The Weekend Ch. 04 – Afternoon Tea

I awoke as the cell door lock buzzed and with a click the door fell slightly ajar. I was still pressed tight against Pet who lay facing away from us, crowded in with me on our tiny bed. The blanket was still on top of us, and I could feel the heat from her body radiating into me. We had had sex earlier – I had taken her at the invitation of the Mistress as a punishment for her insolence, forcing myself upon her while she was tied down over the benchmark, powerless to resist. Later, while we laid together in the cell, our hands tied above our head, I had had sex with her again, this time at her instigation, a gentle coupling while we lay under the rough blanket. I could feel the stickiness against me as my cum had leaked out while we spelt. The pressure in my bottom reminded me that the butt plug that they had forced in earlier as still there, but the pain had given way to a comfortable fullness now.

The dungeon was in darkness now, so some hours must have passed since we had been lEft in the cell. It was suddenly flooded with light as the familiar sound of clicking heels announced the arrival of the Mistress, descending the stone steps into the dungeon. She carried what looked like a small plastic dustbin, and a jug, which she placed on the floor in the tiled area of ​​the basement, before coming over to peer at us through the bars of the cell.

She picked up the flogger hanging from her belt, and ran it across the bars of the cell. I felt Pet flinch as she suddenly woke up. “Wakey, wakey,” shouted the Mistress, flinging the door of the cell open. She stood at the door of the cell, and then with a wrinkle of disgust stepped onto the filthy floor to reach us so that she could notie our chains. I could see the floor squelch as she stepped across it, the constant dripping water making it damp and slimy.

Unclipping us, she stepped back out of the cell, and I noticed that she didn’t wipe her feet on the mat at the entrance. Pet slide her feet onto the floorand stood up, and I felt her skin pull at mine as the dried semen unstuck from between us. I could see the tracks on her legs where it had ran out, and the dull briising on her bottom her she had been savagely beaten earlier. I followed her out of the cell and Mistress led us over to the tiles in the centre, where she motioned for us to knee on the ground.. Walking behind us, she grabbed our arms in turns, and locked our cuff rings together, our hands behind our back.

Reaching into her pocket, she brought out a TV remote, and clicking it, a screen came to life which was bolted to the wall. I saw Louise and the Master, reclining on a sofa, both wearing towelling robes. Louise was leaning against the Master’s chest, his arm around her, and her hand dangled down between his legs. They were looking straight at us, and I realized that they must be watching the live feed from the dungeon., She leaned into the Master and, covering her mouth whispered into his ear. I saw the Master smilee, and then picking up a mobile phone, call someone.

Mistress’s phone rang in her pocket and she picked it up, and I could hear a voice talking to her. She picked up the remote and flicked a switch, and I could see the volume increase on the TV screen. Louise sat forward and started straight into the camera, her face hardening. I could feel her eyes boring straight into mine.

“Hello darling, have you been enjoying yourself this afternoon. We’ve just had afternoon tea, and I didn’t want you to feel left out, so the Mistress has kindly brought some down for you. I want you to thank her, and then have a nice afternoon tea with that little slut that you have been fucking.”

She lay back against the Master, trailing her hand back down between his legs, and they sat watching us.

Mistress lifted the lid off the plastic dustbin and upended it. Food waste tipped out into a pile on the floor. I could see crusts of bread, pieces of fruit, half eaten scones smeared with cream and jam, some bits of cake, all jumbled together. She prodded at it with her feet, stirring the mess with her toe. I saw bits of filter from the cell floor mix with it, as she rubbed the sole of her foot across the waste.

Holding her foot above Pet’s lowered head, she slowly wiped the sole over her head, smearing dirt and food into her hair, and down her face. Pet sat in silence, resigned to the humiliation. Sighing the Mistress spoke to us. “Enjoy your tea. It will be a while until you eat again, if you do, so make the most of it. She picked up the timer that we had used earlier and set it on the floor. As the sand started running through it, I knew we would only have a few minutes. Pet bent forward, lowering her head to the floor and started to gobble at the revolting mess in front of her. I remembered my wife’s instruction, and raising my head to the Mistress said, “Thank you for my tea, Mistress,” before lowering my head to join Pet.

Kneeling with my hands behind me, IFound I had little control, and my face immediately slipped into the pile of waste food in front of us, My head bumped against Pet, and I realized the she was eagerly gobbling away, oblivious to how revolting it looked. Although the look of what we were guzzling, it didn’t taste too bad. I was worried that something unpleasant had been mixed with it, but it really did seem like it was just the left overs from their Earlier meal.

I felt Mistress pull on my hair and I raised my head, Pet doing the same next to me. She looked ridiculous, and I supposed I looked much the same. Apart from the dirt and mess engineered in her head, her face was covered with sticky food, and it had dribbled down her chin, dripping onto her breasts. I heard laughing from the screen, and trained to see Louise and the Master in hysterics, having watched us like pigs in a trough. I saw her whisper to him again, and he typed something into his phone.

Mistress’s phone pinged and she looked at it.

