervous.

After lingering over empty plates with talk of the weekend’s weather forecast (rainy, all the more reason to stay inside), a look of resolved mixed with anticipation settled on his face.

“Do the dishes,” he ordered, ” and I will find a movie for us to watch.”

She thrilled at the command as she hoped up from her chair. She rushed to load the dishwasher and scrub the pots and pans with peculiar enthusiasm. She worked as fast as she could, eager for whatever would come next. Finally, she put the last pot on a strainer to dry and wiped her wet, shaking hands on a towel. Her mind raced with the possibilities for the evening, possibilities she had put out of her control by wearing the picker. She took a deep breathe and smoothed her dress. Looking down, she noticed that in her haste she’d splattered water on the bodyce. Round dots of wetness were scattered there among the buttons. She chided herself for not wearing an apron. A splattered dress wasn’t as elegant as she wanted to be tonight. It was too late now.

She steeled herself and walked to the living room. He stared at her as she joined him.

“You look like you made quite a mess playing in the water,” he commented.

“Yes,” she answered. Then, remembering herself, “Yes, Sir.”

“I’ll have to remember that for later. For now, come and sit with me.”

She joined him on the couch. He pushed play on the remote control and put his arm around her.

“Oh my!” she exclaimed as the opening scene began. It was the movie they’d seen on their first date. “I’d forgetten that we even had this one!”

“Everything has to start somewhere,” he told her as the sappy rom-com began. As the opening credits faded away, he unfasted the top button on her dress and stroked the skin revealed. Slowly, he undid more buttons as the couple in the movie met and fall for each other. After each button, his fingertips played like feathers on her newly exposed flesh. She remained as still as she could through the process to let him have his way with her, but she couldn’t contain the tremor that shot through her with every button undone. By the time the movie reached the inevitable but temporary breakup ninety minutes in, he had opened the dress to her waist.

As each of the characters committed with friends about the unfairness of love, he parted her dress to expose her breasts. He pulled her to lean on Her side across his lap as the gentleman-hero of the movie reached an epiphany and went off in search of his lady. As the couple on the screen were reunited, for good this time, his fingers traced light circles over her nipples within her bra. She pressed against his hands, but every time she pushed her chest forward he denied her firm pressure by sliding his hands to her stomach. When she leaned back against his chest, he retuned to stroking her breasts softly through the shear fabric. She fight to resist the urge to seek more contact. He continued teasing her breasts through all of the closing credits, his fingers looping in spirals expanding from her nipples to brush the swell of her breasts.

When the credits finished, he finally cupped her breasts with his entire hands. She thrilled to the contact.

“Are you ready?” he asked.

“Yes, Sir,” she answered.

“Good,” he said. “Now, get across my knee. You have ten swats coming for Your carelessness with the dishes.”

“Yes, Sir.” She tried to sound fellow instead of eager.

She dragged herself across his lap. Her face was mashed into an arm of their couch. She smelled the leather. He pushed the skirt of her dress up over her hips until the entire thing was wrapped around her middle. He shifted his feet to raise his right knee and lower his left, which lifted her ass maybe an inch higher to present a better target. She held still, exposed and vulnerable. Then his right hand came down, gently and softly, barely brushing the exposed flesh around the edges of herpanties. His fingertips trailed down the back of her thighs and between her legs. Every time he lifted his hand, she braced for it to come down hard, but every time his fingers returned with a weak grazing of her exposed skin. She told and relaxed.


His hand came down hard and sharp on her right ass cheek. She yelped with pain and surprise. She tensed for another blow.

Instead of delivering another whack, his hand grazed the back of her right knee. His fingers skimmed her tigh up to where her ass still burned. Then he traced up her left leg, from her knee, over her ass, and to the small of her back. His index finger traced the line of her panties again, first on the left side, then on the right. Over and over again, his fingers traced up her thighs and along her ass. She focused on relaxing beneath his gentle touch, knowing that somehow the less she expected the next blow the better it would be.


She managed to contain herself to a whimper instead of a scream when the second blow landed on her left cheek. Now both sides of her ass smarted, but the left side was burning with fresh heat while the pain in the right side was fading.


He slapped her on the right side, harder than before. She’d been expecting another respite of gentle strokes instead of another blow. She yelped again. Now both sides of her ass burned. She breathed deep to calm Her nerves, the smell of the couch filling her nostrils. She focused on the scent of leather.

He stroked her hair with his left hand, while his right hand massed her buttocks. He pressed hard, and her muscles relaxed, even though the pressure abraded her tender skin. She pressed her ass up toward his hands as he worked, eager for whatever they gave her.


Two more blows came down, one after the other, and she signed with contentment. These were even harder than before, but they didn’t hurt like the first did. She felt his cock twitch beNeath her belly, and somehow she was proud of the effect it had on him to be across his lap as he reddened her ass.

