The Weekend Ch. 01 – Friday

This follows ‘Coming Home for the Very First Time’ and ‘The Submissive is tested again’. Please read them first.

Dedicated to PMS and M and all women who refuse to be confined by stereotypes.


7.00am Thursday

His phone pinged. He woke, grabbed it and looked at the screen. It was a message from Mistress: “The weekend is on. Prepare yourself. Details tomorrow. M”

A chill swept over him.

He began his daily routine. He throw back the covers. His hands fumbled around on the bedside table until they located the nipple clamps. He fixed them on. They bit his tender buds and ice saturated through his nerves, wakening his cock. His hands moved downwards. One cradled his balls. The other began to tease his stirring member.

He closed his eyes and saw a vision of Mistress, naked, save for her signature Doc Marten boots, flogger in hand, her lithe body cloaked in a sheen of sweat. It glistened in the dim light. As she turned towards him, the lipsof her cunt were outlined at the top of her slender parted thighs. She was looking at him and through him. The image was almost too much.

His cock continued to harden and he began to move his right hand up and down. He slide back his foreskin then moved two fingers to his mouth. He moistened them with saliva and they returned to tease his frenulum. It felt very good. He let out an involuntary sight.

He was fully hard now and moving inexorably towards release. His right hand weighed and squeezed his pleasantly firm member and he began to stroke in earnest. His breathing quickly. Sensations were building. His left hand squeezed his balls gently.

They felt swollen and ready to exploit. The climax was fast approaching. He felt the nerves in his stomach began to sing in sympathy. The image of His mistress had taken him right to the edge. His hand became a blur. He was at the point of no return.

He stopped and pushed his cock downwards, almost painfully. The orgasm was aborted. That had been close, perhaps too close. The twice a day teasing regime was beginning to get to him. Orgasm denial was one thing. Edge play on top of denial was something else, but he had to do it. He gazed down violently at his shrinking penis.

They had discussed forced chastity control. Mistress refused.

“I need your will to work for me.” She said. “Devices make it too easy. Any fool can be locked into a cock cage. I want you to struggle and conquer your libido – mind over matter. This will make you stronger and more dependent on me. If you fail, you will tell me and I will punish you. This is what you need – the possibility of failure and punishment and the opportunity to transcend your feeble male psyche. Submission to me is your road to salvation.”

“I am the instrument that can make you whole. I have chosen you. I will perfect you.”

“True submission can only be achieved when your will is broken and you can no longer fail me. I will break you downuntil you know nothing but my will. Then I will reconstruct you in my image. Have faith and you will become the perfect submissive. Then I might make you a slave.”

“Look at me.” She had fixed him with a firm star. “Believe in yourself and I will believe in you.”

That was a month ago, after Mistress had rekindled their relationship. They had met in a pub near Victoria – an odd place to discuss the future of your life, but probably as good as anywhere else. Between the jokes and the laughter, the office workers and the tourists enjoying London hospitality, he looked at Mistress and began to think that there might be a future for him in her world.

Her words lived on inside him. He lived for her. The weekend could not come soon enough. It was going to be make or break time.

He got up and strode naked to the bathroom. His cock pointed downwards; this morning’s crisis had been abused. The shower refreshed him and self-flagellation prepared him for the day. His bodywas beginning to look toned and firm in the right places. The gym membership was paying dividends.

It was almost six months since their last session. For four months he thought their relationship, such as it was, was over. Then she emailed him. Her circumstances had changed and she was beginning to rearrange her life. Kink could become a lifestyle instead of a hobby. She was making a big step.

They began to learn more about each other. She now know almost everything about him. He knew only what she was prepared to tell him. It was enough.

Mistress was in her early thirties. She had been privately educated, followed by university at Oxford, where she graduated with a 2.1 in philosophy and psychology. She had followed this with a stellar career in public relations and marketing. Earlier this year, she was the benefit of a substantial inheritance. After considerable soul-searching she had decided to quit her job and devote her life to her first love – domination.

