The Weekend Away Ch. 02

After more than 20 years of marriage and a couple of years of courtship Ted and Georgette thought they knew everything and had done everything interesting. However, one evening while doing some research on the web Georgette stumbled across a BDSM site. A small voice in her whispered “this is it”

The whole S&M thing had always turned her and Ted off. No leather or whips and chains in their bedroom. That was for perverts and sexual deviants. However, the site had a beginner’s page. “Go there,” whispered the voice. The description of submission and domination peaked her interested.

A couple of days later she broke the subject to Ted. He was unconvinced but saw the look on Georgette’s face and decided not to poo-poo it right off. They talked about it. She described domination and submission just like the web site had.

“Who is doing the domination and who is submitting?” Ted asked dubiously.

“Well … We have our weekend at the Inn and we have two days there. One of us could dominate on Saturday and the other on Sunday.”

“OK … I’m interested,” Ted said. “How do we get started? Where do we get the whips and chains?” Ted said with a giggle in his voice

Georgette pulled up the site and to the beginner’s page. He read and agreed that it could be fun. The page listed a couple of beginners DVD and some other items. They created a shopping list and as the Weekend approached, they ordered the DVDs, a new Fun Factory Magnum Silicone Dildo from Freddy and Eddy, and went shopping for the other items. Georgette did some extra shopping while Ted was at work and purchased a surprise for Ted. All was set except who would go first.

Ted being the traditional gentleman, was willing to let the lady go first. Georgette being the modern, liberate woman, would hear nothing of that rubbish. So, they talked … on the drive … in the room … at dinner … and in bed. Eventually they decided to flip a coin. Georgette would call it. If she was correct she would go first, and if wrong Ted. Georgette called it and had to go first.

“Damn, I hate being the trend setter,” she lamented

“Sorry dear,” Ted gloated. They agreed it would be Georgette’s day from the time she decided to start until they went to sleep that night.

Ted and Georgette arrived back from breakfast Saturday morning, changed into some comfortable clothes and cuddled on the day bed reading. With a wood fire crackling in the fireplace and Georgette snuggled against her husband, best lover and friend, Georgette drifted of into a early afternoon nap.

In her sleep, the inner voice returned

“Georgette, its time. You need to do this”

“I know but I a nervous,” Georgette thought.

“Yes, but it is now or never. Get on with it”

Her eyes opened and Georgette awakened refreshed. She told Ted she was going upstairs to use the bathroom. She was nervous. She had always been the submissive one. Sure, there were a couple of times she surPrised her husband but Ted was the one who took the lead. Her butterflies increased as she gathered up the gear and laid it on the bed. Looking at the stuff made her much more anxious. “What if Ted does not like it? What if I start to laugh/? Oh My good ness, what if I hurt him?” It was like the first time they had sex so many years ago. She was terrified but excited.

She went to her bag and pulled Ted’s Surprise, a black lace and satin bustier, black satin panties, garter and stockings. This was something out of character. Georgette had some lingerie she used on special occasions like their anniversary, Ted’s birthday, and Valentines Day, but they were typically chemise, feminine, but conservative. Her new outfit was very much out of her comfort zone, feminine, yes, but definitely not conservative.

Georgette went to the bathroom and was tempted to shower but decided that would give the away the surprise. She instead washed and applied Ted’s favorite perfume. She pulled herhair back and tied with a black ribbon. She was so nervous her hands Shook as she applied makeup.

Stripping out of the sweats and undies, Georgette stood naked over the lingerie. Could she really go through with this? The voice said, “Do it! Go ahead! It is what he wants!” She steeled herself, donned the slinky outfit, and had some difficulty with the bustier. After fasting the last of the garter clips, Georgette turned and looked in the mirror.

“Damn!” she whispered.

She did not recognize the woman in the mirror. Georgette was nowhere to be seen. What the reflection showed Georgette’s inner twin, the one that was screaming to get out. Now she was out and showing her boldness. He bustier enhanced her curves. Having two kids had provided her with hips and added a couple of inches to her breasts. Now the outfit used that extra perfectly. The bustier pushed her bosom up and out and showed ample cleavage. Her legs looked more toned in the back stockings and her butt was more round and firm in the panties. The whole outfit gave her a look of power and confidence. Georgette almost cried seeing how magnificent she looked.

“God Damn!” Georgette whispered to no one in particular, pleased with what she way.

