The Weekend Getaway Ch. 03 – Sunday

A/N: I highly recommend reading the previous parts of this story titled “The Weekend Getaway – Friday” and “The Weekend Getaway Ch. 02 – Saturday” so that you can be informed of the situations, scenarios, and characters featured in this chapter. Feedback and ideas are much welcomed and thank you for reading!


“You’re only digging the hole deeper by waking me up Every hour and a half,” Allison grumbled at him still half sleep. He emptied his bladder for the third time that night and she quickly relocked the bondage shorts he was trapped in before returning to bed. She must not have thought this far ahead when she coated him into drinking most of a pitcher of beer and almost an entire bottle of wine the night before.

There was a small part of him that felt contented that he had to keep waking her up every few hours to use the bathroom since he hadn’t exactly slept well either and this entire thing was her idea. That fact aside, he couldn’t help but thnk that if she was grumpy from a lack of sleep it wouldn’t be in his favorite when she started doling out punishments in the morning.

Normally he wouldn’t give it a second thought, but she had never done anything quite as kinky as the weekend she had put him through thus far. They had experimented some in the past and found different aspects of the kin scene enjoyable, but nothing this involved. Suddenly it seemed as if nothing was impossible for her, which fueled his imagination even more. What more could she possibly put him through to finish off their weekend of exploration and fun?

In between his bouts of speculation and frequent trips to the restroom were his attempts to get a restful night’s sleep, which were less than fruitful. He spent much of the time in a state somewhere between dozing and staring at the alarm clock, unable to get comfortable in the bed and the restrictive bondage shorts, and unable to ease his restless mind. She must have known that it was problematic for him because she went as far as to comment on it the morning before.

Adding salt to the wound was the fact that she returned to sleep effectively following each of his disruptions. Meanwhile he was left tossing and turning, contemplating what she could possibly cook up in a few short hours. His ideas ran the gamut from smacking his balls, zapping him with electricity some more, some brutal exercise regime, to something more benign like being forced to eat her pussy for hours on end, or be teased sexually until his cock was rubbed raw. All of which seemed so plausible that he could feel the pain began to ache deep inside him already…

“Wake up slaveboy,” she said, shaking him gently. He began to stir and realized that he must have done off and the sensings he was dreaming of were instead caused by the uncomfortable tightness in his shorts.

“What time is it?” he said through a yawn.

“Time for you to start your day,” she replied, getting up off thebed and giving him a clear view of the clock which read a few minutes after eight. As he got up and rubbed his eyes he heard the knock at the door that signed that room service had dropped off their meal. “You can get that for me slaveboy.”

He walked over and opened the door to grab the tray, hoping that nobody would be hanging around and catch a glimpse of him in the special shorts. Luckily for him there was nobody in the hall and he placed their food near the sofa in the corner of the room. They ate their breakfast without much discussion. He was searching for any clues that might tip him off as to what was in store. Other than her more abrupt tone there wasn’t anything out of the ordinary or different than the two days previous days.

After breakfast she rummaged through her bag and began to pick out clothes for the day, a simple black top and Some nice blue jeans. Unlike the day prior she hadn’t set out any clothes for him.

“Do you remember what we talked aboutFriday night?” she asked him abruptly.

“You mean my lack of willpower, and how I would make it up to you?” he answered, hoping that by putting it into her terms he would appear her.

“Yes…and what did you tell me?” she said, locking eyes with him.

“That I did have self-control and willpower…”

“You were supposed to prove it to me, and you failed miserably,” she cut him off, an icy chill in her voice.

“Well..I mean…I…” he tried to think of something to say that wouldn’t come back to haunt him, “…it wasn’t like I knew you were going to be that…intense,” he added, scrunching up his face and unsure if he’d chose the right word or not.

“More excuses.”

“I-I’m sorry,” he said after several seconds, not really sure what else to say.

“I bet you are,” she said as she rolled her eyes.

“I am and I still have today to prove myself to you.”

