The Weekend and the Gifts Pt. 04

Part 4

The metal quickly warmed to Nicole’s body. She was snuggly and completely stuffed and locked in place. It had not taken Richard long to fit the chatity device on her, as wet and willing as Sam’s attentions had left her.

For her part, Sam looked equally pleased with herself and war of events to come.

Richard was simply pleased. “Ah pet, that is a thing of beauty.” His hand traced the line of the belt around Nicole’s wait as she fidgeted back and forth attempting to find any small friction against her aching clip. The metal inside her unyielding and familiar at this point, resisted her muscles movements in the most delicious and maddening way.

“You just keep moving pet. I don’t think it will fully accomplish what you are hoping for, but I am sure there will be a stream of girl juice running down your legs soon enough for your efforts.”

He was right of course. She could already feel the wetness between her tights.

“Right.” Dropping his handfrom Nicole he walked towards the door, “I have a few more things to get from the truck, Sam, you can help me with that. pet,” His eyes met hers and then roamed down her body. “Go upstairs and gather your rope, a belt, lube and you may as well bring all your toys back upstairs, we shall be in your room for a bit I would think.”

It didn’t take long to gather the things that he asked for. She arranged everything on the dresser beside the king sized four poster bed in her room. The bed was a custom design and had multiple attachment points and a very sturdy frame. She was sure someone was getting tied to the bed, the question really was who?

The door opened on her musings. Somewhere between the truck and the bedroom Sam had lost her clothes and gained a few hands marked on her tits and ass. She looked less Pleased with herself. It was Nicole’s turn to smile.

Leaving his toy bag and duffle by the dresser, Richard pulled the armchair from the corner of the room to just off centre facing the bed. Slowly lowering himself into it, he motioned Nicole beside him, “Stand beside me pet, for a moment, hands at your back though, so I can see everything that is mine.”

She blushed and compiled as his attention turned to Sam who still stood naked by the bed.

“Kneel here girl,” His hand swept in front of him, and Sam lowered herself to the floor in front of them both. “You and my pet have played in the past and I believe it was to both your likings. Today I would like a show pet.” his hand reached out to touch Nicole’s side and drew her eye to him.

“I give you leave to use this slut as you see fit. I have shown you that the belt doubles as a stick on. In my duffle are a few dildos to play with, feel free to pick a few to try. I would like Sam tied face up and spread on the bed. Feel free to use whatever artistic licence you may want with that, but her mouth and holes must be accessible.” Nicole smiled as she moved to the duffle bag.

“Oh, and pet,” she looked back at his devilish smile, “It would be a good day to practice being the bad cop.”

Oh, she could be the bad cop today, she thought as she looked at the association of dildos he has brought. Sam’s face was a picture, Nicole was sure she was thinking her chances of orgasms just flew out the window, but Nicole had not intention of denying Sam pleasure. In fact, she planned on making her cum till she forgot her own name and begged Nicole to stop.

Three dildos in total greeted her. The first was reasonable, the generic pink of fake flesh tone, with an average size and shape. A good starter and probably even passable for anal. The next was jet black very soft and flexible. It was about 8 inches long, thicker then the first with a slight curve up. It would be a fan favourite, she was sure.

The last she held was a riot of purples and pinks. It was a twisted alien looking swirl from top to bottom and what a top to bottom it was! At least 9 inches long but what did you mean byile it was tapered at the top it widened out fast. At least the size of a pop can by about mid way down. It to was soft and flexible. Nicole held the black and the purple ones in her hands as she turned back towards the other two.

The room had gone quiet, and she had not noticed, so engrossed in her investigation. Her eyes met Richards first, his pleased smile gave her butterflies. She then noticed Sam, Still kneeling she had shifted slightly to get a better look at what Nicole had in her hands. Her eyes widened and she nervously licked her lips at the sight of the two colorful dildos.

“Oh, these will be fun Sir.” Nicole cooled as she walked back over to the bed to place them on the edge.

“I am glad you approve pet. Sadly, you will have to wait your turn to feel them yourself.”

Yes, she Thought. A quick reminder that she was not the Dom here today. She was just a tool for him to use. Well, she planned on enjoying his use of her as much as she possibly could.

“May I began with the rope Sir or was there more instructions?”

He waved his hand in the general direction of the bed which she took to mean get on with it.

Smiling Nicole grabbed Sam by the hair and pulled. “Up you get sweety,” She pursued into Sam’s ear, “We are going to have some fun you and I.”

