The Weekend – Day 01 Pt. 02

He glanced down briefly to make sure he was clean, then stood.

“Swimsuit,” he competed to the chest of drawers. She brought them over to him, held them folded in her palms, and waited. “And you’re waiting for what? Put them on, you worthless slut. We haven’t even been here an hour and you forget what you are here for?”

She jumped as if bitten, but hastened to correct her mistake. As she bent to allow him to step in, the well-placed spanks on her ass reminded her of her place. She tied the trunks off and stepped back.

“You will grab the blue swimsuit that you packed, put in the same plug, and then we will apply sunscreen. You have 10 minutes to look presentable if one of my friends were to see you.”

Properly attired in the blue bikini and matching blue glass plug, she met him in the living room with the sunscreen. She sprayed him down, circled around him to cover all of his exposed skin. He then held his hand out for the bottle. The hint of chemicals and coconut hung in the air. She handed it to him and swept her hair up out of the way.

He sprayed her exposed skin down, making her jump at the abrupt temperature change. He then moved the swimsuit pieces aside and sprayed down her tits, pussy mound, and ass.

“But.. those aren’t going to see the sun, are they?” she gasped between sprays, trying to wriggle away.

“Would you rather be burnt and wrong? Or just wrong? I know that sunburns hurt, and even more so even when pinched and slapped. I would hate to think of you in extra, unnecessary pain. Wouldn’t you?” he asked, pinching an exposed nipple idly. He finished spraying her down as she stood still.

“I would rather just be wrong. Thank you for the instructions and sunblock,” she said.

Admitting that she would like to be wrong tasted like vinegar and she blushed as the skimpy suit reminded her just how far out of her element she was. Her hands reached for the tiny pieces of fabric.

“What are you doing?” he asked in a warning tone.

Her hands frozen mid motion. “I was getting presentable for…” He slapped her left title, stopping her immediately.

“I said ‘presentable’ if we meet with my friends. They already know that you are a dirty little slut, no need to hide that. I want to see what I own,” he said as he shoved a couple of fingers inside her. Stroking her back up onto the edge, he could feel that she was wound tightly, smelling her arousal.

He looked forward to seeing how far he could push the tension of her arousal. He knew how to play her body like a fine instrument, but it had been a while since he had the luxury of using it against her.

He stroked her insides until she started panting, pulled out and offered her his fingers to clean up. She licked herself off of his fingers, tasting her sweet tanginess and whimpered as the edge subsided.

He grabbed the few things they would need for the lake, put them in a bag and handed it to her. He opened the door for her as they stepped outside. Her body flashed hot and cold at the idea of ​​walking down so exposed. Her pussy dripped noticeably, at war, as always, with her rational mind. He pushed her through the doorway as he noticed her hesitation. Her feet reluctantly began to move forward.

Everything in her body was screaming to adjust her suit, hide her body, cover up. She took a deep breath and stepped all the way into the sun.

She stepped aside and waited for him to lead her down to the waterside. She silently prayed that they wouldn’t run into anyone. She stood back and to his right, hiding as much of her body with him as she could. As they walked the distance to the waterside, he pulled her out of her hiding spot, that way they were walking side by side.

“You may cover up, for now. Don’t get comfortable though,” he said in a cautionary tone. She adjusted as they were walking, knowing he wouldn’t wait if she fell behind. However, he did pause to admit the view while she wasDistracted. He watched her ass jiggle as she adjusted her swimsuit bottoms and smiled.

Her ass was the whole thing that started this. A couple of wiggles in her hips had her bottoms in the right spot as she covered her pasty tits.

As she shook her ass, his mind wandered to the first time she had presented herself to him. She was a drunken, trembling mess. He could smell how wet she was when she had pulled down her sweats. It made his dick hard to remember.

He shifted his semi-hard dick slightly and took the lead again, heading through a carport and down a set of stairs to a cement platform and jump-in area. It was early in the season and they had the area to themselves for today. A couple of tables occurred the center of the deck; a space to leave things while on the lake.

She could see motorboats in the distance but no single boat seemed to come close enough to be recognized. She spotted a pair of paddle boards to the side, idly wondering if they were going touse them later, and what plan he might have for them.

“Set the bag down, stand by the edge and present your ass.”

Facing the water, she held her swimsuit to the side, spreading her cheeks as wide as they would go. She wondered if she should use a couple of fingers to spread her well-used ass when she was propelled into the lake with one well placed spank on her ass. She yelped in surprise as she fell into the cold water, Shocking her system. At the very least, she remembered to breathe out on the way in to avoid getting water up her nose, but that was about all she had time to prepare for.

She heard him laughing as she popped out of the water and stuck her tongue out at him.

“You could have had me jump in,” she said, swimming to the edge of the water and walking closer.