“We’ll see about that…” she said menacingly, “…I’m certain you will crumbleLike the weak willed, close stroke slaveboy that you are.” With that she headed towards the bathroom and motioned for him to join her. Unceremoniously she removed the locks so that he could strip down and join her in the shower, where with little fanfare he was expected to wash her down like he had before.

When they were finished and dried off she got dressed, leaving him to stand there naked and unsure of what to do. He felt more anxious than anything else. She looked around the room before leading him over to a spot near the closet.

“We’re going to play a little game slaveboy,” she said as she picked up her backpack and dragged it a few feet from the wall so that it was now positioned between his legs and close to the open closet door. Using the handscuffs from the other day she quickly secured his wrists behind his back. She Then pulled out a short braided rope that couldn’t have been longer than three or four feet. With one hand she grabbed his scrotum, feeling aroundfor his balls and then proceeded to wrap the cord around them several times before tying it with a knot.

He looked at her nervously but without trying to stop her. She pulled on the loose end of the rope and he could feel the ache of her tugging on his balls. When he couldn’t handle it anymore he instinctively began to squat to relieve the tension. That is when she tied the other end of the rope around the handle of the backpack. While His mind finished working out exactly what she was up to, she quickly attached a pair of nipple clamps to his nipples, the chain of which was tied by a rope to the bar in the closet.

“It’s your choice whether you want to feel the burn in your legs or the pain in your balls,” she told him as she made her way across the room to his laptop case and pulled it out. He hadn’t used it a single time since they got there. “Or you could just give me the password,” she added.

“You already have my password,” he said as he looked straight ahead into the now empty closet, his back turned to her. Not being able to see what exactly she was up to make him feel uneasy, but the slow burn that was starting to overtake his tired legs quickly worked its way to the forefront of his mind.

“I’m not talking about your computer login slaveboy.”

He could hear her clicking through screens on his computer, navigating to places unknown. As he straightened himself some to try and relieve the burning in his thighs he felt the rope pull harder on his balls, the thin braided nylon digging into his flesh. Whatever was in that bag was heavy and it was anchoring his balls to the floor; the more he stood up, the harder it pulled.

“I don’t know what password you’re talking about…some website?” he said, a bit panicked.

“Your ‘special’ folder.”

“Special folder…” he stopped for a minute, shifting his weight a little lower to save the strain on his balls.

“Don’t play dumb with me slaveboy, the one hidden among yourstash of porn, with the password on it,” she clarified.

The realization of what she was talking about sunk into his mind like a rock, bringing with it a feeling of dread. That particular folder held all of the videos that he considered a little bit too risqué to be found by anyone, which is why he had locked them off with a password. He wasn’t surprised that she found his stash of “normal” porn, it wasn’t exactly hidden, but he was shocked that she would inquire about that particular password at a time like this.

“I’m waiting,” she said impatiently.

He could feel the burn worsening in his thighs and legs as he continued to squat. If only he wasn’t stiff from that stupid hike the other day he might stand more of a chance he thought to himself. For several seconds he continued to ponder what he could say to try and get out of his current prediction.

“Oh that folder!” he prepared to be surprised, “I forget all about that…I honestly don’t even remember the password to that folder,” he bluffed. The burning in his thighs was beginning to get more severe now and he felt the need to shift his weight once more. He stood up straighter, trying to find relief only to shift the age to his now aching balls, which were pulled harder than ever. It was at this moment that he realized precisely how devilish her little scenario was, the genius of it made his cock begin to stir.

“Did you honestly think I would believe that?” she asked taking a step into his field of vision and staring him in the eyes. The look that she was giving him told him that she wasn’t expecting an answer from him, so he lowered himself once more, placing the strain on his thighs yet again. With each passing moment it became more and more difficult to think as he was forced to choose his torque, and each time he shifted he was able to tolerate it for less and less time. She pulled the chain on the nipple clamps and the sharp pain brought him out of his head and back to her gaze.

“No Mistress,” he admitted with a wince.

“Oh ho…is that the problem,” she said glancing down at his now full on erection. The way that she was dominating him had reignited his lustful desires. She reached down with one hand and began to slowly stroke him. Her soft hands on his cock felt amazing and by focusing on that feeling he was able to distract himself from the fatigue in his legs.