“How forgetful I am, you should have something to drink with this. Would you like some tea?”

She picked up the jug from the floor and tipped Pet’s head back with the toe of her boot. “Open!” She commanded. Pet tipped her head back and Mistress poured a grey liquid out of the jug. Pet guzzled and spluttered as the drink poured into her open mouth, swallowing what she could while the rest ran down her upturned face and onto her breasts, mixing with the food. Mistress turned to me, and I tipped my head and opened my mouth. The liquid poured down on to me. It was cold tea, more left overs from their afternoon I supposed. I drank what I could, and like Pet, the rest ran down me.

Mistress upended the jug and the rest of the tea splashed onto of the remain of the waste food. She stepped behind Pet and pushed with her foot, so that the young woman fell forwards into it. Pushing on her back with her sole, the Mistress rubbed her into the mess, coating her face breasts and stomach. Onthe TV screen Louise continued to giggle. The Master leant and whispered something to her, and she turned to look straight at the camera, straight into my eyes. As I watched she slowly slip down, and then turning to face the Master lowered her head between his legs.

As Louise’s head began to bob, Mistress clicked the TV off. Pet was still lying on the floor, her face resting in the mess. Mistress reached down and clipped her wrists. “This place looks like a fucking pigsty and you two look like a couple of pigs walking. Get it all cleaned up and then get yourself ready for tonight. “

Turning away she up the stairs, and I heard the door close behind her, the light still burning in the basement.

Pet slowly lifted herself up, She looked a total mess, food all over the front of her, her hair caked in food and dirt. She came behind me and undid my cuffs.

“We don’t have long, so help me get this place tidied.” The bench was still in the missile of the dungeon fromEarlier, Pet’s skirt and torn panties on the floor. I helped her move the bench back to the side of the room, and she picked up the remnants of her clothes. I realized how clever the design of the dungeon was when she uncoiled the hose from the wall, and rinsed the remain of the food and the tea into the rain in the centre. After a quick wipe over the tiles with a mop, the dungeon was coal, ready for the next session.

“Just one thing left, I think that case come out now,” smiled Pet. Bending me over the padded bench she told me to relax, and then I felt the pressure as she tugged at the plug in my bottom, and then the reality as it came out. She took it to a small sink in the corner and discretely washed it and her hands, before retirering ti its shelf, where it sat with a range other plugs and dildos. I noticed that it was just about the smallest one there, and I realized that they had really been quite gentle with me earlier.

She returned with my cock cager. “I’m sorry, but you have to have this back on before we leave the dungeon. As she slide it on and clipped it closed, she gave me a smile of encouragement. “You will notice a difference when we go up. There’s going to be a party tonight and there will be a lot more people around. I’m going to take you somewhere to get ready, so just act normal.” She laughed. “Normal, that is for here. Just keep your head lowered and follow me. No one will look twice at you, everyone here is used to the Scene, and knows what goes on.”

She led me up the stairs and we went into the reception room. I could see several people I the kitchen, and heard and smelled the food being prepared. Someone passed us carrying some chairs. Pet was right, he didn’t give us a second look. Obviously naked people smelled in food and in chains were absolutely normal here. Pet lead me to a door on the other dish of the room from the stair case. Opening it, there was a smaller wooden staircase going up stairs. I was starting to realizethat this house was much larger than I had realized when we arrived yesterday. Following her up to the first floor, we then took a second set of stairs, to reach the next floor.

A long narrow hallway lay before us, and Pet lead me down this until we reached a room that said ‘Pet’ on it. Opening the door, we stepped inside into what was a small but cosy bedroom. I supposed that when the house was originally built, these were the servant’s quarters.

“Shower first, I think!” smiled Pet, as she unclipped my lead. Taking my hand lead me into a modern en-suite wet-room style bathroom. Pulling me into the shower area, she unlocked my cock cage and slide it off, and then turned on the shower. The powerful spray was warm, and I stood under it, eyes closed, feeling the filter start to run off my body. I realized that I hadn’t washed myself since I got here, and my body was sweaty, and covered with food, as well as the dried cum staining my legs. A soapy hand caressed me and I opened myeyes to see Pet with a bottle of shower gel, wiping at the food on my face. I took the bottle from her and started to wash, while she turned her attention to herself. As she rubbed at the body, I saw her nipples harden, and moved closer to her, my cock rubbing against her bottom, Turning, she smiled at me, and wagged her finger to indicate ‘no’, this was a session for cleaning ourselves and nothing else.

She turned off the water and handed me a towel. We quietly dried ourselves and then she leads back into the bedroom. I wondered again at the bizarreness of the situation. Twenty four hours ago I was picking up my wife from work. Now I had just had a shower, with a naked woman, one I had had sex with twice in the last few hours. I had seen my wife have repeated sex with a stranger, and even now she was giving him a blow job somewhere in This house. Pet sat on the bed, towelling her hair dry, and I sat down beside her. I wasn’t really sure what to do next.


She raised her eyesbrows at me with a quizzical “Hmm?”

“This afternoon …” I started.