“Not bad for a 40 plus mother of two” whispered the inner voice.

Georgette now had courage and confidence. She could and will please her man like he has never been pleased before. She gathered the gear and place it in a backpack, and in one last confident move, Georgette removed her panties. “That would certainly knock Ted’s socks off,” Georgette said to herself.

“More than that,” the voice chuckled.

Smiling Georgette strode down the stairs.

Ted was still sitting on the daybed reading the paper. Georgette stopped halfway down the stairs and flung her panties over Ted’s head. They landed right in the middle of the funnies. He turned and was just about to say something sarcastic when he spied his wife. At least it looksed kind of like his wife. It took a lot of work to pick up his jaw and put his eyes back in their sockets.

“Uhhhhh … WOW!” was all he could muster.

“I assume you like what you see?” Georgette said playfully

Ted just nodded

“Still want to go through with this?” Georgette asked.

“Yes I do. More than ever now,” Ted replied.

“OK,” Georgette straightened her back, “come here and get this bag,” Georgette commanded.

Ted jumped up and retrieved the backpack.

“Get the DVD out of the back and the DVD player. Start it up and sit here!” she directed.

“Yes Ma’am,” Ted said and followed her instructions.

After Ted sat down, Georgette sat in his lap, making it a point to show Her bare butt. The DVD lasted about 90 minutes. There was some instruction in the first 30 minutes and the remaining was demonstration. It was hosted by a buxom blond woman and a well-hung man. The instruction was interesting and Ted and Georgette discussed the differenceences from what they had thought and rules and limits they would set. The demonstration really got to Georgette. She was watching two porn stars but saw her and Ted. She saw the possibilities and it gave her ideas. Seeing someone else bolstered her confidence. By the time the DVD ended, she was soaking wet. It took all her self-control not to rip Ted’s clothes off right at that time.

“That’s enough of that” Georgette pursued as she stood. She bent over and turned off the DVD player, making sure her bare bottom was clearly visible to Ted. She delayed just long enough for Ted to start reach for the excite ass, she tuned. Georgette leaned over her husband and placed her hands on his thighs so her cleavage was in his direct sight.

Quietly and clearly Georgette said, “I want you to stoke the fire, make it nice and toasty in here because we may not have much on today. At least you may not. Then pull everything from the bag and arrange them neatly on that table,” she nodded to the table behind her. “Then get your shorts I brought down and go stand by the fire. If you do these things well I will reward you. Do them not to my liking and you shall be punished. Oh and by the way, no touching yourself if you get my drift. Ok darling?” Georgeette gave Ted one last look at her cleavage and stood up.

Ted did as he was instructed. Georgeette sat in a rocker and watched with a running commentary of “Nice ass … bend over like that some more … Is that a banana in your pocket or are you just glad to see me?”

When done, Ted stood at the fireplace with a pair of silk boxer shorts Georgette had brought down. “I guess that will do,” she said. Standing she walked seductively to her husband and place a small kiss on his cheek, at the same time “accidentally” rubbing her palm across his semi-erect cock. “Oooo, looks like someone has some more ‘hard’ work to do.” She returned to her rocker.

Now my boy-toy, please change into those shorts. Do it slowly, make itpleasure and interesting to my eyes. Do it well and may be I will reward you more this time. Do it poorly and you will be punished. Again no touching yourself.” Georgette said seductively

Again, Ted did as he was told. He slowly unbuckled his pants, trying to emulate his vision of a Chippendale dance. He slowly lowered his pants to the floor and stepped out of them. Taking off socks is not the Most graceful of motions but he succeeded. He removed his underwear in one slow motion, allowing his semi-erection to pop out. He turned his back to Georgette showing his caboose, bent over giving her a better view, stepped into the silk boxers, and slowly raised them, allowing the waistband to swallow his manhood.

“Very nice … Very nice indeed. Except I believe that last part. The part where the underwear traveled over you beautiful cock, I considered playing with one’s self. I believe you need to be punished. “

“I disagree,” Ted said

“Oh Now you are sassing back. I like a spiritual person. However, I make the rules here and I said you were playing with yourself. Now lay down on your belly there!” She pointed at the daybed.

Georgette picked up a couple of ropes and bound Ted’s hands to the daybed arm. “Little boys must not play with themselves without permission” and Georgette lightly whipped Ted bottom. “Repeat after me, I will do exactly as I am told. I will not play with toys that do not belong to me.” Georgette hummed.