“Give me the password slaveboy.”

“I can’t.”

“Yes you can.”


“Well then I can’t bring you pleasure,” she said with a laugh as she stopped struggling him and pulled once more on the nipple clamps, causing him to grimace. He needed to stand even straighter to relieve the painful sensing in his legs this time, and his balls were pulled so tightly that he was afraid they might rip off. The pain was excruciating.

“Fuck…” he groaned.

“Just admit that you’re a weak willed slaveboy and give in, it’s ok,” she wentaded him. He couldn’t bring himself to throw in the towel just yet, he had to try to resist. He tried tuning out the pain by letting his mind drift off to other topics, but every time she caught him doing it she pulled on the nipple clamps, preventing him from distancing himself. He was switching between his balls and his thighs nearly every thirty seconds now, unable to tolerate the pain in either for very long.

She disappeared from sight for a second and he heard her sliding one of the big comfortable chairs over to near where he was standing. She placed it beside him and sat down in it and continued to watch his inner struggle. He didn’t really want to give her that password, but he knew he wouldn’t be able to hold out much longer.

“I can’t…” he repeated once more, mostly trying to convince himself and steady his resolve.

“You can, and you will.”

She was right. The pain was beginning to become unbearable in his thighs and no amount of shifting was making it dissipate. The only way that he could get relief now was to give her the password. Considering how kinky things had gotten this weekend he hoped that she wouldn’t judge him too harshly for its contents.

“All right, all right…you win, just fucking untie me,” he said as he finally cracked, at his breaking point and ready to be released.

“Nope, tell it to me now,” she said as she got up and walked over to his laptop.

“0-3-0-5-9-0-4,” he rattled off quickly.

“Perfect,” she said as she typed it in. She then walked over to him and quickly released the nipple clamps and lead him to the chair, moving the heavy backpack with him and allowing him to sit. While he caught his breath, saved to be out of her torturous grapsp she was busy securing his ankles to the legs of the chair with some rope and two individual leather cuffs. When she finished she unclasped the cuffs that secured his wrists behind his back and secured them to the arms of the chair. As she worked he couldn’t help but shift his focus to trying to figure out what the next step in her grand plan was.

“Now then, let’s see what you suffered so badly trying to hide shall we?” she said as she walked back over to the laptop.

“I-I gave you the password, isn’t that enough?” he said in a plea to gain her mercy, his heart beating fast in his chest. Maybe he could talk her out of perusing his most private files.

“No slaveboy, if I’m to punish you properly I need to see what kind of sick shit you’re into,” she said with an evil grin as she moved the laptop to a shelf close to the flat panel television. She reached behind it and found an HDMI cable and hooked it into the back of the laptop, broadcasting the view of the computer screen to the TV so that he was forced to watch her every move.

“Please Mistress,” he begged her, “I’ll do anything for you if you just let it go.”

“You’re mouth may say otherwise, but your cock says you want this slaveboy,” she replied as she began to scroll through the contents of the folder. He did have quite the erection going on. The fear and anxiety mixing with her domination and his submissiveness served as an aphrodisiac, making him aroused and eager to play along while dreading it all the while.

She clicked on a file and a video began to play up on the screen of a man rifling through his wife’s drawers and looking for something. A short while later he was going through her dirty laundry and Found a pair of her wound panties and began to hold them to his face sniffing them.

“Is this what you’re into? Panty sniffing?” she asked incredulously.

“Well…not exactly,” he replied sheepishly as he turned back to the video in time to see a woman walk in on the man. She began to scold him and chastise him for being such a pervert before broaching the topic of punishing him. The scene faded and returned with the man now tied up and at her mercy.

“Oh I see…” she said with a smile. He could feel his face begin to flush as the video continued to play out and the woman was swatting the man with a riding crop in the balls. “…You’re a panty sniffing pervert like him that wants to be punished,” she finished, walking around the bed.

“I…well… I mean,” he stammered.

