Funnybunny came out of her daydream with a jolt, as the train pulled into the station. Would He be there? Would He really show up for the weekend like He had promised, or would it be another dashed hope. There had been too many of those with other guys. Sir was her DBFF. She smiled as she thought of her name for him. He would be there.
She looked in the window quickly, using it as a mirror. Did she look ok, would he approve? She really hoped so. Even though they were friends, not lovers, it was important. The bond between them had built up so quickly, but seemed so deep and right.
She stepped off the train and shivered. York was cold at this time of the year. The station was busy, noisy, and she couldn’t see Him. Her shoulders drooped with disappointment. Surely not Him too…
A hand touched her gently on the shoulder, and a familiar voice said “turn round then, darling, and let me get a proper look at you.”
She turned, and looked first into his deep dark brown eyes. He looked as nervous as she felt, but was covering it well. His eyes slowly took in all of her, noting every detail and, she was sure, undressing her in his mind as well. He looked so serious that she began to worry that he didn’t approve. He did look much more forbidding than she had imagined, fresh from work in his dark suit.
Suddenly, he smiled. “Well then, come and give me a kiss, beautiful.” Funnybunny didn’t need a second invitation. She threw herself into his arms and they kissed each other again and again, covering each other’s faces as he lifted her off her feet and held her tight.
Eventually, and oblivious to the amused and envious looks of the other travellers, he put her down and picked up her bags, putting his arm round her protectedly. She fitted perfectly, and snuggled in tight, wanting to keep that contact as close as she could.
Soon, they were in the back of a taxi, chattering excitedly about her trip and all the things he wanted to show her. Looking serious for a moment, he pulled out a beautifully wrapped present, and passed it to her. I saw this, and though you should have it, darling, he whispered nervously. Excitedly, she unwrapped it, finding a delicate chase inside, a deep green ribbon with a silver pendant of a Gazelle. Funnybunny gasped, turning it over to read the tiny inscription “To MY bff, with ALL my love.”
He hold her hand looking deep into her eyes. “I want this to be a special weekend, darling. I know that collars aren’t given or accepted lightly in our world, but would you accept this from me, just for this weekend? Please?”
She saw the emotion in his eyes, the worry that he had got this wrong, that she would be hurt by the offer…
Looking up at Him, her eyes filled with tears. “Of course you can,” she breathed, “please put it on me; I would adore wearing a collar for you.”
He flushed with pleasure, pride and love. She really was the most adorable sub he had ever met. He just had to remember not to let her get away with too much, just because she was so sweet. With trembling hands, he took the picker from her and fastened it around her neck. Not so tight it hurt, but tight enough to make sure she knew it was there. He stared at her for a long moment, barely breathing, taking in how lovely she looked with it on, and how honoured he felt that she would accept it so willingly.
Hesitantly, he leaned forward, and then, running his hands through her hair, holding her head tight by her hair, he kissed her. She could feel the difference. It was electric, the full, passwordate kiss on her lips. It felt like his whole soul was opening to her. She gasped as he finally released her, and looked up at him. His eyes were twinkling with pleasure and a hidden laughter. They were such kind expressive eyes, she thought.
The taxi stopped outside a large hotel. Wait there he said, paying the driver and jumping out of the car. He ran to her door and opened it for her, oFering her his hand to get out. She laughed, not sure she could cope with such attention, and then snuggled up against his side as he led her into the hotel.
“I have booked us a room, Funnybunny,” he said.
Us, she thought. Then he really can stay the whole weekend.
“Its ok, he added, I will sleep on the couch if you want. I am not presuming, I just wanted to be able to be with you as much as possible, to make our time together perfect.”
The room was lovely, she thought. Old and yet modern all together. A four poster bed looked promising, especially as he giggled “all the better to tie you to, my dear” when she mentioned it.
He put the bags on the floor, and helped her unpack, inspecting the clothes she had brought. His eyes rose Appreciatively when he took out the nurse’s uniform. “Mmmmmmmmm, naughty girl,” he laughed, clearly aroused.