After a few stroked she started to tease Ted with the fluffy end, running the ends over his thighs and back. “You know, you are so fine a specimen that I really do not want to hurt. Let me make it feel better.” Georgette said. She rubbed her hands over Ted’s back, lightly scratching him with her fingerprintnail. She lightly kissed his back and tights and even kneaded his buttocks for a short time. Georgette worked her hands and fingers over Ted’s thighs. Rubbing her fingers over his skin, she rand a single finger up each hamstring from knee to buttocks. Every so often would ticket the inner thigh and even ticket his balls through the silky material. All the time humming a tune.

Georgette moved to the coffee table so her pussy was right in Ted’s line of sight. “Turn and look at me” Ted tuned his head and got an eyeful of his wife’s womanhood. “Like what you see?” She asked Ted.

“Yes Ma’am I do. It is lovely.”

“Good Answer! I am going to untie you because I think you have learned you lesson. After I untie you, I want you to sit up and relax for a moment.”

Ted sat up and worked the gyms out of his shoulders.

“Time out,” Georgette said. “I did not hurt you did I?”

“Not in the least,” replied Ted. “And may I say you are doing a great job. So great that if you do not call time in I may have to fuck you right now!”

“Oh … Ok … Time in,” Georgette giggled and resumed her role.

Still sitting on the coffee table, she pulled a “Sharon Stone” raising one leg exposing herself to him and then placing it by his knee. With one foot on either side of Ted’s legs, she made sure Ted had a good view of her. “We are going to play a game now. There is reward if you accumulate enough points. The reward increases as the points increase. All will be collected at the end of the game. If your score is high enough, you can fuck this,” and she placed on finger between her legs. “Are you ‘up’ for the challenge?” Georgette asked.

“Can’t you tell?” Ted answered.

“Why yes I can and remember the last time you sassed back at me. Here are the rules. You must remove my stocking. Then you will give me a foot and leg message. Go as high as you want but you may NOT touch my pussy. You will get points for how well you do. I will deduct points for touching the forbidden fruit. Clear?”


“Yes …,” Georgette prompted

“Yes Ma’am” Ted replied.

“Oh, by the way, you will be blind folded.” Georgette laughed and reached for the bandana. The last thing Ted saw was Georgette’s cleavage.

“The oil is on the table. You may begin.”

Ted had difficulty finding Georgette. But, once he located her on the daybed, he knelt in front of her. Knowing every inch of her body, Ted know exactly where to go. He started at her knee and slowly rubbed his hands up her leg. Georgette was in a heightened state of arousal and every tough from her husband sent sparks up her leg. She was dripping wet and could hardly control her self. She wanted Ted so badly. Every ounce of energy was channeled into controlling herself. Ted found the locks of the first garter and soon released them. He started to roll the stocking down her leg when his fingertips brushed against the “forbidden fruit.”

“Oooo … Minus five points for touching. Let’s not let it happen again.” She Commanded. Ted continued to slowly roll the stocking down her leg. It was torture for Georgette but she maintained control. Ted repeated the move on the other leg, starting atthe knee and moving northward. This time he did not brush anything but instead played with Georgette’s but a little. She rewarded him with a slap on the wrists. Ted rolled the stocking down like the first with the same effect.

Ted located the message oil on the table. He lifted one foot and started to gently rub the oil over her skin. He massed the arch, rubbed her toes, individually and together, stroked her heal, and traced patterns on the bottom of her feet. He rubbed, caressed, tickled, and stroked her foot. Ted switch and repeated the processes on her other foot. The message was phenomenon.

Ted began to knee Georgette’s calves. He gently kneaded her muscles until they were like butter. While Ted was concentrating on one calf, Georgette put her other foot to good use. She rubbed Ted cock through the silk boxes. She could feel it grow hard the more she rubbed.

“You know that makes it more difficult to concentrate,” Ted complained

“Yes I know,” GeorgetteReplied in a low, seductive voice. “I am trying to make it as hard as possible for you.”

Ted and Georgette continued their messaging. He has reached her thigh and gently but firmly pushed his hands from Georgette’s knee to the top of her thigh and then slowly brought them back. Over and over, he worked her muscles. All the while Georgette performed her foot job on her husband. “If you do that much longer may make a mess on your foot,” Ted moaned.

“No you won’t because that will get you severe punishment,” she replied. “Besides, do you think I would deprive myself of your ‘candy’ do you?” she asked rhetorically.