She was well known on the scene, where her psychological insight proved invaluable. She knew how to train and how to reward. She knew how vulnerable some people could be and she understand the importance of assessment and the power of suggestion. She liked to think that she could judge a subject’s motivation and suitability for submission in half an hour. She had not made a mistake yet. Her new full time lifestyle would allow her to indulge her password for sex and control and take a small carefully selected group with her. They would become her compatriots and some would be slaves. They would become a very special poly family.

Once she had made her decision, she moved quickly. She would need a house and equipment. A playroom had to be fitted out and soundproofed. She would stay in London because that was where Her friends and contacts were. She could always relocate later, if there was a good reason. Meanwhile, she would assemble her team.

She quit her job and began tocontact people she thought might join her. She designed regimes for them to follow. When the house was ready she chose a weekend for each one and began to send out invitations. Two men were on her list.

7.00am Friday

His morning edge play was reprised. Orgasm was abused once more. The show followed. He shavled his balls, perineum and around his anus and followed up by pumping a butt plug in and out. This had become a familiar and comfortable habit. He was ready for the weekend.

As yet there were no further instructions.

At 8.00am the phone pinged. Mistress had sent him an address and a message.

“7.00pm. Bring toothbrush only. Be punctual or be punished.”

He liked that – her touch of humour. Punishment was the point. Severe punishment was the point – perfection Through submission. They both knew that and the symbolism was perfect. He mentally based himself. He would be punctual.

In the preceding weeks she had been training him online via emailInstructions and had been monitoring his progress. She had total control of his orgasms which she allowed only once a week. Daily anal play was mandatory. He was working his way up through a series of plugs that became progressively larger. His nipples had become extremely sensitive and were clamped twice daily. He was in a permanent state of near arousal and nervous sexual tension.

He entered the address into his map app. It was a suburban location, not far from a tube station. If he left work at 6.00pm, the journey would only take around 45 minutes. Perfect.

The day passed too slowly. The tube was overcrowded and delayed. A passenger had been taken ill on an earlier train. He arrived at her station with ten minutes to spare. He alternatively ran and walked and reached the door on time. He was in an unremarkable London street of large Victorian terraced houses. Nothing stand out.

He rang the bell and after a few seconds the latch clicked and the door opened.

He stepped over the threshold. The door closed behind him. She was wearing jeans and a loose grey T shirt with the words “The future is female” written in white capitals on the front. Her well-worn boots clad her feet. He knelt down, arse up, head on the floor, arms outstretched.

Mistress placed a foot on his back.

“My boots are part of me.”

She removed it and said, “Follow me. I will show you your room for the weekend.”

The interior of the house was plain, simply furnished and tidy, but fetish posters had been fixed to the staircase wall – black and white photographs of muscle oiled nude men in bondage, some with their cocks encased in strange devices, others suspended or fixed to St Andrew’s crosses. The works of Robert Mapplethorpe came to mind.

His pulse quickened.

At the top of the stairs Mistress opened the door to a plain almost empty room. The view from its single window was observed by a drawn blind. There was a mattress on the floor with a duvet and pillow. A towel and a wound leather collar lay on top.

He followed her inside.

“Strip and kiss my boots. I will take your clothes, phone and wrist watch. You will not need them while you are here.”

He compiled and was soon naked. He fell to the floor and kissed her boots. She swept his things into a bin bag and throw them on the landing.

“Stand, close your eyes and raise Your arms above your head.”

He did so.

He felt the collar encircle his neck and she fastened it. His breathing deepened. He was drifting already.

She paused and looked at her blind submissive. She had prepared. She allowed herself to enjoy the moment. One minute turned into two.

Nothing happened.

He could hear her breathing and walking around him. She began to stroke and pat his flesh, then she moved away again. She approached him from behind and wrapped her arms around him tightly, squeezing the breath out of him. He could feel her breasts pressing againstHis back as her belt buckle bit into his buttocks.

She a nipple in each hand and pinched them hard. Sensation seized through him. Her hands moved down and one grasped his balls and the other enclosed his cock. It was as if they were his hands. He began to harden and soon she was able to wank him. She never tired of stimulating and struggling a growing cock. A drop of moisture trickled from her cunt onto her dampening panties.