She put the towel down and turned to face me. “I know what you are going to say, I think. You are starting to wonder what is going on. You’re here with a young woman, you find her attractive, and you probably want to have sex with her.” She chuckled, “again.”

“I enjoyed you This afternoon, I don’t mind admitting hat it was nice in the cell, with you lying behind me. I also liked it earlier when you forced yourself upon me. But the point is, it could have been anyone. That’s what this place is all about, we use it for our own fansies and pleasure, no matter how perverse they may seem to someone on the outside. You have only just dipped a toe into our world, You have only just started to see what can happen here. What you must not do is to start getting too emotionally attached.”

She must have seen my face fall, I didn’t really know what to say to her.

“Look, you will leave here tomorrow. You may come back, you may not. If you do come back, I may be here, I may not be. Tonight is going to be yet another whole new experience. You will see and probably do things that you haven’t done before. You may enjoy it, you may not. The Pet that you will see tonight is not the one that you ate talking to now. It’s the same with your wife. Right now she is with the master, and yes, they probably are having sex. She might have sex with someone else tonight, and you might as well. You never know in this place what is going to happen next. But tomorrow, you will leave, and you will probably relive your experiences together, and hopefully you will be closer for it.”

She told. “I’m not going to pretend it’s not difficult. Once a woman has been with the Master things change. I know I was nasty about Louise earlier, but it’s just jealousy, which is stupid. The Master is always sleeping with different woman, and they are all changed by it. I have never known anyone likeit, he is huge, and has such a high sex drive, he can just keep going and going. You must have heard him last night with Louise?”

Obviously I had, they had awoken me several times as they fucked, with me laying only a few feet away in a small cage. I had already been thinking about what she would think when we next had sex together.

Pet leant and patted me affectionately. “Don’t Worry, you might not be as big as he is but you’re not bad. Ive seen you a lot this weekend, and you feel good inside me earlier.”

She reached over and pecked me on the cheek and then stood up. “It’s time to get ready now. If you want to go and use the bathroom, now is the time to do it.”

I went back into the ensuite and used the toilet. Pet had put out a new toothbrush and a razor, so I cleaned my teeth and held. Feeling a bit more respectable, I went back to join Pet, who was sitting at a dressing table, applying makeup. She started to tell me a bit more about the evening ahead.

“They are having a dinner party, about twenty people. We will be waiting and serving the guests. Louise has told the Mistress that you are pretty handy with drinks and cocktails so you will be on bar duty. There will be some other people helping us. They have all been here before, so they know the setup. As you can probably imagine, there will be more to it than just serving food, but I don’t I noticed that her collar had something written on it at the back, and lean forward trying to read it. She grinned at me in the mirror, “It’s my safe word. Everyone has it on the back of their collar. It’s the way of keeping us all safe in the Scene. You have yours on the back of your collar, so I know it’s ‘pineapple’”. She chuckled, “a good choice, unless you start eating fruit salad.”

I asked her about the room. “Yes, it’s my own bedroom, I wouldn’t normally bring you in here, but the house is quite busy right now, and it was the easiest thing to do.This is where I live my normal life, and the fetish world doesn’t usually intrude. As I told you before, out of the Scene, I’m just a lodger here, and I come and go just like a normal person.”

She closed her lipstick and I could see that she was finished. “Stay there while I get dressed, then we will get your clothes on, and I’ll take you downstairs.”

She opened a drawer and picked up a white cotton thong which she slide her legs into. As she pulled them up, and the thin string slipped between her buttocks, I felt my unconstricted cock. harden. She gained at me in the mirror and wagged her finger, “Naughty, you know that’s not going to happen.”

Laughing, she opened a wardrobe and pulled out a short black skirt which she pulled up over her legs. It was tight, with a spilt at the side and she adjusted it so that it just cover her pert buttons at the back. She matched it with a white shirt which she put on and, instead of buttoning, tied together at the front. Her dirtyl pert breast nestled against the cotton, and I could see the tips of her nipples pressing against it. She finished off with some black hold-up stockings, and some spiked heel ankle boots.

“What do you think?” Her eyes sparkled as she stood I front of me. “Sexy slutty waitress?” I suggested. “Exactly the look I’m going for!”

It was my turn now. She handed me a formal white shirt and a black dinner jacket which I put on, complete with a black bow tie. From the wait up, I was a bartender or waiter. Waist down was a different story though. She picked up the cock cage, and with an apologetic look, slipped it on, giving my bottom a little pat after she had locked it into place. Reaching into her drawer she pulled out a pair of black bikini panties. “I’m lending these to you, I think it’s better than having that swinging around,” she laughed. I pulled the panties up, enjoying the soft silk encasing my balls, and the back slipping between my buttocks. They were more fully cut than a thong, which I was grateful for, it was like wearing a pair of lacy speeds. She handed me a pair of back socks and shoes which I realized were my own black ones that I had been wearing when we arrived. “I don’t think our waiters should be barefoot, do you?” she smiled.

She reached up and gave me a gentle kiss on the lips, and stroked my face with her hand. “Come on,” she smiled, “Show time!”


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