Ted switched leg and so did Georgette. She was so horny and wet. She wanted her husband terribly. By the lump in his shorts, he wanted her also. Each stroke sent pulses of electricity up into her. She know of he touched her in a certain way she would come. But she had to maintain control.

Then it happened. The sneak attack. On one upward stroke, Ted maneuvered his fingers into a certain position and did not stop at the top of her thigh. His finger was aimed at her clip. Luckily, for her he missed.

“Hey! You cheated! You touched me on purpose! For that you will be severely punished.” Georgette moved off the daybed.

“Stand!” she commanded.

“Remove your boxes!” she ordered.

“Lay on the bed on your back!” she directed.

Georgette used the ropes to bind his wrist and ankles to the bed’s arms.

Still blind folded Ted had no idea what his wife had in mind. “Since you cannot keep you hands to yourself, I have bound them. Since I cannot have you running away, I have bound your feet. You are mine to toy with and are at my complete mercy. I have many things I can and probably will do to you. You will not be in any pain but by the end, you will be pleading for me to relieve you. You will get no such relief until I am satisfied that you have learned your lesson,” Georgette used in the same tone she used on her daughters.

Ted was shocked. She had never used that tone on him. He really did not have any idea what she was going to do. He heard more wood go on the fire and heard her moving around but he could not tell what she was up to until he felt a presence at his side and then a warm pair or lips on his nipples. She was doing to him what she loved him doing to her. Georgette was licking, kissing, and nibbling one nipple While pinching the other. Now he knew why she liked it so much. There was an electric excitement with each pinch and nibble. The warm lips soothed the skin into a false sense of security just to have more shock waved sent though it. A small moan escaped his lips.

“So, you like this. Well, that’s a surprise. I wonder it has the same effect on you as it does on me.” Her hand slide down Ted’s body to his now very erect cock. “Why, no. You only get hard where I get wet,” and she stroked his cock a few times. “Want to see what effect it has on me? Actually you cannot seebut you might be able to taste.” Georgette inserted a finger into her pussy and raised it to Ted’s lips.

“See what it does. It makes me all wet, just like I am now. I am so wet and horny and I could probably impale my self on your hard shake, and it is hard. I could definitely give you the best fuck since our honeymoon and I would have the best orgasm in years. But that would be a reward and you are being punished.” She purred.

One advantage of being married for as long as they had been married is that they know the reactions of each other. Georgette know just when Ted was going to come and was planning to use that. She slowly kissed down her victim’s body until her faced bumped into a very stiff pole. She grabbed the shake and stroked a few times. She then started to lick her husband. He seemed to become harder and larger and she became wetter and hotter. He lips and tongue did a number of thinks to Ted. Swirls around the head and running her tongue from balls to tip seemed to have the most desired effect. Ted’s moved his hips involuntary as Georgette gave him the best blowjob in quite a while. He was close, she could tell but she had a couple of more tricks one of which was to swallow his meat whole. In one slow motion, Georgette gulped down Ted’s shake until her lips touched his balls. Ted let out a very audible gasp. Georgette released his prick at the last possible moment. Ted was just about to come when Georgette stopped.

“You B …”

“Careful little boy. I am in control here” and she flicked his meat.

Georgette removed the blindfold and Ted got eyeful of Georgette’s wet pussy. “So you see how wet I am. I am so wet and horny that we could fuck all night and we might still. But I am not done punishing you.” She tuned and swished her butt as she moved to the rocking chair, picking up her new dildo from the table. “I think I need some relief. I am so aroused that I cannot think straight. I want you to watch me and think how you couldbe using you the same way I will be using my new toy.”

Georgette sat in the rocker and inserted the blue toy. It glided in her effortlessly and came out glistening. Georgette was quickly fucking herself silly with the blue toy and rubbing clip. Loud moans and gasps emitted from Georgette. Ted could do nothing but watch the show. His cock was fully erect and aching to be released. Georgette was a woman possessed. The toy was like a piston of a fine motor. Her fingers like the propeller of a racing plane. Then it happened, Georgette exploded into the best orgasm she has had in quite a while. Wave after wave of pure pleasure swepted through her. Like waves crashing against the shore, pleasure was cresting time and time again. Georgette thought she was going to pass out. Finally, Georgette gained enough control of herself to stop but she was still on the verge of coming.


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