Her grip on his balls intensified and became painful. She removed her hand from his cock and began to slap it with her palm while further tightening her hold on his balls. He grunted. Once, twice, thrice the slaps rang out. It felt very good.

“Your cock belongs to me. Say it.”

“My cock belongs to you Mistress.”

“Have you followed my orders? Have you come this week?”

“Yes Mistress. I mean, no Mistress. I have followed your orders and I have not come.”

“I think you’re confused. I may have to punish you for that.” She smiled.

“Have you been using the anal plugs as I showed you?”

“Yes Mistress.”

“Good. We will soon find out if they were effective.”

“And the nipple clamps?”

“Yes Mistress.”

“Keep your eyes closed and your hands raised.”

He heard her leave the room. When she returned he could hear her tapping the walls and floor with something that sounded like the tendrils of a flogger. His assumption was correct.

Mistress proceeded to circle around him, striking almost randomly, but thoroughly. Soon his thighs (front and back), buttocks, chest and shoulders were displaying a healthy pink glow. He accepted her will without making a sound. His arms were aching.

She paused and saw that it was good.

She throw the flogger on the floor and embedded him from behind again.

“Good boy.”

“You may lower your arms.”

He compiled and she rubbed his upper arms and touched her lips to the back of his neck.

“Keep your eyes closed.”

He wasFacing away from the open door. Mistress moved and stood in front of him.

“Spread your legs – wider. Bend down and touch the floor with your fingertips.”

He felt Mistress’s hands on his face. She stroked the side of his head and then held it firmly. His head was pressed against her stromach.

“Hold still my pet.”

The sensing was familiar but the context was Shocking. He had heard no sound but suddenly a lubed finger entered his anus and twisted. It was quickly followed by two more. He was stretched and abused by the intrusion. He was finger fucked for a few seconds, then the hand was withdrawn.

“Relax. You are ready for the plug.”

He felt the tip of the plug penetrate. It soon stretched him wider as it was thrust in. It felt bigger than anything he had known before. Just as he began to think it would be too big for him to take, he felt his sphincter contract. The plug was home. He felt the base press against him and something softand furry touched the back of his thigh. Silent feet padded around the room.

“Good. You have prepared yourself well. You now have a plug and a tail. While you are here you will wear it as a sign of your status. You will insert it every morning after using the bathroom.”

“Stand upright and open your eyes.”

He did so and blinked. Facing him were two people: Mistress and another woman. He couldn’t resist looking at her. She was shorter and more petite than Mistress. Her dark hair was tied back in a ponytail, accentuating a strong jaw line. Her high cheesebones sat beneath piercing blue eyes. She looked relaxed and slightly smug as she casually removed a pair of rubber gloves, teasing the fingers provocatively as they slide off her hands.

She was braless and wearing a white singlet with large armholes and skin tight footless leggings. On her feet were blue Converse sneakers.

“Hi, I’m Star. I’m Mistress’s girlfriend. I’ve had my hand up your arse, now I think it’s time I got to know the rest of you. By the way, the tail was my idea. I’ve always loved pets.”

Mistress was smiling.

“We’re going to work on you together. It may speed things up. I think you are ready to go deeper. Do you agree?”

His mind was a jumble of confusion. He had come this far without knowing anything about Mistress’s other partners – or even if there were Any. He aspired to become her permanent slave. He knew about her change of circumstances. That was why he was here. Could he succeed? How would her relationship with Star affect things? He must trust Mistress. She had invited him here and she had plans. He would not lose her. It would be for the best.

“Yes Mistress. I want to go deeper. As deep as you can take me.”

“Good. I never doubted you. There are new things you must know and accept now. Star is my partner and we will both own you while you are here. You will obey her just as you obey me, whether we are together or apart. Her instructions are my instructions.”

She looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

“Yes Mistress, I understand and accept.”

