As we walked out from the basement, Pet handed my the shirt I had been wearing earlier, and I slipped it on, covering my caged cock as we went into the reception room. They party was starting to break up, with some of the guests moving out to the hallway, where I could see couple of the waitresses having out coats. Mistress joined them, and stayed out there saying her goodbyes as Pet led me through the rest of the downstairs rooms. The signs of a wild night were everywhere, many of the cushions were on the floor, and empty glasses littered the room. There were a handful of people in one the corners, and as we got nearer, I could see the large breasted waitress on her hands and knees, being spit roasted by one of the guests and the male waiter. She turned her mouth as we passed, and I saw the cum running down over her chin and dripping on the floor, as he Continued to pump into her. Her hair was matted and sticky, and the only remnants of her uniform, was the tiny black skirt, bunched around her waist, which the water was gripping hard he he rocked back and forward onto her.
Pet nudged me to keep going and we reached the kitchen, which was empty. Carrying on through another door, we reached yet another staircase and made our way upstairs onto a landing and then into a bedroom, which contained a large double bed. There was an en-suite off to the side, and Pet led me in and bent to remove my cage.
“You are going to stay here tonight. Don’t worry, you won’t be alone for too long, but I have to leave you now. Have a shower, there are things to use on the side, and then get into bed.” Kissing me lightly on the forehead, she left me alone. I showed, and used one of the new toothbrushes on the side to clean my teeth and got into bed. The bed was warm and soft, and I realized that I hadn’t slept comfortablely since I arrived. That was only the previous evening – it was probably the early hours of the morning now, so I had only been here for about 30 hours,but it felt like a life time. As I lay down, and pulled the covers up, I quickly fell asleep.
The room was dark as I suddenly awoke, but I could feel someone sliding into the bed behind me. A small hand reached round and stroked my chest, and I heard Pet whispering in my ear. “Try not to wake up, I’m just going to cuddle you.”
With her warm arms around me I fell back to sleep with her spooning I the back of me. I woke again later to hear low murmuring voices. There was someone else in the bed with us, behind Pet. I lay still as I felt her release me and turn away. She must have moved me as I slept, because I was lying at the side of the bed, facing away. The low murmurings gave way to soft kissing noises, and then I heard the buzz and felt the faith victorys in the bed. Whoever was with Pet started moaning quietly. “Hush, try not to wake him up,” she whispered as the buzzing continued. A little gasp was followed by silence as the buzzing stopped. I could feel the heat from Pet’s skin as she lay facing away from me. I started to turn to face her, but I her hand reached back and stopped me.
Her gentle voice was in my ear, “Don’t turn over, you can stay here, but lay where I’ve put you.” The whispering continued, and then Pet pulled me back towards her, still facing away, and spooned back behind me. The other person crawled across both of us and lay facing away from me. I recognized the long blonde hair, it was the Mistress. I felt Pet nudging me from behind so I move up behind her, tenatively wrapping my arm over her. I felt her grapp my hand and then move it to cup her breast. Pet, squashed up against me, sandwiching me between the both of them. I felt my cock start to twitch and harden between her buttocks. Surely the Mistress easy’t going to let me fuck her?
She turned in my arms, facing me in the dark. I could dill see her shadow, but not any detail. Kissing me gently on the lips, she dropped her hand to my cock, struggling it gently. Shewhispered, “I’m going to let Pet take care of this otherwise we will never get any sleep.” Pet slide down under the covers, and I feel the warmness as she took me in her mouth. Her head moved slowly and her tongue swirled gently as I swelled in her mouth. I feel myself about to come, and, unable to hold back, relaxed into her mouth. I feel Pet swallow, and then lifting her head back up, kissed me, dribbling my own cum back into my mouth. She turned me again to lie behind the Mistress, and curled up behind me. The Mistress returned my hand to cup her breast and we fell away to sleep.
When I awoke, the bed was empty, both side still warm from their bodies. There was a small note on the side.
“Good morning. Help yourself to breakfast downstairs. Your clothes are in the next room.”
I got out of the bed and went into the hallway. The house seemed deserted. The door to the next bedroom was open, and lying o the bed were the clothes that I have arrived in, along with my phone, wallet and coat. I dressed and made my way downstairs. The kitchen was empty, but there were two places laid for breakfast, with coffee brewing on the side. I wondered where Louise was, the last time I had seen her she was locked downstairs in the cell.
I wandered into the hallway and down to the basement, clicking the light on. It seemed strange to be coming down here fully clothed, with shoes on. The basement was empty. The cell door stood ajar, the blanket folded on the bed. All the evidence of last nighty’s activity had been cleared away. I returned to the kitchen, and this time found a note on the table.
“Louise is here in the house and will join you shortly. Please feel free to enjoy breakfast before you leave, and then let your self out when you are ready to go. We will be in touch!” It was signed, “Master and Mistress”.
I was pouring some coffee when I heard footsteps, and Louise came into the kitchen, fully dressed like me. We stood in silence, neither ofus sure what to say next. She stepped over to me and held my hand.
“We will need to talk about what has happened this weekend. Neither of us chose to stop it, and I’m glad we saw it through to the end. When we get home, we can sit down and I’ll tell you everything I went through, I won’t leave anything out. I’d like you to do the same as well if you will?”
We sat and drank our coffee, adn eat some of the breakfast in science, each lost in our won thoughts. Then together we rose, and walked hand in hand out through the same dark hallway that we had stepped into two days before. The door opened as I turned the handle, and we stepped out into the bright day light. As the door swung to behind us, I heard the lock click and knew, that if I tied it again, it would be locked. Our car was at the roadside where we had left it and as we walked down the steering path I turned and looked at the tall Victorian house rising above us. There was a small face in one of the top window’s and I saw Pet gives a little wave before she ducked back out of sight. I hope we would see her again.
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