“It was more fun my way, don’t you agree?” he asked with an air of innocent and batting his eyes in mockery.

“Yeah, sure, except now my nipples are hard enough to cut glass.”

“Show me.”

She flashed hot and cold again as her hands moved of their own voltage and flashed him her wet and hard nipples.

“Well look at that. It’s almost like I did it on purpose or something.”

He grabbed one of the paddle boards and paddle and brought it to her.

“Get on. Don’t both to cover up and wait for me to drop my board down to hold.”

She waited as she Watched him took the same jump he had pushed her off. His head popped up and he swam over to her. They got settled on their boards.

“Follow,” he ordered. His strokes were wide and confident, propelling him quickly through the water. Hers were less certain, as her swimsuit wriggled about with each stroke. She was aching to cover herself, but her pussy was throbbing at the denial and ache of taboo adventures.

He paddled a distance out to a buoy, and waited for her to catch up. He hooked their boards to the buoy with the ankle straws and laid back to relax.

Her heart had finally stopped racing after the cold plumge, but this didn’t mean she was able to settle. Laying on her stomach, she was at least temporarily covered. The texture of the board pressing against her nipples was a new sensing. She jumped at every little sound while she tried to relax, resting her head on her hands finally, and trying to breathe.

He was watching her jumpiness out of the corner of his eye and laughing to himself. He waited to see 3 of her breaths pass before he reached over and tipped the board over.


She came to the surface again, trying very hard not to glare at him and his laughter. She pulled herself back on the board with minimal difficulty, providing him with an eyeful once more of hard nipples, and cold-tightened flesh.

She sat briefly on the board for a second, waiting for her balance to readjust after the shock to her system.

“Lay on your side. I want to see them, that’s why they’re hanging out of that skimpy top,” he said as he reachedover and pinched a nipple. The warmth of his fingers and the pain of the pinch warred within her and she moaned softly. She lay on her side facing him, paranoia settled by her world shrinking to nothing more than serving him.

He let her nipple go and laid back, head facing her.

“Put on a show for me. Pull out that desperate little pussy from the clothes you keep trying to hide her in. Put some effort into it and maybe you’ll cum before the weekend is over,” he teased.

Bending her leg, she opened to make sure he had a perfect view as she pulled her swimsuit aside. Her fingers started circuit around her outer lips, teasing as he liked to see. She knew that he wanted to see her enjoy herself, not just get to her dripping wet slit. That would be greedy when she had permission to touch what he controlled.

She pinched the outer lips with her nails, whimpering softly at the pain, and panting in pleasure as she brought herself quickly to the edge again. She pulled herinner lips until she whimpered again, parting them and exposing her most intimate spot to the sun.

“Hold right there. I want to get a picture of the slut,” he said, reaching in his pocket for the waterproof camera he had. He took a couple of pictures of her full body, tits hanging out of the swimsuit, leg up, pussy lips spread and starting to drip from the exposure.

Her mind was racing as he captured all the angles he wanted and all she could do was sit there, aroused and exposed. Her pussy was throbbing with need and heat and her hips humped the air unconsciously. Her clip could feel the breeze blowing and it was almost her undoing. Her hand found its way from her knee to her pussy again. She had no idea if he was done taking pictures, but she needed to dampen the fire that was raging between her legs.

She slipped her middle finger in her wet slit and let out a loud moan. Her pussy clenched around her finger as she started pushing it in and out. She slowly added a second finger to her efforts. She increased the tempo and started frigging herself in earnest. Her moans got louder and her breath quickly. She could feel the orgasm approaching.

“Get…get…getting c…cl..close,” she panted out.

“Get closer, but don’t cum.” Her eyes rolled back into her head as she clenched hard around her fingers.

Being told not to cum was one of the more cunning tricks that her body loved to pull on her, edging her almost immediately upon hearing it. Moaning and groaning on the paddle board, she was lost in her pussy and the orgasm that was building up.

“That’s enough, or do I have to push you into the water again?”

She pulled her fingers out of her pussy immediately and away from her neglected clip. She held her hand out to him to check if he wanted a taste. He licked her fingers, tasting her sweet and slightly salty arousal. She finished cleaning herself off her fingers when he had stopped. Her body frozen as she heard a boat motor loudlyapproaching.

Her leg closed, pinning her swimsuit bottom to the side, and she put her arm in front of her on the paddle board, hoping to hide her state of undress.

“And you’re covering because?”

“I thought..”

“Clearly you need to not. Lay on your back and put your fingers back in your pussy until I say otherwise.”

Her heart was pounding as the boat passed, but Her fingers were struggling her soaking wet pussy with enthusiasm. Her moans were quiet but desperate as she tried to stave off her orgasm. Being exposed like this was one of her most taboo of desires. She didn’t remember telling him about it, but he was always good at getting inside her mind and sussing out her deep secrets.