He rubbed her more, massaging from the bottom to the top of each side of her ass. Then he rubbed from the center outward, first on the right side, then on the left. He let the flesh of her ass jiggle as he released it. She focused on her breathe and his hand upon her. Then his hand pulled her panties down to the top of thighs, exposing her ass completely. His fingers returned to lightly tracing her skin, focusing on the places her panties had covered. His finger tip trickled down the crack of her ass and grazed her labia. Moisture dripped from her slide as his finger grazed her. She whimpered.

“You like it when I beat your ass, don’t you?”

“Yes, Sir.”


He started to slide a finger into her cunt, but withdraw it as she thrust against it.

“Oh, you’re wet. You are a submissive little slut, aren’t you?”

“Yes, Sir.”‘Yes, Sir,’ what?”

“Yes, Sir, I am a submissive little slut.”

“That’s right.”


“What happens to submissive little sluts like you?”

“We got spanked and used, Sir.” The words came out in a rasping whisper.


She panted and wondered how many more swats were to come. She’s lost all track of how many blows he’d administratored, and really couldn’t remember how many she had been promised. All she knew was that she could feel her ass glowing. She imagined the red hand prints that must be there, just like in the porn that used to excite her so much and then leave her ashamed after she’d fingered herself to a climax. As she wallowed in her own head, his hand traced the enflamed flesh.


He spanked her twice more, faster and harder than the rest, hard enough to break through her reverie. She howled and jerked, but he put his left hand between her shoulders and pinned down. His right hand remained on her ass, pressing her against his lapand his erection. Once her breathing was close to normal again, he spoke.

“That was ten. You were a good girl.”

“Thank you, Sir.”

He stroked her ass for a few moments.

“Take you clothes and yourself to the bedroom. Put your dress, your panties, and your bra in the hamper and wait for me naked. I will join you shortly. You are not allowed to touch yourself while you wait.”

“Yes, Sir.”

Her dress fell to the floor around her ankles as she stood. After so long over his knee, she was dizzy and wobbled for a second before she steadied herself enough to push her panties the rest of the way down to her ankles with her dress. She stepped out of both her dress and underwear, picked them up, and walked away wearing only her bra. She felt his eyes on her ass as she left the room.

He hadn’t told her how to wait for him, only that she should be naked and wasn’t allowed to touch herself. Did naked mean she needed to take off her picker? Surely not, she decideded. She stood by the foot of their bed, facing the door, naked except for a band of metal links fitting tight to her throat.

She didn’t have to stand there long before he came into the room. He closed the door, even though they were alone in the house. The snick of the latch had a sound of finality to it. She stood silent and watched as he removed his clothes. Her eyes were hungry upon him.

He stood an arm’s length in front of her. She longed to reach for him, to pull him towards her until she felt his cock press against her stomach, but she knew she wasn’t allowed. She stood stock still as he traced the curves of her body with both hands. He stroked up and down her sides, from below her hips to above her breasts. Then he cupped her breasts with his fingers as he swirled her nipples with his thumbs.

“Please please please—” she blurted.

“Shush,” he told her.

His hands dropped from her breasts. He moved to her left so he could cup her pussy with his right hand and her ass with his left. She started rocking against his hand between her legs. He let her grind against him for a few moments, but he took his hand away from her when she began to pick up her pace.

“Not yet,” he told her. He pushed her over the foot of the bed and onto her back. He spread her legs and slide his fingers along her lips. First he stroked the outer lips, even though in her state she was already swollen, open and ready. Then he started trailing his index finger up her inner lips. He shifted his hand with each stroke to trail his finger over her at a different angle. He grazed her cliporis at the end of every stroke, and her entire body would twitch in response. She couldn’t bear the pulsing building within her. The needed orgasm grow stronger and stronger with each stroke he gave her, but he never lingered long enough for her to come. She thrust against his hand again, but he deftly moved with her, always keeping his fingers on her cunt, but never letting her create enough pressure to get satisfaction.

After an eternity, he got up and stood at the foot of the bed again.

“You’ve done well tonight,” he told her as he stood. “You may suck my cock.”

She bounded from the bed and fell to her knees before him. Normally she liked to linger over blow jobs, licking and teasing him, but she was too far gone for that. She inhaled his cock and took him deep into her throat. He encouraged her on with handsfuls of her hair, fucking her face with a frantic rhythm. After only a few thrusts, she felt the contracts begin inside her hungry mouth. She started to swallow eagerly, but he pulled away from her and yanked his cock out of her mouth with a pop. He held her hair tight with his left hand and used his right to aim his cock at her face. The first glob of spunk hit her right cheek. The next hit the bridge of her nose. A series of smaller drops landed around her mouth.

As soon as he’d finished shooting, he shoved his cock back into her mouth.

“Clean it off,” he grew.

She swirled her tongue around his softening dick and swallowed what remained of his orgasm as his spunk trickled slowly down her face. When he was in a merely semi-erect state, he withdraw from her mouth once again.

“Well done,” he told her. “Start the shower so we can clean up for bed.”

She did as she was told.


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