“There will be times when we wish to be alone and you will be ignored. There will be times when we will punish you in tandem. There will be times when you will service us. There will be times when you will not know who is hurting you and there will be times When other people – our trusted friends – will abuse you. You will not be the only submissive I train and if you achieve the status of slave, you may not be the only slave. Do you understand and accept?”

“Yes Mistress. I understand and accept.”

“Good. Better. While you are here you will stay in this room but may use the bathroom next door. You will keep this door open at all times and you will not close the bathroom door when you are in there. Privacy is not for you. The rest of the house is off limits unless one of us take you there. I will leave you with Star for the rest of this evening so thatshe can establish herself as your second Mistress. Star – you have plans?”

Star now looked even more smug:

“Yes. I like him. I want to push his buttons. You probably know what I want to do first.”

Mistress nodded. “OK, I will leave you two together. Give me a shout if you need anything.”

With that, Mistress turned and walked out of the room. He heard her boots on the stairs. Star looked up at him. He looked at Star. There was a moment of silence.

“OK,” said Star. “I’m going to tell you a bit more about myself and what I intend to do with you. I have been with Mistress almost two years now, first as a sub, but more recently we have become equal play partners and I have started to join her in training new subs. Mistress’s life choice includes me. We chose this house and kitted it out together.

I know what I like now and I have a pretty good idea how far I can push people. I know all about you and where you are on the path. Mistress speaks highly of youand I trust her judgment. She thinks you can make it and I am going to help her to test you.”

“Mistress is the strong, silent type, at least until you know her well. You will find me more chatty and approachable, but don’t let that fool you. I demand and receive total respect and obedience at all times and I can be very mean. You can call me Star, or Mistress Star when we are in a scene. Do we understand each other?”

He shifted from foot to foot, his hands behind his back, awkwardly holding his tail.

“Yes Mistress Star.”

“Call me Star for now. You must be hungry. I’ll fetch you something to eat and drink and then we’ll begin.”

“You can sit on the bed.”

She slipped silently out of the room. Her singlet was short and its Large armholes exposed the sides of her breasts when she moved. Her leggings were semi-transparent. It was obvious that she wore no knickers beneath them and the material clung to her shaped arse like a second skin. It was impossiblefor his cock to remain flaccid when faced with such provocation. He witnessed and sat down, carefully setting his tail to one side and casually placed a hand on his tumorscent friend.

He heard voices and laughter rising from downstairs and the sounds of ratttling crockery. A few seconds later, Star reappeared bearing a plate with two slices of cold pizza and a glass of water.

“Here, this should keep you going.”

She lowered her eyes to his scanning cock.

“I guess I should say hello to your friend, but I’ll save that pleasure for later. I suggest that you stop obsessing over my tits and arse until after you’ve eaten. That will be soon enough,” she smiled.

He took the plate, set down the glass and began to eat.

“Thank you.”

She sat on the mattress beside him.

“You’re welcome. A healthy sub is a happy sub. We can’t have you desperate for lack of food.”

For the next ten minutes, while he ate, he told her about himself. Where he grew up andhow and when he discovered he was sex positive and submissive. He told of the girlfriends who were bemused and shocked and wouldn’t try to understand him. He spoke of his relief and joy at finding Mistress and surrendering to her will.

“I know what you mean,” said Star. “She did the same for me. She changed my life and now we are going to change yours.”

She placed a hand on his thigh and looked him in the eye.

“Later this evening I’m going to push you further than Mistress has ever done. I’m going to do this whether you like it or not and I’m going to get off by making you completely helpless and then I will violently dominate you. I’m going to be loud and very wet. You are going to be immobilised. You are not going to like it but you will endure it for me and for Mistress. You will feel more pain than you have ever felt in your life. I don’t respect limits. They exist only to be broken.”

“If it gets too much you can use your safe word and you will be released,but that will mean that I am through with you and Mistress will be through with you and you will be out of the front door and back in Vanilla Town faster than you can say circuitcision. Clear?”

“Yes Star. I have to do this. I’ve never been more sure of anything.”

She grinned and moved her hand to his cock. She ticckled the underside. It twitched.


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