“Fun though that outfit is, I think we need something different,” he mused. Then, suddenly standing, he turned round. “Let’s go out,” he said, smiling at her. “I think Funnybunny needs some treatments, and to experience a different kind of master. I just hope you enjoy it”, he added seriously, looking worried.
The rest of the day disappeared in a whirl. It was a lovely city, and he obviously adored it. He took her to the miner, they wandered around the tiny shops in the medieval streets, snuggled up for a hot chocolate and a cake in a tiny café decorated with musical instruments. “I come from here, sweetheart,” he explained when she mentioned it. It’s also a lovely place to spend time with a special person,” he added, drawing her in for what felt like the millionth kiss.
The rest of the time they spent shopping, always with him in contact with her. She feel almost like a teenager, or a princess, Maybe, to have someone so attractive, taking care of her. It wasn’t what she had expected him to want to do with, or to her. Yet he was clearly in charge, her DBFF being her dom. He chose the clothes that they bought for her, looked after her, chatted away to her, completely absorbed in her.
The clothes were lovely, too. He clearly enjoyed buying them, telling her that he loved to be able to dress such a beautiful sbff, and that it gave him so much pleasure to see her in the clothes he chose.
The nicest was the outfit they had bought for tonight, a simple, elegant close fitting black dress. Short, but not slutty, and showing her body off to perfecting. He had been speechless when she had tried it on for her, then just kissed her and whispered “yes.” He had picked the rest of the outfit, too. Beautiful lacy lingerie in a deep green to match her choker, elegant black hold ups, and delicate heels.
She knew she would look so feminine in them, and also unbearably sexy too, she hoped. A worry was forming in her mind – she thought she had been invited to spend the weekend as his friend, yes, but she also felt she had made it clear she was his to use for that time. Most of the doms she had played with would not have wasted any time in taking advantage of that, yet he had made no move. Was there something wrong with her, had he changed his mind when he finally met her for real? She needed to know.
Waiting until they were alone in a secluded corner of a shop, she turned to face him, and then held him tight, kissing his face. Her hands started to explore His body, gently, yet unmistakeably intimately. Pressing herself against him, she was relieved to feel that he was indeed enjoying the attention.
“Please, sir… back to the hotel? Now? I want to show you how cared for you make me feel…” Her tongue darted into his mouth and he groaned…
“Of course, Funnybunny,” he whispered. “I have been tormenting myself by putting off doing that… and I love spending time with you in this way, too. I want to show you that doms don’t have to destroy you. That they can be kind, attention and caring. Touching me like that here is lovely, and I do so want you, but doing it here and being so demanding is naughty… I won’t forget…”
He took her by the hand, picking her shopping up in the other, and whirled her off, back to their room. Dropping the shopping by the door, he led her straight to a big, comfortable chair in the room; he sat on it, and, taking her by surprise, lifted her off her feet and bent her over his knee, her ass provocatively in the air. She gasped; there was no mistaken His intentions…
With a practiced hand, he lifted her skirt and pulled down her panties. She struggled a little at that, knowing what was to come. “That was very naughty, darling,” he murmured. His hand was gently caresing her buttocks as he spoke, teasing them gently with his fingertips as he told her how she needed to learn at least a little self-control, even though he could forgive her as he felt the same way himself.
The first slap, when it came was shocking in its surprise. The red hot pain shot through her body and made her yelp, yet also caused her to start tingling in entirely pleasant ways. The spanking continued, no rhythm to it, so that every resounding slap was a surprise she was not prepared for. In between, his hands were soothing, gentle, loving even, and throughout, his soft voice reassured her that she was his special girl, cared for and loved, and loved so much that she needed to be guided.
Just as she felt the sobs building and that the pain was too much, he stopped. He lifted her into his arms and kissed her again and again, telling her how she was such a good girl for accepting her punishment. Emboldened, she slipped her hands between his legs and looked coyly at him. “May I show you how sorry I am, Sir,” she breathed, hoping to get her way this time.
He moaned deeply at her touch clearly wanting and needing it, yet rolled his eyes, smiling too. “You haven’t learned have you?” he giggled, as he carried her to the immense 4 poster bed. “Ok, sweetie, clothes off then, while I unpack my bag.”