She panted as she played with herself, torn between wishing the boat would leave and the excisite torture that being helpless and exposed led her to. She could hear her own wetness on her fingers and smell her arousal over the sunblock and lake.

“Please… please, I’m so close. Please. I don’t want to disobey you and cum without permission. Oh please may I stop?” she panted out.

“Play with your outer lips until you’ve calmed down again. Silly slut, I like you desperate and on the edge. Haven’t you learned anything yet?”

“Thank you.”

She breathed a short sight of relief and let herself play with her less sensitive lips. She pinched and pulled at them again, ensuring that the show was still entertaining for him.

“Don’t neglect that ass. Before the weekend is over, I’m going to wear your ass like a puppet on my hand, so you better be prepared.”

His words almost tipped her over the edge and she jerked her hand away, knowing that the minor disobedience would be tolerated kinder than the illicit orgasm. She took some deep breaths to calm herself down as he watched, seeing her pussy clench helplessly. As soon as she felt she could, she put her fingers back to work for his entertainment.

He watched as she opened for him,getting wetter and dripping onto the board.

“Good girl. That’s enough. Clean up the board with your tongue before you straighten your clothes. If you fall off the board, we start all over,” he cautioned. She nodded and cleaned off her fingers as expected.

She carefully rotated on the board and bent her head down to lick it up.

“Wait. Turn the other way so I can see all Your holes. I also want to see your pretty plug sparkle in the sun.”

She blushed deeply again. As she sat on the board to rotate, she felt the scratchy surface of the board on her spanked cheeses and moaned softly at the pain. The board wobbled as she turned, but she managed to present herself for him. She found the wet spot on the white board by smell first, and swirled her tongue around to clean it up.

She held still, waiting for him to allow her to move again. He took a couple more pictures and then put the camera back in his pocket. He then pulled the plug out of her ass in one quick motion. He pocketed it and admired her ass gaping for him.

She saw him nod as she watched between her legs, adjusted the swimsuit and sat back on the board. He pinched her nipples again and pulled her swimsuit closed. He unhooked the boards and began to paddle back towards the deck. She followed quickly behind him.

He got to the deck stairs, pulled his board up and waited for her. She pulled her board in and he grabbed her by the hair, leading her to one of the tables. He pushed her down and she felt the scratchy surface on her tender nipples. He pulled the strings on her bottoms and they fell to her feet.

He started with some slow even spanks, warming her ass. She told and moaned as he worked on her, mentally counting the strokes in case he asked. The strokes increased in intensity and strength.

She began panting, feeling the impending dive into subspace. His spanks got harder and harder, pushing her into the welcome arms of subspace. The pain blossomed on her ass as she took more and more pain.

Her mouth had a mind of its own and started to beg for him.

“Please, please use this denied and aching slut Master. Oh please brutalize my ass. God it makes me so wet to serve you Master,” her words spilled out between moans and grunts. Her begging made his dick hard.

She took 20 more spanks before her words trickled off and turned into moans of pleasure and pain. He could tell she was once again on the edge. He could no longer resist her bare ass as his dick throbbed in anticipation.

“What’s that slut? You want me to use you where anyone can see? You want them to know what a wanton little whore you are?” he asked as he shoved two fingers up her ass. She grunted and moaned.

“Yes please Master. Please use your dirty little slut to please your dick. Abuse this worthless set of holes. Oh god please let me serve your dick. Let me show you that this set of holes isn’t useless after all.”

He slapped her pussy once andreached down and freed his dick. He grabbed her hair for leverage and slammed his dick straight into her ass. She cried out and clawed at the table as he slammed into her red ass, fucking her mercilessly.

As he found his unrelenting rhythm, she started moaning and her body sent waves of pleasure course through her. She found the familiar release from her body as she accepted her role as a set of fuckholes for his use and pleasure.

Her moans gradually got louder and louder as her edged pussy ground into the table. He pulled her hair further back, forcing her body to arch and once again expose herself to the world.

“You like that you slutty bitch? You like having your tits on display, hidden from no one as I pound this tight little ass of yours?”

“Oh god yes yes yes yes oh fuck fuck fuck I’m so close to coming.”

“I don’t give a fuck slut, my orgasm is the one that matters right now, and your ass is going to take every last drop,” he grunted and began fucking her hard and fast. She fought her orgasm as she felt him get impossible thicker inside her.

He let her go as he grabbed her hips and came in her ass. He stayed in her ass until he was soft, and pulled out. He replaced his dick with her blue plug and smoked her ass again.

“Straighten up slut. You’re not done serving your Master.”

She whimpered as her denied pussy clenched helplessly.


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