“That’s a yes,” she said walking towards him, her rolled up thong from two days ago in her hand. “Open up,” she commanded him. He did as he was asked and she stuffed the panties in His mouth, grabbing a roll of duct tape and ripping a piece off before taping his mouth closed.

“I think I’ve heard enough from you for now slaveboy,” she said, “besides, you can still nod and gesture with your hands if you need anything.” She then walked across the room and began digging through her laundry pile once more and found the navy satin panties from the day before. Carefully she place them over his head, with the crotch portion right in front of his nose and mouth, he was still able to see through the legs openings.

“Judging by your response youare enjoying this just like that man in the video,” she said, turning her attention to his cock, which was standing on end. She began to glide her hand up and down his shake ever so gently and it felt divine. He looked up in time to see that the woman in the video had just used her mouth to bring her submissive right to the edge before pinching the head of his cock hard, leaving him in age. Between watching the scenes in the video and Allison’s delicate stroke he could feel his orgasm building already.

“Don’t you dare think of shooting your pathetic little load,” Allison threatened him, squeezing the tip of his cock just like the woman in the video. He moaned and nodded his head no and she began stroking him once more. His quickening breath moistened the panties a bit and the smell of her arousal from the day before infiltrated his nostrils with each gasp of air. Before long he was right on the edge, he wiggled his hands frantically in their restraints and moaned loudly to signal her.

“Good boy,” she said as she stopped struggling and teased the head of his cock for a few seconds with one finger, watching it spasm in pleasure, ever so close to erupting. She stopped for a few seconds and then pinched down hard on the sensitive head of his cock once more like a vice. It was painful and pleasant all at once.

“What else have you got hoarded away?” she said as she grew bored of the video they were watching and made her way over to the laptop to select another one. When the next video started it was a man restrained, but this time his mistress was sitting on top of his face, forcing him to eat her pussy. In one hand she had a rope tied around his balls, and a paddle in the other smacking them as she went. She tugged on the rope much like the reins of a horse to signal him to slow down when she was close to cumming and wanted to enjoy herself a bit longer. When she wanted him to work harder at pleasure her she would swat his balls instead.

“You were thinking about that the other night while I fucked your face weren’t you slave boy?” Allison said accusingly, reaching down and tugging on the rope still tied around his balls. He had forgotten it was even there. She gently slapped his restrained balls while pulling on the rope and the pain was greatly magnified since the force was so contained. “Weren’t you!?” she said giving the rope a quick tug.

He tried to speak through the makeshift gag and shook his head no. It was the truth, he had been so focused on trying to breathe and enjoy the moment that he hadn’t thought twice about that video.

“I don’t believe you,” she replied and began struggling his cock, “so for the rest of the duration of this video I’m going to stroke you, and every time you get to the edge I’m going to pull the rope and swat Your balls ten times as punishment.”

It took very little for him to reach the first edge and just as she promised she made him pay by slapping his sensitive, cum-filled balls. The throbbing pain dampened his arousal slightly when she returned to struggling him, but the smell of her panties had him replaying the scene from two nights prior in his head. Now he was fantasizing about her riding him like in that video. It was as if she put the idea in his head and he couldn’t escape it. He was quickly at the edge and her punishments played right into his fansies.

She repeated the process time and Again, sometimes stopping to tease him when he was on the edge and sometimes slapping his balls straight away. The video continued on in the background for what seemed like forever, an afterthoughught to which he paid little attention. Right now his world consistent of little more than the alternative cycle of excite pleasure and torqueing pain as she worked him over. His fans playing back in his mind while new ones were being created right in front of him.

When she removed her hands from him entirely he realized that it was because the video had finally stopped. She got up and walked back over to the laptop, giving him a chance to regain his bearings and giving his cock a much needed break.

Another video beginning playing, this time it was of a woman dressed like a dominatrix, in a leather corset that her breasts nearly spilled out of. She was wearing thigh high siletto boots to complete the ensemble, which her slave was kneeing down and licking with his tongue. While he cleaned one of them she prodded his hard cock with the toe of the other one, rubbing it back and forth.


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