Sam struggled to her feet, gasping at the harshness of the pressure on her hair.

Nicole kicked her legs apart and reached for the belt and the rope. First running the loops against Sam’s body, Nicole released the bite and let rope unravel to the floor. Sam’s breath caught and Nicole grinned.

Stepping back from the bed about 15 mins later, Nicole took an appreciated glance at her work. Sam had only made only a few moans of pleasure and disappoint as she had tied her.

Sam was on her back with her ass at the edge of the bed, raised slightly with a pillow, legs lifted and spread, tied at ankles and below the knee to keep them back and apart. Her pussy and ass were exposed fully to both Nicole and Richard. Nicole had fashioned the belt to her waist and tied her wrists to the it, trapping her arms and hands to her sides. She had also tied a fast chest harness, wrapping a few lengths of rope around each lonely breast before using the harness to anchor Sam’s upper body securely to the bed.

“Feel free to borrow any of my toys from my case pet.” Richard offered as they both inspected the wet lips of the slut on the bed. “I would not be too eager to fuck her yet, save your strength, it may be a long night for you both otherwise.” With an appreciated smack to Sam’s cunt, he returned to his view from the chair.

It did not take Nicole long to find the toy she was looking for. The red silicane spatula would be just lovely. He had said bad cop, right? She thought.

Sam’s eyes were wide as Nicole walked back towards the bed. She had taken the time to attach the smallest dildo to the front of her chatity belt and it bobbed slightly wit each step. Nicole was not sure it was the sight of that or the red implementation in her hand that Sam reacted to. A small whimper escaped her lips as Nicole slip the spatula down the wetness between her legs. Coating the sides of it she rubbed it against the small knob at the apex of Sam’s pussy. Nicole waited for the tell-tale moans that she was rubbing just the right spot then she pulled the spatula back and brought it down hard on Sam’s mound. Legs pulling against the ropes in an attempt to shield herself from the blows that followed in fast succession, Sam’s cries and thrashing got louder and stronger with each of the ten strikes Nicole doled out.

“Oh, pour baby, did that hurt?” Nicole pressed her hips into Sam sliding the bottom edge of her cock up the wet sore lips of her cunt as she reaches forward between Sam’s legs, grabbing her bound breasts and squeeze.

“Do you want this in you?” Nicole slides the cock down and back up, moving easily against her dripping wet cunt. Sam whimpered wiggling her hips “please, yes please.”

Nicole rubbed the ribbed underside of the pink cock back against Sam’s clip then lining it up she slowly edged the tip inside and paused, “are you going to purr for me, Or scream?” Without waiting for a response, she thrust forward hard, driving into Sam until her own hips halted at Sam’s ass. Grabbing around her legs for the belt at her Waist, Nicole pulled Sam into her as she drove that cock forward over and over again. The ropes strained and the bed creaked, not that you could hear it over the sounds coming from the women tied in front of her. Nicole could feel the hard metal of the chatity belt push against her waist as she fucked Sam. Her own wetness making her thighs slick as her pussy and ass contracted against the metal stuffing her.

As Sam’s noises moved from loud and sharp to soft and mewing, Nicole pulled out abruptly and repeated the ten slas to Sam’s cunt with the spatula. Sam cried out with every impact. With the last two, Nicole reached down and spread apart her swollen pussy lips to make direct contact with her swollen clip. Voice frantic with the realization of what was coming, Sam begged incoherently as she attempted to close her knees and shield her cunt.

“Oh kitten,” Nicole purred, “did that hurt again? Should I kiss it all better?” lowering her mouth, Nicole went to work on Sam’s first orgasm.

Her tongue moving first into the sweet opening, Nicole followed up the line of her lips to trace circles around the hard nub or her clip. Sam moaned and wiggled under her, fucking her hips up into Nicole’s mouth. Continuing with the lazy circles and steady rhythm and pressure, Nicole’s fingerers found the soft spot inside and biding her time coated Sam into a screaming climax. Licking her lips as she raised herself up, Nicole reached for the larger black dildo on the edge of the bed. It did not take long to attach it in place of the pink and without pause she shoved it into Sam’s still twitching pussy.

Sam screamed and gripped the sheets in her fists as the larger curved cock slide in and out of her. After about a dozen or so hard driving thrusts, Nicole slowed down, watching as the cock at her hips slide almost all the way out of the sopping pussy and paused before pushing it back in, letting her hips drive home in the last few inches.