Afterwards, she realized it had been a mistake to undress with her back to him. As she sat on the edge of the bed, naked, proud of her body, running her hands sensitively through her blonde curly hair, he reached over and snapped cuffs onto her.
She gasped as she was pulled firmly onto the bed and left lying, her arms behind her back. She struggled a little, looking up at him with wide, frightened eyes. This was not what she had expected, after such a lovely romantic day. And it had just been a little touch, and she knew he wanted it… it was so unfair. He wasn’t even naked, and she had thought he might at least be about to make use of her as she so desperately ached to be used.
Firmly, he parted her legs, strapping her shaped ankles into a spreader bar, leaving her helpless and exposed on the bed. His hands roamed all over her, exploring and enjoying her. Making her squirm helpfully, the pleasure feeling mounting steadily. He parted her wetness with a finger, slipping it deep inside and smiling in approval. “You are perfect; you know that, don’t you?” He smiled, as she pushed herself desperately against his finger.
A vibe was produced, not large, but just perfect for teasing her clip, and he set to work with such attention to detail that her world soon began to swim with pleasure. She needed this, even though it was Not the sort of dom she usually craved, his soothing words and firm yet gentle hands left her in no doubt as to who was in charge.
Then, he stopped. Right on the edge. She couldn’t believe it, and knew he was enjoying her need.
“I need to make a few emails,” he said. “Wait there, darling, don’t go away,” he laughed, as he left her to go to the desk. She understood in torque, the need inside her threatening to tears her in two. He was so unfair, so mean to torque her like this, but she knew what lesson he was trying to teach her – to be patient and accepting. She tried hard, but it was difficult…
He called over. “I’m hungry and it is a while until our restaurant booking. I’ll get us a treatment from room service.”
She heard him order champione, fruit and cheese, and realized how hungry she was too. She lay there, naked, aroused, and another thought entered her head. Room service? With her like this? Surely DBFF would not shame her like this, he wasn’t like that, and it would destroy her. Yet the time drew on. He worked patiently at the desk, ignoring her soft moans and struggles, until there was a knock at the door.
As he rose to get it, she whispered… “Please, please, not like this”.
He smiled, covered her with the sheets and whispered “Pretend to be sleep, my love.”
Answering the door, she heard him ask the staff to bring the food in and set it out, but quietly as his beautiful lover was sleeping after her tiring journey. She smiled at his words, the tenderness in his voice, but also with relief that he would not test her so.
The door closed, and he gently pulled back the sheets, kissing her on the forehead. “Well done, Funnybunny,” he smiled, undoing her wrists and arms. “You have made a good start, and I wouldn’t want to stop you wanting me, now, would I?”
She smiled. As if that were possible, she thought. Standing, unsure of herself, she asked if she may kiss him, if this was a good time now.
He smiled back. “It is darling. But promise me something. Please don’t ever ask for permission to kiss me. There is never a bad time to enjoy your sweet enthusiastic lips”
Squealing, she throw herself into his arms and obliged…
After an age of kissing like love-struck teenagers, He wrapped a white, fluffy dressing gown sensitively round her shoulders and led her to the food. They snuggled close to each other on the sofa, feeding each other, enjoying their closeness and chatting like the old friends they were, despite this being the first time they had physically touched.
Bother were aroused, the need in them strong and aching. She knew now to wait, to be patient. She just prayed that it would be soon. Yet this was fun too. They had enjoyed each other’s company for so long, and it was marvellous to finally do so with no barriers between them. They touched, laughed, chatted about everything and nothing. Both understand that this was as close a bond as the sex could ever be, if not closer.
Finally he looked at his watch. “Time to get ready, sweetheart,” he smiled. He led her through to the bathroom, easing her gown off her, and starting on his own clothes.
“May I help, sir?” she whispered, stepping very close to him. He looked uncertain, and she remembered that this was one area that his dominant confidence was troubled. She had never understood why he disliked his own appearance, and it was one of the few things they disagreed on. “Please…” she added humbly…” let me help you, too.”