Again, Nicole reached forward but this time Through her legs to grab Sam’s tits and pull as she ground the length of her cock deep inside that cunt. She could feel the front of the belt make contact and ground the edge harder hoping to find Sam’s clip with the cold metal.

Leaning back again but keeping the big black cock deep, Nicole brought forward the magic wand Sam had been admiring earlier and pressed its vibrating head hard into her clip. Thrusting upwards in a deep grinding motion, Nicole pushed Sam over the edge again and into a screaming climax that sent pulses of wetness out from around the cock at Nicole’s hips.

“Please, PLEASE, enough please,” Sam’s voice cracked as she tried to get away from the vibrating pressure of the wand still held to her throbbing clip. Nicole pulled it away for a moment only to press it back down again as she fucked Sam’s twitching cunt a few more times.

“Give the slut a break pet. We don’t want to break our toy just yet,” came the deep sound of Richards voice from behind her.

Turning off the wand, she slide her cock out with an audible sliding pop and turned red faced to her Sir.

“But I want to break her a little bit Sir. I want her to beg and cry and forget her name.”

He chuckled but grabbed Nicole’s nipple and pinched.

“Not about you remember pet? Besides,” He took her hand and guided it to his crotch and the hardness that waited for her there. “This is your doing; don’t you think it takes precedence over the slut on the bed?”

Without a thought Nicole dropped to her knees and began to remove his belt.

Her mouth watered and she licked her lips. In this position the chatity belt bit into her stomach and the insertables pressed forward hard inside her.

Finally, as she guided his pants to the floor, she bent forwards to take him slowly inch by inch into her mouth. She rolled her tongue over the soft underside of his hard cock, tilting her head to gaze through her hair up at him as she did. Her pleasure was short lived though, “Ah pet, my cock is not for you tonight. Good girl, now on your feet and switch your black cock for that purple alien one I know made your cunt cream itself when you saw it.”

As she switched out the dildos on her belt, Richard climbed onto the bed with Sam. straddling her chest and shoulders, he aimed his hard cock at her mouth.

“Grab that clip sucker she was eyeing earlier pet. I will have a little fun with this pretty mouth and add some breath play while you stuff that alien cock into her greedy hole.” He wound her hair in his hands and liftedSam’s head as he spoke. “Feel free to make her scream as many orgasms as you can around my cock as I fuck her face,” patting her cheek he added to Sam, “Don’t worry, I will let your breath sometimes.” Sam patted his leg with her hand three times, and he nodded.

Nicole pushed the tip of the large dildo into the entrance of Sam’s cunt and waited.

At the same time Richard pulled Sam’s mouth onto his cock she thrust forward burying half of the massive thing into her at once. Sam’s scream was muffled in the wet sounds of his cock sliding forcibly in and out of her mouth.

Nicole matched his rhythm and force. Holding still and deep when he forced Sam to take the length of him down her throat and pulling out to the tip when he let her breath. Sam’s face was covered in her own spit as she gagged and sputtered. Nicole could feel the resistance to her thrusts as the cunt she was fucking clamped down with each gag.

“Use the clip sucker pet and don’t take it off until I tellyou to.”

Nicole grinned as she found Sam’s button with her finger and slide the sucking end of the toy directly over top. Thrusting her hips forward she buried the purple cock to the hipt and Sam sucked in her cry just as their Sir shoved his cock down her throat.

Sam’s body convulsed under them as they fucked her stopping only to take away her breath till, she tapped the bed, tears streaming down her spit covered face as orgasm after orgasm rolled over her body. Nicole watched enraptured as Richard drove his cock into Sam, pulling her head to him with his hands deep in her hair. She watched as his rhythm changed and his ass tightened. Nicole’s pussy and ass clamped around the dildos inside of her as she pumped into Sam. She registered the orgasm cresting too late to stop it. Nicole screamed as the climax hit her body pushing herself hard to Sam as Richard too buried hard into the mouth in front of him, shooting the hot cum Nicole had coveted for herself down Sam’s throat./p>

Sam whimpered and moaned her last orgasm causing her body to start shaking under them.

“Turn it off pet and until her.” Richard spoke softly as he moved off Sam’s shaking body.

“We will deal with the matter of you orgasming without permission later.”

Untied and snuggled between Nicole and their Sir, Sam’s shaking had stopped. A happy languid smile has slipped across her face as she breathed into Nicole’s ear, “You are so fucked now.”

Nicole took a deep breath as they all feel sleep. Yes, she would pay for the orgasm but that was not why she was truly and surely fucked.


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