He smiled at her, his expressive eyes looking suddenlyhappy and relieved. “I thought you might not want…” he began, but she stood on tip-toe and silenced him with a kiss, her hands gently undoing his shirt. It was soon on the floor, and joined by his other clothes, the formal work clothes that made him look so very forbidding when he wanted them to. At last there were only his shorts.
She smiled up at him and pushed him gently back against the wall. He looked a little questioningly at her, but smiled, then told as she gently kissed her way down his body. First his neck, then his chest and nipples. He gasped as she teased them with her teeth and tongue, her hands starting to ease his shorts down, and to seek out his hard, hot cock.
She kissed lower, his breathing becoming deeper and his fingers running through her hair. Finally, she was kneeing before him, looking up at him, his cock close to her lips. He groaned as she teased it with her fingers, kissing it gently on the head. Looking up once more at him, she smiled, saying “there, sir, all ready for our shower now…”
She knew she was being naughty, stepping outside the boundaries of being a sub, but she knew also that she could usually tease him a little, that he enjoyed her humour, even when it got her into trouble.
He laughed out loud. “I deserve that,” he chairled, leading her to the large shower. “I won’t forget, though, and you might wish you hadn’t done that, later on tonight.”
Her stomach jumped at those words. What would he do? How badly would she be punished? The warm feeling between her legs spread as she thought of the possibilities.
In the shower, he was as attention as ever, soaping and washing her body and hair, touching and teasing her as he did, but letting her give as good as she got. They enjoyed the Feel of each other’s bodies, the many ways they could aroom each other. She noticed how sensitive his neck was, and made a note to spend as much time caressing and kissing him there when they were out later…she would teach him a gentle lesson in teasing, she thought.
Suddenly, he pressed her against the wall of the shower and kissed her fiercely. “I was mean, earlier,” he told her, “but you deserved it. I hope this makes up for it…”
He dropped to his knees, parting her tights with his hands as she lean against the wall of the shower, the warm water drenching both of them. His tongue sought out the warm, wet folders of her pussy, teasing her clip first, licking it, circling it, flicking across the tip of it until she was moaning. Steadily his tongue worked inside her, pushing against her as she forced her hips forward against his face. His fingers were working too now, rubbing against the little rough sweet spot inside her, pushing her to the edge.
He pulled away for a second, but only to tell her she was his good girl, and that he wanted her to cum.
She needed no second invitation, but clapped his head, pushing it into her as her whole body clenched around the intense feeling of his fingers and tongue turning her on like this. After a moment of excite tension, she came, waves of pleasure washing through her body until she started to sag, to go limp, only to be caught and held by him as he stood.
He held her there under the gentle water until the feeling subsided. His arms strong and safe around her, whispering in her ear how she was his good girl, his darling, his sbff.
Once she had stopped spinning, he led her from the shower, drying her, helping with her hair and finally helping her to dress. Until then, she would have laughed if anyone had said that having you clothes put on was erotic, but… ohhhhhh the tough of his hands as he smoothed her stockings, or gently eased her bra and panties into place.
Finally the dress and the heels and then… oh yes, then the feeling of him fasting her collar, the chaser into place. She knew she looked stunning, the beautiful dress, her hair up, and the lovely silver earrings he hadbought her that afternoon.
He looked good, too she thought. Nice trousers, shirt, open collar. Smart, a good match for her outfit, but not the intimidating figure he had first looked. He had asked her opinion most endearingly, but she had just laughed, kissed him and told him she loved how he looked, and did she actually have to mount him there and then to prove it.
He wrapped the shawl Around her shoulders, took her by the hand and led her out into the pretty twinkling lights of the city…
The city was magical at night, the Minster peering down on them from odd corners, lit in a beautiful warm glow. The sparkling lights and tiny streets made it feel like a fairyland, and their eyes sparkled in harmony with it, as they strolled from the hotel to the restaurant. He kept her close throughout, either holding her hand tightly, or, more often, his arm protectedly round her.
She snuggled in close to him, feeling his warmth, feeling loved, cared for … owned. Yes,that was it. She knew it could only be for a short time, but she knew that she belonged to him, body and soul, that she would do anything, submit to anything for him, because he wished it, and because she knew he would never damage her.
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